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Reading "Rock & Roll Archaeologist" by Peter Blecha.


Really kick ass read about a guy who took collecting music and music memorabilia, turned it way beyond obsessive and then turned it into a museum (The EMP).

As I am reading I keep going, man I know how that feels or I know a few guys like that. Plus it is all about Pacific Northwest bands, which is right up my alley.




Just finished prior some book about a chick who liked to cut words into herself and her wacko mom and little sister are baby killers... Razor something or Sharp...? Good book. but can't remember the title for nothing.

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Reading The Horse Whisperer by some dude...



its a girl book and it blows.

It's a book about a girl who blows?



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Children of the Night - Dan Simmons. Same author i was reading when i posted here last time

Nice. Love that guy's stuff.

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Children of the Night - Dan Simmons. Same author i was reading when i posted here last time

Nice. Love that guy's stuff.




I loved Summer Of Night so much I bought a copy. This book has to do with Vampires and communists and the such.

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I'm reading American Psycho thanks to some recommendations on here. Got it for xmas but only half way through so far. This is one fucked up book. I like it :tumbsup:


Although not so keen on the mean animal bits - cutting people's eyes out I can read, but not so much the animal stuff so I skim over that :P

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I'm in the midst of a sci-fi/alien conspiracy book by Whitley Strieber called "The Grays" but I may put it aside for now and move on to this...




Picked this up @ the library yesterday when I went there to return some books my kids had borrowed.

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"Band of Brothers" by Stephen E. Abrose


"D-Day With the Screaming Eagles"(101st Airbourne on D-Day) by George E. Koskimaki


"The Battered Bastards of Bastogne"(101st Airbourne in the Battle of the Bulge) by George E. Koskimaki

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I'm reading American Psycho thanks to some recommendations on here. Got it for xmas but only half way through so far. This is one fucked up book. I like it :tumbsup:


Although not so keen on the mean animal bits - cutting people's eyes out I can read, but not so much the animal stuff so I skim over that :P

Haha. Same here. Kill all the humans you want as I smile gleefully, but leave the pups out of it.

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  • 1 month later...

Over the past month-ish read:


Peter Straub-House Without Doors

Food Inc. (Certainly makes you want to move to the deep deep woods and grow your own food...)


And currently reading:


Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler

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I have been wanting to read that Chelsea book. it keeps being checked out at the library.


reading at the moment....(Don't Tell Father Tim!) "Killer Priest : The Crimes, Trial and execution of Father Hans Schmidt"


he married his housekeeper (performed the ceremony himself) killed her, dismembered her and tossed her in the river in NYC. Sick sick sick twisted shit. (a great read) :)

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I'm reading American Psycho thanks to some recommendations on here. Got it for xmas but only half way through so far. This is one fucked up book. I like it :tumbsup:


Although not so keen on the mean animal bits - cutting people's eyes out I can read, but not so much the animal stuff so I skim over that :P


Great book, but deeply, deeply disturbing. The stereotypes are spot on though. I've worked with a few types who act like they've been lifted straight out of the book(sans psycho killing habits).


Just finished reading:

Joseph Heller - Catch 22

Raymond Chandler - The Big Sleep


Currently reading:

J.D. Salinger (RIP) - Catcher in the Rye

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  • 2 weeks later...

Started on Stephen King's newest, "Under the Dome," this week. This thing is a behemoth (1000+ pages!) but it's off to a good start (though I'm only about 1/10 of the way thru it at the moment). I hope I have enough time to finish it before it's due back at the library.


Oddly enough, it shares a major plot point with "The Simpsons Movie" (i.e. a small town is cut off from the rest of the world when a mysterious dome is dropped over it) ... though I'm told that King has been working on this book on and off since the mid '80s, so I guess I can't say that he's ripping off Homer and company. :lol:

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i bought griffin's 2nd edition of "australian metal guide". mostly for my collection, because i don't find it very much of my interest because there are no pictures of covers etc and too much crappy and uninteresting post 90's bands. but i have to confess that his sentence in the beginning of taramis' presentation brought tears to my eyes:" the godfathers of australian power and progressive metal..."


now if only i had that prowler demo... which criminally isn't mentioned in the book... :lame:

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I tend not to read a lot of fiction, have just started reading 'Murder On The Rails' about a serial killer in the States called Robert Silveria. Quite a sick bastard. (Usually read history books, not sure why I picked this one up...)

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just finished a really really good bio about Stephen King Called Haunted Heart : the life and times of stephen king. right now reading a Dean Koontz book called Whispers and a cheezy bodice ripper for light reading.

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