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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" (2016)


Angered by the destruction and human casualties caused by Superman's battle with Zod (in "Man of Steel"), Batman decides that the Kryptonian is Public Enemy #1. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor is working on a plan to get rid of them both. Oh, and Wonder Woman and Doomsday are also shoehorned in for no apparent reason.

Zack Snyder's wanna-be epic is WAY too long and overstuffed with subplots but the big splashy CGI action sequences are impressive. I'm still not sold on Henry Cavill as Superman (dude is a stiff) but I thought Ben Affleck was a great Batman. In fact, I would've rather watched Affleck in a solo Batman flick.

In the end this hero mashup is entertaining enough in an empty headed sort of way, as long as you keep your expectations low. It's no masterpiece, but it wasn't the train wreck I'd been expecting after reading so much fanboy hate either.

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"Stone Cold" (1991)


Former NFL footballer Brian Bosworth made a legit stab at becoming an action hero in this entertaining, ultra-violent shoot-em-up. Bos is a tough Alabama cop who goes undercover inside "The Brotherhood," a murderous biker gang who make the Sons of Anarchy look like the Care Bears. Lots of bullets fly, stuff blows up, shirtless guys with bad mullets beat the crap out of each other and the always dependable Lance Henriksen (as the gang's crazed leader) chews the scenery for all he's worth. Tons of fun!

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"The Curse" (1987)

A meteorite crashes on a Tennessee farm. Gooey alien stuff leaks out of it and seeps into the well water, and soon the crops are full of maggots, the animals are becoming unusually aggressive, and the family's youngest son (a teenage Wil Wheaton, later of "Star Trek: TNG") watches helplessly as everyone starts turning into murderous, green-goo-drooling zombies. Fortunately John Schneider of "Dukes of Hazzard" is there to come to the rescue!
Typically cheesy '80s horror nonsense, supposedly inspired by an H.P. Lovecraft story. I used to see this one in video stores all the time back in the day, but never pulled the trigger on it till now. I wasn't missing much...
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That Bosworth movie was certainly great.



Over the past few days nothing epic:


Get a Job-Lifetime movie with some cursing.


It Follows-Initial reaction upon first viewing after believing the hype I penned this as "Shit Follows". Second viewing was far better received and I ended up rather enjoying some of the filming. One gripe the "score" or lack there of which is just a bunch of bangin' and noise and truly detracts from the film. Certainly would have benefited from a proper orchestral score or even a Carpenter Halloween synth score.


The 3rd installment in the Divergence series. This one quite frankly is laughable and was so poorly special effected that I wasn't sure if I was watching a movie from 2016 that is a multi-million dollar franchise or some $50k throw away from the 80's. And SPOILER ALERT the ending WTF? Is there to be a part 4?

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Jason Bourne - this was disappointing. Far from all the others in script and acting. Just a money spin that seems to have worked.

Couple of big car chase scenes - ok, the second one had is very cool moments, but both went far too long. A few fight scenes when guns had been knocked from hands.

Most of the time I sat there picking holes in the plot, which just didn't gel well.

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The Huntsman - Winter's War - I'm not a big fan of these fairytale based type flicks but it was okay...worth watching anyway...


Batman vs Superman - decent stuff but overly long...3 hours long...


The Jungle Book 2016 - pretty good adaptation of a classic...


The Nice Guys - average comedy with a few laugh out loud moments...

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"Curse II: The Bite" (1989)

In this in-name-only sequel to the 1987 flick, a young couple is traveling thru the American desert when Boyfriend gets bitten by a snake. Unfortunately for him (and everyone else in the movie,) the snake was radioactive due to its living near a leaky nuclear power plant. Soon the bite begins to have "transformative" properties on the poor young fella's body. Yikes!
This movie starts out like a plain ol' nothin' special creature feature (snakes everywhere!) but does a 180 degree turn into straight up Cronenberg style body horror (on a six pack budget) in the second half, when the snake bite starts turning Boyfriend into a homicidal reptilian something-or-other.
This one wasn't great - it's pretty typical late '80s direct-to-the-video-store schlock - but it was way better than the first "Curse" thanks to the slightly higher production values, some decent gore scenes, and especially due to the presence of cutie-pie late '80s scream queen Jill Schoelen in the female lead/damsel in distress role (whatever happened to her, anyway?). Snake-o-phobics need not apply.
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  • My Little Pony



First one was nice how was this? It is on my short list.

I heard it wasn't any good, but I'll take a second opinion.

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First one was nice how was this? It is on my short list.



If you like the first one, then this one didn't stray much, a bit too bombastic maybe, but overall quite an entertaining one

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A Kubrick's classic, not doin' so much for me but not bad either. The idea of it is really good though, about whether a man should be forced to do good deeds or let them decide they want to shut the evil down or not :)

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"Spymaker: The Secret Life of Ian Fleming" (1990)

The (highly fictionalized) biography of the 007 author details the events that led to the creation of James Bond - from Fleming's upbringing in a privileged British family, to his first "real" job as a crusading news reporter and finally as an agent for the British Naval Intelligence Service during World War II. Just like his literary counterpart, Ian romances several hot babes and gets into scrapes with Russians and Nazis along the way. In a nice touch of stunt casting, young Fleming is played by Jason Connery, son of original 007 Sean Connery. "Spymaker" was made for TV so it suffers from its obvious budget limitations, but otherwise this was an enjoyable espionage/adventure flick with quite a few clever nods to the "real" Bond movies.
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Watched this again because it's a kick ass movie.

Supposed to be a sequel soon, hope that happens.


Saw a trailer for Jack Reacher 2 the other day :) Look forward to that as well.



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"The Horror at 37,000 Feet" (1973)

"Airport" meets "The Exorcist" in this fun slab of early 70s made-for-TV terror. Angry Druid spirits trapped in the cargo hold of a red-eye traveling from London to New York make it a flight from hell for a cast of familiar faces, including William Shatner, Buddy "Barnaby Jones" Ebsen, Chuck "Rifleman" Connors and Russell "The Professor" Johnson, plus a couple of hot stewardesses in thigh high miniskirts and go-go boots. Quality cheez!

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