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5 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

Here are a few of the things he has done but as with everything he has done, it depends on what side of the divide you are on as all the issues brought up in this article are probably fine with his supporters...


OK, lets take a look at the list I was provided with and have a short rebuttal, should we just go in order?

Remember I said a list of things he's done to hurt the country, and be backed up with a sensible and cogent argument,
I was kind of looking for your opinion since you guys have such a big one when it comes to trashing him,  but I will work with this list.

10. Trump’s Lies:

OK, about what? and how has it effected the country, or better yet my life? I could take a page from the general arguments I hear and say, Present a politician, or better yet, president, who was completely honest, I'm waiting, didn't think so, but I don't point to bad behavior to excuse bad behavior. Their all dishonest crooked pukes, it's in the job description.

9. Packing the courts with unqualified judges:

This one cracks me up, and this is why I'd rather just hear your arguments, cause what do I say to this? Oh yeah, he was gonna stock the courts full of left wing liberal judges, ya know like Obama did with right wing conservative judges, this is just asinine.

8. Kicking people off food stamps:

You mean people who had expired the 2 year window he put in place? those people? people who are able bodied, healthy and somehow couldn't find 1 fucking job, in 2 years, sorry, no pity here, they are just stealing from tax payers at that point. Next

7. Placed a “Gag rule” on Title X:

OK now I'm seeing what this entire list is and where it's coming from, so Title X was a way of undoing ObamaCare, which you'll get huffy for, but another tax payer bill to pick up on people who don't want to work, all Title X did was actually prioritized what low income families and uninsured people who couldn't get medicaid would need, it was specifically for the people Obamacare covered, only I DON'T THINK ABORTION IS SOMETHING IM PICKING UP THE FUCKING TAB FOR!! that's not only not bad for us, that was a +1 for Trump.

6. Trump’s tariffs continue to harm the economy:

Pretty clever, it just says his Tariffs harmed the economy, yet gives not 1 example of how, or states which single or multiple parts of our economy it damaged, or how much, this is the shit the left is constantly doing that is getting older the Christ with me.

5. Continues to prop up Russian conspiracies:

Really??? after 3 years of trying to impeach him and not being able to prove a thing, how was that Good for my country? not even worth a reply to this one.

4. Cozying up to dictators:

Yeah so I don't see him hanging out with anyone in particular, so this is spent on me, once again, he is sure great friends with Putin and Mr. Hung Well from China, they love him, so does the nutjob from N Korea, all best buddies, I think after the irrelevant little deal he just made in the middle east, this one is another great example of shit he's done to damage the country. Right?

3. Abandoning our Kurdish Allies

He didn't abandon anyone, he did what the left has been bitching and crying about Presidents doing since George Bush, he said, this isnt our fucking problem, none of our business, im president, and I'm not using our military for other countries bullshit, it wasn't just Kurd's, got how dishonest is this fucking list??? and BTW, No war has been fought on Trumps watch, don't hear much about that.

2. Ukraine aid scandal:

Dead Planet is this really the kind of shit you consider your news source?? I truly hope not, I hope you went out and found this list tongue in cheek, this absolutely in no way damaged my country or hurt us in any way, If Biden wasn't dirty, then why was this even a big deal? Trump said fuck this im not getting railroaded, you fucking Ukrainians want this money, you gotta earn it, if Biden was clean, they would've investigated, told him it's clear, and got their money, right? why does it gotta be spun to look bad on Trump when he was fighting fire with fire? Jesus Christ

1. Trumps abhorrent immigration policy:

OK this is the easiest one on here, for some reason some people just don't get it. Here goes and I'm shouting this at everyone. Go Caps: TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE USA, THEIR ARE MANY CHANNELS AND WAYS, BUT SINCE THIS COUNTRY IS SO DESTITUTE AND AGONIZINGLY RACIST AND INTOLERANT, THE WAITING LIST TO GET HERE SEEMS TO BE DECADES LONG,


So this was a fucking bullshit example and a pretty hilarious list, obviously a completely nut job left wing propaganda piece, that I still chose to take a few minutes and follow my end of the bargain, not 1 thing on this list damaged my country or way of life in any way, none of it's relevant, and none of it's even that abnormal other then they tried to magnify it to make it a million times worse then what it is, and this is just the norm these days with anti-trumpers, in all reality, other then your hatred for him, just for your own satisfaction, nobody really has a genuine reason to hate him, they just don't want to like him, and I don't either, hes a scumbag, but at least he gets shit done, and understands the concept of capitalism, and that is what America was developed for, by commerce who wanted to exploit the new world for financial gains. love it or hate it, that is the sole reason America was settled the way it was. Go look it up.




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4 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

OK, lets take a look at the list I was provided with and have a short rebuttal, should we just go in order?

Remember I said a list of things he's done to hurt the country, and be backed up with a sensible and cogent argument,
I was kind of looking for your opinion since you guys have such a big one when it comes to trashing him,  but I will work with this list.

10. Trump’s Lies:

OK, about what? and how has it effected the country, or better yet my life? I could take a page from the general arguments I hear and say, Present a politician, or better yet, president, who was completely honest, I'm waiting, didn't think so, but I don't point to bad behavior to excuse bad behavior. Their all dishonest crooked pukes, it's in the job description.

9. Packing the courts with unqualified judges:

This one cracks me up, and this is why I'd rather just hear your arguments, cause what do I say to this? Oh yeah, he was gonna stock the courts full of left wing liberal judges, ya know like Obama did with right wing conservative judges, this is just asinine.

8. Kicking people off food stamps:

You mean people who had expired the 2 year window he put in place? those people? people who are able bodied, healthy and somehow couldn't find 1 fucking job, in 2 years, sorry, no pity here, they are just stealing from tax payers at that point. Next

7. Placed a “Gag rule” on Title X:

OK now I'm seeing what this entire list is and where it's coming from, so Title X was a way of undoing ObamaCare, which you'll get huffy for, but another tax payer bill to pick up on people who don't want to work, all Title X did was actually prioritized what low income families and uninsured people who couldn't get medicaid would need, it was specifically for the people Obamacare covered, only I DON'T THINK ABORTION IS SOMETHING IM PICKING UP THE FUCKING TAB FOR!! that's not only not bad for us, that was a +1 for Trump.

6. Trump’s tariffs continue to harm the economy:

Pretty clever, it just says his Tariffs harmed the economy, yet gives not 1 example of how, or states which single or multiple parts of our economy it damaged, or how much, this is the shit the left is constantly doing that is getting older the Christ with me.

5. Continues to prop up Russian conspiracies:

Really??? after 3 years of trying to impeach him and not being able to prove a thing, how was that Good for my country? not even worth a reply to this one.

4. Cozying up to dictators:

Yeah so I don't see him hanging out with anyone in particular, so this is spent on me, once again, he is sure great friends with Putin and Mr. Hung Well from China, they love him, so does the nutjob from N Korea, all best buddies, I think after the irrelevant little deal he just made in the middle east, this one is another great example of shit he's done to damage the country. Right?

3. Abandoning our Kurdish Allies

He didn't abandon anyone, he did what the left has been bitching and crying about Presidents doing since George Bush, he said, this isnt our fucking problem, none of our business, im president, and I'm not using our military for other countries bullshit, it wasn't just Kurd's, got how dishonest is this fucking list??? and BTW, No war has been fought on Trumps watch, don't hear much about that.

2. Ukraine aid scandal:

Dead Planet is this really the kind of shit you consider your news source?? I truly hope not, I hope you went out and found this list tongue in cheek, this absolutely in no way damaged my country or hurt us in any way, If Biden wasn't dirty, then why was this even a big deal? Trump said fuck this im not getting railroaded, you fucking Ukrainians want this money, you gotta earn it, if Biden was clean, they would've investigated, told him it's clear, and got their money, right? why does it gotta be spun to look bad on Trump when he was fighting fire with fire? Jesus Christ

1. Trumps abhorrent immigration policy:

OK this is the easiest one on here, for some reason some people just don't get it. Here goes and I'm shouting this at everyone. Go Caps: TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE USA, THEIR ARE MANY CHANNELS AND WAYS, BUT SINCE THIS COUNTRY IS SO DESTITUTE AND AGONIZINGLY RACIST AND INTOLERANT, THE WAITING LIST TO GET HERE SEEMS TO BE DECADES LONG,


So this was a fucking bullshit example and a pretty hilarious list, obviously a completely nut job left wing propaganda piece, that I still chose to take a few minutes and follow my end of the bargain, not 1 thing on this list damaged my country or way of life in any way, none of it's relevant, and none of it's even that abnormal other then they tried to magnify it to make it a million times worse then what it is, and this is just the norm these days with anti-trumpers, in all reality, other then your hatred for him, just for your own satisfaction, nobody really has a genuine reason to hate him, they just don't want to like him, and I don't either, hes a scumbag, but at least he gets shit done, and understands the concept of capitalism, and that is what America was developed for, by commerce who wanted to exploit the new world for financial gains. love it or hate it, that is the sole reason America was settled the way it was. Go look it up.




I did say at the beginning that these things would be fine with his supporters;)....the 2 that caught my eye were...

No.9 I understand picking right wing judges but picking those that are 'unqualified' as per the BAR association just because they are right wingers isn't a good thing IMO...

No.3 doesn't look good as the US wants and needs as many allies as possible to go up against the Russians ,Chinese and terrorists (the Kurds lost a lot of people fighting ISIS mainly because the US said they would back them) but after breaking promises to the Kurds it will be difficult to get many of them to trust the US in the future and this could cost American lives....

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I mean I have to say, those 'terrible' things that Trump has done to the US, are pretty much all debatable.
I understand partisan people out there will revel in them, but some aren't even worth mentioning.
It's a pretty big tick for Trump if that's the worst that can be brought up to make a case that he is doing bad to the USA.

Actually surprising that tehre wasn't more to put forward.

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10 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

and that is what America was developed for, by commerce who wanted to exploit the new world for financial gains. love it or hate it, that is the sole reason America was settled the way it was. Go look it up.




You seem to be conveniently overlooking the fact that this exploitation was for king and country. 

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3 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

I mean I have to say, those 'terrible' things that Trump has done to the US, are pretty much all debatable.


You guys clearly don't do debate. You just shout. 

Surprised that 'probably the least successful businessman in US history and greatest tax fraud' wasn't on the list though. 

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1 hour ago, PeterS said:

You guys clearly don't do debate. You just shout. 

Not sure where you're coming from.
Not sure how you are interpreting my comments.
Read back through them, I'm neither pro Trump or Biden.
I'm just commenting as I see things.
The lack of passion in my comments brings them so far removed from 'shouting'.
I never ask anyone to agree with what I am saying, and I am always happy to change my mind.
mine is just an outsiders opinion based on the news I receive. People in America may discount it completely, and are fully entitles to. In the end, it's not really any of my business...

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30 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Not sure where you're coming from.
Not sure how you are interpreting my comments.
Read back through them, I'm neither pro Trump or Biden.
I'm just commenting as I see things.
The lack of passion in my comments brings them so far removed from 'shouting'.
I never ask anyone to agree with what I am saying, and I am always happy to change my mind.
mine is just an outsiders opinion based on the news I receive. People in America may discount it completely, and are fully entitles to. In the end, it's not really any of my business...

See last 'presidential debate'. Not you, how the US looks to the rest of us when that's the advertisement. 

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I can understand why many Americans don't see a problem with most of the stuff Trump has done if he has not directly affected their lives....I think the biggest negative about Trump has been his effect on international relations, he has turned on many of America's friends and allies...America is the leader of the free world and his policies have undermined that position giving Russia and China major openings which they are quickly filling....this may not seem like an issue today but I expect the consequences will be felt for decades in the future....it could have a serious effect on democracy around the world.....

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24 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

I can understand why many Americans don't see a problem with most of the stuff Trump has done if he has not directly affected their lives....I think the biggest negative about Trump has been his effect on international relations, he has turned on many of America's friends and allies...America is the leader of the free world and his policies have undermined that position giving Russia and China major openings which they are quickly filling....this may not seem like an issue today but I expect the consequences will be felt for decades in the future....it could have a serious effect on democracy around the world.....

And the US debt has skyrocketed. At times of things going well you're supposed to bring money in. He didn't and now things are bad it will only go up further.  Whatever happened to the Tea Party? 

He's run the US like one of his companies. Borrow borrow borrow and he gets to walk away from the US debt. Personal debt might just about to be a problem for him. 

Edited by PeterS
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44 minutes ago, PeterS said:

And the US debt has skyrocketed. At times of things going well you're supposed to bring money in. He didn't and now things are bad it will only go up further.  Whatever happened to the Tea Party? 

He's run the US like one of his companies. Borrow borrow borrow and he gets to walk away from the US debt. Personal debt might just about to be a problem for him. 

To be fair every country has seen their debt skyrocket because of the pandemic ... I don't think the US is any worse off than the rest of us....although some Republicans may regret Trump's decision to cut taxes for the rich....

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2 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

To be fair every country has seen their debt skyrocket because of the pandemic ... I don't think the US is any worse off than the rest of us....although some Republicans may regret Trump's decision to cut taxes for the rich....


That's what I mean. You're supposed to be prudent during those goods times as bad times will come when you need to borrow. And it's barely started. Whoever wins will have to borrow big the next few years. Fiscal Conservatism is dead. 

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9 hours ago, PeterS said:

You guys clearly don't do debate. You just shout. 

Surprised that 'probably the least successful businessman in US history and greatest tax fraud' wasn't on the list though. 

Gee, I dunno mate. You could use a lot of words to describe Trump, but I don't think unsuccessful is one of them.

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24 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

Gee, I dunno mate. You could use a lot of words to describe Trump, but I don't think unsuccessful is one of them.


How else would you describe somebody who inherits 150 million and blows it before ending up massively in debt? 

Best conman in US history but good businessman he's not. 

There's a phrase where I come from that sums the Trumps up. 'Clogs to clogs in three generations'.

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Regarding international relations, I'd say 2 things.

1. sometimes you need to take a step back to move forward. Is it better to face some short term pain for a better relationship that is far more in the US interest in the long term?
Australia has followed suit to some degree. We have tarrifs on beef exports etc because we called out China on hiding covid.
I deal directly with China, and if we lose our free trade agreement with them, instantly everything I import attracts an additional 5% in duties, but sometimes the national interest is more important.

2. If anyone else had brokered peace between Israel and UAE they would be heralded as outstanding and widely celebrated. He got a quick snippet n the news here, not sure he this was regarded in the US.

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The frenzied,manical Trump hate continues...….smdh


Id say a lot our foreign posters anger at Trump is quite misguided...you should be livid at that 2-inch d!ck-tator Xi Jinping and China for letting loose the plague upon the world,but your mad because you think Trump is a tax cheat ?  Wowzer!

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30 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

 If anyone else had brokered peace between Israel and UAE they would be heralded as outstanding and widely celebrated. He got a quick snippet n the news here, not sure he this was regarded in the US.

Yeah that did surprise me and maybe he does deserve more recognition for it although my understanding is that the UAE only agree to it because they were promised the latest US military tech including F35 fighters...hopefully they will only use them against Iran...

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43 minutes ago, Metal T said:

The frenzied,manical Trump hate continues...….smdh


Id say a lot our foreign posters anger at Trump is quite misguided...you should be livid at that 2-inch d!ck-tator Xi Jinping and China for letting loose the plague upon the world,but your mad because you think Trump is a tax cheat ?  Wowzer!

Personally I'm an equal opportunity hater...I hate Trump, Trudeau, Johnson, Putin, Jinping and ill-hung or whatever that idiots name is in North Korea...:lol:

Forgot to add whatever Ayatollah is running Iran....

Edited by Dead Planet
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4 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

Personally I'm an equal opportunity hater...I hate Trump, Trudeau, Johnson, Putin, Jinping and ill-hung or whatever that idiots name is in North Korea...:lol:

Forgot to add whatever Ayatollah is running Iran....


And I'm sure quite a few missing off that list. I'll raise you an Erdogan. 

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51 minutes ago, PeterS said:


This one's going to launch 1000 memes but I challenge anybody to look at that and not think Silence of the lambs. 


Really disgraceful behaviour.

1. he's not got COVID....Just one big political stunt

2. if he has got it why the hell is he out of hospital being in contact with people.

& as for the video he posted on Twitter....ye gods.

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Just waiting for his usual line in about 3 days when he makes the fastest recovery from COVID in history

"I now understand the virus better than anyone"

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2 hours ago, Glen said:

Just waiting for his usual line in about 3 days when he makes the fastest recovery from COVID in history

"I now understand the virus better than anyone"

But he did before.


So smart this guy he has to legally threaten people to keep his academic record secret. Strange for somebody who takes credit for endless things he has diddly squat to do with? 

His covid test may well be the first test he's passed himself.  

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On 10/5/2020 at 6:27 PM, Glen said:

Just waiting for his usual line in about 3 days when he makes the fastest recovery from COVID in history

"I now understand the virus better than anyone"

I'm still Pro-Trump, don't get me wrong, but I'm also Pro Glen's prophetic skills. Although, I guess you didn't really have to be Nostradamus to see it coming. Just over three weeks away from who the Fuck knows what.




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