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66 mustang

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens



Geek. :)


And again.

One more time.

Me too & I booked tickets to take my two oldest sons on Tuesday morning :)

Will that be there first time seeing it?

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens



Geek. :)


And again.

One more time.

Me too & I booked tickets to take my two oldest sons on Tuesday morning :)

Will that be there first time seeing it?


Yeah,they are bouncing now :) my 7 year old is star wars mad

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"Maximum Overdrive" (1986)

Stephen King's lone stab at directing a movie (based on his own short story "Trucks") was a famous flop. Machines randomly gain sentience and become homicidal, trapping a bunch of humans in a secluded truck stop. Much mayhem ensues as the puny flesh-lings try to figure out how to escape. Yeah, it's dumb as a stump and full of overacting and plot holes, but lotsa stuff blows up real good and the soundtrack is by AC/DC, which equals awesomeness in my book. A fun "moron movie."

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"Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" (2003)

The now-adult John Connor goes on the run yet again when a new, female Terminatrix arrives thru the time stream and tries to bring on Judgment Day by rubbing him out. Fortunately Ahh-nold is back again as a good-guy Terminator who steps up to defend him.

"T3" is probably my least fave of the series, due mostly to the unappealing leads (Nick Stahl and Claire Danes display about as much chemistry as a pair of wet mops) but the level of mayhem is impressive as usual, making this entry sufficiently entertaining.

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"Savage Streets" (1984)

An all grown up 'n' spectacularly busty Linda "Exorcist" Blair stars in this oh-so-'80s revenge/exploitation cult classic that's kinda like "Death Wish" with better cleavage. She's a tough L.A. high school chick who goes vigilante after a gang violates her handicapped sister and kills her best friend. Sleazy in all the best possible ways.

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  • My Little Pony







Star Wars: The Force Awakens



Geek. :)


And again.

One more time.

Me too & I booked tickets to take my two oldest sons on Tuesday morning :)
Will that be there first time seeing it?

Yeah,they are bouncing now :) my 7 year old is star wars mad

That's awesome. My mate took his son to see it on his eighth birfday, and his mind, now, is also occupied with thoughts of a galaxy far, far away.

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  • My Little Pony

The Revenant


This movie is hardcore. A lot of wincing moments. If you haven't heard about this movie, you should read up on it. It is pretty much the worst working conditions any actors and crew members had to endure. But the pay off was worth it, I believe. If Leonardo DiCaprio is ever to win an Oscar, this is his moment. And Tom Hardy is brilliant as always. He's probably my favourite actor.


The Homesman


An unconventional Western about a woman that's taken on the responsibility of transporting three mentally unstable women to a church to be cared for. Stars Hilary Swank and Tommy Lee Jones. I enjoyed it.

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a very realistic frustrated-family drama, Leo and Kate's acting are really top notch here !


Absolutely brilliant film.

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The Hateful Eight....really enjoyed it.


Really looking forward to seeing this ... :)

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The Revenant


This movie is hardcore. A lot of wincing moments. If you haven't heard about this movie, you should read up on it. It is pretty much the worst working conditions any actors and crew members had to endure. But the pay off was worth it, I believe. If Leonardo DiCaprio is ever to win an Oscar, this is his moment. And Tom Hardy is brilliant as always. He's probably my favourite actor.



Another film that I'm really looking forward to seeing ... as much as I'm not a fan of DiCaprio, this looks brilliant!

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens



Geek. :)


And again.

One more time.

Me too & I booked tickets to take my two oldest sons on Tuesday morning :)
Will that be there first time seeing it?

Yeah,they are bouncing now :) my 7 year old is star wars mad

That's awesome. My mate took his son to see it on his eighth birfday, and his mind, now, is also occupied with thoughts of a galaxy far, far away.


Went this morning with the boys,they are now literally bouncing off the walls at home...sooo hyped Kylo Ren is the 7 year olds fav character and we had to purchase him a talking plush :)

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Nintendo Quest one kanuks journey to score all 600 some add games in 30 days. Not a bad verily documentary however they never say how much skratch he blows on these games.


Plastic Galaxy another documentary on you guessed it Star Wars action figure collectors and some tasty interviews with the Kenner clan who worked their collective arses off and became legends for a fleeting moment. Good stuff and Keith should see both of these.


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^^ I've seen Plastic Galaxy, fun stuff. Never heard of the other one, will add it to the list.

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Pan surprisingly excellent, like a kids version of MAd MAx and Peter Pan prior to being Peter Pan. Hugh Jackman played a great bad guy.


Intro'd the kids to Peter Seller's The Pink Panther, 5 more movies to go and they enjoyed the first...


Sandlot 2 if you enjoyed SL1 this is not too different.

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I Frankenstein - wasn't expecting much and got an average action flick...worth watching once


The Bag Man - wasn't expecting anything and received a surprise as it was quite good...a Tarantino vibe, rather crazed movie...check it out



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"American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt" (1989)

An American martial-arts expert travels overseas for a tournament and ends up caught in the middle of a terrorist plot involving evil ninjas. Don'cha hate when that happens? The usual mayhem ensues, of course.
Granted, the first two "American Ninjas" starring Michael Dudikoff weren't exactly Shakespeare, but this cheaper-looking-than-usual third go round makes them look like solid gold. Dudikoff sat this one out (though he apparently returned for part 4, which I haven't seen) so he's been replaced here by the equally wooden David Bradley - whose butt kicking moves are impressive but he can't act worth a lick. Cheesy, chop-socky fun.
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