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H.e.a.t - H.e.a.t II


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I spend the last couple of days listening through the Erik-era. There's one song that always makes me a little bit emotional in a good way. Now that Erik leaves I almost cried during that song because even though it's not a technically difficult song or maybe because of the simplicity, it works for me. Tried to sing along to it but my emotions didn't let me. I'm not really an emotional person, music is more or less the only thing that can do that to me. 

The song is called "laughing at tomorrow" 

It's the beautiful voice that transports everything that song wants to say. The lyrics are positive and timeless. For me that's the perfect song and I still remember hearing it for the first time. I don't have that feeling too often and that makes me even more sad that he leaves. 

Just wanted to say that. Had to come out 😅

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12 hours ago, Captain Howdy said:

What is it butt hurt with it if you never liked the original singer? Jesus, some people gotta be butt hurt when you dare make a criticism of H.E.A.T. that is for sure.

Not me.
Read the thread on their last album.
I was one of the few underwhelmed but it.
In fact I made joes about it on other threads, all in fun of course.

no need to take stupid butt hurt comments to heart.
Just made in reference to everyone here, and all over the internet crying about a band changing singers.:)

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On 10/31/2020 at 7:03 PM, tts42572 said:

I with you....exactly how I feel.  I feel like there's some good songs.  But the production on some of them makes them sound like 80's demos or something IMO.  

Of course Kenny isn't a bad signer.  

But he's definitely different than Erik and I guess that's my point.  And to me they are VERY different. 

Kenny to me made the band sound more like Survivor or Toto or something while Erik made them more like 80's Def Leppard/Warrant/Bon Jovi, etc IMO.  Almost sounds like two different bands in two different spots on the melodic rock spectrum.

It'll be interesting to see where everything goes from here and what sound the band tries to go with.  


there was a recording of the debut floating around which made it sound much better I think. 

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6 minutes ago, Glen said:

there was a recording of the debut floating around which made it sound much better I think.

I know there are 2 versions of Freedom Rock - Korean version and the original Scandinavian version. Both have different production, not miles apart, but enough to tell dependant on taste. 

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I've never been able to tell the two Freedom Rock versions apart, production wise. There's other differences I don't like on the Korean that make me preference the other one - Kenny sings the second verse of Black Night on the scandi version, Tobias on the Korean.

The solo on Everybody wants to be someone is missing a part at the start on the Korean.

Those are the two that spring to mind but I'd need to go back and listen to it again to recall the other differences.

There's a 'Tour Edition' of the first album that sounds a bit different - bassier, but I think a bit muddier. I prefer the standard release, though the Tour Edition has the 'proper' version of 'Intro' which blends perfectly into There for you unlike the weird abruptness of the standard release (Intro is 33 seconds long on Tour Edition, 20 on standard)

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30 minutes ago, sirlemonhead said:

I've never been able to tell the two Freedom Rock versions apart, production wise. There's other differences I don't like on the Korean that make me preference the other one - Kenny sings the second verse of Black Night on the scandi version, Tobias on the Korean.

The solo on Everybody wants to be someone is missing a part at the start on the Korean.

Those are the two that spring to mind but I'd need to go back and listen to it again to recall the other differences.

There's a 'Tour Edition' of the first album that sounds a bit different - bassier, but I think a bit muddier. I prefer the standard release, though the Tour Edition has the 'proper' version of 'Intro' which blends perfectly into There for you unlike the weird abruptness of the standard release (Intro is 33 seconds long on Tour Edition, 20 on standard)

I don’t think there is a lot of difference, the drums sounding slightly beefier on one version. Personally I prefer the Tobias version. One downside to the Korean version is no ‘High On Love’ - awesome track. 

I’m with you on the standard version of the debut, the first 2 tracks flow much better. The Japanese version of Freedom Rock comes with the debut as a second disc, that also runs just as smooth. 

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  • My Little Pony
15 hours ago, J.S.M said:

Just wanted to say that. Had to come out 

You didn't have to come out--that choice was always yours--but we support you. ;}

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  • My Little Pony
1 hour ago, Aordave89 said:

I know there are 2 versions of Freedom Rock - Korean version and the original Scandinavian version. Both have different production, not miles apart, but enough to tell dependant on taste. 

I've only ever had the Korean version, and didn't know there was a difference until I queued up the album on the Spotifies. I've been listening to the Korean version for so long that I can't handle the Scandi cut. 

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7 minutes ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

I've only ever had the Korean version, and didn't know there was a difference until I queued up the album on the Spotifies. I've been listening to the Korean version for so long that I can't handle the Scandi cut. 

I hear you, although I definitely prefer track order on the Scandi version, feel it has a better flow to it. 

Also I weirdly prefer the 2008 demo version of Stay to the album version on Freedom Rock - Sounds a touch watered down. 

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  • My Little Pony
14 minutes ago, Aordave89 said:

I hear you, although I definitely prefer track order on the Scandi version, feel it has a better flow to it. 

The track order is what gets me. I'm ready to sing the next song, but then the "wrong" song comes on. 

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First interview with Kenny taken and translated from Spanish site Rafabasa. Interesting read if you have a spare 5 - 

-Hi Kenny. Welcome to HEAT again. How is the call, the first contact, the offer produced?

Kenny.- Well, we've kept in touch over the years, we've always been good friends. They contacted me a few months ago, and there was a time, around the summer, when we started conversations about a possible return of me to the band. I would say that we started talking towards the end of the summer, and I knew there were certain desires, especially on Erik's part, to follow another path, so the band opened the dialogue for a potential comeback of me.     

- You were the singer of the band from its beginnings until 2010. You have been out of the group for 10 years. How have you seen the trajectory of HEAT and its clear rise in these years?

Kenny.- I think it was something absolutely incredible. I've always followed the group since I left, in one way or another. At all times I have tried to be in contact with them, I have followed their success with the records, I have seen them grow as a band in concerts and it has been fantastic to witness that as a person outside the group. I have loved seeing them develop from the group they were when I was with them, into this great established band. For me it has been very impressive, I have always had very high expectations for them, and what they have achieved is incredible.


-By the way, what happened for you to stop being part of the band in 2010?

Kenny.- It's a bit of a complicated situation. I was young and somewhat confused with what I wanted for my life. I've been homeless for many years, constantly spinning, playing, sleeping on couches at other group members' homes, and I've never had a chance to establish myself for myself, until there came a time when I had to establish myself.

The thing is, at that time all of this had become a bit of a problem for me and I knew I couldn't be the singer that HEAT needed to go to the next level. I felt that I had many things disturbing my mind that prevented me from focusing to be the singer that the group needed, so the only option I had was to leave it so they could find the singer that they needed, was what I felt. Obviously thinking about it now there were many other things that influenced, and I am simplifying a bit, but it was a difficult decision, to leave a group that you have started, and in fact I have not yet fully understood why I made that decision, but it seemed the right thing to do at that time. moment.

- And what do you think of Erik Grönwall's passage through HEAT?

Kenny.- Well, like I said I left because they needed something more, and luckily they found Erik, who has undoubtedly done an absolutely fantastic and incredible job.

- What turns life takes, he replaced you and now you are the one who replaces him ... Did you ever think that this would happen?

Kenny.- The truth is that I always had a certain feeling inside me that told me that our paths would cross again, but I wasn't sure how. I don't think I expected it to be like that, but I did feel inside that one day our paths would meet again and that we would work together again in some way.   

I always felt that HEAT was a part of me, but I would never have expected a request to return to the group.

- There are those who think that now the band gains a singer, but loses a frontman. You have excellent vocal qualities, you are even more melodic than Erik Grönwall, but he was unstoppable on stage, he was really crazy. How are you going to join the band now in both facets?

Kenny.- I'm going to go back a bit in time. When we started playing together, Jimmy, Eric, Crash and I, we were together in the same band called TRADING FATE, before HEAT At that time we were playing a different rock, more metal, very influenced by NWOBHM and other groups. At that time I was a different frontman, I was running like crazy on stage ... and I'm not necessarily comparing myself to my old self or Erik, but I do think that my time at HEAT is not a good representation of who I am now. as a singer and frontman. At that time I had lost my confidence, I was not well, I was not living in a healthy way, and I did not have the physical form to withstand that type of performance, something that is now no longer the case at all.

- I imagine that you will be prepared for criticism, good and bad..

Kenny.- Yes, totally. I think whenever a band makes a change like this, you have to accept the good and the bad. For me being the singer of HEAT is my passion, I have always wanted to do this before this happened, I want to do the band justice for the fans and I really want to get back on stage to look everyone in the eye and demonstrate that music is what matters, offering a tremendous live show, which is what it is all about. And I'm going to do everything in my power to show the world that HEAT continues to be a force that needs to be recognized. Without taking anything away from the last 10 years, but I really want to continue with what HEAT is today moving towards the future, not only musically, but also as a live show.

- You have lately been involved in a tour of theaters, including Spain, of a QUEEN musical called RHAPSODY of QUEEN. How has the experience with singers like Alberto García (BEETHOVEN R.), Thomas Vikström or Diego Valdez turned out?

Kenny.- It was incredible. And first of all I want to say that I love Spain, I have been living there for about two years or so. Going back to the musical, it was fantastic, I had a great time touring all over Spain. I also spent a lot of time putting on concerts in the center of Madrid, at the Calderón Theater, Rialto, and I loved it. I really enjoyed working with these incredibly professional singers, Thomas, Diego, Inés, they were all incredible and we had a great time. They were fantastic not only as performers, but also as friends.To put it in some way it was a good first contact for what was to come.  


-Will you continue touring with RHAPSODY of QUEEN? I imagine that now HEAT will be your priority once it can go back to normal and spin ...

Kenny.- HEAT is without a doubt my top priority, and it has to be. I really want to bring HEAT . Going even further, go out and show the world that HEAT is going to be something everyone is going to talk about. I think that basically makes it clear that HEAT . It's the main thing, it's what I do now.

The other projects, they are interesting and fun, and who knows, maybe I will participate in something in the future, but HEAT is without a doubt my number 1.

- Speaking of the future, are there any ideas for a new HEAT studio album with you on vocals? What do the new compositions sound like? Closer to the hard rock vibe of “Address The Nation” or “Tearing down the walls” or closer to a more experimental and different album like “Into the Great Unknown”?

Kenny.- We have started to talk about it, but we must bear in mind that the last work is still very recent, it came out in February and with this of the pandemic they have not even been able to turn to present it, so it is still early. Of course the subject has been raised but we have not specified anything yet.

- By the way, what do you think of that album, “Into the Great Unknown”, which received so many different reviews?

Kenny.- Yes, it's true. For me "Into the Great Unknown" is an expression of the group to play with sound, with their way of expressing music. It's a difficult thing to do, find a balance between something that fulfills you as a musician, and something that challenges you, something that puts you in a difficult situation musically, and I think that's what they were trying to do, challenge themselves musical and artistically.

I think all bands need a moment like this to do something similar. If you look at most of the big rock bands that have done it, they have released records that don't sound exactly the same as what they did, because they need to bring out another part of themselves as musicians or artists, I think it's an expression of them as artists.

And I think “Into the Great Unknown” is that, there were people who loved it, and people who didn't like it at all, but that's the nature of the beast, it's how music is, a constant battle within every artist. I'm glad that the band had the opportunity to make an album like "Into the Great Unknown" because most bands need to put out an album with which to challenge themselves to grow, to put themselves in a situation where you recognize what you want to be and how you want to sound

- Dates to play live have already been announced, and you will be playing in Barcelona, Madrid and Burgos on October 21, 22 and 23, 2021. I suppose there will be a lot of desire to get back on the road ...

Kenny.- Yes, of course, especially since we are going to have a lot of songs to choose from over many years of wonderful music. It's going to be very exciting, especially for me.

- And you to sing songs like “1.000 Miles”…

Kenny.- And not just “1.000 Miles”, there are a lot of songs that I really want to sing, even the ones that were made without me. I think it's going to be an incredible repertoire. I really want to play songs from “II”, songs that came out recently because they haven't been able to tour with that album. I'm also looking forward to reviewing the records they've released with Erik, it's going to be incredible because there are songs that I love and it's going to be fantastic to sing those songs.

- Do you think that with your return now HEAT you will recover songs from the albums in which you originally sang?

Kenny.- Of course, I also really want to sing the old classics from the first or second album for example. I think that is something inevitable and that we are going to make sure. I think that's what HEAT wants to be too.Playing all the fan favorites, no matter when you discover HEAT , we're going to play the songs you want to hear, and that includes my time at HEAT, we're going to make sure we play all the topics that the public wants to hear.

- What can you tell us about your solo album, "Spectra"? It is normal that with your return to HEAT now the album raises interest among more fans ...

Kenny.- Well, I was very happy with that album, it's a somewhat personal album but I think it has good songs that could reach some HEAT followers. Yes, it would be nice if with my return to the band the album generated more interest

-To end. Do you know the reasons why Erik is no longer going to be in the band? Was he expelled or has he left the group? In that case, do you know what he is going to dedicate his future to?

Kenny.- I have not discussed the subject properly with Erik, but I think Erik wanted to focus on another part of his life and other projects. I think that's one of the main reasons. Life is a constant change and you have an opportunity to do different things with your life. He's also been the lead singer of HEAT for a decade and that's a long time. I guess he wanted to do other things, that's what I think right now.

I suppose that in the future you will have an opportunity to clarify your reasons, but I think that what I have said is the main thing.   

- Dismiss the interview as you wish ...

Kenny.- Thank you very much for the opportunity and for contacting me. I really want to go back there and hug the fans. Make it clear to everyone that HEAT is a force to be recognized in the future, I assure you.



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Good read on that interview.

I've spent the last couple days digging into the first 2 albums as I honestly never really gave them much of a chance because they weren't very instant for me.  I first got wind of this band after ATN launched and trying to go back to those first 2, they never grabbed me like the Erik albums.  But I'll admit I also didn't give them much chance either because I figured Kenny was done with the band and not much reason to fret over it.

Anyways, I do like some of the songs on those albums.  Yeah, they're still nowhere near the last 4 albums for me but still some good stuff.  But I used to think my problem was with Kenny but I think it's more with some of the songs and production.  I mean, many of those songs could've had a "meatier" vibe with different production, thicker backing vocals and other things here and there.  Instead many of them ended up being very 80's AOR-lite sounding.

I think it'll be interesting to hear how they approach future new music.  I'd expect and hope they keep the general types of songs and production they had on H.E.A.T II and that Kenny sort of sings to those types of songs.  It sounds like with Kenny's comment about Trading Fate that he feels he can sign an edgier style of rock and keep up with the bands evolution.

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38 minutes ago, tts42572 said:

Good read on that interview.

I've spent the last couple days digging into the first 2 albums as I honestly never really gave them much of a chance because they weren't very instant for me.  I first got wind of this band after ATN launched and trying to go back to those first 2, they never grabbed me like the Erik albums.  But I'll admit I also didn't give them much chance either because I figured Kenny was done with the band and not much reason to fret over it.

Anyways, I do like some of the songs on those albums.  Yeah, they're still nowhere near the last 4 albums for me but still some good stuff.  But I used to think my problem was with Kenny but I think it's more with some of the songs and production.  I mean, many of those songs could've had a "meatier" vibe with different production, thicker backing vocals and other things here and there.  Instead many of them ended up being very 80's AOR-lite sounding.

I think it'll be interesting to hear how they approach future new music.  I'd expect and hope they keep the general types of songs and production they had on H.E.A.T II and that Kenny sort of sings to those types of songs.  It sounds like with Kenny's comment about Trading Fate that he feels he can sign an edgier style of rock and keep up with the bands evolution.

Great read wasn’t it - I think he came across really well and hopefully answered a few questions to keep us going until we hear music. 

I hear you regarding the first 2 albums’ sound. When you compare them to the latter efforts they are very thin sounding - completely agree. H.E.A.T are the best band out there for me and I’ve been with them pre-debut so naturally I love all albums, but there is no denying Erik took the band to the next level. I’d love to hear the first 2 albums re-recorded with today’s sound. We may have lost Erik but the band still has killer songwriters and producers in Jona and Dave. Kenny can pen a good tune also. 

Kenny was and still is one hell of a singer and judging by that interview he is healthy and ready to rock. Songs such as Danger Road with current production could have easily made the cut for II. If Erik was leaving then nobody better to step up in my eyes, almost a bittersweet feeling. I can’t wait for the next chapter and to catch them live in 2021. 

One of my favourites from the first Kenny era...


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21 minutes ago, Aordave89 said:

Great read wasn’t it - I think he came across really well and hopefully answered a few questions to keep us going until we hear music. 

I hear you regarding the first 2 albums’ sound. When you compare them to the latter efforts they are very thin sounding - completely agree. H.E.A.T are the best band out there for me and I’ve been with them pre-debut so naturally I love all albums, but there is no denying Erik took the band to the next level. I’d love to hear the first 2 albums re-recorded with today’s sound. We may have lost Erik but the band still has killer songwriters and producers in Jona and Dave. Kenny can pen a good tune also. 

Kenny was and still is one hell of a singer and judging by that interview he is healthy and ready to rock. Songs such as Danger Road with current production could have easily made the cut for II. If Erik was leaving then nobody better to step up in my eyes, almost a bittersweet feeling. I can’t wait for the next chapter and to catch them live in 2021. 

One of my favourites from the first Kenny era...


Never heard that one but I dig that!

More like that would be good!


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I honestly think if they re- recorded the first 2 albums with the updated more crunchy sound on HEAT II , I think they would be outstanding albums.

The production is thin no doubt

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4 minutes ago, Glen said:

I honestly think if they re- recorded the first 2 albums with the updated more crunchy sound on HEAT II , I think they would be outstanding albums.

The production is thin no doubt

Couldn’t agree more. No doubt the first 2 was more AOR based but give them the ‘II’ production and it takes them to a whole new level. Late Night Lady live with Erik, man that rocked. 

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This is not true. His solo album wasn't anything like H.E.A.T. More like T.R.A.S.H.

- What can you tell us about your solo album, "Spectra"? It is normal that with your return to HEAT now the album raises interest among more fans ...

Kenny.- Well, I was very happy with that album, it's a somewhat personal album but I think it has good songs that could reach some HEAT followers. Yes, it would be nice if with my return to the band the album generated more interest

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  • My Little Pony
3 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

This is not true. His solo album wasn't anything like H.E.A.T. More like T.R.A.S.H.

- What can you tell us about your solo album, "Spectra"? It is normal that with your return to HEAT now the album raises interest among more fans ...

Kenny.- Well, I was very happy with that album, it's a somewhat personal album but I think it has good songs that could reach some HEAT followers. Yes, it would be nice if with my return to the band the album generated more interest

Well, then it's a good thing he didn't say it was anything like H.e.a.t. 

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  • My Little Pony
Just now, AlphaMale said:

 "but I think it has good songs that could reach some HEAT followers"

Yeah. Exactly. He does not imply that it's similar to H.e.a.t.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great interview, but I'm missing a question about his workout regimen :)

Seriously though, he seems like a really cool and humble guy. I particularly liked the comments about wanting to sing songs that weren't originally written with him and then giving so many thanks to the fans for sticking around. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

New video with Kenny singing "Rise":



I think he does a pretty good job but I could do without the added flourishes and stuff he does.  And, well, it's just not Erik.  But encouraging going forward if they keep the current style rather than reverting to their early stuff.

Edited by Tabe
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