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Rage Of Angels - Dreamworld


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Escape Music will release the debut Rage Of Angels album in Europe on February 22, 2013. For fans of powerful classic AOR with an edge - this is one to watch!


Rage Of Angels is the brainchild of original Ten keyboard player Ged Rylands,who played on their first three studio albums and the double live CD 'Never Say Goodbye'.


Ged Rylands: All guitars, keyboards and backing vocals

Additional Guitars: Martin Kronlund

Drums: Pera Johanssen

Bass: Michael Carlsson







1. Dreamworld

vocals: Matti Alfonzetti (Impera, Red White and Blues, Jagged Edge), lead guitar : Neil Fraser (Ten)


2. See You Walking By

vocals: Harry Hess (Harem Scarem, lead guitar: Neil Fraser (Ten)


3. Through It All

vocals: Robert Hart (Bad Company), lead guitar: Neil Fraser (Ten)


4. Over and Over

vocals: Danny Vaughn (Tyketto), lead guitar: Neil Fraser (Ten)


5. Prelude for the Gods (instrumental)


6. Falling

vocals: Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear), lead guitar: Neil Fraser (Ten)


7. The Beating of Your Heart

vocals: David Reed Watson, lead guitar: Tommy Denander)


8. Spinnin Wheel

vocals: Danny Vaughn (Tyketto), lead guitar: Neil Fraser (Ten)


9. Requiem for the Forgotten Soldier

lead guitars: Ralph Santolla (Deicide, Obituary, Iced Earth) Martin Kronlud (Lover Under Cover, Reece Kronlund), Vinny Burns ( Ten, Asia, Ultravox), Xander Demos.


10. We Live, We Breathe, We Die

vocals: Robert Hart ( Bad Company), lead guitar: Vinny Burns (Ten, Asia, Ultravox).

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Wasnt there already a band called Rage Of Angels? a Christian band? or is this the same band?

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It's awesome, or so I've heard from a very reliable source ;-)


Are you in the band? ;) Explain oneself.


And yeah, Cody, when I saw the thread titleI thought it was the band from the 80's being resurrected, just like their lord and saviour Jesus Christ resurrected himself for them so they could make music in the first place. Don't credit the band for how good that CD is. Credit Jesus.

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It's awesome, or so I've heard from a very reliable source ;-)


Are you in the band? ;) Explain oneself.


And yeah, Cody, when I saw the thread titleI thought it was the band from the 80's being resurrected, just like their lord and saviour Jesus Christ resurrected himself for them so they could make music in the first place. Don't credit the band for how good that CD is. Credit Jesus.

It is the heavenly father responsible for the 80's band and their rocking album that is next to impossible for me to find on disc, but hey, I got the tape which is a killer tape, but I guess this isnt the same band, so i shouldnt be plugging them on this thread, but I would like to know more about this band, and maybe find the other R.O.A. band on disc(hint hint)

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  • 1 month later...

Pompous, overlong CD to put it in a couple of words. Irritating, annoying and stupid are three more words.


On the positive side, aside from the ballads (and the interlude and the instrumental), it's a damn good album. Almost. Technically, they're excellent melodic rock songs. BUT! And when I say but, I mean BUT! There is no reason in the world any of these songs should clock in at over 4mins. Okay, maybe a few could be 4 and a half minutes, but this disc annoys this shit out of me and it will do the same to many people who hear it. Who wins, and what is achieved by dragging songs out longer than they need to be? It just makes me angry.


Like I said, 6 of the songs are very good and hopefully in the long run it overshadows my issues with the disc. Some real good hooks... very nicely played and some delicious harmonies etc. 'See You Walking By' is my early fave - what a hook. Shame there's only 6 out of 10 worthwhile songs, though.

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Pompous, overlong CD to put it in a couple of words. Irritating, annoying and stupid are three more words.


On the positive side, aside from the ballads (and the interlude and the instrumental), it's a damn good album. Almost. Technically, they're excellent melodic rock songs. BUT! And when I say but, I mean BUT! There is no reason in the world any of these songs should clock in at over 4mins. Okay, maybe a few could be 4 and a half minutes, but this disc annoys this shit out of me and it will do the same to many people who hear it. Who wins, and what is achieved by dragging songs out longer than they need to be? It just makes me angry.


Like I said, 6 of the songs are very good and hopefully in the long run it overshadows my issues with the disc. Some real good hooks... very nicely played and some delicious harmonies etc. 'See You Walking By' is my early fave - what a hook. Shame there's only 6 out of 10 worthwhile songs, though.

100% agree. Really good songs, but WAY too long!!!
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not getting into this like i'd hoped, fuck maybe im just way to hard on music? but I cant very well pick what I like and dont like, I either like something(I.e. H.E.A.T. - Hit The Lights) or I dont ie New Shakra, - This album? so you tell me? either way I just got this so maybe i'll change my tune, but theres nothing like hearing an album and loving it the first listen. seems it never really happens that way, but when it does I cherish it.

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Pompous, overlong CD to put it in a couple of words. Irritating, annoying and stupid are three more words.


On the positive side, aside from the ballads (and the interlude and the instrumental), it's a damn good album. Almost. Technically, they're excellent melodic rock songs. BUT! And when I say but, I mean BUT! There is no reason in the world any of these songs should clock in at over 4mins. Okay, maybe a few could be 4 and a half minutes, but this disc annoys this shit out of me and it will do the same to many people who hear it. Who wins, and what is achieved by dragging songs out longer than they need to be? It just makes me angry.


Like I said, 6 of the songs are very good and hopefully in the long run it overshadows my issues with the disc. Some real good hooks... very nicely played and some delicious harmonies etc. 'See You Walking By' is my early fave - what a hook. Shame there's only 6 out of 10 worthwhile songs, though.


Yeah 'See You Walking By' is great, and to be honest I don't mind the outro, but it would be better if it faded out (quickly) at 4.30 max.


The only rocker which (just about) justifies its length is 'Through It All' which is another goodie.


I like the Vaughan song, but is that vocal a bit weak?? Strange for him cos normally he sounds great. Again 6 mins 40 for this song is ridiculous.... it should be at least 2 mins shorter!


For me the real classic tune is 'With The Beating Of Your Heart' which is a very cool ballad with an absolute killer solo.....which somehow reminded me of early Marillion (kind of classic Chelsea Monday sound)......Jez will know what I mean.


Spinnin Wheel is an odd song. When it finally gets to the chorus its pretty good, the solo is pretty nice too, but man those keys sound horrible. Ouch....and at 8 mins long......wtf.


The final song is another nice ballad, reflective lyrics, a cool vocal from Hart and a nice outro....a bit too meandering for my taste.


Overall I think this album will grow on me massively and turn out to be pretty good, but it could have been sooooo much better. Shorter songs, and a few more songs lol. At the end of the day when you take away the (pointless) instrumentals you only really have about 6 or 7 songs to get your teeth into.........10 songs and 2 instr would have been far more acceptable.


Hey ho.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Spun this a few more times and I gotta say the song lengths just kill it for me. I rated it pretty high but the playability over and over again of this thing is not good. I end up skipping most the songs around the 4min mark and that just irritates me and makes me angry at the album, despite a decent rating for the actual tunes. I just don't think this has any replay value. Not when you can play two better albums in the same time it takes to play this one.

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  • 1 month later...

Most of the samples sound awesome to me ... but I don't like this Danny Vaughn track much. Plus the samples are quiet short, so maybe Geoff's right about the length of the tunes ...


This one sounds much better than the track posted above, imo:


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Revisit this once again and definitely better than the first two spins, but of course the length of some songs set the score back significantly and with one short instrumental track and one experimental guitar tunes, this album should be supplied with perhaps two more killer tracks to gain a more respectable score. As I stated earlier, the strongest track here is the Hess tune, 'See You Walking By', and followed by Robert Hart's 'Through It All' and Danny Vaughn's 'Over and Over'.


The first track with Alfonzetti has the potential but they need to cut the last 2 minutes off it, I also like Ralf Scheepers track, but don't understand how they drag the last 4 tracks to over 7 minutes. Great singers and rhythm section is strong, but replay value is quite low, such a shame, could be a great project, but still damn good album I guess.



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Revisit this once again and definitely better than the first two spins, but of course the length of some songs set the score back significantly and with one short instrumental track and one experimental guitar tunes, this album should be supplied with perhaps two more killer tracks to gain a more respectable score. As I stated earlier, the strongest track here is the Hess tune, 'See You Walking By', and followed by Robert Hart's 'Through It All' and Danny Vaughn's 'Over and Over'.


The first track with Alfonzetti has the potential but they need to cut the last 2 minutes off it, I also like Ralf Scheepers track, but don't understand how they drag the last 4 tracks to over 7 minutes. Great singers and rhythm section is strong, but replay value is quite low, such a shame, could be a great project, but still damn good album I guess.




Love 'Through It All'; it's on the sampler CD from the recent issue of 'Fireworks' and is a cracking tune. I think I'll end up downloading 'Requiem for the Forgotten Soldier' and 'We Live, We Breathe, We Die', which sound like the best songs to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This still annoys me and I only play a few of the songs, but there really is some good stuff here. Such a shame about the length of the songs. Bands should never underestimate the strength of harmony vocals. They are splendid on this CD and turn a couple of strong choruses into absolutely amazing choruses. 'Falling,' for instance, is a pretty normal song, but the backing/vocals in the chorus are a delight. Really make the whole song.


The CD has faults, and big ones, but it's also got some great features.

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  • 1 year later...

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