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Geoff vs MetalStallion


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I started a thread on this quite some time back :lol: .....Good to see it's still going on :pound: .....Must now go and see what all the rukus is about this time :popcorn:

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In 'Reward' comments:


From: MetalllianStallion Date: February 23, 2010 at 2:08

Can somebody buy GEOFF a UN-Hooked on F***ONICS kit? His one trick porn-pony(ROCK-EBONICS)comments are littered all over this site like used condoms.F http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/style_emoticons/default/censored.gif


From: Geoff Date: February 24, 2010 at 20:40

Can somebody stab MetalllianStallion in the face because his boring, monotonous, pompous comments are a stain on my day. I'm guilty of it now, only because the forum is down, but don't waste space here with your tears and whimpers of despair. There's a forum only a click away where you can have a big cry and moan without cluttering up these pages. Toughen up, seriously. Your comments read like an invalid on a Jesus trip with the IQ of a horse. And apologies for posting my comments for the CD's I've heard. I was under the clearly moronic assumption that this was the point of this site? Oh, and BTW, your post made no sense at all.


From: MetalllianStallion Date: February 25, 2010 at 4:38

Geoff,O the irony... Isn't a majority of your comments on this release composed of an irrelevant F-Bomb rant from tears of a clown? It's just one example of many from your profanity laced stains on this site that have no point or humor value. I can't imagine you speak to people in day to day life with that vocabulary, so why litter the HH highway with the same stale shtick year after year? As far as your comments about Jesus it seems you just don't have a lack of respect for people of faith, but you go out of your way to rub salt in the wounds with your language and derogatory comments for CCM bands(Holy Soldier,The Brave,Stryper,ect). To me that's the definition of a pompous punk poser with manufactured bad-a-tude. In case you missed it pop up the 'Midnight Blue - Take the money and run' comments for more incite. I'm sorry but I actually have a life with a job and other responsibilities. I don't have time like yourself to be in the Forum 24/7 from your parents basement command center.


From: Geoff Date: February 25, 2010 at 16:53

Haha. Finally it's clear to me why you're such a big pansy, having a cry over everything I say. I thought you were a creepy penis-obsessed stalker after my man sex, but it turns out your just a disgruntled obvlivious christian. HAHA! I'd never have actually picked that. It's clowns like you that lead to why I hate religion so much. Seriously, look at yourself. I use the word f*ck a couple of times in probably 1 in 500 reviews I make here to express my excitement and your precious little eyes can't handle it? I said it before, but man up. Please. Being such a pussy is not a good look for you. Since when did my posts need to be humerous? I'm reviewing music, not writing a sitcom. Yes I hate christianity and all religions, but did you actually read the reviews I wrote for The Brave and Holy Solider?! I love 3 of those CDs and said as much. When the forum's back up I'll resurrect 'our' thread so we can stop wasting space here and we can explore why you're such a fragile, moping sadsac.

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in comments for Hinder - Extreme Behaviour


From: Geoff Date: March 22, 2010 at 22:12

Watch out, Doghouse Reilly. When MetalllianStallion finds out that you used the word "shit" in your Crazy Lixx comments he'll discard you immediately and weep like a dude with venereal disease from a crack whore. On subject, still a great disc.


From: MetalllianStallion Date: March 25, 2010 at 2:37

Geoff - The difference between Doghouse and you is that when he occasionally drops profanity it sounds like something he would say in a conversation by his writing style. You on the other hand with your O.C.D. Heavyharmony Syndrome spew it like a epileptic with a Gatling gun('Reward - Breakout',too many to list). If the band 'Dirty Penny' every needs a mascot you would fit the bill nicely(all bark,no bite). Let's do some math. You claimed to drop the F Bomb ONCE every 500 reviews. There are 11,240 releases on HH and you have only given comments for 11,000+-(pending Guinness world record for the most quantity,no quality posts on a website). So you used the F-bomb 22 TIMES on this site total according to your logic? You blew half your spin the wheel of F-Wads just on the 'Reward' release. As far as your HH POLL,the answer appears to be 'just you'. Stick to the boards for your latest survey on which one of your Cher cd's rocks the hardest. FOSTERS(Geoff), Australian for Beer(TOOL).


From: Doghouse Reilly Date: March 25, 2010 at 9:57

And this is where I say, "What ... the ... FUCK?!"


From: Geoff Date: March 25, 2010 at 20:47

Wow, MetalllianPony, that was so pathetic I actually literally cringed a few times for you. Why didn't you answer my PM on the message board so we can get to the bottom of what makes you such a pathetic human? For the record, between your tears did you see I only actually swore 4 times in that Reward review you can't get over. And it was merely just letting off steam about the high value of this CD I'd sold for $10. Please, please stop crying about that review. You will survive, you know. You are really embarrassing yourself by moaning about it non-stop. BTW, that Fosters / beer / tool comment is the worst, most embarrassing thing I have ever seen written. What were you even trying to say? That was totally dreadful. Answer my PM on the message board so we can grind this out. Why are you obsessed with me and how can you possibly be so feeble and weak minded?

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I started a thread on this quite some time back :lol: .....Good to see it's still going on :pound: .....Must now go and see what all the rukus is about this time :popcorn:




CD: Hinder - Extreme Behavior

From: MetalllianStallion Date: March 20, 2010 at 23:52

Doughouse - after us 3 amigos swapped sentences I have been thinking... How much would you charge me a month to be in my official fan club to give me some HH street cred? I don't make it to the forum much for the latest 'poll', but I made a exception launching 'Cher Wars' last year and could have used your 'rock reinforcements'. I would guess your a old school rocker like myself who grew up in your prime in the 80's hey day,therefore share some similar views on music.





CD: Hinder - Extreme Behavior

From: Geoff Date: March 22, 2010 at 22:12

Watch out, Doghouse Reilly. When MetalllianStallion finds out that you used the word 'shit' in your Crazy Lixx comments he'll discard you immediately and weep like a dude with venereal disease from a crack whore. On subject, still a great disc.





CD: Hinder - Extreme Behavior

From: MetalllianStallion Date: March 25, 2010 at 2:37

Geoff - The difference between Doghouse and you is that when he occasionally drops profanity it sounds like something he would say in a conversation by his writing style. You on the other hand with your O.C.D. Heavyharmony Syndrome spew it like a epileptic with a Gatling gun('Reward - Breakout',too many to list). If the band 'Dirty Penny' every needs a mascot you would fit the bill nicely(all bark,no bite). Let's do some math. You claimed to drop the F Bomb ONCE every 500 reviews. There are 11,240 releases on HH and you have only given comments for 11,000+-(pending Guinness world record for the most quantity,no quality posts on a website). So you used the F-bomb 22 TIMES on this site total according to your logic? You blew half your spin the wheel of F-Wads just on the 'Reward' release. As far as your HH POLL,the answer appears to be 'just you'. Stick to the boards for your latest survey on which one of your Cher cd's rocks the hardest. FOSTERS(Geoff), Australian for Beer(TOOL).





CD: Hinder - Extreme Behavior

From: Geoff Date: March 25, 2010 at 20:47

Wow, MetalllianPony, that was so pathetic I actually literally cringed a few times for you. Why didn't you answer my PM on the message board so we can get to the bottom of what makes you such a pathetic human? For the record, between your tears did you see I only actually swore 4 times in that Reward review you can't get over. And it was merely just letting off steam about the high value of this CD I'd sold for $10. Please, please stop crying about that review. You will survive, you know. You are really embarrassing yourself by moaning about it non-stop. BTW, that Fosters / beer / tool comment is the worst, most embarrassing thing I have ever seen written. What were you even trying to say? That was totally dreadful. Answer my PM on the message board so we can grind this out. Why are you obsessed with me and how can you possibly be so feeble and weak minded?



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Haha. Did he make another comment in the comments section again? How annoying. I've sent him a few overly offensive PMs now, trying to keep it off the comments section, but he seems set on airing what a pansy he is over there.


Seriously, anyone else find it odd that out of all the people who swear on the site, in the real world and on the internet, he chose me to have his little sook over? Do you think it's a crush gone wrong?


My favourite part in the whole saga so far has been his constant cry-baby comments over rude language and stuff, even including some of Mark's reviews... and then somewhere along the line he dropped the words "I'm not a prude." HAHA! Loved that part. I want to rip out his ribs, marinate them and feed them to his his tear stained face for that stupid, completely oblivious comment alone.


In all honesty, though, what do you guys reckon it's all about? I honestly just thought he was a random internet stalker but somewhere along the line he dropped some religious comment and some cheese wheels clicked in my head. My guess is he's a religious nut and he's seen some of my "colourful" comments on religion and that is the basis for his teary-eyed hatred.


Either way, good times.

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For fuck sake Geoff, will you fuckin' stop your fuckin' swearing in your fuckin' posts :tsk:

No fuckin' wonder he is fuckin' getting pissed fuckin' off, because you do say fuckin' fuck a bit to fuckin' much IMO :lol:

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I wish the big fucking whining pansy ass motherfucker would come over to the boards more often, as it would be good fun.


It does brighten up my day a little when I read his posts though I must admit. :D

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:lol: Yeah, I wish he was here too for sure. It would be pretty awesome. In all honesty, I actually find him a lot more frustrating than AOR Freaky. AOR Freaky was a wild, wild man but I never disliked him at all. I found him quite funny in fact. This blouse is just a filthy pansy I want to inflict a beatdown on, just to toughen him up a bit. ;)


The reason why I find him so curious, though, is that I'm one of these clowns who edits my "fucks" down to "f*cks" for the sake of the kids out there. Futile? Fuck yeah, but I just got into the habit of doing it and just do it. But he still targetted me, as a "f*ck" user, over the normal "fuck" users. I knew there had to be something more to it and the only thing I can guess at would be the whole religion thing. But I'd love to have it confirmed, just to know what his deal is. I love making friends! :D

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:lol: Yeah, I wish he was here too for sure. It would be pretty awesome. In all honesty, I actually find him a lot more frustrating than AOR Freaky. AOR Freaky was a wild, wild man but I never disliked him at all. I found him quite funny in fact. This blouse is just a filthy pansy I want to inflict a beatdown on, just to toughen him up a bit. ;)


The reason why I find him so curious, though, is that I'm one of these clowns who edits my "fucks" down to "f*cks" for the sake of the kids out there. Futile? Fuck yeah, but I just got into the habit of doing it and just do it. But he still targetted me, as a "f*ck" user, over the normal "fuck" users. I knew there had to be something more to it and the only thing I can guess at would be the whole religion thing. But I'd love to have it confirmed, just to know what his deal is. I love making friends! :D



I think he loves you :wub: to be honest as you do have a way with words ;)


Anyways next time tear him a new one and don't let us down :D

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MetalStallion? the name alone reeks of gayness. He has a crush on Geoff because of that Manowar avatar from a few years back. The 'Stallion likes them tight leather assless shorts Geoff wears while surfin'.




I can't fucking believe I just Googled ''man with assless leather shorts''. Now I've got to clean my computer and get rid of all the temp files.

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MetalStallion? the name alone reeks of gayness. He has a crush on Geoff because of that Manowar avatar from a few years back. The 'Stallion likes them tight leather assless shorts Geoff wears while surfin'.




I can't fucking believe I just Googled ''man with assless leather shorts''. Now I've got to clean my computer and get rid of all the temp files.



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HINDER's "Extreme Behaviour" is total shit. Anyone who says anything else on a thread about that album is an idiot & should be strung-up by the testicles and forced to listen to Death Metal for the rest of their life.

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Would love to see a head to head on the forum. On the evidence above, I can't see it being a sensible, reasoned argument...

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strung-up by the testicles and forced to listen to Death Metal for the rest of their life.


i reckon you'd enjoy that ;-)


The only difference between that and a typical TIM(2) Saturday night is that I occasionally throw-in some Grind as well as the Death Metal...

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MetalStallion? the name alone reeks of gayness. He has a crush on Geoff because of that Manowar avatar from a few years back. The 'Stallion likes them tight leather assless shorts Geoff wears while surfin'.




I can't fucking believe I just Googled ''man with assless leather shorts''. Now I've got to clean my computer and get rid of all the temp files.

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

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strung-up by the testicles and forced to listen to Death Metal for the rest of their life.


i reckon you'd enjoy that ;-)


What's not to like? (Well, apart from the testicles bit.) :eek:

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Would you guys knock it the fuck off with the foul language and the Christian references? Jesus Christ, that shit pisses me the hell off! For fuck's sake, there's no need for that shit.





Amen to that.

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I had a run in with EmasculatedStallion a few months ago in the new Fozzy album comments. I replied to him once, then couldnt be arsed after that as he is obviously a fucking idiot.

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Would you guys knock it the fuck off with the foul language and the Christian references? Jesus Christ, that shit pisses me the hell off! For fuck's sake, there's no need for that shit.





Amen to that.


Amen!?!?....that's another fuckin' God word. Didn't Dan just say to fuckin' stop it! Some people just don't fuckin' listen.

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    • I was a pretty big fan. Nature Of The Beast is a killer song. Saw them with Dave Gleeson from the Screaming Jets singing and he did an amazing job, but pretty sure they have a new singer now  I recently went through the two most recent albums before this one and there were a couple of ok tracks, but mostly mid. Fun fact: I saw the Angels a couple of years before Doc died at the Middle hotel in Ferntree Gully and they seemed to hate each other. Pretty sure Doc said nothing to the crowd all night. Fun fact 2: when they were building the transit bar in Melbourne, a mate and I found a service elevator that went to the roof, which was under construction. After peeing off the roof, which is always fun, we realised that we could clearly hear the music 5 or 6 floors below from a DJ I think. He was playing Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again. We started yelling down the No Way Get Fucked, Fuck Off bit thinking we were hilarious. Then soon we noticed people looking up, and for some reason they seemed to be clearly hearing us. Another mate then called us to tell us security were on the way up the stairs so we took the service elevator down and managed to laugh it off. Stoopid drunk story I guess, but fun days.
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    • Yes, celebrating their fifty years. There only two original members left in the band. Dusty might agree with me the Angels died when the original singer passed away.
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