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Poor Grammar


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Poor grammar. Does this really piss you off? Do you silently weep for death of the English language daily as you read your Facebook newsfeed? What the HELL do they teach in school these days? The your/you're, there/their/they're, to/too/two, and where/ware/we're misuses? :soapbox:

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Poor grammar. Does this really piss you off? Do you silently weep for death of the English language daily as you read your Facebook newsfeed? What the HELL do they teach in school these days? The your/you're, there/their/they're, to/too/two, and where/ware/we're misuses?

Yes, I'm not perfect but I hate that shit.

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Poor grammar. Does this really piss you off? Do you silently weep for death of the English language daily as you read your Facebook newsfeed? What the HELL do they teach in school these days? The your/you're, there/their/they're, to/too/two, and where/ware/we're misuses? :soapbox:


It drives me up the wall ...


THEY'RE over THERE with THEIR parents (or something similar) ... it's not f**king rocket science!!




*and breathe ... and breathe ... and breathe*

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  • My Little Pony

I have been called 'Grammar Nazi' on numerous occasions. Honestly, it actually annoys me. Why does one's appreciation for proper grammar equate them to Nazism? I've read many intellectual articles -- opinions I both agreed and disagreed with -- I had to quit half-way through, because of a few grammatical errors. How can I trust one's argument two bee sownd of they cant evin spel?

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Poor grammar. Does this really piss you off? Do you silently weep for death of the English language daily as you read your Facebook newsfeed? What the HELL do they teach in school these days? The your/you're, there/their/they're, to/too/two, and where/ware/we're misuses?



I not knowing for to what you are referring. Is not my writing English gooder than all?



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  • My Little Pony

Wanna know what I hate? When spell check thinks it knows a band's spelling more that the band itself.

Or when spell check thinks it knows anything.

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the only thing which annoys me is the new verb 'to of'


ie.......i should of bought that cd when it was cheap..........




Oh lol, I hate that one too. You shouldn't of brought it up.

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Leykis did you write this?


LOL! Oh JC (im sorry I do not believe I have ever been introduced by your real name)but your humor is on par and true, yet might not be as humorous to some, so I will just answer your question with a No, but I do thank you for thinking of me, as in an older time, would've made my head swell, that's good looking out mate, but if you hadn't heard, I have moved on, thank you though.

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iF leykis did not road dis it must of bin dad sammccaslin dood, write ??!.


No Sir Maarten, LOL, Leykis spells absolutely fine, he is a little anal about his spelling, but that was an excellent jab none the less, I really appreciate your attempt, the approach was grand, timing was killer, and you really put it down there, making certain if you didn't hit that home run, you could still fulfill the bottom end of the insult by leaving it with a Leykis and Sam comparison, making certain you did not bomb the entire insult, that is good thinking, and a killer way to cover your rear end when going for the insult, I highly commend your thinking, good to meet you btw, my name Is Leykis101, if you'd like to insult me, you could go ahead and start a thread pounding on my "walls of texts" or start with my lack of periods, ok, that seems to be a good new one, people are enjoying, ok buddy, rock on.

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iF leykis did not road dis it must of bin dad sammccaslin dood, write ??!.


No Sir Maarten, LOL, Leykis spells absolutely fine, he is a little anal about his spelling, but that was an excellent jab none the less, I really appreciate your attempt, the approach was grand, timing was killer, and you really put it down there, making certain if you didn't hit that home run, you could still fulfill the bottom end of the insult by leaving it with a Leykis and Sam comparison, making certain you did not bomb the entire insult, that is good thinking, and a killer way to cover your rear end when going for the insult, I highly commend your thinking, good to meet you btw, my name Is Leykis101, if you'd like to insult me, you could go ahead and start a thread pounding on my "walls of texts" or start with my lack of periods, ok, that seems to be a good new one, people are enjoying, ok buddy, rock on.



R u sayin dad comparing you and sam = douchery?.

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Yew asshats need to lern to speel more gooder


Whassup tBoner? ! u R effin write dood ! i just rered my last post end OMG , i think I mispelt the wurd "" comparing' witch shoot be compairing [with 2 eyes geddit ?) im like SOO emberressed rite now but at thesame time rotflmao.. Geez do u guyz think im alittle anal about my spelskilz or r u like : umm wotever i gess im just alittle insickcure about grammer in generale as english aint not my 1st speak so plz gimme sum tips to badder my talk . Thanks 4 you're time reeding my [smoll} rent end im lookin 4ward 2 ur tips Piece bros...!

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This is so funny

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iF leykis did not road dis it must of bin dad sammccaslin dood, write ??!.


No Sir Maarten, LOL, Leykis spells absolutely fine, he is a little anal about his spelling, but that was an excellent jab none the less, I really appreciate your attempt, the approach was grand, timing was killer, and you really put it down there, making certain if you didn't hit that home run, you could still fulfill the bottom end of the insult by leaving it with a Leykis and Sam comparison, making certain you did not bomb the entire insult, that is good thinking, and a killer way to cover your rear end when going for the insult, I highly commend your thinking, good to meet you btw, my name Is Leykis101, if you'd like to insult me, you could go ahead and start a thread pounding on my "walls of texts" or start with my lack of periods, ok, that seems to be a good new one, people are enjoying, ok buddy, rock on.



R u sayin dad comparing you and sam = douchery?.


Yes, sir I am saying you sir need to do the homework, why would you ever even assume this, I am a FAR BIGGER DOUCHE BAG!! sam could only dream to be of my "Douchery" and yes sir, my name is also DAD! but I prefer that only females observe that name, does that clarify everything alright?

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