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2 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Hey Glen, don't you ever think maybe your not getting the whole story?? will you quickly tell me why this particular death, is being protested?? that does not seem even a little bit strange to you?? at all? you truly believe that this is all over Floyds death? please answer honestly, why are BLM not protesting the 24 homicides last week in Chicago, who all were black?? oh does it have to be a white guy killing a black guy for it to count?

They are protesting this death because it was filmed clear as day and can't be denied by anyone....the others were not filmed as far as I know....

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54 minutes ago, Geoff said:

I wouldn't be surprised if you have a few examples, so can you please share them just for me to have a glance over. A few examples of the same crimes being committed by black and white men for different sentences?

Again, your empathy for criminals is engaging. So beautiful to see how much you care for people who fuck up people's lives. No greater cause I can think of than criminals getting punished for their crimes. 

Again, ever cross your mind how the victims of these crimes feel? Sure doesn't seem like it matters much to you at all. 

I don't see the 'empathy for criminals' thing that you are talking about, personally I would be in favor of the death penalty returning for horendous crimes...and I dislike the PC crap that seems to be everywhere these days....none of that means that I support treating people differently because of their race, creed, color or religion.... from some of your comments , it sounds like you would prefer to live in a police state , we are fortunate to live in a democracy where 'peaceful protests' are allowed and the authorities don't shoot everyone that disagrees with them....

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

I wouldn't be surprised if you have a few examples, so can you please share them just for me to have a glance over. A few examples of the same crimes being committed by black and white men for different sentences?

Again, your empathy for criminals is engaging. So beautiful to see how much you care for people who fuck up people's lives. No greater cause I can think of than criminals getting punished for their crimes. 

Again, ever cross your mind how the victims of these crimes feel? Sure doesn't seem like it matters much to you at all. 

i already have shared them along with sources.

You said they were a load of bollocks if I recall 

I'm not defending criminals I'm defending equality, which currently doesn't exist, not just in the justice system but across all walks of life....work, education etc 

And by the way, I am not alone in my views and I am not a leftist pansy as you put it. 

Millions of people across the globe want change as well, from all over the political spectrum. 

I'm done with this now....back to the music

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1 hour ago, Dead Planet said:

I don't see the 'empathy for criminals' thing that you are talking about, personally I would be in favor of the death penalty returning for horendous crimes...and I dislike the PC crap that seems to be everywhere these days....none of that means that I support treating people differently because of their race, creed, color or religion.... from some of your comments , it sounds like you would prefer to live in a police state , we are fortunate to live in a democracy where 'peaceful protests' are allowed and the authorities don't shoot everyone that disagrees with them....

thank you.

a sensible comment.

Geoff you should watch The Handmaids Tale - you'd love it. White Guardians on every street corner waiting to gun you down if you don't abide by the strict authoritarian rules. 

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6 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I don't see the 'empathy for criminals' thing that you are talking about, personally I would be in favor of the death penalty returning for horendous crimes...and I dislike the PC crap that seems to be everywhere these days....none of that means that I support treating people differently because of their race, creed, color or religion.... from some of your comments , it sounds like you would prefer to live in a police state , we are fortunate to live in a democracy where 'peaceful protests' are allowed and the authorities don't shoot everyone that disagrees with them....

The empathy for criminals stems from you guys making a fuss about how unjustly criminals (who happen to be black in this instance) are being treated. Generally speaking, people aren't in custody for picking one too many flowers. 

I want to live in a police state because I empathise with the police and the shitty situation they have been forced into? Well you read me very wrong. I don't want to live in a police state but I also don't want to crucify the entire police force because a couple of fucking idiot protesters get hurt. The protesters wouldn't be getting hurt if they stayed at home or went to school or work or read a book or some facts.

The world is vastly over-populated and events like this are a good way of weeding out candidates to chip away at that issue. 

5 hours ago, Glen said:

i already have shared them along with sources.

You said they were a load of bollocks if I recall 

I'm not defending criminals I'm defending equality, which currently doesn't exist, not just in the justice system but across all walks of life....work, education etc 

And by the way, I am not alone in my views and I am not a leftist pansy as you put it. 

Millions of people across the globe want change as well, from all over the political spectrum. 

I'm done with this now....back to the music

Apologies, I haven't seen the stories side by side of similar crimes that were adjudicated differently based on the accused's race. I saw you post some stupid "facts" skewed to suit your agenda. You could very easily use your Google to find counter-facts do disprove your "facts."

Anyway, I'd agree that I'd love for this discussion to be ended so I'll just end by saying that your views do come across very single-minded without any consideration for the full story and yes... "leftist pansy" is an accurate way to describe how I view them. You still seem to ignore the fact that George Floyd may not be the heavenly martyr that you and your friends make him out to be, or that black deaths in custody are proportionate to non-black deaths in custody. 

Millions of people across the globe are morons.

And don't get me wrong - I know I'm not even hindering on the border of intelligent, but at very least I try to look at all sides of a situation and get a broad view of the entire picture rather than just following the crowd like a moronic lemming. Remember millions of people like terrible music too. Does that mean you'll no longer be a part of the forum and join those too? ;)

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Again you miss the point I'm afraid. 

I have zero empathy for criminals. Did you read that ZERO. My wish is for all criminals if found guilty to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

BUT that extent must be EQUAL. get it. 

Anyway this isn't all about criminals or the police. It's all walks of life. it's about education , it's about job opportunity, it's about walking down the street, its about how you are treated as a sports person, all things which you take for granted but unfortunately blacks can't STILL even in this day and age.

society has come a long way in addressing this but still there is a way to go. 

If anyone can relate to this all well and good. I'm glad someone agrees with me. If not too bad.....I won't be reading any replies so don't waste your energy replying.

back to music. 

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One thing you got right is that I miss the point. I can verify that, but only because I don't think you have a point so I can't find it. 

To me, it seems like you've seen the outrage, got swept up in it and are now just recycling what you saw on the TV because everyone else is outraged so hey, must be the right thing to do!

It may not be about criminals and police, but in a two horse race you've shown compassion for the poor criminals who get bad prison sentences, and you've also shown disapproval for the police and the way they treat pieces of shit. You make out that in me showing some support for the police I am some kind of freak wanting to live in a police state. No, I just like people who's job it is to protect us a lot more than cunt's who's ambition in life is to wreck our lives. My apologies. 

And still waiting for these examples of near identical cases in the US where a black criminal has received a larger sentence for a crime that a white man also committed yet received a lighter sentence. Again, not saying for sure this has never happened (and not saying otherwise either), but if it's as common as you say I'd think it'd be pretty easy to produce a few examples? 

But okay, so I just want to get this right. According to you;

Black people are not allowed into schools and universities to get an education in the US? 

You believe that black people don't have the same job opportunities. And how would you like to fix this? Every business in the US must allocate a certain percentage of jobs within their organisation exclusively for black people? And of course there must be roles set aside for females only. And gays. Can't exclude muslims. Asians have to get a fair run. Lesbians, LBGTQRP's all need a fair run. Hispanics, Australians, Mongolians and Turks. Cats, dogs... polar bears. We need to set aside a role in each organisation for every race, gender and nationality regardless of whether they are suitable for the job or not. Great thinking. And not racist at all. 

I don't live in the US, but black people in the US are racially targeted for walking down the street? This is a common issue across the nation? And just double checking... white people feel safe in all "black neighbourhoods" in the US, right? Obviously, I don't live in the US so I don't know any of these things for sure, but you seem to be across it?

Sports! Very good point. Now that you mention it, I don't ever recall seeing a successful black American sports star. You're really gaining some good traction with your points here. 

You didn't mention it, but never seen a successful black musician or actor either. Definitely not ever a black president. 

Obviously I'm saying your points are daft as fuck. 

What do the successful black Americans do that the others can't or aren't allowed to do? What makes them so different? And what about all the unsuccessful piece of shit white people? We just forget about all of them and concentrate on the black people alone that don't quite make it? Fucking whites. Hate all the cunts so let them rot and let's concentrate on black equality.   

Anyway, that's it from me. 

I'm not saying there are not racist pieces of shit out there - both black, white and everything in-between. There are pieces of shit in every single walk of life. Always will be. You and your heroes cannot undo that - you just can't. But I truly think that you are just reading into the outrage and not allowing yourself one sensible self-produced thought in all of this. 

All you and your do-gooder idiot followers are doing is feeding this victim mentality and I honestly believe, just making things worse than they actually are. 

But you didn't read anyway, so it's done thank my lord and saviour jesus christ. 

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You wanted proof, heres proof, a lot more then anyone has provided to me to base any of their arguments on. Here ya go fellows, a couple brothas that get it, and their fucking hilarious. Please Watch.


Edited by Leykis101
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On 6/10/2020 at 6:12 PM, Dead Planet said:

I don't see the 'empathy for criminals' thing that you are talking about, personally I would be in favor of the death penalty returning for horendous crimes...


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3 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

You wanted proof, heres proof, a lot more then anyone has provided to me to base any of their arguments on. Here ya go fellows, a couple brothas that get it, and their fucking hilarious. Please Watch.


Pretty compelling stuff.
Interesting to see a different POV.

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5 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

You wanted proof, heres proof, a lot more then anyone has provided to me to base any of their arguments on. Here ya go fellows, a couple brothas that get it, and their fucking hilarious. Please Watch.


Very good. Sad as fuck about the kid in the car... but interesting video. I would love for Glen and all his lemmings to take a look in at that one. 

2 hours ago, kourosofsteel3 said:


You don't agree with the death penalty? You're happy for the most horrendous of criminals to continue living, and often be let back into society... something they've ensured their victims will never do?

If I could change one thing about the justice system right now, it would be that the death penalty was used everywhere for fitting crimes. 

1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

Pretty compelling stuff.
Interesting to see a different POV.

And for anyone with half a brain you know this is much closer to where things are actually at, but try convincing hordes of outraged morons. :(

As evidenced in posts I made above, anything I mentioned about another side to the story was completely ignored by Glen. And sadly they're all the same. They're just so focused on this moronic outrage that facts and both sides of the story don't matter to them as it undoes all their stupid thinking. Very sad. 

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It's really sad that in today's society, it's very hard to have a discussion about issues like this.
It all really started with global warming, that's when the whole "you better be in line with my over the top PC comments of I'll destroy you" mentality kicked in.
I had a discussion with my daughter about this tonight.
She has a different POV to me, very different, but we listened to each other, accepted some of each others points, it got a bit heated at times, but in the end we slid a little to each other's POV's and left the conversation and moved on.

If Leykis hasn't been branded racist either here or somewhere else I'd be very surprised.
I don't think he is, and I take the time to read his points.
I also read Glen's. I don't think Glen has been brainwashed, but he is certainly right at one end of the argument.

I generally couldn't be bothered expressing what I think.
Who needs to argue online? What will it change?

In a nutshell I'll come back to generational change.
It will take time, end of story.
I don't want to comment on USA protests etc, as mentioned, it is not my business.

But locally, how many of the thousands of people protesting Aboriginal injustice in Australia will still be doing so in a month?
For how many more rounds will AFL players get down on one knee.
And when they stop, does that mean they are withdrawing their passionate support?

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58 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

It all really started with global warming, that's when the whole "you better be in line with my over the top PC comments of I'll destroy you" mentality kicked in.


The 1st recorded attack on global warning was in 1989, during the year when the  Berlin Wall fall , Warsaw Pact had fallen apart, Soviet Union was disintegrating and the end of the cold war was in sight (still hair/glam metal was going strong, though, lol). And started not from the ones, I suppose, you were thinking of.


Soon, all those war hawks/cold warriors  would be left in the footnotes  of the history. But no! They decided to fight on, finding the new enemy in environmentalists. Always that black or white mindset.  Of course, the hilarious thing was that they initially  didn't choose to attack global warming ( the scientists bringing the matter to public awareness). Instead they blamed the sun! 


Read the book, it''s funny  and with  a hooky title "Global Warning: Whats Does The Science Tell Us?". The authors are the  same people  from the George Marshall Institute which   was  getting massive   financial support from oil companies.  Before that they were the major defenders  of tobacco industries in matters related to smoking and cancer. 



"The George C. Marshall Institute (GMI) was a nonprofit conservative think tank in the United States.[2] It was established in 1984 with a focus on science and public policy issues and was initially active mostly in the area of defense policy. Since the late 1980s, the Institute put forward environmental skepticism views, and in particular has promoted fringe views regarding the scientific consensus on climate change.[3] The think tank received extensive financial support from oil companies.[3]"




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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

Very good. Sad as fuck about the kid in the car... but interesting video. I would love for Glen and all his lemmings to take a look in at that one. 

You don't agree with the death penalty? You're happy for the most horrendous of criminals to continue living, and often be let back into society... something they've ensured their victims will never do?

If I could change one thing about the justice system right now, it would be that the death penalty was used everywhere for fitting crimes. 

And for anyone with half a brain you know this is much closer to where things are actually at, but try convincing hordes of outraged morons. :(

As evidenced in posts I made above, anything I mentioned about another side to the story was completely ignored by Glen. And sadly they're all the same. They're just so focused on this moronic outrage that facts and both sides of the story don't matter to them as it undoes all their stupid thinking. Very sad. 

  Would you hold the same opinion if the suspect of a murder was a dearest member of your family? 

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11 minutes ago, kourosofsteel3 said:

  Would you hold the same opinion if the suspect of a murder was a dearest member of your family? 

I can honestly say that I have complete confidence that the people in my family would not be in that situation, so to answer your question - yes, I am happy for all horrendous humans to be deleted. 

I've touched on this a few times in this thread. This world is dramatically overpopulated, yet, as humans, our main aim seems to be to keep everyone alive. It's nice, for good people. But people complain about overcrowded prisons and repeat offenders etc... there's a very simple solution to that. A really simple one.

Same question I asked Glen (which he obviously ignored like the rest of it) - you obviously feel great empathy for violent criminals. Do you feel the same empathy for their dead victims and the families of their dead victims? 

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  • My Little Pony
3 hours ago, Geoff said:

Very good. Sad as fuck about the kid in the car... but interesting video. I would love for Glen and all his lemmings to take a look in at that one. 

I'm always open to hearing the "other side." But I want facts, and not just conjecture and hypotheticals. So I appreciate that video. 

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  • My Little Pony
3 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

It's really sad that in today's society, it's very hard to have a discussion about issues like this.

Ain't that the fucking truth! Why is everyone's default reaction to get mad? 

I'm always very skeptical about all information I receive. I'm open to accepting some "conspiracy theories" as truth. But I also have a lot of PoC friends/family, and I see how they're directly affected by racism. So I naturally lean to their side. 

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all Ive been trying to say from the start, was all the shit your seeing on TV is not what is really happening, it's been so slanted that nobody gets the true story unless they go search for it, Ive been branded racist, lost my twitter account, and thrown in FB jail, for telling the truth, I don't care, all Asians are racist, lol, it's just getting old, this is not how we live in the US, it's not what I think about my black brothers, it's what I think of anyone, who is a drag on society, regardless of race, and I do love anyone who shows up and just try's, doesn't even matter if they fail, win or lose, if they just try, and trying isn't in the cards for alot of americans, they are entitled,

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Got some other footage coming your never going to see on the news, how about some fed up motherfuckers who have had it with Antifa?




A few years ago Antifa shows up at a Trump rally, must suck constantly getting the fuck kicked out of you.


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And to those calling Trump all sorts of shit because of what he said about Martin Cugino being thrown to the ground in Buffalo, OAN did an investigation into that poor elderly man who was manhandled by the cops, but you aint gonna see it on the networks.


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4 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

And to those calling Trump all sorts of shit because of what he said about Martin Cugino being thrown to the ground in Buffalo, OAN did an investigation into that poor elderly man who was manhandled by the cops, but you aint gonna see it on the networks.


 One America is so far to the right that Trump chooses them over Fox these days....I don't pay attention to them or the left wing news outlets...

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So where do you look to challenge the far left of the rest of the media? see how it works, you gotta know all they do is expose each other, I looked around, there's nothing anyone has done to disprove this story, all they've done is talk shit on it, if your just gonna follow the American news, I guess that's your prerogative, did you ever think it's so far right, cause the rest of the media is so far left, i aint no right winger, I just call it as I see it, and this shits flooding and distorting the world view, and you think this was just some sweet old guy, who walked up to the police, clearly in the video, sorry anyone with half a brain knows you walk up to a rattlesnake and fuck with it, your gonna get bit, common sense man.

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22 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

So where do you look to challenge the far left of the rest of the media? see how it works, you gotta know all they do is expose each other, I looked around, there's nothing anyone has done to disprove this story, all they've done is talk shit on it, if your just gonna follow the American news, I guess that's your prerogative, did you ever think it's so far right, cause the rest of the media is so far left, i aint no right winger, I just call it as I see it, and this shits flooding and distorting the world view, and you think this was just some sweet old guy, who walked up to the police, clearly in the video, sorry anyone with half a brain knows you walk up to a rattlesnake and fuck with it, your gonna get bit, common sense man.

I think the guy was an idiot...getting in the face of a group of cops in riot gear advancing like that...but there is no evidence that he was anything more than an idiot....

As far as the news outlets are concerned, I'll admit that it is a problem finding a unbiased source or at least a source that gives both sides of an issue fair treatment...I watch CNN, BBC and several Canadian news channels and I read a lot online...I never rely on any one source...CNN is still a good source for info as long as you realize that the talking heads are liberal and as a result the opinions lean to the left...

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8 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I think the guy was an idiot...getting in the face of a group of cops in riot gear advancing like that...but there is no evidence that he was anything more than an idiot....

As far as the news outlets are concerned, I'll admit that it is a problem finding a unbiased source or at least a source that gives both sides of an issue fair treatment...I watch CNN, BBC and several Canadian news channels and I read a lot online...I never rely on any one source...CNN is still a good source for info as long as you realize that the talking heads are liberal and as a result the opinions lean to the left...

so dont you take some from the right, and the left, then balance it out somewhere in the middle?

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8 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

so dont you take some from the right, and the left, then balance it out somewhere in the middle?

Yes as long as they are not too far to the right because then all you get is propaganda, conspiracy theories and pure bullshit...this applies to the far left as well....bottom line, always question everything you hear and read.....

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