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A friend and I saw Firehouse w/ Far Cry 8/12/2011 ,Great Show!!! The new singer for Far Cry is ok,but Marks voice is really missed.

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A friend and I saw Firehouse w/ Far Cry 8/12/2011 ,Great Show!!! The new singer for Far Cry is ok,but Marks voice is really missed.



Hello Rocker!


Thanks for coming to the show. I hope you enjoyed yourself and hope to see you again at one of my shows/productions. Did we meet/talk by chance? Were you the one with the HIGH GEAR shirt up front ? Im sorry to hear you dont enjoy Mike in the main vocal spot. I agree Mark will be missed. However, we all must move fwd. I can see how some may be hesitant as Mark and Mike have somewhat differant vocal styles. With that said, Mike IS a monster singer in his own right and we promise he will sound great on the next album. Sometimes it takes some people a lil longer to warm up to change.



Thank you


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I think Mark is a phenomenal singer, but I actually think I like Mike Ledesma a little better, and I think he fits right in with the band. I haven't seen them in person, however, so I'm just going on the videos I've seen.


They've been fortunate to have had two fantastic singers.


They could stand to get a new lead guitarist, though...






Hi Pete! :D

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  • 3 years later...

Another discography I rated recently, and here's some results:


1. Firehouse - 1990 - 82
2. Hold Your Fire - 1992 - 79
3. 3 - 1995 - 70
4. Category 5 - 1998 - 69
5. Prime Time - 2003 - 66
6. O2 - 2000 - 65
Really surprising discography to really sit down and rate. I always thought 'Category 5' and 'Prime Time' were pretty good albums, but aside from a handful (about 5) really great songs on 'Category 5,' the rest is basically shit. And aside from the brilliant 'Perfect Lie' on 'Prime time,' that album is pretty shit too. Even their best albums didn't rate as highly as I thought due to several weaker songs. Anyway, when they were good they were good... no douting that.
Here's my top 10 songs from these guys:
1. All She Wrote
2. When I Look Into Your Eyes
3. Reach for the Sky
4. Perfect Lie
5. Overnight Sensation
6. Don't Treat Me Bad
7. Dream
8. I Live My Life For You
9. Home is Where the Heart Is
10. Helpless
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I recently went through their albums too. Loved them back in the day but i agree when they nail it they really nail it but when they don't they sound average.


My track picks are:

1. Firehouse – All She Wrote – Firehouse – 1990

2. Firehouse – Reach For The Sky – Hold Your Fire – 1992

3. Firehouse – Hold The Dream – Hold Your Fire – 1992

4. Firehouse – All She Wrote – Good Acoustics – 1996

5. Firehouse – Door To Door – Prime Time – 2003

6. Firehouse – Perfect Lie – Prime Time – 2003

7. Firehouse – Hold The Dream – Full Circle – 2011

8. Firehouse – All She Wrote – Full Circle – 2011

9. Firehouse – Reach For The Sky – Full Circle – 2011

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Another discography I rated recently, and here's some results:


1. Firehouse - 1990 - 82
2. Hold Your Fire - 1992 - 79
3. 3 - 1995 - 70
4. Category 5 - 1998 - 69
5. Prime Time - 2003 - 66
6. O2 - 2000 - 65
Really surprising discography to really sit down and rate. I always thought 'Category 5' and 'Prime Time' were pretty good albums, but aside from a handful (about 5) really great songs on 'Category 5,' the rest is basically shit. And aside from the brilliant 'Perfect Lie' on 'Prime time,' that album is pretty shit too. Even their best albums didn't rate as highly as I thought due to several weaker songs. Anyway, when they were good they were good... no douting that.
Here's my top 10 songs from these guys:
1. All She Wrote
2. When I Look Into Your Eyes
3. Reach for the Sky
4. Perfect Lie
5. Overnight Sensation
6. Don't Treat Me Bad
7. Dream
8. I Live My Life For You
9. Home is Where the Heart Is
10. Helpless


Ratings way too low my friend...

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Agree with Geoff, love the band but their albums are littered with fillers. This is probably why I go back often to Good Acoustics (and the missus digs it) and Full Circle.

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Another discography I rated recently, and here's some results:


1. Firehouse - 1990 - 82
2. Hold Your Fire - 1992 - 79
3. 3 - 1995 - 70
4. Category 5 - 1998 - 69
5. Prime Time - 2003 - 66
6. O2 - 2000 - 65
Really surprising discography to really sit down and rate. I always thought 'Category 5' and 'Prime Time' were pretty good albums, but aside from a handful (about 5) really great songs on 'Category 5,' the rest is basically shit. And aside from the brilliant 'Perfect Lie' on 'Prime time,' that album is pretty shit too. Even their best albums didn't rate as highly as I thought due to several weaker songs. Anyway, when they were good they were good... no douting that.
Here's my top 10 songs from these guys:
1. All She Wrote
2. When I Look Into Your Eyes
3. Reach for the Sky
4. Perfect Lie
5. Overnight Sensation
6. Don't Treat Me Bad
7. Dream
8. I Live My Life For You
9. Home is Where the Heart Is
10. Helpless


Ratings way too low my friend...



The ratings are actually spot on I dare say.


Always been an overrated band imo, especially live.


The debut has its moments but I can easily see my rating being around 80% - I'm due to rate this soon as its a 1990 release. In fact I might even rate it on the way home tonight and report back tomorrow.


And for the record I would say that 'All She Wrote' and 'Reach For The Sky' are the only 2 songs which even have a sniff at attaining a perfect 10.

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Another discography I rated recently, and here's some results:


1. Firehouse - 1990 - 82
2. Hold Your Fire - 1992 - 79
3. 3 - 1995 - 70
4. Category 5 - 1998 - 69
5. Prime Time - 2003 - 66
6. O2 - 2000 - 65
Really surprising discography to really sit down and rate. I always thought 'Category 5' and 'Prime Time' were pretty good albums, but aside from a handful (about 5) really great songs on 'Category 5,' the rest is basically shit. And aside from the brilliant 'Perfect Lie' on 'Prime time,' that album is pretty shit too. Even their best albums didn't rate as highly as I thought due to several weaker songs. Anyway, when they were good they were good... no douting that.
Here's my top 10 songs from these guys:
1. All She Wrote
2. When I Look Into Your Eyes
3. Reach for the Sky
4. Perfect Lie
5. Overnight Sensation
6. Don't Treat Me Bad
7. Dream
8. I Live My Life For You
9. Home is Where the Heart Is
10. Helpless


Ratings way too low my friend...



The ratings are actually spot on I dare say.


Always been an overrated band imo, especially live.


The debut has its moments but I can easily see my rating being around 80% - I'm due to rate this soon as its a 1990 release. In fact I might even rate it on the way home tonight and report back tomorrow.


And for the record I would say that 'All She Wrote' and 'Reach For The Sky' are the only 2 songs which even have a sniff at attaining a perfect 10.


Really? I've seen them live five times and they are better live than on their albums. Much heavier band live.

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Here is what I would rate them as a fan:


1. Firehouse - 1990 - 100

2. Hold Your Fire - 1992 - 90
3. 3 - 1995 - 85
4. Category 5 - 1998 - 83
5. Prime Time - 2003 - 88
6. O2 - 2000 - 80
Full Circle just sucked. I'd rather here new music...
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I've seen lots of bad reviews of Full Circle but i loved it. It sounded like they enjoyed recording it which came through in the vibe of the tunes.

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Here is what I would rate them as a fan:


1. Firehouse - 1990 - 100

2. Hold Your Fire - 1992 - 90
3. 3 - 1995 - 85
4. Category 5 - 1998 - 83
5. Prime Time - 2003 - 88
6. O2 - 2000 - 80
Full Circle just sucked. I'd rather here new music...



Is that 88% for 'Prime time' based on a recent listen of the CD, or on a memory you have of it? 'Cause trust me, I thought it was okay too... but it's not. ;)

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  • My Little Pony




Here is what I would rate them as a fan:


1. Firehouse - 1990 - 100

2. Hold Your Fire - 1992 - 90

3. 3 - 1995 - 85

4. Category 5 - 1998 - 83

5. Prime Time - 2003 - 88

6. O2 - 2000 - 80

Full Circle just sucked. I'd rather here new music...


Is that 88% for 'Prime time' based on a recent listen of the CD, or on a memory you have of it? 'Cause trust me, I thought it was okay too... but it's not. ;)

I would have to listen to them again, because it's been a serious minute, but I'm not sure anything past Hold Your Fire would score higher than 80. Should I use your rating scale, of course.

The first two would be in the 90s, though.

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  • 2 years later...
  • My Little Pony

in my book a band that belongs to category "they had more than 2 albums????" I will research further..


Haha! Truu!


The other albums aren't bad, but they come nowhere near the greatness of those first two.

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CJ Snare interview at sleazeroxx is rather depressing



There is definitely a slightly bummed out tinge to the whole conversation. I am a huge Firehouse fan and living in Winnipeg I have wholehearted appreciation for the love they show the midwest as that is a region close enough for me to take a road trip to see them.


I get where Snare is coming from, it is a major grind and a huge commitment to take off touring and leave your family back home when you aren't being compensated for it like a Bon Jovi or Def Leppard. But that is the reality for almost every mid level act of any genre. Tens of thousands of bands wish they had the success and name recognition of Firehouse.


I mean, I get the point he is trying to get across; that he, too, is making sacrifices to put on a show for the fans but there is a huge difference between him travelling to put on a show and a fan travelling to see that show. He is being paid to do it. We, the fans, are not.


In fact, when you meet someone who says they drove hours to see you play chances are they are paying a helluva lot more than the cost of a ticket and a souvenir t shirt to be there. Gas, food, accommodations, unpaid holiday leave, caregiver costs if they are leaving kids behind and often times airfare as well. All to see an artist whose music has touched them in a way that makes them go out of their way to see them perform live.

At the end of the day, that doesn't pay the bills, I know, but there are an infinite number of things gnawing at our pay cheques as well so appreciate the fact that we are committing a tiny portion of our hard earned dollars to the Firehouse pay cheque.

My rant for the day. Awesome live act either way!

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Just saw Firehouse this past weekend so got the urge to comment on this....On a side note, it was a fantastic show they put on and forgot how much I really liked those first couple albums they did....CJ still sounds great.


Interesting read as I've been really wondering if Firehouse would consider hooking up with Frontiers for another album. It seems like it would be a great fit and with the little revival this scene has seem to had lately, it would also seem to be a good time for them to crank out a new album. I think with some decent song writing and Frontier's input they could put together a pretty solid album.


As someone that liked Firehouse myself, it annoys me a bit that these guys seem to have the time to do other projects like the Rubicon Cross thing (which I believe has a second album in process from a recent CJ interview I've heard)....And also think Leverty has done a solo album. CJ talks about there not being a big financial reward to doing albums anymore....Then why bother with these smaller projects that I'm sure didn't make anywhere near the money that a new Firehouse release could. I get that Rubicon Cross is different than Firehouse and maybe allows himself to express different desires....But a few of those songs could've been good Firehouse songs with some tweaking. And if the guys are so worried about putting their efforts where the money is, then concentrate on the band that has the name and pays the bills.


I'm not trying to bash CJ though. Frankly, I think this guy is probably one of the "nicest" guys in the business from all I've heard and seems like a total class act. And I'm sure what he's saying is probably true in terms of albums not making much money anymore and not having a big cost benefit.


I just don't think I'd be happy "settling" to be a pure nostalgia act if it were me. One saying I like is "If you're not moving forward, your moving backward". At the very least one would think they could do a new single or something. It isn't that tough to record something like that these days.


Frankly, I'm not sure I'll go see them again in concert. I mean, it's obvious all they want to do is show up, play the same songs and collect a paycheck. I've already seen their show now and no point really going again if I'm going to see the same thing I've already seen.


Along with Firehouse I also have to add I saw Warrant. I have to say I really enjoyed them with Robert Mason. They played a great set of old and new songs and I thought they did the old songs just fine. I give them a lot of credit for sticking it out and putting out this new album that really is pretty decent IMO. At least they're trying....Unlike Firehouse.

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Just saw Firehouse this past weekend so got the urge to comment on this....On a side note, it was a fantastic show they put on and forgot how much I really liked those first couple albums they did....CJ still sounds great.


Interesting read as I've been really wondering if Firehouse would consider hooking up with Frontiers for another album. It seems like it would be a great fit and with the little revival this scene has seem to had lately, it would also seem to be a good time for them to crank out a new album. I think with some decent song writing and Frontier's input they could put together a pretty solid album.


As someone that liked Firehouse myself, it annoys me a bit that these guys seem to have the time to do other projects like the Rubicon Cross thing (which I believe has a second album in process from a recent CJ interview I've heard)....And also think Leverty has done a solo album. CJ talks about there not being a big financial reward to doing albums anymore....Then why bother with these smaller projects that I'm sure didn't make anywhere near the money that a new Firehouse release could. I get that Rubicon Cross is different than Firehouse and maybe allows himself to express different desires....But a few of those songs could've been good Firehouse songs with some tweaking. And if the guys are so worried about putting their efforts where the money is, then concentrate on the band that has the name and pays the bills.


I'm not trying to bash CJ though. Frankly, I think this guy is probably one of the "nicest" guys in the business from all I've heard and seems like a total class act. And I'm sure what he's saying is probably true in terms of albums not making much money anymore and not having a big cost benefit.


I just don't think I'd be happy "settling" to be a pure nostalgia act if it were me. One saying I like is "If you're not moving forward, your moving backward". At the very least one would think they could do a new single or something. It isn't that tough to record something like that these days.


Frankly, I'm not sure I'll go see them again in concert. I mean, it's obvious all they want to do is show up, play the same songs and collect a paycheck. I've already seen their show now and no point really going again if I'm going to see the same thing I've already seen.


Along with Firehouse I also have to add I saw Warrant. I have to say I really enjoyed them with Robert Mason. They played a great set of old and new songs and I thought they did the old songs just fine. I give them a lot of credit for sticking it out and putting out this new album that really is pretty decent IMO. At least they're trying....Unlike Firehouse.





and many more need to get off their asses and make some new music instead of rehashed best offs and live albums

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