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The F*%K Thread


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Fuck Me! It's fuckin freezing outside...got dragged out fuckin side for a fuckin walk and the fuckin wind just cut right fuckin through me. I need a fuckin warm drink!

So what is your fuckin' warm drink of choice Nick? Cause you fucking deserve one!! :drink:

I like a nice fuckin hot cup of fuckin steaming cocoa! Maybe with marshmallows...if I'm fuckin lucky!!!! Usually only have fuckin coffee in though!

No Fucking Hot Buttered Rum Nick?? Fucking Brilliant!!! :drink:


I woulda fuckin' "pegged" ya for a steamin' fuckin' mug a' fuckin' Grog there matey. Fuckin' YAR!

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I've had this fuckin' pain in my fuckin' kidney all morning. Don't know what the fuck it is. It's not a massive excruciating kind of pain, but it fuckin' hurts anyway. Sob fuckin' sob.

Sounds like a fuckin' kidney stone fuckin' with ya'. :yikes: All I can suggest is drink a bunch of fucking water, grin and pass the fuckin thing.

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I've had this fuckin' pain in my fuckin' kidney all morning. Don't know what the fuck it is. It's not a massive excruciating kind of pain, but it fuckin' hurts anyway. Sob fuckin' sob.

Sounds like a fuckin' kidney stone fuckin' with ya'. :yikes: All I can suggest is drink a bunch of fucking water, grin and pass the fuckin thing.


Fucking hell mate, don't tell me that sort of fucked up information. I am scared fuckin' shitless of the prospect of ever having a motherfuckin' kidney stone to pass. The fuckin' pain has gone away today, though now that I'm posting in this fuckin' thread I think my mind's telling me the pain is fucking returning. Fuck.

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Yes, especially today!!! What a busy fuckin' day, really fucked me off. I was so fucking pissed off all fucking day, but at least it's over now. Time to get the fuck out of here and listen to some rock n' fuckin' roll on the way home. Check ya, fuckers.

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Did ya ever just wanna scream.........................





You kiss Bubba with that mouth young lady? :shocked: LOL


Personally now that I have no fuckin children in the the Fucking house any more. I fucking try to say Fucking Fuckity Fuck Fuck as many fucking times as I fukin can all the fucking fucked up day long. FUCK!! :P

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Did ya ever just wanna scream.........................





You kiss Bubba with that mouth young lady? :shocked: LOL


Personally now that I have no fuckin children in the the Fucking house any more. I fucking try to say Fucking Fuckity Fuck Fuck as many fucking times as I fukin can all the fucking fucked up day long. FUCK!! :P


Now, that's a fuckin' happy response if I ever saw one.


I watched the O mutherfuckin' C last night. When are Ryan and that fuckin' Marissa ever going to get it together? Oh, Sandy you brut fuckin' thug. How you throw your mutherfuckin' weight around the place like a fuckin' animal. Dear Summer and Seth... you young fuckers! Good fuckin' on you, you naughty little scheming fuckers.

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Holy mutherfuckin', fucking shit!!! I just got of the fucking fucked up phone and had to come to this fuckin' thread after the fucking news I was just dished out. I accidentally made a fuckin' error on my tax return last year - overlooked some mutherfuckin' lump sum payment thing. Purely uninfuckingtentional.


Well, about a fucked up month ago I receive a fuckin' letter from the tax mutherfuckin' office stating there were some undeclared funds on my fucked up tax return. So I check it, fair enfuckingnough, I overlooked it. Sure, I will pay the tax on this, I say to my fucking self. It's almost $4000 fucking dollars. So I called up today and say "Fuck yeah, you slimy fuckers. I did miss this fucking amount and I confirm you're cofuckingrrect."


"Fine, you sexy fucker," the nice girl on the other end of the fuckin' phone says. "Well, there is no penalty, and you'll only have to pay 31 fucking percent on that amount and you'll be all fuckin' cleared up."


Thirty one fucking percent!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quick mathematical equation in Geoff's fucked up head and I realise I have to pay over 1,100 motherfuckin' dollars!!!




Fuckin' car insurance, honeymoon, quarterly bills and now this fuckin' shit! FUCK!!! Fuck I hate the fuckin' world sometimes.

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My f*cking computer is being a f*cking little bitch tonight.  Keeps f*cking saying "Local area cable is unconnected"  WTF???  :crash:


My fucking computer is being a fucking little b*tch tonight. Keeps fucking saying "Local area cable is unconnected" WTFuck???


This is the fuck thread, not the b*tch thread. :tsk:

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My f*cking computer is being a f*cking little bitch tonight.   Keeps f*cking saying "Local area cable is unconnected"  WTF???  :crash:


My fucking computer is being a fucking little b*tch tonight. Keeps fucking saying "Local area cable is unconnected" WTFuck???


This is the fuck thread, not the b*tch thread. :tsk:


:lol: bite my fucking ass.... :P

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Fuck mate, don't take it to fuckin' heart. It's just a couple of fuckers spillin' some fuckin' meaningless fucked up shit. No need to be fuckin' annoyed.

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