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Lonnie Holdaway and the Hurricane CD reissues scam

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jesus t-bone ...great find!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


look at the info he put



Lonnie's personal information removed at his request.




I know... it was a joke... :lol:


Here's another interesting one:







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Wowza - Just been reading all this Shit and still can't believe this. I was going to put in an order for a couple of discs, but was waiting for a few people to give the green light first. I had a couple of dealings with Lon before and they were smooth, but I thought I would wait a while first this time!!

I can't believe someone would get the trust of so many great people on here and then F**k them over like this, and to make up a story about a car accident as well, where everyone was obviously very concerned about his welfare (going by the well wishing messages) is nothing short of absolutely attrocious. If it is all true then he deserves all that is hopefully coming his way. I can't wait to hear his side of the story, but I have a feeling we will never get to hear it. I genuinely am really sorry for all you guys that have lost out.

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SHIT !! I can't tell you guys, how shocked I am !!!! -_-:angry:-_- I would never have believed that this is possible !!!

Unfortunately I am one of those who went ahead and preordered 6 CD's and paypaled 115$ to Lonnie's email address, because I never dreamed he would screw me. :doh:


As I do not believe that this dreadful story will have a good end, I tried to file a claim with PayPal in Germany, but I learned that I basically have no security if the goods have not been bought off ebay. Is this the same in the US or am I doing something wrong ??


Anyway, I am trying to get my money back from my bank. Let's see what happens ... ! <_<


This is not good ! This destroys trust and good faith and I don't know what else ........

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Good work T-Bone!!


And he signed in on Myspace today!! Lonnie is in David's top 8. If u noticed their companies are Ford/etc., WOOOW!! Again, for such an elaborate plan he sure forgot some things, and it seems as if this is their real names?!


Also, did u see the part in Lon's section where it says he just sold his house. Maybe he's out of dodge already...?!

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And he signed in today!! Lonnie is in David's top 8. If u noticed tehir companies are Ford/etc., WOOOW!! Again, for such an elaborate plan he sure forgot some things, and it seems as if this is their real name?!


Also, did u see the part in Lon's section where it says he just sold his house. Maybe he's out of dodge already...?!


He signed in from Intensive Care? :blink:

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And he signed in today!! Lonnie is in David's top 8. If u noticed tehir companies are Ford/etc., WOOOW!! Again, for such an elaborate plan he sure forgot some things, and it seems as if this is their real name?!


Also, did u see the part in Lon's section where it says he just sold his house. Maybe he's out of dodge already...?!


He signed in from Intensive Care? :blink:




That basically seals the deal for me. I can't believe it. If I had a bunch of peers/"friends" basically suggesting I was the scammer of the Earth like we are (and with good reason) I'd surely come and clear my name first, and explain...if I was innocent of course. But if I wasn't I'd avoid it and hopefully people would believe my BS story about the car wreck for as long as possible and sign in to myspace, etc. and not here????!



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Although I never dealt with him and fortunately enough didn't pre-order anything, I'm shocked!

It's unbelievable how some things turn out to be fishy AFTER something terrible has happened:

1) a freewebs-website for a serious company? Seems oh so ridiculous


2) what about the sudden change of the record company's name without ever mentioning it here? Would "Never say die" somehow left any clues behind?


3) It seemed strange to me that suddenly he got almost a new singing every week, after he seemed to have put a lot of work into the Hurricane and Frontrunner releases.


I'm sorry for all you guys who have been ripped off and I really hope that you get outta this without losing (too much) money! And yes, I agree, what an unbelievable story: It has been set up pretty detailed for probably half a year now.


One question remains for me: What would have happened if NOBODY would have pre-ordered a cd?

And although it doesn't matter at all, I wonder whether those "reissues" actually exist. Was he going to sell cheap bootlegs or nothing at all?

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Now I feel I need to address Mr. Georg Siegl. I sure as hell hope he reads this, because the slanderous statements are unfounded and honestly complete bullshit. Just for all of you to know this is how the deal has gone down. Georg wanted to order a very large amount of the Hurricane cd's. So Lonnie obliged him, and worked a deal where the overrun would be a couple of hundred extra. Georg wanted these sent via UPS, he would not take any other shipper. Granted he was giving his UPS account number so the freight would be on him. He was told upfront about the problems we have here in this small town with shipping internationally. But that is what he wanted. So there were 3 packages each weighing approx. 19lbs each, taken to the hub and shipped. Georg was emailed the tracking number and a copy of the Waybill. Well the next day, Georg says there is a problem, he couldn't track the package from his end. So we call UPS, the package made it as far as the Memphis UPS hub and disappeared. So Lonnie went to UPS and raised hell and filed a very large claim. Because in all honesty when we went to the hub, the people who took care of the package didn't have a clue what they were doing. Georg claims the Waybill was fake and not signed, well I beg to differ, because I have it right here in front of me, and it is signed and is not a fake(I didn't know you could fake one of them as it is all handwritten with 4 different copies). I will gladly supply anyone here with pictures of the Waybill, because we have nothing to hide. Lonnie is one of the most standup guys I know and I am not saying that because he is my uncle, and I know all of you that know him, know exactly what his character is made out of. But anyway, Lonnie made arrangements yet again, to take more cd's and re-send them to Georg, he didn't have to do that, he could have made him wait until UPS did their investigation. but no Lonnie wanted to be fair. So Georg was adamant that a UPS driver come and pick the package up, since there was a problem with the hub. Lonnie agreed and called in for a pickup, the first day UPS did not pick up due to the weather, Lonnie was told they would be there by 3pm on Thursday to pick it up the packages, UPS arrived and picked up the packages. They did not leave a copy of the Waybill, the reason being it had to be signed off on by a supervisor. Georg did not want to hear that, I guess he does not understand small town business, where everyone knows almost everybody and trust most of the time is not an issue. Well anyway the hub calls and they had canceled all pickups and deliveries yet again due to the weather, so Lonnie went to the hub to pick up the Waybill and to go to the post office to mail some other packages. the accident occurred sometime between the time he left at 2 and 3:15pm.


I could easily blame Georg for Lonnie being out on the roads etc, but that is not right, Lonnie was trying to do business and make something good out of a bad situation that was caused by UPS. Had Georg listened and let Lonnie ship them another way other than UPS, this problem would of probably never happened. I have always heard Georg was a class act guy, but with him making accusations and threatening to slam this company over a problem he helped create with UPS, then I do not see why he is held in such high regard. He wants to accuse people of things, but he doesn't tell anyone how he tried to corner Lonnie on distribution rights in Europe, tell that story Georg, wait, tell the real version, not the one you are going to fabricate. I have contacted our attorney to see what kind of weight a lawsuit would carry, and apparently Georg with all his threatening and slander does not understand what can of worms he is opening.

And to try and drag Georg down with them... shameful, guys. I honestly cannot fathom this operation. How could you honestly sleep at night?

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After evaluating everything I am still on the fence about this. I mean , I honestly do not believe someone would go through months and months of planning to extort a few grand.


BUT , what's up with Hurricane and Billy Squier , and now it seems Valentine , not knowing about these re-issues?


Lonnie has always answered my emails and come through for me , but there are so many questions...


Here's what I believe.


I think Lonnie made too many promises that he couldn't keep so he needed a way to buy some time.


But on the other hand , why would he boot such high-profile bands?


Too many pros and cons. Too many questions that need to be answered..... :wacko:

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After evaluating everything I am still on the fence about this. I mean , I honestly do not believe someone would go through months and months of planning to extort a few grand.


BUT , what's up with Hurricane and Billy Squier , and now it seems Valentine , not knowing about these re-issues?


Lonnie has always answered my emails and come through for me , but there are so many questions...


Here's what I believe.


I think Lonnie made too many promises that he couldn't keep so he needed a way to buy some time.


But on the other hand , why would he boot such high-profile bands?


Too many pros and cons. Too many questions that need to be answered..... :wacko:


I came away saying that to myself too....I was wondering how he was getting such high profile reissues? I mean lets face it, the record industry is cut-throat, and even if the guys in Hurricane wanted to reissue their stuff, or even the rest of Lon's list for that matter, we're talking big labels: Giant, the old Enigma catalog, and the huuuge Capitol as well as Virgin. Big companies, when in doubt don't usually hand over rights like that, unless ya get lucky. Capitol especially since I have family that work for them.


It seems as if he wanted to get the most safe releases to suck people into buying, and buying a lot (such as vendors). All of these releases are all really well known and he prob figured serious and casual collectors would all want these...all throughout Europe, etc. *AND TO TOP IT OFF* remastered! I mean most of these he was promising "remastered" were already pretty damn good production values for the time, hell even now on say the Valentine disc and prob the rest, Hurricane releases too ("Slave" has pretty damn good production).


The more ya think about it there was just too much, it woulda taken a huge overhaul to accomplish all of this, too much for one person in that time. The legal stuff and getting the rights alone from these big companies let alone the rest, Jap artwork and all. I dunno, would love to hear more news about this.

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Now it IS possible that Lonnie went directly to the labels to obtain / buy the rights to these releases... (after all , Wounded Bird and MTM do this shit all the time and the artists do not get notified OR paid - thats the fucking truth so don't delete the facts).


Anyhoo , like I said , he could have bought the licensing rights directly from Capitol (would have cost an arm and a leg) but Lon has said all along that he was in direct contact with Kelly concerning the Hurricane re-issues , so I suppose that doesn't make sense either.

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Guest AORMusic.com
Now it IS possible that Lonnie went directly to the labels to obtain / buy the rights to these releases... (after all , Wounded Bird and MTM do this shit all the time and the artists do not get notified OR paid - thats the fucking truth so don't delete the facts).


Anyhoo , like I said , he could have bought the licensing rights directly from Capitol (would have cost an arm and a leg) but Lon has said all along that he was in direct contact with Kelly concerning the Hurricane re-issues , so I suppose that doesn't make sense either.


Well as i mention on the MR.com forum...

There are som strange fact that needs to be clear.

Ole Evenrude & Jim do not have the same manager as far as i know...

So that's what got my attension...

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I liked the guy as much as the next person - he was always very generous to me and I did my first trade with him probably almost 10 years ago. While we've never been in constant contact we've emailed and messaged now and then and he's sent me heaps of stuff (recently without ever wanting anything in return)... always been a top guy and I'd be the last to turn on him without reason, but seriously... there is no other possible solution I can come up with after all the facts here.


The only other thing that someone mentioned (and it seems far out, but that could be true) is that Lonnie is no longer with us, or he is having some massive operation on his back or whatever (??) and someone else has taken possession of his identity and f*cked everyone over like this. Unlikely as all hell, but then again the whole scenario is just that.

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Labels as recent as last year were looking at reissueing the en tire hurricane back catalogue along with the hugo's valentine release, but waht stopped them was getting the rights. From what I gather the rights to reissue Hurricane & Valentine are virtually impossible to obtain.


I am not sure about Jim's s/t CD though but doubt there would be an difficulty in that seeing as one of the Evenrude disc's is reissued.


I am sickened by what Lonnie has done!

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After hearing the shyte that Terry Ilous has gone through to even TALK to anyone at Capitol about his XYZ material (you'd think it was fucking Fort Knox!) , it's hard to believe a person could even have a conversation with someone at Capitol about the rights to Hurricane and/or Billy Squier.






Holy shit! Did anybody else notice this....?????




Initial post by David


" Lonnie was in a severe car accident yesterday morning."


and then in his response to Georg...


"the accident occurred sometime between the time he left at 2 and 3:15pm."



Which one is it?

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After hearing the shyte that Terry Ilous has gone through to even TALK to anyone at Capitol about his XYZ material (you'd think it was fucking Fort Knox!) , it's hard to believe a person could even have a conversation with someone at Capitol about the rights to Hurricane and/or Billy Squier.






Holy shit! Did anybody else notice this....?????




Initial post by David


" Lonnie was in a severe car accident yesterday morning."


and then in his response to Georg...


"the accident occurred sometime between the time he left at 2 and 3:15pm."



Which one is it?





Liars forget their lies. Good eye Sam.

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After hearing the shyte that Terry Ilous has gone through to even TALK to anyone at Capitol about his XYZ material (you'd think it was fucking Fort Knox!) , it's hard to believe a person could even have a conversation with someone at Capitol about the rights to Hurricane and/or Billy Squier.






Holy shit! Did anybody else notice this....?????




Initial post by David


" Lonnie was in a severe car accident yesterday morning."


and then in his response to Georg...


"the accident occurred sometime between the time he left at 2 and 3:15pm."



Which one is it?





Liars forget their lies. Good eye Sam.

:lol: Yeah, nicely spotted. Also, I don't know about you guys in the US but in Australia the post office is open for 2 hours on a Saturday (9-11am) and wherever he was getting that waybill from... I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be open here on a weekend either... especially in a small town. I don't know, you guys may be different there but to leave at 2:00pm on a Saturday afternoon for these tasks is a little futile. Silly Lon. Just lucky he survived the crash... or was his death going to be reported to close the chapter completely?

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I know... it was a joke... :lol:


Here's another interesting one:










1. I pictured Lonnie looking completely different..


2. Judging from the song playing on David's Myspace, he doesn't seem too much like a melodic rock fan?




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Lonnie's signature at the bottom of his posts now has a sick irony to it:


There is a Hurricane brewing just Over the Edge, so everyone needs to take cover!!!!!!


I guess it's not like he didn't warn us!!! <_<

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Straight off the press......







Plenty of mail regarding the Hurricane re-issues being advertised at various online retailers and primarily by the company re-issuing them. Unfortunately the band themselves are not aware of this re-issue, nor any of the songs that are listed as supposed bonus tracks! This leads to only one conclusion...

However, there are further complications, with the same company also advertising advance release information for several other re-issue titles including Jim Jidhead, Robert Tepper and Valentine. There are questions over all of these and I have been in contact with a couple of the artists already. I await further information and official comments, which I hope to present to you in the next day or so.

I would advise at this time to avoid placing any orders for the advertised CDs until the artists comment officially about this. Additionally, AOR Heaven, who I mentioned as stocking the Hurricane re-issues, do not have stock of these titles as they have not arrived as promised by the company and the situation remains unresolved.

Stay tuned...

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I know this situation sucks and all, but posting peoples contact info is probably a no-no ;)


It's public information that anyone can look up, so I don't have a problem with it. IF SSNs or credit card numbers were posted, that would be a different matter.



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