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  • 2 weeks later...

Not keen, this is another band I don't really get. As if to prove that point, I prefer 'Sound Off' of the three, which is the one no one else likes. I think the only Tyketto song I've ever really liked is 'Forever Young' (and maybe 'Why Do You Cry'). Hey ho.

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Not keen, this is another band I don't really get. As if to prove that point, I prefer 'Sound Off' of the three, which is the one no one else likes. I think the only Tyketto song I've ever really liked is 'Forever Young' (and maybe 'Why Do You Cry'). Hey ho.

I'm like that with Dokken

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Hmmm, though 'Faithless' tune only really sounds decent at best to me. I really fear that I may end up with no interest at all in this CD. :(

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Hmmm, though 'Faithless' tune only really sounds decent at best to me. I really fear that I may end up with no interest at all in this CD. :(


That sounds about the best song too...

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  • My Little Pony

Hmmm, though 'Faithless' tune only really sounds decent at best to me. I really fear that I may end up with no interest at all in this CD. :(


That sounds about the best song too...


I haven't listened to any of those tracks, yet, but I want this to be the best album of the year so bad that I'm expecting it to fail my expectations.

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Hmmm, though 'Faithless' tune only really sounds decent at best to me. I really fear that I may end up with no interest at all in this CD. :(


That sounds about the best song too...


I haven't listened to any of those tracks, yet, but I want this to be the best album of the year so bad that I'm expecting it to fail my expectations.


I can't see that happening. I mean, I love their first 2 discs & Vaughn's own stuff, plus I loved the From the Inside stuff too (even the recent one), but this isn't as good IMO. Set the expectations low and you should be pleasantly surprised when the few good tracks kick-in...

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah, if it's a Vaughn solo album dressed up as a Tyketto album I have no interest.

I agree, but that is what it is sounding like.

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An absolute scorcher.


So here it is at long last the new album by the reformed (original line up) Tyketto. There was no little trepidation as I played this for the first time as it is for me the most exciting reformation of recent times. Recent history shows us that these things can go many different ways, The excellent Mr Big comeback, the rubbish Van Halen single trumped by a surprisingly excellent album, The brilliant but ultimately ignored Airrace, or the farcical…I give you the current Black Sabbath situation!


So what then has Danny, Brooke, Jaimie and Michael delivered here in 2012 a mere 21 years after the incredible debut that was Don’t Come Easy? Well I am both relieved and delighted to report that Dig In Deep is an absolute scorcher, from the misguiding Dream Theater like opening of Faithless it sails away on a sublime hook and chorus before giving way to Love to Love - not the UFO classic but equally deserving of note with a chunky riff and soaring melody that would have been at home on that distant debut classic.


Here’s Hoping It Hurts follows suit with a slightly funky but very commercial a la Bon Jovi style feel. The acoustic opening to Battle Lines perhaps gives a nod to Danny’s side job in the Ultimate Eagles with its laid back cruising feel and featuring a beautiful solo from Brooke St. James who then gets all Yngwie on us for the opening crescendo to The Fight Left Me which has Danny Vaughn in defiant mood and the band rolling behind in a stop start riff before another huge hook and chorus gives way to more guitar histrionics taking in some Latin grooves before rocking hard to the close.


Things ease off with the acoustic opening of Evaporate before the drums kick in and we are off on another classic romp with Danny asking ‘is there anybody that feels the way I do?’ I’m pretty sure there will be Mr Vaughn as this is fantastic stuff as the acoustic breakdown gives way to the full onslaught again and another future classic is created.


Monday eases in on a faintly countryish beat but with Danny’s voice soaring over the top and stabs of beauty from Brooke interspersing the verses a wistful but uplifting vocal and again I am singing along after only 2 or 3 listens. A potential single perhaps?




And so to the title track, a touch of Aerozep! With a rasping vocal and funky rhythm with a chanted chorus this is going to be a live favourite and has great ‘jam’ potential.


Next up Sound Off is vaguely reminiscent of Thunder’s Stand Up but again has enough variety in the mid-section to keep it interesting another probable live choice. Let This One Slide could be a direct lift from Don’t Come Easy, a mid-paced catchy rocker with another great chorus and super musicianship throughout. Which brings us to album closer This Is How We Say Goodbye. Acoustic and orchestrated, this is quite simply the most beautiful lyric/vocal Danny Vaughn has ever delivered, a hauntingly beautiful tale of love and devotion with the line ‘Family is what matters most of all’ echoing in my ears the song closes with its title and I find myself breathless. This is not just a throwaway ‘unplugged’ tag on at the end of the CD, this is what elevates an excellent comeback into a classic album that no Tyketto fan or fan of melodic rock in whatever form can afford to be without.


Tyketto are back and I hope sincerely that this is not how they say goodbye


Nikki Tylar

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this is what elevates an excellent comeback into a classic album that no Tyketto fan or fan of melodic rock in whatever form can afford to be without.


Tyketto are back and I hope sincerely that this is not how they say goodbye


Nikki Tylar


I kinda think they have already said goodbye. This is not really a Tyketto album, well not in the classic sense anyway. That's all fine and I wish them well, but I wish they'd re-packaged this one as we didn't need to get all the reunion hype that's come with it. A few good moments but just much too patchy IMO. I'd have preferred another FROM THE INSIDE disc...

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this is what elevates an excellent comeback into a classic album that no Tyketto fan or fan of melodic rock in whatever form can afford to be without.


Tyketto are back and I hope sincerely that this is not how they say goodbye


Nikki Tylar


I kinda think they have already said goodbye. This is not really a Tyketto album, well not in the classic sense anyway. That's all fine and I wish them well, but I wish they'd re-packaged this one as we didn't need to get all the reunion hype that's come with it. A few good moments but just much too patchy IMO. I'd have preferred another FROM THE INSIDE disc...

I agree about the "another from the inside comment".


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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't heard the whole thing yet, but I have to give the band and engineers a lot of credit and a big thank you for not squashing all of the dynamic range out this one. This sounds great, and in my opinion has plenty of "punch" if you simply turn up your volume knob. It's refreshing to hear while the Loudness War still rages on. Very few modern recordings sound this good.

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Hmmm, though 'Faithless' tune only really sounds decent at best to me. I really fear that I may end up with no interest at all in this CD. :(


I am probably going to just buy the MP3 from Amazon as oppose to getting the whole CD. I should have done that with a couple of releases I bought this year.


- Dairenn

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I've given it a few spins now. There appears to be too much acoustic guitar for me and not enough riffage!



But but but....I CAN"T HEAR ANY BASS GUITAR!!!


Is it my iTunes download that sucks or the production?


I was trying to put my finger on what was lacking! I put UFO's new one on straight after and wow...what a difference! UFO's is big punchy and warm.

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I've given it a few spins now. There appears to be too much acoustic guitar for me and not enough riffage!



But but but....I CAN"T HEAR ANY BASS GUITAR!!!


Is it my iTunes download that sucks or the production?


I was trying to put my finger on what was lacking! I put UFO's new one on straight after and wow...what a difference! UFO's is big punchy and warm.


I think the sound or production is good but my only complaint is it is a little to polite and not enough punch as others have said and as you said a litle too reliant on acoustic guitar. However there are some very good tunes and Danny sounds great and he brings it lyrically as always but it doesn't stand up to the first two but then again I didn't expect it would. I'm sure it will grow with more listens just as Danny's solo albums did.

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3rd spin in and its much better. I'd say half the songs are Tykettoesque and half are Vaughn type tunes. I turned it up really loud and sit in front of the speakers reading the lyrics. Not classic Tyketto but I'm still digging it. "Faithless" is a great tune and there are several others too and Brooke plays his ass off.

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