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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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The Fantastic Four - this reboot did not impress...I prefer the previous iteration...


Hitman Agent 47 - okay actioner but nothing memorable....

Apparently Hitman was based on a game according to my son, which explained a lot.

You didn't know that?

Yeah, videogame movies always suck.

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Ant Man - VERY enjoyable


Avengers - Age Of Ultron

Punisher (Thomas Jane)

Last Boy Scout

Striking Distance

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The Fantastic Four - this reboot did not impress...I prefer the previous iteration...


Hitman Agent 47 - okay actioner but nothing memorable....

Apparently Hitman was based on a game according to my son, which explained a lot.

You didn't know that?

Yeah, videogame movies always suck.



Nah, wasn't aware of the Hitman video game.

Yeah, game movies and WWE movies always suck lol


Black Mass - not bad. Kinda wanna be Goodfellas without the cool music and charisma.


American Ultra - better than I thought. Story flowed and the dude from American Pie played a good bad guy..

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Last night was "Rent one, get one Free" night at RedBox so I had me a double feature:

"The Man From U.N.C.L.E." (2015)

Henry "Superman" Cavill and Armie "Lone Ranger" Hammer star in this update of the '60s TV spy series from Guy Ritchie. In 1963 an American and a Russian agent - who have some not-so-friendly history with each other, of course - are teamed up to track down a missing nuclear scientist. This nice looking period piece tries for the feel of the early Bond films, but unfortunately the story drags along without ever really kicking into high gear. As far as recent spy spoofs go, I greatly preferred "Kingsman: The Secret Service."

"Terminator: Genisys" (2015)

After sitting out the last Terminator installment, Arnold returns to the franchise for this fifth go-round that is part sequel, part reboot, and part fanboy homage to the 1984 original. Kyle Reese is sent back to the '80s to protect Sarah Connor, just like in the first movie, but changes to the time line over the past 30 years have had unexpected effects on what happens when he gets there. So yeah, this one kinda screws with the mythology of the entire series but lotsa stuff got crashed, shot and blowed up real good so I was entertained.
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Die Hard ... well, it IS nearly Christmas!

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"Ant-Man" (2015)

Paul Rudd is a small time burglar who's just been released from prison. Looking for a "straight" job, he's hired by a scientist - whose top secret shrinking technology is about to be handed over to some very bad people. Donning a special suit that can make him insect size, he then has to pull off his biggest heist ever.
Ant-Man was never one of Marvel's major players but his film debut is very enjoyable, funny stuff. They wisely let some of the character's sillier side show thru, making this one of the more comedic entries in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Star Wars The Force Awakens :)


thought it was excellent :)

Seeing this tonight. In Imax. Can't bloody wait!

Niiice,enjoy :)

Who's coming over to babysit so the missus and I can go see this?

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Star Wars The Force Awakens :)


thought it was excellent :)

Seeing this tonight. In Imax. Can't bloody wait!

Niiice,enjoy :)
Who's coming over to babysit so the missus and I can go see this?
I'll watch yours you watch mine.

Smrt! That's so smrt!

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Seriously, folks, this movie was good. I'm gonna hold of saying it's great, until I see it two more times -- Saturday, then Monday -- but any fanboys can rest assured knowing the series is in good hands.


I can not wait two years for the next installment.

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"Fear City" (1984)

Abel "Ms. 45" Ferrara directed this delightfully sleazy New York exploitation flick set in the Times Square strip club circuit. A nut job is carving up strippers after hours and a pair of tough guys, some mobsters and the Vice squad (led by Billy Dee "Lando Calrissian" Wililams) are all out looking to stop him before he can kill again. A cool time capsule of an era in New York that's long gone.

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"Fear City" (1984)



Abel "Ms. 45" Ferrara directed this delightfully sleazy New York exploitation flick set in the Times Square strip club circuit. A nut job is carving up strippers after hours and a pair of tough guys, some mobsters and the Vice squad (led by Billy Dee "Lando Calrissian" Wililams) are all out looking to stop him before he can kill again. A cool time capsule of an era in New York that's long gone.


Dude.... you won't believe this but I just saw this too!!


Pretty good movie.

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Dude.... you won't believe this but I just saw this too!!

Pretty good movie.


Haha, cool! I'd seen it once before, on the late movie on TV many years ago ... but of course that one cut out all the boobs, foul language and blood so there wasn't much movie left! This time I made sure it was the uncut version with all the good stuff left in...

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Lords of Salem I like how Rob Zombie keeps trying to emulate 70's and 80's horror films but this one fell short for me. If you liked his other original films however this one is fair but again for me it was missing something.


American Mary think Strangeland with a smoking hot body modification surgeon instead of Captain Howdy. Not a bad film. Fair budget and acting and left a lot to your imagination in lieu of a gob of splatter.

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"Silent Night, Zombie Night" (2009)

Two L.A. cops - and the woman who loves them both - try to survive an onslaught of Yuletide undead in this pedestrian zombie flick which, despite its awesome title, doesn't do much with its "holiday season" setting. There's some decent gore splattered throughout, but the end result is generic at best.

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