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anti-Twilight thread

66 mustang

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man, do I hate this crap. you have a great story like Underworld compared to some crap like Twilight and..........well, I'd like the new Twilight movie to end with Kate Beckinsale coming in and killing everyone. Vampires that sparkle in sunlight??????


on another note, how can grown women go ga-ga over this???

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man, do I hate this crap. you have a great story like Underworld compared to some crap like Twilight and..........well, I'd like the new Twilight movie to end with Kate Beckinsale coming in and killing everyone. Vampires that sparkle in sunlight??????


on another note, how can grown women go ga-ga over this???

The sparkle part is a bit stupid IMO but on a while I liked the first one and the new one was pretty good too. As far as grown women going ga ga is the love story that they all want in real life...

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My wife had this scheduled for me to go with her last night after work. I'm more for Blade hunting down the blood suckers but this is what it is...a love story first, vampires a distant second. But they are certainly not the worst movies I've seen.


What is stupid is the high schoolers clapping when the movie started, screaming when the main guy came on and then applauding when the movie was over....not needed.

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I saw the first movie with a bunch of mates as we'd never heard of it before and just assumed it was a thriller or horror film. We were confused why we were the only guys there! When the main guy came on we started laughing cos we thought it was some random overtly gay character! Still cant understand why girls like him... seriously ugly dude.

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It's fuckin ridiculous, I don't like to put the label on anyone cause I am one myself, but these Twilight fans ARE FUCKING DORKS!!!! THAT GOES FOR MY GIRLFRIEND AND ALL HER FAMILY

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I saw the first movie with a bunch of mates as we'd never heard of it before and just assumed it was a thriller or horror film. We were confused why we were the only guys there! When the main guy came on we started laughing cos we thought it was some random overtly gay character! Still cant understand why girls like him... seriously ugly dude.


I'll second that one...he is one homely kid. I told Mrs. Jeff that and she just says "oh he is not". I'm thinking seriously? What does that say about me if she thinks HE is good looking? :unsure:

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What does that say about me if she thinks HE is good looking? :unsure:


Ha ha .. ! You never asked her ?!?! Ha ha .. !! :tumbsup:

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Never read any of the books, never seen either of the movies, and it's going to stay that way. "Horror" literature/film aimed at 14 year old Goth kiddies doesn't interest me in the slightest.

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"Horror" literature/film aimed at 14 year old Goth kiddies doesn't interest me in the slightest.


that is what pushes me over the edge with these movies. you have 30 and 40 year old women action like 14 year olds. If it was just 14 year old's (and that age group) I could just whisk it away, kind of like N'Sync but it isn't.

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"Horror" literature/film aimed at 14 year old Goth kiddies doesn't interest me in the slightest.


that is what pushes me over the edge with these movies. you have 30 and 40 year old women action like 14 year olds. If it was just 14 year old's (and that age group) I could just whisk it away, kind of like N'Sync but it isn't.



The whole "Twilight" thing seems to appeal to the same segment of the population that the Harry Potter series caters to - tweens, and creepy middle-aged weirdos who still live in their Mom's basements.... :lol:

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Now I hate the mainstream just as much as the next guy and man as soon as something get's "popular" for some reason I instantly hate it, but damned if the books aren't really good reads!

I have yet to see much of the films, but the author Stephanie whatever is a pretty damned talented writer.


I enjoyed the books, but as always will avoid the mass hoopla!


ANd cone on Keith the Potter books and movies are pretty damn sweet too.

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I saw the first movie with a bunch of mates as we'd never heard of it before and just assumed it was a thriller or horror film. We were confused why we were the only guys there! When the main guy came on we started laughing cos we thought it was some random overtly gay character! Still cant understand why girls like him... seriously ugly dude.


I'll second that one...he is one homely kid. I told Mrs. Jeff that and she just says "oh he is not". I'm thinking seriously? What does that say about me if she thinks HE is good looking? :unsure:

Yep, backed 100%.


That's what I like about dudes. Most the time we'd rather intercourse the sexy girl across the road at the Red Rooster over some over-rated actress / model. Dudes are simple - either a girl is attractive or not. Fame doesn't change that fact in any way.


Either way, I 100% agree. He's just come ugly dude that not one female would ever have acknowledged if not for his fame. I think the $$$ signs are probably a whole lot more attractive than his face I'd guess?


As for 'Twilight', haven't seen or read them yet and have no real desire to. BUT, I would prefer to see these over the 'Lord of the Rings' and 'Harry Potter' shit. Not sure I ever will, though.

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"Horror" literature/film aimed at 14 year old Goth kiddies doesn't interest me in the slightest.


that is what pushes me over the edge with these movies. you have 30 and 40 year old women action like 14 year olds. If it was just 14 year old's (and that age group) I could just whisk it away, kind of like N'Sync but it isn't.



The whole "Twilight" thing seems to appeal to the same segment of the population that the Harry Potter series caters to - tweens, and creepy middle-aged weirdos who still live in their Mom's basements.... :lol:



Hey now I Like those Harry Potter movies and I moved outta My mom's basement like 10 years ago.... :lol:

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Hey now I Like those Harry Potter movies and I moved outta My mom's basement like 10 years ago.... :lol:


Maybe so, but you still fit the "creepy middle aged weirdo" vibe don'cha? :lol:

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man, do I hate this crap. you have a great story like Underworld compared to some crap like Twilight and..........well, I'd like the new Twilight movie to end with Kate Beckinsale coming in and killing everyone. Vampires that sparkle in sunlight??????


on another note, how can grown women go ga-ga over this???

Are you a 14 year old girl? If not, the movie is not meant for you. Go back to Underworld ;) Personally... I saw the movie, got bored 30 minutes in, got annoyed with all the teengirl-type romance after an hour, turned it off ... If you want vampires, "Let The Right One In" is way more original.

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"Horror" literature/film aimed at 14 year old Goth kiddies doesn't interest me in the slightest.


that is what pushes me over the edge with these movies. you have 30 and 40 year old women action like 14 year olds. If it was just 14 year old's (and that age group) I could just whisk it away, kind of like N'Sync but it isn't.


this is what pushes me over with this junk

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Hey now I Like those Harry Potter movies and I moved outta My mom's basement like 10 years ago.... :lol:


Maybe so, but you still fit the "creepy middle aged weirdo" vibe don'cha? :lol:


:rofl2: Poor Sean.


poor Glen too evidently??!


I love the Potter films and the LOTR films. The books of both are way better tho.


I would never compare those films to Twilight.


I watched Twilight on Sky the other day cos there was f-all else on, and whilst it was watchable, it was no-where near what i would expect from a vampire movie. It is basically a love story through and through.


If you want vampires I have 4 words for you -




Seriously the most kick-arse (and gruesome) vamp flick you will ever see.

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Hey now I Like those Harry Potter movies and I moved outta My mom's basement like 10 years ago.... :lol:


Maybe so, but you still fit the "creepy middle aged weirdo" vibe don'cha? :lol:


:rofl2: Poor Sean.



If you want vampires I have 4 words for you -




Seriously the most kick-arse (and gruesome) vamp flick you will ever see.



Oh my yes! A VERY good film indeed...

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