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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. I traded my copy of "The Yellow & Black Attack is Back" a few years ago and have regretted it from time to time. Guardian definitely beefed up the sonics on the songs without straying from the original melodies. Good stuff, well worth picking up for any Stryper or Guardian fan.
  2. Strike Twice is easily my favorite band that Eonian has signed. I had a blast writing their bio for them.
  3. This is my 2nd-favorite Eonian release, coming in behind Pistol Dawn. Favorite song would be "Have my Heart." Yes, there's definitely some filler material sprinkled throughout the album, but they're sandwiched in between some really good tunes as well. Sure, production could be better, but I don't think it's too bad, and I kind of enjoy the raw, stripped-down attitude prevalent on the CD.
  4. The only proper vote here is Metallica, so I went ahead and did the proper thing. Slayer would be a close second. By the way, who is Venom? (Just kidding, Leykis!)
  5. Latest acquisition... Dizmas: "On a Search in America"
  6. Did you just use the word 'magnificent' to describe Tyketto and keep a straight face? Thazz sum funny shit, yo!
  7. Sorry to bring your excitement to a screeching halt, Geoff, but I don't think it's the same band. I have a list of 19 Bad Attitude songs sitting in front of me and "One Night in Your Arms" isn't one of them. In other news, since you asked a few posts above, I have been assured that the 2nd Gynger Lynn album is better than the first. I trust you consider this good news. Finally, for those who haven't visited Eonian Records website lately, I'll just go ahead and let you know that Shake City and Uzi are scheduled for release in late July.
  8. I voted for Pistol Dawn, with High Noon just a smidgen behind, so close it could almost be called a tie. Charlemagne comes in 3rd, with Gynger Lynn bringing up the rear.
  9. OK, some of you will care, some of you probably won't, but I have been given permission by Steve (owner/president of Eonian Records) to spill the beans and let ya'll know that I have been doing some writing for Eonian Records. If you click on the above link for Shake City and read the band's Bio/History section, that whole piece was penned by me after cyber-interviewing some of the band members. It is the same piece that will appear in the booklet when it get released. Additionally, I did some editing work for the Sgt. Roxx booklet, and am currently setting up to interview Strike Twice and write their Bio/History as well. Not trying to brag here...just wanted to let everyone here know that one of your own has a small connection to some of Eonian Records releases. Now go buy all the albums, because Steve promised me writing for the label would make me rich and famous. Or was that, a bitch and infamous?? I can't remember...I'm so easily confused... That's cool...nice job on the bio/history of the band. Any idea when the Sgt Roxx will be available? Sorry, Matt, wasn't ignoring you (I leave that for Geoff)...I just saw your question today. I don't have any info. on Sgt. Roxx's release, or any other release dates for that matter (not one of the perks of working for the label, I guess). I can tell you I finished the Strike Twice bio last night and sent it to Steve for his approval, and next up I'll be tackling the bio for Bad Attitude, so things at Eonian definitely aren't stagnent.
  10. OK, some of you will care, some of you probably won't, but I have been given permission by Steve (owner/president of Eonian Records) to spill the beans and let ya'll know that I have been doing some writing for Eonian Records. If you click on the above link for Shake City and read the band's Bio/History section, that whole piece was penned by me after cyber-interviewing some of the band members. It is the same piece that will appear in the booklet when it get released. Additionally, I did some editing work for the Sgt. Roxx booklet, and am currently setting up to interview Strike Twice and write their Bio/History as well. Not trying to brag here...just wanted to let everyone here know that one of your own has a small connection to some of Eonian Records releases. Now go buy all the albums, because Steve promised me writing for the label would make me rich and famous. Or was that, a bitch and infamous?? I can't remember...I'm so easily confused...
  11. OK, I'll laugh, just to make you feel better.
  12. Um...WTF? Great, it'll be like "Jason Goes to Hell" all over again, where Jason wasn't really Jason for three quarters of the movie. I liked Zombie's "reimagining" of the first Halloween, and I was looking forward to this sequel, but not having Myers wear the mask is a monumentally major misstep. Without the mask, he's just some lunatic going around killing people, and while normally that's perfectly acceptable to me in a horror movie, when I'm watching an entry in the Halloween franchise, I bring to the viewing experience certain expectations, one of them being that I expect to see Myers in a mask. I know Zombie is making "his own" film, but if you want to mess with a classic, you should at least have some respect for the lore/mythology/etc.; if you don't want to abide by the iconography of Halloween, then don't make a Halloween flick!!
  13. You'd have to pay me to go to a U2 concert, and it would have to be a lot more than $250. No offense to the fans, but I really don't care for this band at all. Never understood their massive appeal.
  14. "Another Dick in the System" ~ Skid Row
  15. OK, so now I've given all 4 Eonian Records releases a good spin or two. Here's how I rank 'em: Pistol Dawn High Noon Charlemagne Gynger Lynn There's some quality stuff here, folks, no doubt about it. Lookin' forward to future releases. Kudos to Steve on getting his label off to a great start!
  16. HIGH NOON: "No Turning Back" If you like your hair-metal with a little bit of sassy swagger (the way Geoff likes his men), then this Eonian Records release won't leave you high 'n' dry. The singer sometimes sounds like a cross between Michael Bloodgood (Bloodgood) and Jason McMasters (Dangerous Toys) while still retaining his own vocal identity. There is no lack of hooks on this puppy and the overall sound is straight out of the late 80s, reminscent at times of Sweet F.A., Cinderella, and maybe some Dillinger. Definitely one of those CDs that you toss into the stereo and turn back the clocks to hard rock's glory days. Eonian Records is bringing this style of music back into the spotlight, and High Noon is one of the best they've offered so far (second only to Pistol Dawn, in my opinion).
  17. From what I've gathered, it is a bit 'mellower' on this release...... Good to know. Usually I blind-buy this band, but I think this time I'll have to check out sound samples before shelling out the dough.
  18. From what I can gather and cull from various sources, Mastedon has been put on a back burner until further notice. John is currently compiling a "best of" collection that will feature his favorite Mastedon tracks, and his next solo album is currently being worked on and will tentatively be released in '09, but apparently it's going to be "less radio-friendly and more artistic," which I'm pretty sure translates into "sucks." Oh well, doesn't bother me much, as all his previous solo CDs were way too lite for my tastes anyway.
  19. I like this band, but is it just me, or do they get a little softer with each album? If they keep polishing down that hard rock edge, pretty soon they'll be played on CCM radio alongside Casting Crowns, Stephen Curtis Chapman, and Sanctus Real. Of course, I've only heard one fairly mellow song off the new album; the rest of the CD might rock like a mother!! (Jim, can you shed any light on this?)
  20. Had no idea they were releasing a new CD. Still trying to decide if I care or not. There was a time I would have jumped on this like a nymphomaniacal nun jumping on the nearest stiff dick, but the band just seems stuck in a rut. Sticking to your guns musically is one thing...going stale is another. Still, not a bad band by any stretch of the imagination, even if they're starting to make the same album over and over again...
  21. While the song isn't atrocious, it's a long way from great, and a total shit choice for their first single, especially when the album has some true gems on it. They tried to recapture the magic of "Crazy Bitch," but kind of fell flat on their face, as "Too Drunk" isn't even close to being that good.
  22. Latest acquistions... High Noon: "No Turning Back" Charlemagne: s/t Gynger Lynn: s/t Pistol Dawn: "Conversation Piece"
  23. I thought on another thread Pete said no, because there are no other FarCry songs recorded, but I could be wrong. Personally, I think they should do a death-metal-polka remix of "Peter Cottontail" and release it as a bonus track just to f*ck with their fans, but I've been told I have a warped sense of humor...
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