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Gotta  love these dumbasses that keep trying to imply that the US is this horribly racist country w/ this systemic racial problem where the cops go around assassinating "people of color".im not sure what kind of propaganda passes for news in non-US areas but it seems a lot of their populace are a sponge for absolute liberal sh!t.

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3 hours ago, Metal T said:

Gotta  love these dumbasses that keep trying to imply that the US is this horribly racist country w/ this systemic racial problem where the cops go around assassinating "people of color".im not sure what kind of propaganda passes for news in non-US areas but it seems a lot of their populace are a sponge for absolute liberal sh!t.

Yeah, I never said that.
I compared the US to Australia, where like it or not, racism is much less.

Please, draw some conclusions for me as to why all these people holding up signs saying "I Can't Breathe" and "black Lives Matter" is not based on what these people (a lot of people) are considering an inequity in society over there based on colour.

What we see is a whole lot of people rioting, protesting and filling up Facebook feeds etc, complaining about racism in the US.
Please, tell me how we have misinterpreted this?
Tell me it's a small section of society (a minority if you like) who are complaining.
Tell me they all are basing their conclusions on the death of one black man by one white man and that ALL OF THESE PEOPLE are just on the racism bandwagon and otherwise don't see any racism in their societies.

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Well Mr. Sambora, did you watch the ANTIFA video Jacob posted? what it boils down to is this, does it look like those peace wanting, loving and caring folk were peacefully trying to get things done? the thing is that their is every single race in the world living here, all of which are exposed in some way or another to prejudice and racism everyday of the week, I went over all the hilarious shit ive heard over the years, only one seems to be an agitator, then a complainer, they are brainwashed from an early age must like religious people do with their children, that they are victims, the white mans holding them down, when every sports league, is predominately black, the most famous comedian in the country is a 4ft nothing black man, the most listened to music(if you call it that) is hip hop, their are blacks in every single segment of American society, guess what they are called? sell outs, uncle toms, it's a stigma to be black and successful, it's a shit show, hardly any of the population are truly racist, only down south, the rest of the country couldn't care less, but I'll tell you what, this shit that's happening right here, I promise you is going to do the exact opposite of anything good that may have come of that man being killed, they have fucked themselves, mark my words.

Edited by Leykis101
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8 hours ago, Metal T said:

Gotta  love these dumbasses that keep trying to imply that the US is this horribly racist country w/ this systemic racial problem where the cops go around assassinating "people of color".im not sure what kind of propaganda passes for news in non-US areas but it seems a lot of their populace are a sponge for absolute liberal sh!t.

we watch the US news.

or should I say the fake news according to your lovely president 

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you know Glen, i don't know where your at, I mean what country, so I'm not sure what news feed you get, the American media, News, Entertainment, music, etc. are extremely slanted, sometimes it's almost nauseating, and they are the fuel behind whats going on, they pick and choose what to report, this stems from their ownership, their really isn't a truly non biased news outlet I can think of in the US anymore, this is truly why Trump calls it fake news, because they no longer even try to hide the fact that its so biased, in truth it's not so much fake, as it is extremely biased, it's a very deep and long story but if you need examples it's completely easy to give you many examples of what im talking about, they report 1 side of issues, and take things so out of context it should be illegal.

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23 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

you know Glen, i don't know where your at, I mean what country, so I'm not sure what news feed you get, the American media, News, Entertainment, music, etc. are extremely slanted, sometimes it's almost nauseating, and they are the fuel behind whats going on, they pick and choose what to report, this stems from their ownership, their really isn't a truly non biased news outlet I can think of in the US anymore, this is truly why Trump calls it fake news, because they no longer even try to hide the fact that its so biased, in truth it's not so much fake, as it is extremely biased, it's a very deep and long story but if you need examples it's completely easy to give you many examples of what im talking about, they report 1 side of issues, and take things so out of context it should be illegal.

most news channels. 

but it's pretty easy to see that the situation is bad.

multiple instances of peaceful protests being run down.  not good 

& Trump tweeting 'get tough police' today is not helping bearing in mind what led to this. 

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Personally I try to get my news from many sources so that I can see issues from all sides...I think the Trump supporters are maybe too close to the issues to see clearly and those that think Trump walks on water and can do no wrong will never change their opinions no matter what he does ... maybe it is easier for those of us on the outside looking in to weigh the issues or maybe we are all biased depending on our influences growing up....

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Yeah, it seems Trump supporters will never be convinced he's dome anything wrong, ever.
Likewise, it seems anti Trump people will never accept that he has ever done something right.
It's almost like he is a religion :) Never convince anyone away from their views.

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I just try to support our president, I couldn't stand Obama but can gladly rattle off many things he did that I agreed with, I know shits gone haywire over here, Trump was telling the governor's of the states going up in flames that they probably oughta think about doing something, since they were seemingly watching the shit go down, and DiBlassio ordered the NYPD, possibly the best and by far the largest police Dept in the US, he told them to basically stand down, and be human targets, don't know if u saw the footage of cop being beaten, another one ran over? Now the mayor and governor of NY are at each other's throats, so Trump just said do something about it or he would, theres nothing I'm sure the people of Manhatten wanted to hear more then that

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Just a couple of comments;

I'd make a guess that more or less, the same percentage of each race of different people in the world are racist. Which means that yes, I am saying there are probably, by percentage, just as many racist black people as there are racist white people. But in any of these races, it is not the majority and not even close to it.  

What this shows more evidently, than ever, is that there is an overwhelming amount of truly, truly dumb cunts and there's no cap on where they will pop up. Because they're everywhere. 

I feel sorry for the "normal" American in all this. The guy at home with his family, or going to work. Or, in these times, staying home from work until it returns. Who the fuck are all these fucking idiots? It is a terrible look for an allegedly civilised society. But! Obviously not to the extent of things in the US, make no mistake of it. I have heard of fucking moron protesters here in Australia and Europe etc. protesting the same thing. As I said, there is no limit as to where a dumb cunt will pop up. They're everywhere. 

The cop who committed the crime has been charged, and I understand even the three other guys have now. Yet the country still looks like it does - mind blowing.

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4 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Just a couple of comments;

I'd make a guess that more or less, the same percentage of each race of different people in the world are racist. Which means that yes, I am saying there are probably, by percentage, just as many racist black people as there are racist white people. But in any of these races, it is not the majority and not even close to it.  

What this shows more evidently, than ever, is that there is an overwhelming amount of truly, truly dumb cunts and there's no cap on where they will pop up. Because they're everywhere. 

I feel sorry for the "normal" American in all this. The guy at home with his family, or going to work. Or, in these times, staying home from work until it returns. Who the fuck are all these fucking idiots? It is a terrible look for an allegedly civilised society. But! Obviously not to the extent of things in the US, make no mistake of it. I have heard of fucking moron protesters here in Australia and Europe etc. protesting the same thing. As I said, there is no limit as to where a dumb cunt will pop up. They're everywhere. 

The cop who committed the crime has been charged, and I understand even the three other guys have now. Yet the country still looks like it does - mind blowing.

you seriously think this is about one cop kneeling on one guys neck? 

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1 minute ago, Glen said:

you seriously think this is about one cop kneeling on one guys neck? 

Of course not. But I also think black people have killed white people before. And they've killed Asians and Indians etc. A lot of fucked up shit happens but you don't riot about it, do you? 

But it's no point trying to be sensible in a world where anything and everything blows out of proportion. Fucking idiots are in complete control of the place. 

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 Just came across this stat online...don't know how accurate it is though...

"More than 400 indigenous Australians have died in police detention since a 1991 Royal Commission into the deaths of Aboriginal people in custody. "

Makes me wonder what the Canadian stats are like!

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7 hours ago, Jacob M. said:

Interesting, most of the fatality's are blacks, I imagine the majority of the suspects are black as well, what I love is how every single victim is painted out to just be there protesting peacefully, how loving and kind they are, now I don't have any info on any of these, and im to busy right now to go investigate, but come on, seriously, in your heart of hearts, what do you believe, some poor schmoe was just peacefully standing in a park, with a Black Lives Matter sign, chanting I cant breathe, then 8pm rolled around and they said, well that's curfew, lets call it a night, and some unknown entity, just zeroed them out, and put a couple rounds through them? do any of you seriously believe that's what happened? 11 times? if you believe that, your incredibly naive, your drinking the kool aid, and you and I are best left to just discuss AOR, and Melodic Rock from here on out.

Edited by Leykis101
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1 hour ago, Dead Planet said:

 Just came across this stat online...don't know how accurate it is though...

"More than 400 indigenous Australians have died in police detention since a 1991 Royal Commission into the deaths of Aboriginal people in custody. "

Makes me wonder what the Canadian stats are like!

That's a cherry picked stat mate.

According to the Australian Government Institute of Criminology web site, since 1979/80 there have been 2608 deaths in custody. 500 indigenous and 2104 NON indigenous. The latter number isn't as easy to find as the former. Plus, there's a certain percentage of those deaths that were suicide.

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5 hours ago, Geoff said:

Just a couple of comments;

I'd make a guess that more or less, the same percentage of each race of different people in the world are racist. Which means that yes, I am saying there are probably, by percentage, just as many racist black people as there are racist white people. But in any of these races, it is not the majority and not even close to it.  

What this shows more evidently, than ever, is that there is an overwhelming amount of truly, truly dumb cunts and there's no cap on where they will pop up. Because they're everywhere. 

I feel sorry for the "normal" American in all this. The guy at home with his family, or going to work. Or, in these times, staying home from work until it returns. Who the fuck are all these fucking idiots? It is a terrible look for an allegedly civilised society. But! Obviously not to the extent of things in the US, make no mistake of it. I have heard of fucking moron protesters here in Australia and Europe etc. protesting the same thing. As I said, there is no limit as to where a dumb cunt will pop up. They're everywhere. 

The cop who committed the crime has been charged, and I understand even the three other guys have now. Yet the country still looks like it does - mind blowing.

Yeah bro, most of us are a civilized society, who would like to retain our way of life, I know Ive somehow survived, through shit that would kill most and should of killed me, and I fucked everything i had off, I had nothing left, literally, now with blood sweat and tears, Ive busted my ass to finally get back to where I love to be in life, it's been a fucking bitch, and now I have that stigma you pick up when you OD on heroine and everyone knows, I rolled my sleeves up and decided I hated where I was at, and I worked my ass off.

These people you see on TV, the rioters, looters, criminals, thugs, and now I guess murderers, these people want everything that "white privileged people" have, but they just want it given to them, they do not desire to work hard, and accomplish shit, and earn it, these are the people who we "treat differently" or are "suspicious of" well I guess now we can all see why that is? and we aren't so racist and mental after all, as far as racist, which im sure ill be labeled, anybody who's out there destroying their own city's, and murdering their own people, regardless of color, are fucking subhuman, they live among us sucking up all our oxygen, they are loads that should've been swallowed, they serve NO purpose in our community's or in life itself, they contribute nothing towards society, and frankly I don't see how if they all just somehow disappeared, it would be anything but a positive for our nation. they are almost like spiteful. hateful, ex girlfriends, who see you have a new girlfriend, and she's hot, and got big titties, and is smart, and makes good money, and your ex just cant handle it, and does everything in her power to destroy your happy and hard earned life.

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1 hour ago, Darkstone said:

That's a cherry picked stat mate.

According to the Australian Government Institute of Criminology web site, since 1979/80 there have been 2608 deaths in custody. 500 indigenous and 2104 NON indigenous. The latter number isn't as easy to find as the former. Plus, there's a certain percentage of those deaths that were suicide.

Okay that makes sense...about the cherry picking...I came across it in an article about an Australian model in New York who had her home broken into by looters...lol

Can't even find the numbers for this kind of thing in Canada...

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On 6/2/2020 at 9:49 PM, CureTheSane said:

Yeah, I never said that.
I compared the US to Australia, where like it or not, racism is much less.

Please, draw some conclusions for me as to why all these people holding up signs saying "I Can't Breathe" and "black Lives Matter" is not based on what these people (a lot of people) are considering an inequity in society over there based on colour.

What we see is a whole lot of people rioting, protesting and filling up Facebook feeds etc, complaining about racism in the US.
Please, tell me how we have misinterpreted this?
Tell me it's a small section of society (a minority if you like) who are complaining.
Tell me they all are basing their conclusions on the death of one black man by one white man and that ALL OF THESE PEOPLE are just on the racism bandwagon and otherwise don't see any racism in their societies.

My post wasn't singling out any poster  in particular..as far as racism goes in America it's the eternal neuce that is constantly thrown around the neck of white America.The gov't and or taxpayer has spent endless monies trying to improve their communities,rebuidling,encouraging businesses to open there etc...and all to the same ends.75% of all deaths while in police custody are white males the other 25% are a mixture of black,latino,asian etc.Racism does exist,but tbh you know what the last couple of decades its been thrown toward the white populace more then anyone else.Black unemployment has been lower under Trump then any other president in the history of this country and yet Trump is the devil.Trump has been in office for 4 years,most of the fingerprints in regards to destructive policy toward minorities in America can be laid at liberal lawmakers who don't want to solve any perceived problem they just want the issue to eternally campaign on.The true miscreants are Pelosi,Schumer and Biden who have been in D.C. forever and have done jack freaking squat to help any American of any race.All of these celebrities,athletes and other assorted imbeciles on places like twitter and fb are usually posting from their multi-million dollar homes and think they are 'down with the struggle" yo! When they are not,just like here on HH a lot of people just like to hear themselves speak.

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59 minutes ago, Metal T said:

My post wasn't singling out any poster  in particular..as far as racism goes in America it's the eternal neuce that is constantly thrown around the neck of white America.The gov't and or taxpayer has spent endless monies trying to improve their communities,rebuidling,encouraging businesses to open there etc...and all to the same ends.75% of all deaths while in police custody are white males the other 25% are a mixture of black,latino,asian etc.Racism does exist,but tbh you know what the last couple of decades its been thrown toward the white populace more then anyone else.Black unemployment has been lower under Trump then any other president in the history of this country and yet Trump is the devil.Trump has been in office for 4 years,most of the fingerprints in regards to destructive policy toward minorities in America can be laid at liberal lawmakers who don't want to solve any perceived problem they just want the issue to eternally campaign on.The true miscreants are Pelosi,Schumer and Biden who have been in D.C. forever and have done jack freaking squat to help any American of any race.All of these celebrities,athletes and other assorted imbeciles on places like twitter and fb are usually posting from their multi-million dollar homes and think they are 'down with the struggle" yo! When they are not,just like here on HH a lot of people just like to hear themselves speak.

kind of a vague shot there Metal T, was wondering if you could go ahead and be more specific? maybe even just drop a name, im nervous you could be referring to me, and if that's the case, I'd like my name in big bold capital letters, gracing this page on HH, your not gonna call me out and not give me the credit I deserve, your a fucking racist, you wont say my name cause im Japanese/Irish, isn't that right? let me tell you something, Round  Eye, you give me proper credit, or I bring great shame to framery, understand?

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2 hours ago, Darkstone said:

That's a cherry picked stat mate.

According to the Australian Government Institute of Criminology web site, since 1979/80 there have been 2608 deaths in custody. 500 indigenous and 2104 NON indigenous. The latter number isn't as easy to find as the former. Plus, there's a certain percentage of those deaths that were suicide.

Thank christ for this slab of sensible common sense. Very rarely do you see that second number. 

If understand correctly the ratio is very similar in the US too. But of course you won't hear about that. 

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6 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Thank christ for this slab of sensible common sense. Very rarely do you see that second number. 

If understand correctly the ratio is very similar in the US too. But of course you won't hear about that. 

Just read Metal T's post which also suggests this. But as seen by many replies on this very forum, and multiplied by the world outside, no one wants to see that side of the discussion. 

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The world is a fucking MADHOUSE! down here in OZ this morning we were greeted with live footage of two Aussie television reporters being attacked in London within hours of each other. The first one gets intense. London FFS! Civil unrest has been around from the beginning of civilization. It's always been fairly localized throughout history. The French Revolution, The troubles in Ireland, as mentioned earlier, not to mention countless other revolutions. The only difference now is that revolutions, as with everything are on a Global scale. It's not necessarily localized anymore. The third video also addresses the protests/corona virus issue (great channel BTW). Absolute joke of a world we live in. I think the "Georgia Guidestones" are spot on.





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Yeah I have mixed feelings about the press...they can be irritating to say the least, getting in the middle of shit and then complaining when they get hurt...we do need them to report on news otherwise we would be in the dark about what is going on....personally I would be reporting from the nearest rooftop, fuck getting down there with the looters and crazies...

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