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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. The debut is definitely the place to start. It's probably their best. I think they slide downhill just a little bit on each subsequent release. They do stick with their tried and true formula though. Just for the record, "Sea of Faces" is NOT the debut (the self-titled album is), but SOF is definitely the band's best album by far. Frankly, you can skip the debut...I'm a diehard Kutless fan and even I sold my copy of the debut. But "Sea of Faces"...yeah, that's a keeper for sure.
  2. I think plenty of folks 'round here are gonna enjoy these bands like Rosie O'Donnell enjoys a box of Twinkies. And even though I wrote the history/bio for Shake City, it's UZI that's been kicking my keister ever since I got the CDs last week. Just pure, ballsy, in-yer-face, attitude-driven hard rock. Of course, Shake City is also quite good as well, just a little more melodic/commercial. So all you pop-metal pundits, pick up Shake City; those who like it harder/sleazier, grab some UZI. Better yet, just buy 'em both.
  3. Admit it, Pete, you're just mad because the truth hurts...
  4. Oh, man, that is so wrong...but damn if I didn't snicker a little...
  5. Oooohhh. Sorry mate, I HATE that song. That one really annoys me personally. Well, I don't hate the song, but it's definitely filler material, at least musically speaking. But lyrically it hits pretty hard. I despise child molesters with every fiber of my being and songs that deal with the subject tend to stick with me, like "Redemption" by Babylon A.D. Of course, Babylon A.D. crafted a killer chorus to go along with their powerful lyrics...
  6. Latest acquisitions... Papa Roach: "Metamorphosis" (excellent!) Avenged Sevenfold: s/t (nothin' special) The Veer Union: "Against the Grain" (decent but blah)
  7. I can't believe ewe made such a bad joke.
  8. Actually, I just got word last night that Felony & Strike Twice are currently scheduled for release on August 18th. The artwork for Strike Twice is finished and the masters are in the process of being remastered as we speak.
  9. Gotta be honest here, I haven't cared for many of Retrospect's reissues thus far, but Wild Street, the label's first original release, sounds pretty good to these rock-cravin' ears. Very Def Leppardish--hell, the Leps wish they still sounded this good--with gobs of hooks & harmonies. Sure, we've heard this style before, but just because I ate steak last week doesn't mean I won't enjoy it again this week...and this steak isn't dull or plain or boring, it's got tasty garnishments (i.e., those aforementioned hooks/harmonies). As soon as I find some disposable income (damn diapers and formula) I'll be picking this puppy up.
  10. OK, you God-hater, consider your prayers answered, because Steve informed me this week that they have obtained the master reels.
  11. I rank this as Eonian's 3rd best release, after Pistol Dawn & High Noon. Like the others before me, I wholeheartedly agree that the top song is "I Don't Wanna Lie." The other track that sticks out is "She's Only Young." Not because it's got great hooks or anything (it's actually one of my least-favorite choruses), but because the subject matter (child abuse) is so haunting.
  12. Latest acquisitions... Chris Laney: "Pure" Gemini Five: "Sex, Drugs & Anarchy"
  13. Latest acquisition... MARTYRS (Unrated)--hardcore horror from France that's generated a lot of buzz due to its vicious violence and bizarre storyline. First half of the film is great, but the second half sees things go in a radically different direction and in my opinion, ruins the movie. Still, lots of artfully-directed shotgun wounds, self-mutilation, beatings, and flayings for the gorehounds out there (if you've ever wondered what someone looks like skinned alive, this flick will show you). By the way, the director has been hired to helm the upcoming Hellraiser remake/reboot/reimagining.
  14. Yeah, I've seen the Shake City proofs and they look good...nice job, pats on the back, beers all around, that sort of thing. Still, don't ever underestimate the total rock-n-roll badassery of Kung Fu Panda. Steve also just sent me the proofs for Strike Twice--lookin' good!! They were my favorite--and easiest--bio to write, thanks to the plethora of details and crazy stories I was provided.
  15. Big time backed. Gary's a great guy to deal with.
  16. Hmmmm...interesting. That line (in bold) is from the first draft of Shake City's bio that I wrote. It was decided that the draft was too "animated," so I toned it down and came up with the version that you can read on Eonian's webpage, and one of the lines that I altered was the one above. Looks like they resurrected the "unedited" version for the press release!
  17. C'mon, man, I'm not naked when I do that...I'm wearing pasties. That's right, I'm a classy kind of trader.
  18. I think the key with this, as it was with the Metal Shop/Skool songs, is that despite the humour, the music is still fucking awesome. If you took the lyrics out and replaced them with "proper" lyrics, they would be classed as great 80s rock songs! ...I would be personally offended to find out that people here discard this band based on a few sexually cheeky lyrics. I thought I was dealing with dudes here...not a bunch of skirt wearers. You "discard" bands all the time due to lyrics about God, Jesus, etc., yet would be offended if I chose not to listen to a band because all they sing about is cum-slinging, ass-fucking, and ball-sucking? Kind of a double standard going on there, brother. If somebody doesn't like a certain type of lyrics, then that's their perogative, their personal preference, correct?
  19. Normally I'd be unhappy that we weren't higher on the list but looking at who's ahead of us, not too bad! Also considering that most of your orders came through Kivel and Myspace and as you said the big names up there I'd say that #6 is really good for a brand new band. Brand new? I got the impression this CD was in the works for the last 17 years! Well, it's brand new like "Chinese Democracy" is brand new... Difference is, "Chinese Democracy" kind of sucks. Whereas FarCry totally sucks? No, no, no, you misunderstand...FarCry doesn't totally suck, just the guitarist does.
  20. I typically have about as much use for female-fronted bands as Geoff has for songs about Jesus' love helping you never surrender your dreams, but when my brother gave the thumbs-up to Halestorm, I dug up some samples and gave the lass a listen. The verdict? Not too shabby. Great production--big, thick, and meaty (sounds like a line from a porn movie). Not something I feel the need to rush out and buy a copy, but I can certainly imagine it making its way into my collection at some point. Definitely one of the best female-fronted hard rock bands I've ever heard, with some serious potential (this kicks Paramore and Flyleaf's asses seven ways from Sunday). Bottom line, these guys--and gal--rock.
  21. Mark, we actually agree on something! I'm feeling a little woozy... Holy crap, we did? I'm pretty sure that's the first sign of the Apocalypse. Expect the stars to fall from the sky and the seas to turn to blood anytime now...
  22. Normally I'd be unhappy that we weren't higher on the list but looking at who's ahead of us, not too bad! Also considering that most of your orders came through Kivel and Myspace and as you said the big names up there I'd say that #6 is really good for a brand new band. Brand new? I got the impression this CD was in the works for the last 17 years! Well, it's brand new like "Chinese Democracy" is brand new... Difference is, "Chinese Democracy" kind of sucks.
  23. Strike Twice is easily my favorite band that Eonian has signed. I had a blast writing their bio for them. I'm looking forward to this one, can't wait to hear it and of course read the bio. Well, I may be biased, but I think the bio's pretty damn good...but of course, not nearly as good as the music.
  24. Tim, buddy, anyone that can extol the catchiness of Cannibal Corpse yet accuse Burn Halo of being hookless is crazier than a lobotomized monkey popping acid while licking hallucinogenic mushrooms. You may not like the band, but can you honestly say with a straight face that tracks like "Dirty Little Girl," "Saloon Song," and "Anejo" don't have any "real hooks"? C'mon!! Hey, your opinion, my friend. Or should i say, your loss...???
  25. For the record, these guys are--gasp!--a Christian rock group. Their song "Can't Hide" was a fairly solid hit on CCM radio, and with lyrics like "You can't hide from your Creator / You can't run from your Maker," the band aren't too worried about hiding their faith in order to appeal to the mainstream masses. Obviously this doesn't bother me at all, but I wanted to throw it out there so I could be sure that Geoff never buys a copy.
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