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Two versions of Great White?

Guest ajab

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***From Jack Russell***


To all my friends:


Just wanted to announce that I will be coming back with my band Great White and a BRAND NEW line up. My new band mates are some of the most incredible musicians I have ever had the privilege to play with, Matt Johnson former guitarist for Great White, Derrick Pontier former drummer for Great White, Dario Seixas former Bassist for Firehouse and the Stephen Pearcy Band, and Robby Lochner former Guitarist for Rob Halford's Band and Cherie Currie.


I am very excited about this new beginning. I am feeling better than ever, despite any rumors you may hear to the contrary. Unfortunately, and as confusing as it will be, my former band mates and their manager have decided to continue to tour next year under the name I created, Great White. I will be touring under the name Great White featuring Jack Russell, to try avoid any confusion. So now the true fans will know the difference. I will be announcing tour dates as soon as they become available.


Our first performance will be at the Pre-NAMM Jam January 14 2012. Only shows advertised as Great White featuring Jack Russell will include myself on vocals. I have missed all of you terribly and look forward to seeing you all on the road. You have no idea how much your love and devotion has meant to me during what has been one of the hardest periods of my life. Happy Holidays! Much peace and love to you and your families. Have a blessed New Year. Yours as always, Jack Russell, founder and lead vocalist, Great White


PS. JACK IS BACK!!!!!!!!

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I saw him w/Great White in the summer of 2010. He looked absolutely awful. Couldn't stand, could hardly move, spent most of the set leaning on a stool. I felt bad for him, it was painful just to watch. Hopefully he's doing much better because if he's still in anything close to that condition trying to tour he's not very smart.

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Hooooboy. This is probably not going to end well.

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I dont wanna hear any band called Great White that doesnt have Jack on vocals, and thats that.

I might as well go see a tribute act.


Me either. Nor do I want to see Jack, pretty much solo, singing old Great White tunes.


I could see the rest of the band touring with a replacement vocalist while he was sick. Those dudes still have to earn a living. But I always figured it was temporary and Jack would be back in the lineup when he got better. I wonder what happened.


As much as love Great White, I'm not interested in either band. They need the original members together to make it work.

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I dont wanna hear any band called Great White that doesnt have Jack on vocals, and thats that.

I might as well go see a tribute act.


Me either. Nor do I want to see Jack, pretty much solo, singing old Great White tunes.


I could see the rest of the band touring with a replacement vocalist while he was sick. Those dudes still have to earn a living. But I always figured it was temporary and Jack would be back in the lineup when he got better. I wonder what happened.


As much as love Great White, I'm not interested in either band. They need the original members together to make it work.

Jack is one of my favorite vocalists,so I will be following that one more than the other. But I also hope that they can resolve ant problems and fix this shit!!!

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This just bums me out. I love this band and has assumed that the touring with Jani Lane and Terry Illous was with Jack's blessing and when and if he was healthy again he'd be back in front. It will be interesting to read Mark and Michael's response.

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No Great White for me without Jack Russell, but I'm confused, don't know what happened with them, I thought they're giving Jack a break because of his health issues, too bad this ugly thing has to happen, good luck for Jack anyway, though I'm not sure whether the new band with Jack Russell has the capability of creating something new as great as the old GW.

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Not sure why Russell wouldn't be welcomed back into the Great White camp, unless they figure he's not healthy enough yet. Obviously fans of the band (me included) would much prefer Kendall, Russell etc. playing together.


That said, I think Terry Ilous is a great fit for them as a replacement and would love to hear them record something together, just under a different name.

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I think the two LA Guns bands and the two Great White bands should merge into one giant band and tour the country playing only Warrant and RATT songs. :tumbsup:

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I think the two LA Guns bands and the two Great White bands should merge into one giant band and tour the country playing only Warrant and RATT songs. :tumbsup:



"Great L.A. White Ratt featuring Jamie St. James"

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I think the two LA Guns bands and the two Great White bands should merge into one giant band and tour the country playing only Warrant and RATT songs. :tumbsup:



"Great L.A. White Ratt featuring Jamie St. James"

Jizzy Pearl might fit better since he has been in two of the bands already!

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I saw him w/Great White in the summer of 2010. He looked absolutely awful. Couldn't stand, could hardly move, spent most of the set leaning on a stool. I felt bad for him, it was painful just to watch. Hopefully he's doing much better because if he's still in anything close to that condition trying to tour he's not very smart.




rick, we were at the same concert me thinks.

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And the plot thickens:


Kendall, Snyder, Desbrow, Lardie and Ilous have released the following statement in response to Russell's announcement:


"First and foremost, our main concern is our fans.


"We have spent 30 years trying to be the best we can be and bring our fans the top quality of music they have become accustomed to and deserve.


"It saddens us today to have to respond to Jack Russell's announcement.


"Jack Russell announced on Facebook on Saturday, December 10, 2011 that he was returning to GREAT WHITE with a new lineup. This was a complete shock to the entire GREAT WHITE family.


"This couldn't be further from the truth.


"As we all know, Jack Russell has been fighting drug and alcohol abuse for many years. He has had numerous stints in and out of treatment facilities and hospitals.


"In 2010 Jack's physical condition deteriorated to the point that he routinely fell on and off stage, forgot lyrics and we had to cancel shows due to his inability to perform.


"In the past two years, Jack has had five major surgeries and has almost died three times. His drug abuse was so bad that his body began to shut down and ultimately resulted in colostomy surgery from a perforated bowel (he nearly died during this procedure). The colostomy surgery saved his life, but vanquished him with a colostomy bag for a year.


"We stood by Jack; we supported his sobriety and eagerly awaited his return.


"Jack was first slated to return to GREAT WHITE this past summer. Unfortunately, his frail body and his drug abuse prohibited this event. In the following months, Jack had three more surgeries that delayed his return. Finally, he chose February 2012 as his target return date.


"We had five clear conditions for Jack's return:


1. Jack had to be drug free. Off all opiates, methadone, Valium or Xanax.

2. Jack had to be off prednisone (a steroid that ate away at Jack's internal organs that caused the perforated bowl).

3. Jack had to be sober and off crack cocaine and all alcohol.

4. Jack had to agree to weekly drug tests.

5. Jack must attend weekly meetings for AA and NA.


"Last week Jack notified management he would not make it back by February 2012. Jack referred to his doctor's opinion that he would not be ready. He had just started physical rehabilitation again and his legs and back needed more rehab to handle the rigors of touring. Jack thought he would be ready by May to start the summer touring season. However, he wasn't sure if he could be off the methadone by then or ever. Management reiterated that he had to be completely drug-free for his return. He owed it to the fans. He owed it to us. He owed it to himself.


"Out of nowhere, we all received an email on Saturday, December 10, 2011 stating that he was coming back now and that he was starting his own (a different lineup) GREAT WHITE. As you can imagine, this was shocking, to say the least. We were saddened and hurt from this shocking announcement.


"We only want to do right by our fans.


"We aim to give the best possible show and have every fan leave the show feeling they got their money's worth.


"This band is sober and music is our passion. With Jack Russell not being drug-free and unable to physically perform on stage, it will only let down our fans.


"Time and again, Jack Russell has let down his band and fans. His addictions have ruined his life the past eight years.


"We will not sit by and enable our brother to abuse alcohol and drugs to kill himself. We have lost too many loved ones to this madness. After the passing of our dear friend, the talented Jani Lane, it has become more evident that this has to stop. It must end.


"Since Jack's departure in August 2010, GREAT WHITE has performed almost 100 concerts. We've had no shortened sets, cancelations or song choice limitations due to vocal issues.


"In this struggling economy, fans need and deserve more — not less. We owe it to our fans and the promoters to not to allow Jack Russell and some garage band to hurt GREAT WHITE's classic rock legacy and bright future.


"Jack Russell does not have the right to start his own GREAT WHITE or use the name without our names in the lineup.


"We will litigate any promoter that books 'Jack Russell's GREAT WHITE' or uses any logo featuring the name GREAT WHITE.


"We give you our word, we will continue through 2012 and beyond to provide you with the top-quality musical performances you have been accustomed and deserve.


"We hope and pray that Jack gets healthy, happy and sober. His health and well being is the only thing that matters."

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I missed the announcement this weekend, but saw something earlier today and my first thought was "Not another LA Guns".


After hearing the band's version, I tend to believe them, whether that's all truth or good spinmastering. It's too bad that this is happening, not only for the band(s), but the fans of Great White that want to see the band lineup intact and continue to support them.

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I read that as well on Blabbermouth, well at this point, it's very similar situation with Warrant. Hope all the best go to Jack and I agree with the band that this madness has to stop. I thought this drug thing was in the 80s, apparently that carried on to 2011 on some folks, what a shame, I just hope that he didn't waste and die.


I think I slightly favor Mark Kendall and co at this point and Jack needs to spend at least a year recuperating his condition before both parties merge again. A reasonable statement because there's no any good reason that Great White should drop Jack Russell if he's in great health, even though it's understandable that Jack needs to do this to gain some cash for his own sake.

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From Metal Sludge...





METAL SLUDGE: How are you, Jack. And what I mean is, how are you really, your health?


Jack Russell: Well, there’s been so much stuff. So many surgeries, two back surgeries because the first one didn’t take, a perforated bowel, a broken pelvis, a shattered femur (leg) and a few other things. I’m like the Evel Knievel of Rock. I’m still walking with a cane, but I’m clean and sober for four months, the longest I’ve been sober in a long, long time. I’m getting healthy, losing weight. I’m back in fighting shape. And I’m hanging with sober friends.”



MS: Well, then, why isn’t that good enough for Great White? What’s really going on?


JR: There was just so much animosity. My injuries cost the other guys in Great White money, and I guess that’s more important than friendship. They did not want me to come back, so I wish them all the best of luck. I wish there was another way, but there are plenty of shows out there for both bands. They can do their own Great White. I don’t care.”



MS: So when did you decide to form your own band? The other Great White guys are saying they’re totally blindsided by this.


JR: “I decided this months ago. You know what? I was in the hospital, and during this time, they kept telling everyone they were calling me every week, but it wasn’t true. I mean, I understand what happened, and how it was all my fault. But I was there for them when they screwed up, but now they don’t want Jack back because they say I’m not sober. They want to play with Terry as their singer, I say go ahead.



MS: So you’re a recovering drug addict dealing with pain issues – that’s a tough one.


JR: Yes, my doc said I am going to have to take pain meds for the rest of my life, but non-narcotic meds.



MS: There’s more to this thing than drugs or medication, am I right?


JR: Yes, I understand why Great White doesn’t want me back. For whatever reason, they don’t respect me, and that’s the bottom line. But I’m not going to bash them because they’ve been my friends for years. But there is a lot of animosity because I cost them a lot of money, yet there is another side to it because they had me out touring when I shouldn’t have even been out there. I should have been in a hospital. I put my own health in jeopardy for them. It is what it is, I wish them the best, despite all this stuff.



MS: You always told me your favorite thing in the world is being on stage. It’s been a long time, Jack.


JR: Oh, I am so dying to get out there. I can’t wait. I’m chomping at the bit. It’s absolutely the core of my being. That’s why I’ve been put on this planet – to spread love, make people smile and help people have a good time. I am thankful every day because I still have my voice. I might have lost a couple of notes through the years just like everyone else, but it’s still as good as ever.



MS: And the band is solid? It’s not a bunch of BS like the other guys in Great White and their manager are saying?


JR: Yes, I’ve been rehearsing for months. It sounds great. The songs sound exactly like they should. We’re not going to play a different solo, you know what I mean? We’re playing the Great White songs like they should be played.



MS: Great White’s manager, Obi Steinman, seems like he is right in the middle of this. He says he does not do interviews, not on the record, anyway.


JR: “It’s pretty much Obi’s band, and I wanted Great White to be my band. Obi is a good manager. He helped the band through some hard times and I have respect for him in that regard. But I want to captain my own ship. And when I’ve been disrespected, I feel like I kind of lost the wheel to the ship, and when that happens, you can’t get it back again. I want the ship to go on my course. Captain Jack is back.”



MS: Who is this guitarist, Matt Johnson. I’ve never heard of this guy.


JR: He was in the band for a while until we got Mark Kendall back. He is frighteningly good.



MS: Great White has sent out a press release about the whole thing, and you’re not going to like it, Jack.


JR: I know. I just saw it. The thing is, I don’t care what they say. The proof is in the pudding. Everyone is going to see that Jack is back, that it’s all rumors. I mean, do people really give a shit if I’m sober or not? They can come, they’ll see I look great, I sound great. I want everyone to come out and see. I’m starting with a booking agent tomorrow. This Jan. 14 thing is just a jam, and only four-fifths of the band is going to be there because Matt Johnson is going to be in Texas, but starting in February, I’m doing a a tour.



MS: Sorry to have to go over it so many times, Jack, but officially, you’re all good, right?


JR: I am fine. I just bought a 45-foot boat, and I’m living on it in Redondo Beach, my old stomping ground when Great White was its most successful. It’s nice to see my favorite sushi restaurant and favorite Italian restaurant are still around. I go fishing three times a week, and I’m in great shape. All these rumors from the other camp about me being not healthy and everyone being afraid I am going to die, it’s all B.S. Those guys haven’t talked to me in months. They haven’t talked to me, so come on, give me a break. Who even cares? I can still sing great, end of story.



MS: Well, the Great White guys and their manager have a totally different opinion on whether you’re fit to keep going. I have never seen two camps so totally far apart.


JR: They’re just trying to make me look bad. They feel scared and threatened, and they should be. They don’t own the name. This is my band. Everyone knows this is my band. I started in 1978 and changed the name in 1982. The others, they came in because I was the one who invited them. It was cool for a while before all this crap started. They don’t own the name, they don’t own the logo. Obi Steinman sues everyone in the world, but I’m lucid, I’m clear, and I’m sober. Just because I had a rough year and a half does not mean that I gave up on my band. My name has always been synonymous with Great White. I came up with the name, and I am entitled to use it. The other Great White, with Terry Illous singing my songs and my lyrics, now he’s sticking his name into this, covering my tunes. Write your own stuff, dude.



Stay tuned for Part Two: The rest of Great White give their side of the story next,,,

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