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I quite like it, then again, I was in the minority preferring the original cover on the classic Reckless album! :)

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but its clever, its not just an album cover with a circle on it, not directly atleast :P

I wouldn't say it's clever, but I also see nothing wrong with it. Just hoping this album is a great one.

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Its nothing to do with that, as they dont want Such back, its because Jon and the band want to keep him as a hired hand, meaning they only have to pay him as a session musician, meaning he does not get a share in any band royalties and record sales etc.

Hugh is probably quite happy with that as he has been a session musician for years, and he probably makes more money by doing this gig permanently, than he did hiring himself out to all and sundry.

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This is supposedly confirmed by Obie O'Brian as being the tracklisting:


We Weren't Born to Follow

When We Were Beautiful

Work for the Working Man

Superman Tonight


Thorn in My Side

Live Before You Die

Broken Promiseland

Love's the Only Rule

Fast Cars

Happy Now

Learn to Love

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The cover reminds me a little of this one:




Though I doubt it's intentional....

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  • My Little Pony
Hey, if Bon Jovi want a cover depicting them taking a leisurely stroll inside a giant ribbed condom, that's their right...


How long did it take you to think of that? I'm hoping all day.

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Hey, if Bon Jovi want a cover depicting them taking a leisurely stroll inside a giant ribbed condom, that's their right...

How long did it take you to think of that? I'm hoping all day.

90 seconds. When it comes to anything condom-related, 90 seconds is usually my average. I'm gifted like that. :P

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Hey, if Bon Jovi want a cover depicting them taking a leisurely stroll inside a giant ribbed condom, that's their right...

How long did it take you to think of that? I'm hoping all day.

90 seconds. When it comes to anything condom-related, 90 seconds is usually my average. I'm gifted like that. :P


That's what you girlfriend told me, so I can vouch for that. :D

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Hey, if Bon Jovi want a cover depicting them taking a leisurely stroll inside a giant ribbed condom, that's their right...

How long did it take you to think of that? I'm hoping all day.

90 seconds. When it comes to anything condom-related, 90 seconds is usually my average. I'm gifted like that. :P

That's what your girlfriend told me, so I can vouch for that. :D

Nice. Please don't tell my wife about my girlfriend.

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Okay, I'll admit, I've been VERY critical of Bon Jovi the past 17 years (save for a song here and there). In fact, I thought BORN TO FOLLOW sucked initially, but having heard it about a thoudsand times the past two weeks during the baseball playoffs I must say I'm digging it.


I only hope the rest of the album doesn't disappoint... I remember being VERY excited about IT'S MY LIFE about a decade ago, only to be brought back to earth by most of the other tracks.


We'll see... Being a Bon Jovi fan since 1985 (when I saw them open for RATT), and being perhaps the biggest SLIPPERY WHEN WET fan of all-time, I'll give the new album a fair shot before I throw it off a bridge (like I did with DESTINATION ANYWHERE... Honestly, it's at the bottom of the Columbia River right at the Oregon / Washington border if anyone is interested :) )

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Hey, if Bon Jovi want a cover depicting them taking a leisurely stroll inside a giant ribbed condom, that's their right...

How long did it take you to think of that? I'm hoping all day.

90 seconds. When it comes to anything condom-related, 90 seconds is usually my average. I'm gifted like that. :P

That's what your girlfriend told me, so I can vouch for that. :D

Nice. Please don't tell my wife about my girlfriend.


My lips are sealed ;)

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