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New Def Leppard single from S/T album!


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Have patience with this one for Gods sake! It is a grower and once you have given it enough spins, you will realize it is up there with the best they have ever done. It took me some spins to appreciate songs like "Invincible", "Energized", "Forever Young" and even "Blind Faith". I rate this album a healthy 92 % !!!

How much is enough spins?

If it hasn't grabbed someone by the 3rd spin, then it's a case of just trying hard to like it or just trying to find a reason to like it if they persist on spinning it again and again.

This is also very true. 2 or 3 spins should be enough to determine if an album has any highlights or is worthy of repeated spins. If you're unsure after 3 spins it is likely not a good disc.

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First spin impressions -


1. Let's Go - 7.5 - Definitely signature sound, but missing something....chorus let's it down


2. Dangerous - 8.5 - liked this one from the start. Very good hysteria sounding rocker


3. Man Enough - 5 - weird. Sounds a pretty weak version of another one bites the dust. Why??


4. We Belong - 6.5 - interesting that they all sing, decent vocals across the piece I guess....song is only pretty good though imo


5. Invincible - 5.5 - really weak inspiro rocker


6. Sea of Love - 7 - again bizarre choice of style....rips off Skynyd...found myself liking it though


7. Energized - 4.5 - manages to achieve the complete opposite - I felt sleepy and bored...


8. All Time High - 8 - good rocker - at least it sounds like DL!


9. Battle of my Own - 4 - I had a battle of my own too - trying not to stab my pen through the computer screen. Yuck.


10. Broken n brokenhearted - 7.5 - Not bad at all - decent solo


11. Forever Young - 5 - once again achieves the complete opposite...left me feeling weary and old


12. Last Dance - 7 - fairly inoffensive ballad, decent.


13. Wings of An Angel - 9 - Hurrah....life in the old beast yet. Excellent rocker and easily the best track. Great solo


14. Blind Faith - 6 - very experimental end...sounds like a cross of The Beatles and Lenny Kravitz. Not a disaster....but why? dont hate it but dont love it either.


Overall : tentative 65%


A couple of tracks might grow but cannot see it hitting 70%.


I honestly have to wonder how on earth Andrew got to his 95% rating???? Just weird that anyone could justifiably rate this album as high as that. I was genuinely excited after reading his review but the album is just not that good.


What they should have done is release an EP -


1. Let's Go

2. Dangerous

3. All Time High

4. Wings of an Angel


Now that would have been good!

Agree on all counts.



Don't agree too fast mate, remember, Glen is old and weary :D


So am I!!! lol

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That good eh - a whole days entertainment.


Im dreading hearing this to be honest

Why? There's always the option to ignore it.



Exactly... if you think it's gonna be that bad based on others opinions, then don't bother wasting your time (but I bet you'll check it out anyway) ;) , I would say go in with an open mind (if that is now possible) and make your own mind up, after all that's what it's all about. I've listened to it 4 times now and most of it sounds fine to my ears. I went in not expecting 'Pyro' or 'Hysteria' (why the hell should we in this day and age.. people need to get realistic). It's varied, some tracks will appeal to some and not to others and vice versa, and to say it's crap is a million miles off the mark as well imho, but who am I. The same old arguments and opinions for every DL release since 'Adrenalize' and onwards. Like/Dislike whatever.



I agree with Jez....those that say it's underwhelming (if people had high expectations that it was going to be return to the halcyon days...well, then that's on YOU) and those that think they haven't produced anything since 1987 are just going to have the same ol' opinion. It's not underwhelming unless you had unrealistic hopes for this album...there are some damn fine tunes on this release.....and, yeah...they experimented slightly.....big fucking deal.


People act like if a band experiments or don't conform to exactly the same formula for throughout a release that it sucks. That's their opinion, but I do think then that they're just not capable of enjoying what a band can do outside of their 'box'...and, like Jez said...Like/Dislike...whatever....lol

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I dont mind if a band experiments as long as the songs are good.


The truth here is that half the songs suck


The damned fine tunes which you refer to are those which carry their signature sound


And it wasnt on US - it was on the band for overhyping the release, releasing the best 2 tracks which sounded exactly as they claimed the whole album would and reviews placing the thing in the 90s %.


I think people are justified in feeling a bit 'underwhelmed'


Just my 2 cents.

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My Japanese copy arrived yesterday and I plan to listen tonight.


I love the pre-release tracks, and I don't mind when Def Leppard goes off the rails a bit with some of their 70's glam-flavored Bowie / Sweet / Mott stuff, but please don't tell me they're not capable of releasing an entire 10-track album with "radio friendly hits" because they most certainly are, and that's what most most old-school fans are looking for (and they're not wrong for wanting that).


They could have called Dennis Ward or the dude from Steelheart if they were experiencing writer's block. :)

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'We Belong' and 'Invincible' are two strong tracks here mate, are you sure you listen to it properly ?

Overall I like it, my initial rating is around 82.33% after leaving out two weak tracks out of the calculation.

Finally, Def Leppard is back on track again



This is for you bro. I cannot recommend it enough. :tumbsup:



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I LOVE IT! Absolutely their best release since Euphoria. Cut this one from 14 tracks to 11 and I could easily rate it 85%.


What I don't understand is how any of us here who harken for the "classic" sounds from our favorite 80's bands can slag on this new Def Leppard release yet put any sort of positive spin of the dumpster fire that is the latest Bon Jovi CD?


Two bands who should never be mentioned in the same sentence ever again!

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Did any of us put a positive spin on BJ ??

That's what I was gonna say!

Yep everyone slagged the BJ release except for a couple of tracks. You knew what you were getting with BJ tho (leftovers with the current shite style).... I think it's fair to say that we were led down a certain path by DL given the pre-release tracks they chose.

That said, they are the best tracks and why wouldn't you release them to drum up interest.

Both band suck nowadays anyway. They're so confused as they carry so much career baggage.

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When you go on the Noticeboard over at Melodic Rock you'd think Def Leppard was the only band that ever existed. Almost every single post for the past month has been about them and this damn release. They bitch about the sound, classic sound, new sound, sales, editing it to making it an EP, cutting it down to 10 songs, no 11 songs, no 12 songs........I haven't even heard it in full and I'm already sick of it and feel like I already have an opinion on it.


Happy that over here on HH it is only this thread.


This has to be the most overly hyped release in a long time.

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When you go on the Noticeboard over at Melodic Rock you'd think Def Leppard was the only band that ever existed. Almost every single post for the past month has been about them and this damn release. They bitch about the sound, classic sound, new sound, sales, editing it to making it an EP, cutting it down to 10 songs, no 11 songs, no 12 songs........I haven't even heard it in full and I'm already sick of it and feel like I already have an opinion on it.


Happy that over here on HH it is only this thread.


This has to be the most overly hyped release in a long time.


for definite mate - but the band must love all the interest in their new album.


Personally I think you are safe to just download the best 4 tracks (which are v good to excellent) and forget about the rest - its not that they are bad or anything, just not worthy of extended interest.

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I'm a huge Leppard fan and I tend to agree.


IMO, the class of the album is Let's Go, Dangerous, All Time High and Wings of an Angel. And if you like a good ballad, then toss We Belong in. Those songs are great and carry the album...And they're all that really need to be bothered with unless your a big fan that can tolerate their experimental songs.


I think it's easy for Leppard fans to get caught up in the hype with this album though as these 5 songs really are some of the best they've done in a long time and they really make it easier to tolerate the rest of the album. And to me, those 5 songs alone are better than SFTSL and X combined.



When you go on the Noticeboard over at Melodic Rock you'd think Def Leppard was the only band that ever existed. Almost every single post for the past month has been about them and this damn release. They bitch about the sound, classic sound, new sound, sales, editing it to making it an EP, cutting it down to 10 songs, no 11 songs, no 12 songs........I haven't even heard it in full and I'm already sick of it and feel like I already have an opinion on it.


Happy that over here on HH it is only this thread.


This has to be the most overly hyped release in a long time.


for definite mate - but the band must love all the interest in their new album.


Personally I think you are safe to just download the best 4 tracks (which are v good to excellent) and forget about the rest - its not that they are bad or anything, just not worthy of extended interest.


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Ignored this thread as I couldn't fathom anything viable coming from the DL camp. I have not heard anything more from the disc but that Lets Go and Dangerous tracks and of the two Dangerous is a great song. Let's Go I could almost hear the Pour Some "HEY's", I wonder how hard they restrained to not add them.


I find one common train of thought throughout this thread slightly disturbing and a bit interesting, I am hearing the words "classic sound" tossed about liberally but when I think of Def Lep and classic sound I can't help think of High N Dry. Maybe as this was my introduction to the band and my favorite still today (it would be really pleasant to hear an albums worth of tunes in the kin of Saturday Night).


From what I am reading it sounds as if DL could have been more successful with an EP.

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Did any of us put a positive spin on BJ ??

You did...


"I like both songs."

Jesus mate they were the only 4 words i typed in a 7 page thread lol.


Hardly putting a positive spin on it.


Dont own it....never will do either.

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I LOVE IT! Absolutely their best release since Euphoria. Cut this one from 14 tracks to 11 and I could easily rate it 85%.


What I don't understand is how any of us here who harken for the "classic" sounds from our favorite 80's bands can slag on this new Def Leppard release yet put any sort of positive spin of the dumpster fire that is the latest Bon Jovi CD?


Two bands who should never be mentioned in the same sentence ever again!


I believe this one is slightly better than 'Euphoria' and good call on 85% after dropping couple of weaker tracks.

I haven't re-rated 'Slang', 'X', 'Yeah', and 'Sparkle' but I'm quite sure they're all below, making this one, for me, the best album since 'Retro Active'.


The varied tracks inside might be a good tactic from the band to spin some controversy, creating a lot of discussions everywhere, the pros and cons, probably arouse some curiousity from the fans so most people that didn't buy their previous albums starting to buy this one :)

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'We Belong' and 'Invincible' are two strong tracks here mate, are you sure you listen to it properly ?

Overall I like it, my initial rating is around 82.33% after leaving out two weak tracks out of the calculation.

Finally, Def Leppard is back on track again



This is for you bro. I cannot recommend it enough. :tumbsup:





Probably this one's a better book bro, try reading one :D



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'We Belong' and 'Invincible' are two strong tracks here mate, are you sure you listen to it properly ?

Overall I like it, my initial rating is around 82.33% after leaving out two weak tracks out of the calculation.

Finally, Def Leppard is back on track again


This is for you bro. I cannot recommend it enough. :tumbsup:



Probably this one's a better book bro, try reading one :D



But they do lie if you remove bad tracks before putting down a rating. ?

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I think most people assume a rating based on the best 12 tracks - ie why would you penalise an album for giving value for money?




Afterall one person's filler is another person's gold.


[on this basis my rating would be 69%]

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'We Belong' and 'Invincible' are two strong tracks here mate, are you sure you listen to it properly ?

Overall I like it, my initial rating is around 82.33% after leaving out two weak tracks out of the calculation.

Finally, Def Leppard is back on track again



This is for you bro. I cannot recommend it enough. :tumbsup:





Probably this one's a better book bro, try reading one :D






Wow, definitely I'd get it, bro! Thanx for the heads up! I really enjoyed the one I posted and I regularly come back to it. Apparently the latter is kinda a response to it! Statistics, like technology, are merely tools and can't unfortunately decide politics.


I think most people assume a rating based on the best 12 tracks - ie why would you penalise an album for giving value for money?




Afterall one person's filler is another person's gold.


[on this basis my rating would be 69%]



Well said, buddy! I would have never said it better!

Still,though, I like to look out for outliers to universal truths like this. For example, Jag Panzer's Generally Hostile, one of my all time favorite songs, with a duration of 2:30, was deliberately composed and included as a closer to the A side of the vinyl, in order to give more value for money. Well, they nailed it!

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yeah true, most of the albums are only 10 tracks but I think counting only best 12 is fair because band could have saved the other 2-3 tracks for the next album but instead they gave us without extra cost.


Anyway, why Glen is always stuck going on the wrong path, cmon dude, take a good look again and I'll wait for your 80% score on this :D

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