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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Straight sweep for Judas Priest. I can't stand Iron Maiden. I want to run to the hills every time I hear 'em.
  2. Latest acquisitions... Jones Street: "Dancin' With the Devil" God Forbid: "Gone Forever" Crooked X: s/t
  3. Back in my single days, I probably would've made the trip--I'm actually not that far from you, Pete, in upstate New York--but now with a wife, a 2 year-old, and a new baby due any day now, it's just not going to be feasible. Besides, I'm not much a drinker, and nothing spoils the party worse than the sober guy in a room full of drunks.
  4. Emailing Metal Mayhem is a total waste of time, as useless as a eunech at a porno shoot. Used to buy some of their stuff off eBay and received everything pretty quickly, so no complaints there, but their communication skills are the worst in the melodic rock business.
  5. Yep, that's where this band really falters...those are some pretty weak lead vocals.
  6. Yes indeed! Love that song. Just checked this out, and indeed, "Is This Heartbreak or a Loaded Gun" is fan-fucking-awesome-tastic. That sucker just might go down as the best chorus I've heard all year... The other tracks I sampled were good too, and this CD just went on my to-buy list.
  7. Looks like that full album is now available, as I see AOR Heaven stocking it. Head over to their MySpace page to check out several songs: Badmouth MySpace page Kind of a sleaze/glam sound mixed with some classic metal, which may be why AOR Heaven describes them as Crashdiet meets Saxon. The album is produced by Paul Sabu, so it sounds pretty solid, and anyone who loves thick backing vocals will find lots to appreciate. The only "bad" thing coming out of my "mouth" about this band is that the lead vocalist isn't exactly the greatest. Not terrible, but several notches short of what I would rate as "good." But hey, that's just me.
  8. Backed. Loved the debut, thought "II" was pretty good as well, but this is just that it's-OK-but-nothing-special-run-of-the-mill stuff I stopped listening to years ago.
  9. Funny, I don't find the McDonald's singing fish commercial creepy at all, and certainly not Ranch Tooth caliber creepy. That stupid ditty does stick with you though, doesn't it...
  10. Most disturbing thing I've heard all day.
  11. I voted for Charvel because I don't know good green goblin shit about guitars and because Pete likes 'em and I want to be just like Pete and want Pete to like me and oh god Pete PETE PETEY you are my hero...
  12. 66.6% went to the Scorps... 1. "Tooth & Nail." Don't care much for early Dokken, but I care even less for early Scorps. 2. "Back for the Attack" by far, still Dokken's finest moment, and miles better than "Savage Amusement." 3. "Crazy World." No contest. 'Nuff said. 4. Both albums kind of sucked, but "Pure Instinct" only sucked a little dick while "Dysfunctional" was chugging cock like a skinny white boy on his first night in prison. 5. While "Hell to Pay" was a perfectly acceptable (no more, no less) Dokken CD, it doesn't hold a candle to "Unbreakable," one of Scorpions' all-time best. 6. "Humanity Hour" is Scorpions best release to date and shits all over "Lightning Strikes Again," which I consider one of the most overrated albums of 2008. I couldn't get rid of that CD fast enough...
  13. From the list, I went with Sin City, but far and away my favorite comic-to-film adaptation is The Crow. Can't believe they're already looking to remake it; Brandon Lee's performance was iconic and Alex Proyas' direction was impossible to top, perfectly capturing the darkness, rage, romance, and retribution of the graphic novel.
  14. Latest acquisitions... UNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION (Blu-Ray)--the best of the series SHOOT 'EM UP (Blu-Ray)--one fun little tongue-in-cheek action flick
  15. I hear ya, I feel lucky to even be in the band. Jez had been sending a barrage of emails to Kivel asking them to get a real axemaster like CC Deville instead, but he had another gig... Well, thank God you've got all those studio production tricks to make you sound better than you really are. Keep practicing, grasshopper, and soon the guitar world will hold you in the same regard they hold Vivian Campbell...
  16. Like you, I still head over there once a day, but it's no longer with the same anticipation I once had. Not sure it's entirely Andrew's fault though, as my tastes have steered in a heavier direction than most "pure" melodic rock bands--which is what Andrew focuses on--offer (for example, my disdain of Brother Firetribe even though the melodic rock world is swooning over them); therefore, much of what melodicrock.com covers is now outside the parameters of what I typically listen to, so the website itself just doesn't excite me as much.
  17. Finally got a chance to check out the samples last night. Sounds pretty good to these ears. Of course, they'd sound even better with a real guitarist in the band, but I guess they had to settle for whoever was available at the time...
  18. You know what they say, a fool and his money are soon parted. Got mine from CD Universe for a grand total of $12.98, including shipping. I'm not an accountant, but I'm pretty sure my price is better than your price. You might want to check your order status from CD Universe. I tried ordering it from them a few days ago too, and when I finalized my order I soon noticed that it was immediately on backorder until an unspecified date. I promptly cancelled my order and found it elsewhere. Yeah, they told me that too. I let it ride and the next day they said they found additional stock and my CD was shipped. It's called patience...sometimes it pays off.
  19. You know what they say--one man's trash is another man's treasure. As Tim will verify, I am a "lite thrash" fan, and this stuff is right up my alley. Just checked out a couple of samples and immediately added them to my never-ending to-buy list. Thanks for the "recommendation," Tim!
  20. You know what they say, a fool and his money are soon parted. Got mine from CD Universe for a grand total of $12.98, including shipping. I'm not an accountant, but I'm pretty sure my price is better than your price.
  21. Latest acquisition... Corpus Christi: "The Darker Shades of White" (Christian screamcore/metal band)
  22. OK, I probably should've just PM'd Tim(2) with info. on these guys, as he'll most likely be the only other person on the boards interested, but what the heck. While this is technically a Christian band (their name means body of Christ), the lyrics aren't preachy, with only the occasional line here & there showing evidence of their faith. They cite influences such as As I Lay Dying and Killswitch Engage, which should give you an idea of the sound they're going for. Heavy, lots of screaming, (mostly) cleanly-sung choruses, solid production. Here's the link to their MySpace page: Corpus Christi Myspace page What they do, they do pretty well, methinks.
  23. +1 (C'mon, it had to be done...you were begging for it.)
  24. Did you physically beat him for the request? I think he mildly beat him... As long as he hurt I'm happy. I told him "Fuck, no" in my sternest voice and possibly hurt his feelings...does that count?
  25. You've heard this modern melodic hard rock sound before, but damn, these guys do it so well that they deserve to be upper echelon, not unknown. Beefy guitars, strong production, the kind of hooks you can hang a hat on, plenty of backing vocals...you get the drift. Can't see why the modern rock fans on these boards wouldn't eat this one up. I know they just went on my to-buy list.
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