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'Nude Bandits'












lol, nah, just f*cking with ya. Hilarious, though, hey?


I would totally rent a movie with a title like that. :unsure:

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'Nude Bandits'












lol, nah, just f*cking with ya. Hilarious, though, hey?


I would totally rent a movie with a title like that. :unsure:

Me too. :tumbsup:


Assuming we're not alone, maybe we should make one with that title.

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Watched Dario Argento's "Creepers" last night. Man, what a weird ass movie. Italian horror flicks are known for being pretty random so if you're looking for a coherent, linear plot, decent acting, or realistic dialogue, this ain't your movie. (I love when people for whom English is not a native language write English movie scripts -- cuz then you get howlers like this: "Now I will KILL YOU! To AVENGE HIIIIIIM!")


On the other hand, "Creepers" was beautifully photographed, had some pretty cool gross out scenes (best bit: a swimming pool full of severed body parts and maggots!), a young Jennifer Connelly in her first major film role (she was about 15 when she made this and she was already frickin gorgeous), Iron Maiden's "Flash of the Blade" and Motorhead's "Locomotive" played during pivotal scenes, and a chimpanzee that goes buck wild on someone's face with a straight razor. I can honestly say I've never seen that before. You can't ask for much more entertainment value than that from a dollar store DVD.


I'm told that the European cut of this movie (under its original title "Phenomena") runs about 20 minutes longer than this U.S. version. I don't know what they cut out or why (I'm assuming they snipped the nastier gore stuff, as the mid '80s were not a good time for gore fans in the U.S.) but now I'm curious to see the uncut version to find out if it makes any more sense than this one.

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My Festival of Craptastic Dollar Store DVD Cinema continued last night with "Black Cobra." Yea, I know, the title sounds like an African American themed porn film, but it was in fact an incredibly inept Italian-made late '80s action movie starring former NFL bad-ass/malt liquor pitchman Fred Williamson as "a maverick cop who plays by his own rules."


Basically what they did was rip off the Sylvester Stallone movie "Cobra" to an ASTOUNDING degree (even in the title!)-- but they did it on a budget of approximately six bucks and a broken cracker. Bad script, bad photography, howlingly bad acting and dialogue....damn. :rofl:


Stallone's "Cobra" wasn't one of his best movies but this Italian "homage" makes it look like "Citizen Kane."


Watch only if you need to be bored to sleep.

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Haven't you heard? It's finals time! Why would I be watching silly films when there's footy on?


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I'm told that the European cut of this movie (under its original title "Phenomena") runs about 20 minutes longer than this U.S. version. I don't know what they cut out or why (I'm assuming they snipped the nastier gore stuff, as the mid '80s were not a good time for gore fans in the U.S.) but now I'm curious to see the uncut version to find out if it makes any more sense than this one.


I have this version that Anchor Bay put out years ago. I'm a huge Argento fan but this is not one of my favorites.

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I'm told that the European cut of this movie (under its original title "Phenomena") runs about 20 minutes longer than this U.S. version. I don't know what they cut out or why (I'm assuming they snipped the nastier gore stuff, as the mid '80s were not a good time for gore fans in the U.S.) but now I'm curious to see the uncut version to find out if it makes any more sense than this one.


I have this version that Anchor Bay put out years ago. I'm a huge Argento fan but this is not one of my favorites.



Anchor Bay is a great company...they've rescued more than a few classics from obscurity... but they do sometimes go all-out producing "deluxe" DVDs of forgotten movies that don't really deserve deluxe treatment cuz they weren't all that great to begin with...

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