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Lonnie Holdaway and the Hurricane CD reissues scam

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There is nothing that could come out of Lonnie's mouth that I would believe, what is the old saying...."How do you know he is lying?, his lips move".....I truely hope Adriano, Georg and the rest of the folks here at HH get their money back, I really do....

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Lonnie/David/whoever was pretty darned adamant that everyone would have their refunds by this past Friday. We all see how that turned out.


Now I'm willing to believe that there are complications, delays, etc., but a truly "stand up" person wouldn't be spending their time breaking their arm patting themselves on the back for giving back the money he stole in the first place. A truly "stand up" person would have come here prior to the deadline and said "I'm running into a little difficulty so things may get delayed a bit. I've sent refunds to XXX, YYY, and ZZZZ, and the following people should get refunds by Saturday/Sunday: AAA, BBB, CCC..." (Actually a truly "stand up" person would have never ripped everyone off to begin with, but work with me here...)


Instead no explanation is forthcoming, just after-the-fact spinning to a few private individuals.


Once again Lonnie has an opportunity to somewhat redeem himself or at least show himself as trying to do the right thing, and blows it yet again.


Actions speak louder than words. I would not take a SINGLE word at face value.


So far a whopping two people here have received refunds. So Lonnie can hold those two people up as shining examples of his intent to do right, all the while screwing everyone else behind the scenes. Hmmm.... sounds familiar... at any rate this email doesn't mean dick.



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He truly sounds like he has no remorse. And, by what he says...you can see that the only party that he is concerned with is Paypal, and his response about getting a loan proves this........


Music By Mail was one of those companies that had a 'larger' order and you don't hear that they've been refunded either. He mentions Adriano and Georg. If he were so 'eager' to get everyone's money back to them, he would have sent out a 'bulk' email to the buyers telling them what occurred and what to expect in terms of a refund, etc. Has he done this????


Has Lonnie's 'attorney' pursued legal action against the 'Ramirez brothers'?? This is like OJ saying that he's going to pursue Nicole's and Ron Goldman's killer......hahaha And....if by some miracle, he is pursuing action, give us the lawyer's name and number so that those that have been victims can help with any information they may have in the case.

"Paypal knows it was not me who cleaned out the account" Do they really?? Why, because Lonnie told them so?? Haha...Paypal would have to know every name that was on that account in Memphis for them to 'know' that it was not 'him't Do you think that Paypal knows all of the entities that have access to my bank accounts??!!!! Hahaha....no way, Jose......


Here is where everyone who reads this email should notice.....watch how he tries to deflect all of this back onto Adriano..."but Adriano is such a standup guy or so he has everyone believing." THAT is the mark of a guilty individual who only has remorse for himself..........


Don't be fooled by the email.


I will stress again......do everything in your power to pursue action or you WILL NOT get your money back.


I wonder if his employer knows that he's frauded 10's of thousands of dollars on the internet. Just thinking out loud here..........

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Lonnie/David/whoever was pretty darned adamant that everyone would have their refunds by this past Friday. We all see how that turned out.


Now I'm willing to believe that there are complications, delays, etc., but a truly "stand up" person wouldn't be spending their time breaking their arm patting themselves on the back for giving back the money he stole in the first place. A truly "stand up" person would have come here prior to the deadline and said "I'm running into a little difficulty so things may get delayed a bit. I've sent refunds to XXX, YYY, and ZZZZ, and the following people should get refunds by Saturday/Sunday: AAA, BBB, CCC..." (Actually a truly "stand up" person would have never ripped everyone off to begin with, but work with me here...)


Instead no explanation is forthcoming, just after-the-fact spinning to a few private individuals.


Once again Lonnie has an opportunity to somewhat redeem himself or at least show himself as trying to do the right thing, and blows it yet again.


Actions speak louder than words. I would not take a SINGLE word at face value.


So far a whopping two people here have received refunds. So Lonnie can hold those two people up as shining examples of his intent to do right, all the while screwing everyone else behind the scenes. Hmmm.... sounds familiar... at any rate this email doesn't mean dick.






IMPRESSIVE post to say the least! A lot of FACTS on your post!

Fact #1-Everone should have their refunds by Friday (Didn't happen!)


Fact #2-A truely STAND UP person would have steped to the plate and handled this mess instead of coming up with the "car wreck story"


Fact #3-Lonnie has had a LOT of time here to redeem and salvage some of his reputation-Has he(hell no!)


Fact #4-As of this point Lonnie has established himself as a LIAR and a THEIF!!!

As a retired corrections shift commander there are (2) things I can't stand-LIARS and THIEVES


Excellent post Dan!!!

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Lonnie/David/whoever was pretty darned adamant that everyone would have their refunds by this past Friday. We all see how that turned out.


Now I'm willing to believe that there are complications, delays, etc., but a truly "stand up" person wouldn't be spending their time breaking their arm patting themselves on the back for giving back the money he stole in the first place. A truly "stand up" person would have come here prior to the deadline and said "I'm running into a little difficulty so things may get delayed a bit. I've sent refunds to XXX, YYY, and ZZZZ, and the following people should get refunds by Saturday/Sunday: AAA, BBB, CCC..." (Actually a truly "stand up" person would have never ripped everyone off to begin with, but work with me here...)


Instead no explanation is forthcoming, just after-the-fact spinning to a few private individuals.


Once again Lonnie has an opportunity to somewhat redeem himself or at least show himself as trying to do the right thing, and blows it yet again.


Actions speak louder than words. I would not take a SINGLE word at face value.


So far a whopping two people here have received refunds. So Lonnie can hold those two people up as shining examples of his intent to do right, all the while screwing everyone else behind the scenes. Hmmm.... sounds familiar... at any rate this email doesn't mean dick.






IMPRESSIVE post to say the least! A lot of FACTS on your post!

Fact #1-Everone should have their refunds by Friday (Didn't happen!)


Fact #2-A truely STAND UP person would have steped to the plate and handled this mess instead of coming up with the "car wreck story"


Fact #3-Lonnie has had a LOT of time here to redeem and salvage some of his reputation-Has he(hell no!)


Fact #4-As of this point Lonnie has established himself as a LIAR and a THEIF!!!

As a retired corrections shift commander there are (2) things I can't stand-LIARS and THIEVES


Excellent post Dan!!!

Well Put... :drink:

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He truly sounds like he has no remorse. And, by what he says...you can see that the only party that he is concerned with is Paypal, and his response about getting a loan proves this........


Music By Mail was one of those companies that had a 'larger' order and you don't hear that they've been refunded either. He mentions Adriano and Georg. If he were so 'eager' to get everyone's money back to them, he would have sent out a 'bulk' email to the buyers telling them what occurred and what to expect in terms of a refund, etc. Has he done this????


Has Lonnie's 'attorney' pursued legal action against the 'Ramirez brothers'?? This is like OJ saying that he's going to pursue Nicole's and Ron Goldman's killer......hahaha And....if by some miracle, he is pursuing action, give us the lawyer's name and number so that those that have been victims can help with any information they may have in the case.

"Paypal knows it was not me who cleaned out the account" Do they really?? Why, because Lonnie told them so?? Haha...Paypal would have to know every name that was on that account in Memphis for them to 'know' that it was not 'him't Do you think that Paypal knows all of the entities that have access to my bank accounts??!!!! Hahaha....no way, Jose......


Here is where everyone who reads this email should notice.....watch how he tries to deflect all of this back onto Adriano..."but Adriano is such a standup guy or so he has everyone believing." THAT is the mark of a guilty individual who only has remorse for himself..........


Don't be fooled by the email.


I will stress again......do everything in your power to pursue action or you WILL NOT get your money back.


I wonder if his employer knows that he's frauded 10's of thousands of dollars on the internet. Just thinking out loud here..........


Holy cow, you nailed it Jim! I too wonder if his employer knows who he has working for him....if I was missing money due to Lonnie, I would place a call to his employer, direct him to this thread, and find out what his/her opinion is of Lonnie....is this harrassment? hell yeah it is, but considering what he has done I would not blame anyone/everyone that called and voiced their opinion to his boss, his phone number obviously was not hard to get as it was posted earlier in this thread........something to think about anyway........

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Of course i have every intention of paying everyone, it is only right. Do i believe i am responsible to do so, in a matter of speaking no, i was not the one who took the money. But being a stand up person i am, i am doing this out of my own pocket...


Oooh gimme a break! This is soooo apocryphal I'm puking in disgust here :lame:

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Of course i have every intention of paying everyone, it is only right. Do i believe i am responsible to do so, in a matter of speaking no, i was not the one who took the money. But being a stand up person i am, i am doing this out of my own pocket...


Oooh gimme a break! This is soooo apocryphal I'm puking in disgust here :lame:


Stormspell, you tought me a new word today. Apocryphal. Nice one, I always have to keep learning. Funny, a Bulgarian helping expand a Frenchman's English vocabulary.

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I am only here to make a statement. And then i will not be back. I am doing all i can to make sure everyone gets their money back. Why would i want to come here and say anything, all some (not all people here) people are going to do is make up their own little theories and spew their bullshit like they have done so far. There are some good people here, no doubt. But what astonishes me beyond belief are the ones who have nothing to do with this at all want to talk so much shit. Stormspell, you can't say a damn thing because you have no clue, but like you do always you want to chime in. Same with Jarred, now you were involved and you will see your money back, but you like to make all your comments like you are a saint. How about when you called threatening a 65 year old woman, you can deny that, because i know you will, but it was recorded with your phone number, but that is not here nor there, shows just how big a man you really are.


There has been more than 2 refunds, but only 2 people have commented here, did you people ever stop to think maybe some people don't live for the bullshit that most here stir up. I have all the proof in the world to show i am not the one who did all of this. Do i owe anyone here and explanation, especially after what has been said, without anyone trying to contact me personally to find out the whole story......NO. Now everyone who has contacted me has been told, if they chose to believe it, that is not my problem. As i have said i coule easily just say fuck everyone and walk away and let this all be an afterthought, but i am not that way. If i has scammed everyone like what alot of people here would like everyone to believe, i don't think i would even show my face here.


So all i am going to say in closing is, like i have told Tony, i am doing what i can to make sure everyone gets refunded, i am doing this out of my own pocket and i am not rich, hell if i had took all the money i am accused of, i think i would have it to give back. But i didn't take it. You all can say what you want. Paypal knows where the money went, now whether they chose to tell anyone is on them. But it was not me who withdrew the money and it damn sure didn't go to my account. So now all you folks can make up your stories about that as well. As far as not having any remorse, i have plenty of remorse for the friends who were hurt, but for all you shit talking dickheads(especially the ones who had nothing involved in this) who are just sitting here stirring the pot, you all can go fuck yourselves. I don't care if Dan(Mr. Holyer than Thou) bans me or whatever, because after all the shit that has been talked in here most of you deserve each other. But to all the rest who have been patient, if you will remain patient a tad bit longer you will have your money.

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Here is where everyone who reads this email should notice.....watch how he tries to deflect all of this back onto Adriano..."but Adriano is such a standup guy or so he has everyone believing." THAT is the mark of a guilty individual who only has remorse for himself..........

Yeah, this bit and the earlier post from David saying that he could blame Georg for the car accident because it was his fault Lon was out on the road when he "crashed"... these are the more disappointing bits to me. Deflecting blame onto innocent bystanders and trying to rubbish their names.


In regards to the explanations sent out to PM'ers, I sent you a PM, Lon, but never got a reply. Just a simple one-liner asking what the hell happened. As you know, I'm not mixed up in this whole thing, haven't invested a cent, but I was just interested because I would have called you a good online buddy before all this happened and I was just curious.

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I am only here to make a statement. And then i will not be back. I am doing all i can to make sure everyone gets their money back. Why would i want to come here and say anything, all some (not all people here) people are going to do is make up their own little theories and spew their bullshit like they have done so far. There are some good people here, no doubt. But what astonishes me beyond belief are the ones who have nothing to do with this at all want to talk so much shit. Stormspell, you can't say a damn thing because you have no clue, but like you do always you want to chime in. Same with Jarred, now you were involved and you will see your money back, but you like to make all your comments like you are a saint. How about when you called threatening a 65 year old woman, you can deny that, because i know you will, but it was recorded with your phone number, but that is not here nor there, shows just how big a man you really are.


There has been more than 2 refunds, but only 2 people have commented here, did you people ever stop to think maybe some people don't live for the bullshit that most here stir up. I have all the proof in the world to show i am not the one who did all of this. Do i owe anyone here and explanation, especially after what has been said, without anyone trying to contact me personally to find out the whole story......NO. Now everyone who has contacted me has been told, if they chose to believe it, that is not my problem. As i have said i coule easily just say fuck everyone and walk away and let this all be an afterthought, but i am not that way. If i has scammed everyone like what alot of people here would like everyone to believe, i don't think i would even show my face here.


So all i am going to say in closing is, like i have told Tony, i am doing what i can to make sure everyone gets refunded, i am doing this out of my own pocket and i am not rich, hell if i had took all the money i am accused of, i think i would have it to give back. But i didn't take it. You all can say what you want. Paypal knows where the money went, now whether they chose to tell anyone is on them. But it was not me who withdrew the money and it damn sure didn't go to my account. So now all you folks can make up your stories about that as well. As far as not having any remorse, i have plenty of remorse for the friends who were hurt, but for all you shit talking dickheads(especially the ones who had nothing involved in this) who are just sitting here stirring the pot, you all can go fuck yourselves. I don't care if Dan(Mr. Holyer than Thou) bans me or whatever, because after all the shit that has been talked in here most of you deserve each other. But to all the rest who have been patient, if you will remain patient a tad bit longer you will have your money.


dude, you are so full of shit! YOU are the one that came here claiming to have talked with kelly and Jay of Hurricane, how great the bonus tracks were, posted time after time updates on a product that never existed......you were the one hyping YOUR release of Hurricane and other cd's, the money went to YOUR paypal account, and now you want to claim you are a victim right along side adriano and everyone else?? Please.........the only thing that escapes me is why you just keep waiting around to be arrested....the value of the cash that has been taken easily constitutes Grand Theft....and you are easily guilty of ATLEAST "acting in Concert" with the evil Ramirez brothers, there is no way you did not know the product you were pushing was fake.....dude, I did not lose a penny to you....but I am not one to sit back and be silent when you just keep saying you will take care of everyone, then do nothing, day afte day after day.....it ain't gonna fly! :angry:

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Simple: New day, new story, same bullshit.


Lonnie/David/whoever was pretty darned adamant that everyone would have their refunds by this past Friday. We all see how that turned out.


Now I'm willing to believe that there are complications, delays, etc., but a truly "stand up" person wouldn't be spending their time breaking their arm patting themselves on the back for giving back the money he stole in the first place. A truly "stand up" person would have come here prior to the deadline and said "I'm running into a little difficulty so things may get delayed a bit. I've sent refunds to XXX, YYY, and ZZZZ, and the following people should get refunds by Saturday/Sunday: AAA, BBB, CCC..." (Actually a truly "stand up" person would have never ripped everyone off to begin with, but work with me here...)


Instead no explanation is forthcoming, just after-the-fact spinning to a few private individuals.


Once again Lonnie has an opportunity to somewhat redeem himself or at least show himself as trying to do the right thing, and blows it yet again.


Actions speak louder than words. I would not take a SINGLE word at face value.


So far a whopping two people here have received refunds. So Lonnie can hold those two people up as shining examples of his intent to do right, all the while screwing everyone else behind the scenes. Hmmm.... sounds familiar... at any rate this email doesn't mean dick.






IMPRESSIVE post to say the least! A lot of FACTS on your post!

Fact #1-Everone should have their refunds by Friday (Didn't happen!)


Fact #2-A truely STAND UP person would have steped to the plate and handled this mess instead of coming up with the "car wreck story"


Fact #3-Lonnie has had a LOT of time here to redeem and salvage some of his reputation-Has he(hell no!)


Fact #4-As of this point Lonnie has established himself as a LIAR and a THEIF!!!

As a retired corrections shift commander there are (2) things I can't stand-LIARS and THIEVES


Excellent post Dan!!!


I :agree: as well, with both Dan & speed demon! How can Lovid be taken seriously now? Ok, it may take more time to refund folks to the large sums of $500 or over $1,000, which I would think that would be a priority to refund them ASAFP, but the other's that are smaller amounts, c'mon! :crazy: Roughly 10 or more members not only put their trust in you, Lovid, but believed you, your abilities to "start a new business" providing reissued material, with bonus tracks in some cases, oh, & lest I forget to mention the "limited quantities of auto'd" Hurricane cd's, which was a nice touch, hoping to ensure that folks would place orders early/quickly enough so they would get them, but, um, interestingly enough, the band never heard of these, never signed them, doesn't know of you, your reissues and/or bonus tracks, either? But, needless to say, I think they know of you now, as do many here as well! :taz:

As stated before & very poignantly, you've had many opportunities to make amends/explain/rectify....only to opt for excuses...the Ramirez Brothers? Weren't they the "bad guys" in the flick Repo Man, oh, wait, that was the Rodriguez Bro's, weren't they? m, k! :blink: Good luck in trying to restore (if that's even possible) your reputation, wherever. I, for one, won't believe anything you say, refund or no, your PayPal account bein' cleaned out by "other's" or not, more stories of this or that or why or why not! The clock's tickin'....do what's right & refund those folks/members invloved, ASAFP! :angry:

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Same with Jarred, now you were involved and you will see your money back, but you like to make all your comments like you are a saint. How about when you called threatening a 65 year old woman, you can deny that, because i know you will, but it was recorded with your phone number, but that is not here nor there, shows just how big a man you really are.



Lovid, have you lost your Goddamn mind? Please post the phone number you say is mine jackass because I NEVER made any phone call other than the one to your work place. Remember? You were in the hospital that day....oh yeah, you were at work you lying jackass.



Tell you what you just did asswipe by bringing me into this with your lies...MARK MY WORDS....I WILL NOT LET THIS GO! I WILL MAKE SURE THAT THE AUTHORITIES ARE INVOLVED IN THIS NOW!














You sound so remorseful Lovid. Just like someone who commited a crime & wants to blame everyone else.



Rot in hell jackass...




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I am only here to make a statement. And then i will not be back. I am doing all i can to make sure everyone gets their money back. Why would i want to come here and say anything, all some (not all people here) people are going to do is make up their own little theories and spew their bullshit like they have done so far. There are some good people here, no doubt. But what astonishes me beyond belief are the ones who have nothing to do with this at all want to talk so much shit. Stormspell, you can't say a damn thing because you have no clue, but like you do always you want to chime in. Same with Jarred, now you were involved and you will see your money back, but you like to make all your comments like you are a saint. How about when you called threatening a 65 year old woman, you can deny that, because i know you will, but it was recorded with your phone number, but that is not here nor there, shows just how big a man you really are.


There has been more than 2 refunds, but only 2 people have commented here, did you people ever stop to think maybe some people don't live for the bullshit that most here stir up. I have all the proof in the world to show i am not the one who did all of this. Do i owe anyone here and explanation, especially after what has been said, without anyone trying to contact me personally to find out the whole story......NO. Now everyone who has contacted me has been told, if they chose to believe it, that is not my problem. As i have said i coule easily just say fuck everyone and walk away and let this all be an afterthought, but i am not that way. If i has scammed everyone like what alot of people here would like everyone to believe, i don't think i would even show my face here.


So all i am going to say in closing is, like i have told Tony, i am doing what i can to make sure everyone gets refunded, i am doing this out of my own pocket and i am not rich, hell if i had took all the money i am accused of, i think i would have it to give back. But i didn't take it. You all can say what you want. Paypal knows where the money went, now whether they chose to tell anyone is on them. But it was not me who withdrew the money and it damn sure didn't go to my account. So now all you folks can make up your stories about that as well. As far as not having any remorse, i have plenty of remorse for the friends who were hurt, but for all you shit talking dickheads(especially the ones who had nothing involved in this) who are just sitting here stirring the pot, you all can go fuck yourselves. I don't care if Dan(Mr. Holyer than Thou) bans me or whatever, because after all the shit that has been talked in here most of you deserve each other. But to all the rest who have been patient, if you will remain patient a tad bit longer you will have your money.


This gives a new meaning to the word "arrogance".


No apology. No contrition. Nothing. Even after being caught in numerous lies, fraud, and coverup, you take the attitude the the problem isn't you, but rather everyone else here who made the mistake of trusting you or buying from you.


NEWSFLASH: The people here didn't buy from "The Ramirez Brothers," they bought from *YOU*. Any issues you have with a third party are no one's problems but yours.


The instant you tried to cover things up with a fake car accident, you crossed the line from merely incompetent to committing fraud. Did "The Ramirez Brothers" force you to do that too?






P.S. Rhetorical question: Does anyone else find this strategy of "Well, I can't refute the facts, so I'll attack the accusers" eerily familiar?...

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I am not involved because I didn't "buy" anything from you but you would think that if these people who did make a "purchase" were at one time your friends, you would be a stand-up guy and at least try to apologize for this big mess because whether you took the money or not, they are looking to you, once considered their friend to help them. You advertised these "reissues" and you asked them to trust you. They did. And now you, whether you took the money or the "Ramirez Brothers" did, you are ultimately responsible because it was you that asked them to trust you, not the Ramirez Brothers. Be a stand up guy and make things right in every way. I believe you have burned your bridges here and the only talking should be done by those dead presidents. By reading these last few pages it seems clear that no one is interested in any more stories that do not begin with "I have sent your refund". Good luck paying this back because if you don't, I wouldn't be surprised if legal action was opened against you. I don't believe a dribble here or there will do it. Maybe you should rethink your stance on the loan.

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I am only here to make a statement. And then i will not be back. I am doing all i can to make sure everyone gets their money back. Why would i want to come here and say anything, all some (not all people here) people are going to do is make up their own little theories and spew their bullshit like they have done so far. There are some good people here, no doubt. But what astonishes me beyond belief are the ones who have nothing to do with this at all want to talk so much shit. Stormspell, you can't say a damn thing because you have no clue, but like you do always you want to chime in. Same with Jarred, now you were involved and you will see your money back, but you like to make all your comments like you are a saint. How about when you called threatening a 65 year old woman, you can deny that, because i know you will, but it was recorded with your phone number, but that is not here nor there, shows just how big a man you really are.


There has been more than 2 refunds, but only 2 people have commented here, did you people ever stop to think maybe some people don't live for the bullshit that most here stir up. I have all the proof in the world to show i am not the one who did all of this. Do i owe anyone here and explanation, especially after what has been said, without anyone trying to contact me personally to find out the whole story......NO. Now everyone who has contacted me has been told, if they chose to believe it, that is not my problem. As i have said i coule easily just say fuck everyone and walk away and let this all be an afterthought, but i am not that way. If i has scammed everyone like what alot of people here would like everyone to believe, i don't think i would even show my face here.


So all i am going to say in closing is, like i have told Tony, i am doing what i can to make sure everyone gets refunded, i am doing this out of my own pocket and i am not rich, hell if i had took all the money i am accused of, i think i would have it to give back. But i didn't take it. You all can say what you want. Paypal knows where the money went, now whether they chose to tell anyone is on them. But it was not me who withdrew the money and it damn sure didn't go to my account. So now all you folks can make up your stories about that as well. As far as not having any remorse, i have plenty of remorse for the friends who were hurt, but for all you shit talking dickheads(especially the ones who had nothing involved in this) who are just sitting here stirring the pot, you all can go fuck yourselves. I don't care if Dan(Mr. Holyer than Thou) bans me or whatever, because after all the shit that has been talked in here most of you deserve each other. But to all the rest who have been patient, if you will remain patient a tad bit longer you will have your money.





Just got a e-mail from Paypal saying they have decided to side with me but guess what? Lovid has no money in his account and I am pretty much fucked!



This is just one big circle in this thread going around & around. Same shit being said over & over...you know what Lovid, go fuck YOURSELF! If I don't get some satifaction soon I WILL BE SUEING YOUR ASS DICKWAD! I know where your ass lives & it won't be hard to let the police know.



Your ship has sunk....



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From Paypal:


"We have completed our investigation of this case. We attempted to process a refund from the seller's account to your account. Unfortunately, the seller's account does not contain the funds necessary to cover this refund. We were able to recover $0.00 USD. We have taken action against the seller and are working to recover the remainder of your refund. We will contact you when we have more information. No further action is required of you at this time."


I am still waiting for Lonnie´s proofs...


Does anybody trust I will receive the cds or any money? Any advice?

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From Paypal:


"We have completed our investigation of this case. We attempted to process a refund from the seller's account to your account. Unfortunately, the seller's account does not contain the funds necessary to cover this refund. We were able to recover $0.00 USD. We have taken action against the seller and are working to recover the remainder of your refund. We will contact you when we have more information. No further action is required of you at this time."


I am still waiting for Lonnie´s proofs...


Does anybody trust I will receive the cds or any money? Any advice?




I'm sorry to say that all indications are that you will receive nothing.


My guess is that criminal and civil prosecution for this would be difficult, because (1) with the exception of the 3 international transactions (that I know of), the individual amounts of the theft are small, and (2) the victims are spread out everywhere. Legally I have no idea how one would proceed. I've placed an inquiry with the Attorney General of the State of Arkansas; hopefully they can provide some information, or at least a suggestion.



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From Paypal:


"We have completed our investigation of this case. We attempted to process a refund from the seller's account to your account. Unfortunately, the seller's account does not contain the funds necessary to cover this refund. We were able to recover $0.00 USD. We have taken action against the seller and are working to recover the remainder of your refund. We will contact you when we have more information. No further action is required of you at this time."


I am still waiting for Lonnie´s proofs...


Does anybody trust I will receive the cds or any money? Any advice?


Adriano, I wish I could be more positive for you, and I do hope that somehow you get your money back, but I don't know what more you can do to get your money back....yes, he should be prosecuted for what he has done...but that doesn't necessarily mean anybody will get their money back.....time will tell....best wishes.... :)

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I received the following bit of advice:


Since this involves interstate crime, it's a matter for the FBI. Anything that crosses state lines is a matter for the feds. I'd start with Internet Crime Complaint Center which is partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. You should also contact the attorney general's office in the state where you or another victim resides. The state office should coordinate with the feds and other state AGs.




If enough people who have been defrauded report this, the federal authorities might take action.



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I received the following bit of advice:


Since this involves interstate crime, it's a matter for the FBI. Anything that crosses state lines is a matter for the feds. I'd start with Internet Crime Complaint Center which is partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. You should also contact the attorney general's office in the state where you or another victim resides. The state office should coordinate with the feds and other state AGs.




If enough people who have been defrauded report this, the federal authorities might take action.






Spread the word people...this has to happen from EVERYONE. Let's get this prick...



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I received the following bit of advice:


Since this involves interstate crime, it's a matter for the FBI. Anything that crosses state lines is a matter for the feds. I'd start with Internet Crime Complaint Center which is partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. You should also contact the attorney general's office in the state where you or another victim resides. The state office should coordinate with the feds and other state AGs.




If enough people who have been defrauded report this, the federal authorities might take action.






Spread the word people...this has to happen from EVERYONE. Let's get this prick...



I say all who have been fucked over go for it.

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  • Posts

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    • Another i'm still awaiting the arrival of...same day release/delivery my arse Amazon  Still this is sounding like their best release thus far...they are gaining and getting better...although I did enjoy the last few albums also...but the sound/production from this one is excellent.
    • Still awaiting mine to arrive...should've been on Weds  or according to my order that was the case anyway  
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