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This is hilarious, and finally seeing one of these phony liberal pussys getting whats so coming to them. Blaming it on Trump supporters. LOL love it



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Seen the new ones? fucking hilarious.



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Anybody Seen this shit, this is fucking awesome, and gives you a shining example of exactly how these people are, these are Antifa members "peacefully" protesting Trumps wall on the border of Mexico, and you will see exactly what bad ass's and tough guys these big mouth better off dead, sucking up all the good oxygen shit bag antifa members are, be prepared for some straight comedy.


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7 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Anybody Seen this shit, this is fucking awesome, and gives you a shining example of exactly how these people are, these are Antifa members "peacefully" protesting Trumps wall on the border of Mexico, and you will see exactly what bad ass's and tough guys these big mouth better off dead, sucking up all the good oxygen shit bag antifa members are, be prepared for some straight comedy.


I'm confused. So if a black guy went to a Trump conference and did this the orange messiah would be up offering to pay the legal costs of anybody who punched the guy. 

What's right and wrong here? 

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11 hours ago, PeterS said:

I'm confused. So if a black guy went to a Trump conference and did this the orange messiah would be up offering to pay the legal costs of anybody who punched the guy. 

What's right and wrong here? 

idk, probably because those guys would be a bit scary, these are pussys, this guy was an mma fighter, all he was doing was getting each perspective, in the 2 hr video this came from, he spent an hour interviewing the others, what I mean is there is a mob of people over on the other side of the street, who were protesting for the wall, then as you see when this video picks up, he is trying to ask these pussys what their standpoint is, not much of a difference, he asked primarily the same line of questions to each group, just that the other side werent punks, and bitches,, IDK about your question, Trump got in trouble for that stunt, and hasnt done it for like 4 years.

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On 7/15/2020 at 1:21 PM, Leykis101 said:

Anybody Seen this shit, this is fucking awesome, and gives you a shining example of exactly how these people are, these are Antifa members "peacefully" protesting Trumps wall on the border of Mexico, and you will see exactly what bad ass's and tough guys these big mouth better off dead, sucking up all the good oxygen shit bag antifa members are, be prepared for some straight comedy.



This was awesome. The guy got balls. He did warn them plenty of times to not touch him. Didn't he hit a female too? They deserved every punch they got. I bet half of the thugs don't even know why they're protesting.

USA. You're fucked.

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Is everyone just fucking retarded, how can so many people just lose all common sense?  anyways, these guys will make light of it.



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Man they really spell it all out on this one, It's all a fucking lie.



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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a killer vid, they really spell it out and call people out, very entertaining, if you like these guys.


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The only thing I really take out of that is "he was legally carrying an AK-47"
I mean, like, I really don't know how to address that.
I'm sure there are pro gun rights people here, and cool for you, you can Beastie Boys it.
But damn, words fail me.
Forget the BLM stuff. take an AK-47 to an event like that, point it at people, cool.
Don't be all that surprised if you get shot and killed.
That's my feeling on the specific circumstances here.
Bu the fact that he was legally able to have a gun like that, at all, ever, and in public, I mean, there is nothing I can say to explain what's wrong with that. If you don't see it already, you simply won't.

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31 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

The only thing I really take out of that is "he was legally carrying an AK-47"
I mean, like, I really don't know how to address that.
I'm sure there are pro gun rights people here, and cool for you, you can Beastie Boys it.
But damn, words fail me.
Forget the BLM stuff. take an AK-47 to an event like that, point it at people, cool.
Don't be all that surprised if you get shot and killed.
That's my feeling on the specific circumstances here.
Bu the fact that he was legally able to have a gun like that, at all, ever, and in public, I mean, there is nothing I can say to explain what's wrong with that. If you don't see it already, you simply won't.

Why would there be anything wrong with that? have you seen over here bro? I said the bulk of the country was eventually going to wake up, and they have, if you do not have a piece with you, you stand to be accosted, and guess what, nobody will do a fucking thing about it, there's people being picked off more and more consistently, people have guns at most of these, and nothing happens, what do you think would have happened if this guy had been like most innocent people who have got caught by these about to be gone traitors? this mob would have swallowed that car right up,, probably done whats been done, drag him out, beat him into unconsciousness, destroy his car, then light it on fire, you'd be an idiot to go anywhere near any of these city's without packing, and when armed militias are showing up, who are anti-white, that's also not an ideal time to be without chrome, rather I see it as wrong or right, I have known nothing else, so I look at you and think, damn, that's gonna be a bummer if he ever gets caught up in a situation where his life is in jeopardy, and he can't defend himself, you gonna call the police and wait around? cause like they say bro, if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns, so it isnt a matter of wrong or right, maybe you'll never understand that, every man should have a right to defend his property, his family and his life, how many deaths might have been curbed, if the victims during these riots would've been strapped with heat?

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3 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Why would there be anything wrong with that? have you seen over here bro? I said the bulk of the country was eventually going to wake up, and they have, if you do not have a piece with you, you stand to be accosted, and guess what, nobody will do a fucking thing about it, there's people being picked off more and more consistently, people have guns at most of these, and nothing happens, what do you think would have happened if this guy had been like most innocent people who have got caught by these about to be gone traitors? this mob would have swallowed that car right up,, probably done whats been done, drag him out, beat him into unconsciousness, destroy his car, then light it on fire, you'd be an idiot to go anywhere near any of these city's without packing, and when armed militias are showing up, who are anti-white, that's also not an ideal time to be without chrome, rather I see it as wrong or right, I have known nothing else, so I look at you and think, damn, that's gonna be a bummer if he ever gets caught up in a situation where his life is in jeopardy, and he can't defend himself, you gonna call the police and wait around? cause like they say bro, if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns, so it isnt a matter of wrong or right, maybe you'll never understand that, every man should have a right to defend his property, his family and his life, how many deaths might have been curbed, if the victims during these riots would've been strapped with heat?

I'm a gun owner myself and I believe everyone should be able to protect themselves , their family and property BUT I would not want to see people walking on the streets of Canada with an AK47 strapped on....the US is welcome to have that sort of thing, I'll pass....

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11 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Why would there be anything wrong with that? have you seen over here bro? I said the bulk of the country was eventually going to wake up, and they have, if you do not have a piece with you, you stand to be accosted, and guess what, nobody will do a fucking thing about it, there's people being picked off more and more consistently, people have guns at most of these, and nothing happens, what do you think would have happened if this guy had been like most innocent people who have got caught by these about to be gone traitors? this mob would have swallowed that car right up,, probably done whats been done, drag him out, beat him into unconsciousness, destroy his car, then light it on fire, you'd be an idiot to go anywhere near any of these city's without packing, and when armed militias are showing up, who are anti-white, that's also not an ideal time to be without chrome, rather I see it as wrong or right, I have known nothing else, so I look at you and think, damn, that's gonna be a bummer if he ever gets caught up in a situation where his life is in jeopardy, and he can't defend himself, you gonna call the police and wait around? cause like they say bro, if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns, so it isnt a matter of wrong or right, maybe you'll never understand that, every man should have a right to defend his property, his family and his life, how many deaths might have been curbed, if the victims during these riots would've been strapped with heat?

I've been to the US 3 times.
Never felt in danger, but according to you, I should never visit again for fear of being assaulted.
I mean I can't have a weapon over there legally if I visit.
Basically you're saying that your whole country is fucked.
you make it out like the country is akin to Manhattan in Escape From New York.

That's where you're at?

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8 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

I've been to the US 3 times.
Never felt in danger, but according to you, I should never visit again for fear of being assaulted.
I mean I can't have a weapon over there legally if I visit.
Basically you're saying that your whole country is fucked.
you make it out like the country is akin to Manhattan in Escape From New York.

That's where you're at?

Bro, I never said that, now your doing to me what I do to people, shit aint gonna work on me, I had no idea how many times you've been here, I was speaking universally, like the collective picture, so it's probably right around what your talking about 2 states away from me in Portland, which is on something like it's 60th+ day of rioting and looting, I just had to send my ex girlfriend money so she could move her shit and herself to Idaho, it's bad dude, if you want to use Kurt Russell (Snake) and that movie as a reference go ahead, in all the biggest democrat run city's, everything started back up, rioting, looting, destruction, in Detroit, and Chicago people are being murdered right out in the streets, in broad daylight, and their just letting it go on, no sir i don't have to worry about it, as I wisely put myself in the middle of Mormons, and that was no accident, outside of 2 nights, this state has been a fortress, and yes if your coming over now, I would just probably recommend staying away from those city's, I'd never tell anyone what to do, but that would be my advice, and yes people are walking around with assault rifles, people are also fire bombing buildings, gang beating people, torching cars, setting federal court houses on fire, with people in them, say what you want about guns, but more law abiding good people have them, then bad guys have them, and shit is way sketchy right now, I'm frankly so grateful I have that choice to not be on the other end of someone who is trying to harm me's Gun, without being able to at least put up a fight for my life, if I were to lose it.

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Now id like to hear some thoughts on this video, please keep it on point, no cursing, or use of vulgar or crass language, nothing offensive or that may hurt peoples feelings, thank you.


Doctors Covid 19 Press Conference – Deleted By Facebook & YouTube – WATCH IT HERE! – Eric Moutsos


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4 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

 if you want to use Kurt Russell (Snake) and that movie as a reference go ahead

dude, the opportunity you missed.
You could have taken on the persona Snake Pliskin...

.... um, I don't have anything more to say on it all.
Wouldn't want to be in many places in the US right now.
I'd rather sit here in lockdown in the shameful state of Victoria which let the virus get away from us and now all borders to us are shut down.
We're the ugly bastard child of Australia :(

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21 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

dude, the opportunity you missed.
You could have taken on the persona Snake Pliskin...

.... um, I don't have anything more to say on it all.
Wouldn't want to be in many places in the US right now.
I'd rather sit here in lockdown in the shameful state of Victoria which let the virus get away from us and now all borders to us are shut down.
We're the ugly bastard child of Australia :(

I'd rather be down under too, and maybe I will be depending on how the election goes?? Im about at the "fuck this shit" level with all of this, this isnt at all what I'm about, I wont have anything to do with bad behavior and strong arming winning out.

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1 hour ago, Leykis101 said:

I'd rather be down under too, and maybe I will be depending on how the election goes?? Im about at the "fuck this shit" level with all of this, this isnt at all what I'm about, I wont have anything to do with bad behavior and strong arming winning out.

You'd have no rights to bare arms here, but the good thing is that you don't really need to bare arms here.
Of course there is violence, and shootings.
But comparitively negligable compared to the States.
I don't think we really have school shootings here, at least I never hear about them.

Also, forget what you may have been lead to believe, people here generally aren't racist.
More a case of people frowning on some of the widespread actions of some communities, drinking related violenve, raping children, drug realted violence, children being taken from families for their own wellbeing by the government, general gang, or mob, violence.
I mean, Alice Springs, the capital of the Northern territory, was on a travel danger list a while ago. Recently some of my friends went there and were strongly advised not to go out into the streets after 10pm. They scoffed and went to leave for some reason, and were litterally stopped and explained just how dangerous it is.

We're all pretty chill. Treat people the same regardless of skin colour, other languages spoken etc. We equally discriminate against poor drivers, wherther it be and old Chinese lady, an Indian dude with no clue, or a fat while businessman who thinks he owns the roads.

The only really poor group of people here are Collingwood supporters, with a very few exceptions.... :)

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

I don't waste my time watching these 'entertainers" on youtube. Bunch of whores-subscribe to my channel,support my sponsor,etc...

Just like talk radio-buy my book,buy my tea,blah blah blah

Just like Lou Reed once said-You'd eat shit and say it tasted good if there was money in it for ya.

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9 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

You'd have no rights to bare arms here, but the good thing is that you don't really need to bare arms here.
Of course there is violence, and shootings.
But comparitively negligable compared to the States.
I don't think we really have school shootings here, at least I never hear about them.

Also, forget what you may have been lead to believe, people here generally aren't racist.
More a case of people frowning on some of the widespread actions of some communities, drinking related violenve, raping children, drug realted violence, children being taken from families for their own wellbeing by the government, general gang, or mob, violence.
I mean, Alice Springs, the capital of the Northern territory, was on a travel danger list a while ago. Recently some of my friends went there and were strongly advised not to go out into the streets after 10pm. They scoffed and went to leave for some reason, and were litterally stopped and explained just how dangerous it is.

We're all pretty chill. Treat people the same regardless of skin colour, other languages spoken etc. We equally discriminate against poor drivers, wherther it be and old Chinese lady, an Indian dude with no clue, or a fat while businessman who thinks he owns the roads.

The only really poor group of people here are Collingwood supporters, with a very few exceptions.... :)

All right, I was considering Perth, but looks like Alice Springs it is!!

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On 7/30/2020 at 2:41 AM, AlphaMale said:


Haha, people speaking plain, simple common sense. So unusual. :(

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