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noob in the house


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Hi everybody,


BangerDave here.I'm 43 been into metal since 1975 when i got given Kiss Alive on tape for my 10th birthday,have not looked back since.


Love just about all forms of metal and classic rock.Commercial radio die,die,f**kin die,don't get me started on one of my tangents.


It's so great to find a site like this with like minded people as me.Came across this site as i have been trying to find traders with dvd and cdr on Angel and Starz,love these bands should of been house hold names.


I collect alot of pro shot,soundboard and audience recordings as well as alot of legit releases.


Once again hello metal dudes,thanks for having me here.

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Metal ?? ... you won't have many people to talk to here !!









... just joking, mate ! This place is full of metal freaks. Welcome, and enjoy your time ! :drink:

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Salutes and hoots, bangerdave. If you're lookin' for peeps to talk metal with, you're in the right place. :banger:

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I like pie.


I thought you liked cheese? :unsure:

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Oh yeah. Pie and cheese.


How do you feel about Eric Brittingham, by the way? I don't think we've ever established that.

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I thought he had the prettiest headband in all of Cinderella.






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Welcome! Ignore the water buffloes. They are pretty much harmless.


Except for :geoffadillos:



Oh by the way welcome to HH, this place is full of crazy people like Metal Jay and Jay Metal.


thanks for the warm welcome guys & crazy is good.all aboard the crazy train.



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