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Europe - Bag of Bones


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Unlike most others on this site, I really did not enjoy 'Last Look At Eden', so I think I'll steer well clear of this.


Whatman?! Who the hell else did like that album? :lol:


I didn't think anyone did... because it is crap. ;)


I'll spin this for sure, but I'm sure I'll be as bored with it as I am with the last 3.


My mistake, I thought most people liked it. It certainly had some glowing reviews.

Really? I'd never have guessed. I actually can't really remember what people said about it, and my sole reference for music is this website, but I thought it was (rightfully) quite poorly received. But outside this site, who knows, you might be right, mate.


But it was shit. ;)


All reviews i read were saying it was great and in a more classic rock vein and the new seems to be getting the same type of reviews.

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Just as I have said a million times, I will take Stark From The Dark over anything they did early. This album is great as well, as usual. Last Look At Eden was excellent as well. This band can do no wrong and they sound much more relavent these days. Norum's tuned down crunchy guitar sound is freakin great!

The guitars don't sound 'Down Tuned' to me.

Some people make it appear that Europe have gone grunge!



The words grunge never came out of my mouth as I am not a fan of grunge, but yes, the guitars have been tuned down since Stark. And it's a good thing, not a bad thing.


Yeah Norum admitted he tuned them down on "SFTD", as all modern bands were (and are) doing it to make the music sound more organic and heavier. He's still a killer guitarist and the last two albums have had a big/powerful classic rock sound. I think my problem is with Tempest. His high-pitched scandi vocals sound a little odd when mixed with bluesy classic rock. It also sounded odd on "SFTD" and "Secret Society". He's an amazing vocalist, but is more suited to MR IMHO and they should've got a Glenn Hughes or maybe JLT in for these last 2 discs and just made them Norum solo discs...


Poppycock! :lol: The problem is Tempest?! Wash that handsome mouth of yours out with urine immediately. He's the only thing that's kept this band worth hearing for the last 3 albums - seriously. He is an amazing vocalist (and good lyricist) and the rest of the band should be trying to fit in with him, not the other way round.


To each their own, but to me Norum is this only real issue this band has had since their "return." I listen to a billion modern rock bands and no good ones have their guitars sounding like this, which is shameful considering he's 100 times the guitarist that any of them are. He took the down tuning too far and never really looked like rectifying it. :(


Yeah but that's kinda my point. Why doesn't Norum just stay a solo artist and use a more suitable singer? Maybe let Tempest keep the Europe name, and get Marcello in, if he's gonna stay in the MR style. Since "SFTD" the band has radically changed direction (a few times) and sound nothing like they used to, and Tempest just doesn't suit this style at all. Of course he's an amazing singer, but him singing Bluesy Classic Rock is like having Goran Edman or Jim Jidhed take over from Coverdale to sing for Whitesnake.

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Just as I have said a million times, I will take Stark From The Dark over anything they did early. This album is great as well, as usual. Last Look At Eden was excellent as well. This band can do no wrong and they sound much more relavent these days. Norum's tuned down crunchy guitar sound is freakin great!

The guitars don't sound 'Down Tuned' to me.

Some people make it appear that Europe have gone grunge!



The words grunge never came out of my mouth as I am not a fan of grunge, but yes, the guitars have been tuned down since Stark. And it's a good thing, not a bad thing.


Yeah Norum admitted he tuned them down on "SFTD", as all modern bands were (and are) doing it to make the music sound more organic and heavier. He's still a killer guitarist and the last two albums have had a big/powerful classic rock sound. I think my problem is with Tempest. His high-pitched scandi vocals sound a little odd when mixed with bluesy classic rock. It also sounded odd on "SFTD" and "Secret Society". He's an amazing vocalist, but is more suited to MR IMHO and they should've got a Glenn Hughes or maybe JLT in for these last 2 discs and just made them Norum solo discs...


Poppycock! :lol: The problem is Tempest?! Wash that handsome mouth of yours out with urine immediately. He's the only thing that's kept this band worth hearing for the last 3 albums - seriously. He is an amazing vocalist (and good lyricist) and the rest of the band should be trying to fit in with him, not the other way round.


To each their own, but to me Norum is this only real issue this band has had since their "return." I listen to a billion modern rock bands and no good ones have their guitars sounding like this, which is shameful considering he's 100 times the guitarist that any of them are. He took the down tuning too far and never really looked like rectifying it. :(


Yeah but that's kinda my point. Why doesn't Norum just stay a solo artist and use a more suitable singer? Maybe let Tempest keep the Europe name, and get Marcello in, if he's gonna stay in the MR style. Since "SFTD" the band has radically changed direction (a few times) and sound nothing like they used to, and Tempest just doesn't suit this style at all. Of course he's an amazing singer, but him singing Bluesy Classic Rock is like having Goran Edman or Jim Jidhed take over from Coverdale to sing for Whitesnake.


I think they started with that 'bluesy classic rock' sound around the time of Prisoners in Paradise. I saw them at Milton Keynes (?) that year and their set sounded very similar to the albums they are putting out now. Often using a Hammond organ type sound in the background. It is nothing new.

Actually 'the blues' makes me vomit! Europe certainly have a hint of blues about them but many bands do. Classic Rock? Downtuned? It's a pretty good blend whatever it is.

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Just as I have said a million times, I will take Stark From The Dark over anything they did early. This album is great as well, as usual. Last Look At Eden was excellent as well. This band can do no wrong and they sound much more relavent these days. Norum's tuned down crunchy guitar sound is freakin great!

The guitars don't sound 'Down Tuned' to me.

Some people make it appear that Europe have gone grunge!



The words grunge never came out of my mouth as I am not a fan of grunge, but yes, the guitars have been tuned down since Stark. And it's a good thing, not a bad thing.


Yeah Norum admitted he tuned them down on "SFTD", as all modern bands were (and are) doing it to make the music sound more organic and heavier. He's still a killer guitarist and the last two albums have had a big/powerful classic rock sound. I think my problem is with Tempest. His high-pitched scandi vocals sound a little odd when mixed with bluesy classic rock. It also sounded odd on "SFTD" and "Secret Society". He's an amazing vocalist, but is more suited to MR IMHO and they should've got a Glenn Hughes or maybe JLT in for these last 2 discs and just made them Norum solo discs...


Poppycock! :lol: The problem is Tempest?! Wash that handsome mouth of yours out with urine immediately. He's the only thing that's kept this band worth hearing for the last 3 albums - seriously. He is an amazing vocalist (and good lyricist) and the rest of the band should be trying to fit in with him, not the other way round.


To each their own, but to me Norum is this only real issue this band has had since their "return." I listen to a billion modern rock bands and no good ones have their guitars sounding like this, which is shameful considering he's 100 times the guitarist that any of them are. He took the down tuning too far and never really looked like rectifying it. :(


Yeah but that's kinda my point. Why doesn't Norum just stay a solo artist and use a more suitable singer? Maybe let Tempest keep the Europe name, and get Marcello in, if he's gonna stay in the MR style. Since "SFTD" the band has radically changed direction (a few times) and sound nothing like they used to, and Tempest just doesn't suit this style at all. Of course he's an amazing singer, but him singing Bluesy Classic Rock is like having Goran Edman or Jim Jidhed take over from Coverdale to sing for Whitesnake.


Yes, one thing that's been bugging me is that the whole modern down-tuned thing is surely Norum's idea, but why did all of the members submit everything to him? If you remember the rest 3 EUROPE members were once in LAST AUTUMN'S DREAM in 2003-2004 before their reunion, so basically they're a big fan of melodic rock of course because nothing's modern about LAD's debut at all.


Tempest, probably he's into the bluesy thing a bit, I know he's a big fan of WHITESNAKE too especially the early years, but I guess it'll be better to combine their MHR/AOR thing with a little bit bluesy, okay if you want to throw down couple of heavy down-tuned tunes, everyone got their proportion and I think every type of fans will be happy, either the old heavy metal fans, the AOR era fans, and the modern days.

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"Not Supposed to Sing the Blues" – 5:13

"Firebox" – 3:46

"Bag of Bones" – 5:31

"My Woman My Friend" – 4:25

"Doghouse" – 3:58

"Bring It All Home" – 3:39


Those are the songs I like from BAG OF BONES.

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This new album is bland at best...


I agree. I was listening to this yesterday and I can honestly say that this doesn't impress me at all. It sounds way too modern for me and in some instances I was thinking it sounded similar to Alice in Chains. Why can't we have a Europe album that's like their first five albums?

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This new album is bland at best...


I agree. I was listening to this yesterday and I can honestly say that this doesn't impress me at all. It sounds way too modern for me and in some instances I was thinking it sounded similar to Alice in Chains. Why can't we have a Europe album that's like their first five albums?

Because they are grown men and more mature now, and as artist they need to grow. Or some BULLSHIT like that!

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This new album is bland at best...


I agree. I was listening to this yesterday and I can honestly say that this doesn't impress me at all. It sounds way too modern for me and in some instances I was thinking it sounded similar to Alice in Chains. Why can't we have a Europe album that's like their first five albums?

Because they are grown men and more mature now, and as artist they need to grow. Or some BULLSHIT like that!


Honestly, you should've done their press release for them. :)

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This new album is bland at best...


I agree. I was listening to this yesterday and I can honestly say that this doesn't impress me at all. It sounds way too modern for me and in some instances I was thinking it sounded similar to Alice in Chains. Why can't we have a Europe album that's like their first five albums?




Because then I won't buy it ;)


And the Alice in Chains comment is too funny, lol.

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This new album is bland at best...


I agree. I was listening to this yesterday and I can honestly say that this doesn't impress me at all. It sounds way too modern for me and in some instances I was thinking it sounded similar to Alice in Chains. Why can't we have a Europe album that's like their first five albums?

Because they are grown men and more mature now, and as artist they need to grow. Or some BULLSHIT like that!


Honestly, you should've done their press release for them. :)

Speaking of Press Releases, I just read the one for the new Queensryche release Dedicated to Chaos. You can basically take out the name and insert any other 80's band that is still plugging along today:


<insert new album name> is the sound of <insert name of 80's band trying to stay relevant> marching forward artistically, philosophically and sonically. Their commitment to their craft is unwavering. Their ability to challenge themselves and create new soundscapes is unparalleled in hard rock. In an era when bands will sacrifice audio quality to crank out records, <insert new album name> is a true "headphones record." Features the single "<insert crappy new song>".
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For a brief period during the 80's, Europe were standing shoulder to shoulder with Bon Jovi.

Would you folks like Europe better if they had matured the same way as BJ?

Basically new Bon Jovi or new Europe?

Don't reply with neither! :)

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For a brief period during the 80's, Europe were standing shoulder to shoulder with Bon Jovi.

Would you folks like Europe better if they had matured the same way as BJ?

Basically new Bon Jovi or new Europe?

Don't reply with neither! :)


I'll answer you! I'd say yes. Seems to me like BJ have evolved as they've grown older whereas Europe have tried a few more modern styles to see which one suits, and have been more skittish. These days Europe are unrecognisable, even from the band that made "Start From the Dark" (which was a departure in itself). Bon Jovi still sound like Bon Jovi. Europe sound like a different band on every album. This is not a bad thing. "Last Look At Eden" was good, especially following the horse-shit that was "Secret Society", but the fact they keep changing styles just doesn't give them any authenticity at all. They probably think that "Bag Of Bones" is as good as Whitesnake's 1987, and Norum think he's John Sykes. Well he's not. And they're not. They're fakers IMO.

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I would say a strong hell no! Bon Jovi's last "solid" album was Bounce. It has been pure shit ever since. Europe has put out quality albums on every release.


I would have to disagree also that Europe were ever shoulder to shoulder with Bon Jovi. I would say they were never even close actually.

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The main difference between new BJ and Europe is that at least you still get at least 3-4 really great songs on any given BJ CD. I haven't heard a really great song on a Europe CD since the best of CD they released in 1992. Plenty of solid to decent ones, even some good ones. But a best of Bon Jovi since 1996 to now would be 80,000 times better than a best of Europe CD since 1996.


Oh, and Joey Tempest's voice would much more suit the direction BJ have taken.

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Would I prefer Europe returned to their old, their true sound? Hell, yes! But I still think they're a solid band despite all the new sounds they try out. They're just solid.


And it gets me solid. :P

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I like the "new" Europe. There are many good songs on each release especially SFTD.



Totally agree. SFTD is my favorite Europe album as I've said. Geoff, can you really name 3-4 songs on The Circle that were not complete poo? I doubt it...;)

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I would say a strong hell no! Bon Jovi's last "solid" album was Bounce. It has been pure shit ever since. Europe has put out quality albums on every release.


I would have to disagree also that Europe were ever shoulder to shoulder with Bon Jovi. I would say they were never even close actually.


Really? Surprised by that BJ comment. I actually thought HAND was much better than Bounce and indeed Crush truth be told. Lost Highway was admittedly a change in style but I liked at least half of it well enough. Not even heard The Circle so can't comment on that.

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The main difference between new BJ and Europe is that at least you still get at least 3-4 really great songs on any given BJ CD. I haven't heard a really great song on a Europe CD since the best of CD they released in 1992. Plenty of solid to decent ones, even some good ones. But a best of Bon Jovi since 1996 to now would be 80,000 times better than a best of Europe CD since 1996.


Oh, and Joey Tempest's voice would much more suit the direction BJ have taken.


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I would say a strong hell no! Bon Jovi's last "solid" album was Bounce. It has been pure shit ever since. Europe has put out quality albums on every release.


I would have to disagree also that Europe were ever shoulder to shoulder with Bon Jovi. I would say they were never even close actually.


Really? Surprised by that BJ comment. I actually thought HAND was much better than Bounce and indeed Crush truth be told. Lost Highway was admittedly a change in style but I liked at least half of it well enough. Not even heard The Circle so can't comment on that.



I love Crush, love it! And I really liked Bounce even though it had a few fillers. Anything after that has been patchy at best in my opinion. And the Circle was just awful.

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I like the "new" Europe. There are many good songs on each release especially SFTD.



Totally agree. SFTD is my favorite Europe album as I've said. Geoff, can you really name 3-4 songs on The Circle that were not complete poo? I doubt it...;)


I really like 'We weren't born to follow' and especially 'Loves the only rule.' But stuff like 'Fast cars' and 'Thorn in my side' were pretty good too. Speaking of BJ, I wonder if they'll record again anytime soon?


I agree with Glen that 'HAND' is the best of their recent discs and a damn good one at that.

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I like the "new" Europe. There are many good songs on each release especially SFTD.



Totally agree. SFTD is my favorite Europe album as I've said. Geoff, can you really name 3-4 songs on The Circle that were not complete poo? I doubt it...;)


I really like 'We weren't born to follow' and especially 'Loves the only rule.' But stuff like 'Fast cars' and 'Thorn in my side' were pretty good too. Speaking of BJ, I wonder if they'll record again anytime soon?


I agree with Glen that 'HAND' is the best of their recent discs and a damn good one at that.

Have A Nice Day is BJs best cd of late followed by Bounce then Crush then Lost Highway then the Circle.

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