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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Straight sweep for Queensryche, but truth be told, I don't care much for either band...
  2. I've seen some f*cked up statements on this site, but that right there takes the cake. F*cking wrong. There are no other words. Just...f*cking wrong.
  3. Damn, dude, I can't believe you didn't like 3:10 to Yuma (2008). I thought it was great, with superb performances from Bale & Crowe. Don't get your hopes too high for Appaloosa; underwhelming, to say the least. Here are my favorite westerns, in no particular order: Tombstone Pale Rider Unforgiven Open Range Young Guns High Plains Drifter The Outlaw Josey Wales 3:10 to Yuma (2008)
  4. Try the S/T Idle Cure, Geoff No offense, but Idle Cure's self-titled debut is easily the worst of their discography, way more AOR-oriented and keyboard-heavy than later releases. Of course, if you like AOR-y melodic rock, then I suppose you would consider that a good thing, but Geoff's tastes run fairly parallel with my own when it comes to this sort of stuff, and I can say with a fair amount of certainty that he'd much prefer "Inside Out" or "2nd Avenue" to the debut. Actually, Geoff, now that I think about it, please don't get any Idle Cure CDs...the Christian lyrics will probably just put you in a murderous, eyeball-popping rage and you'll post a bitch-rant about them.
  5. Jones Street: "Dancin' With the Devil" If you're jonesin' for some attitude-laced, sleaze-fueled hair-metal, then this band is for you, the kind of hard rockin' stuff that was blasting from every stereo back in the 80s. Fans of McQueen Street, Roxy Blue, Jesse Strange, Wildside, Southgang, and bands of that ilk should find plenty to gleefully dance about here. With swaggering guitars, some badass riffs, liberal use of backing vocals, and a production style that is neither too raw nor too polished, this album should appeal to a lots of folks 'round these parts. People are having a devil of a time getting their hands on this, but once they do, the listening experience is pretty heavenly.
  6. I'd trick the whacky millionaire by ripping the CD to my Ipod. That way I'd have his $5000, still be able to hear my beloved music, but honestly be able to say that I wasn't listening to a CD. Gosh, I love loopholes. By the way, yes, I will stop scratching my balls for 10 minutes in exchange for $2. During those 10 minutes, I will have your wife scratch them for me.
  7. Recent spinners... Bullet for my Valentine: "Poison" Messiah Prophet: "Master of the Metal" Novella: "One Big Sky" Audiovision: "The Calling" Messiah Prophet: "Rock the Flock"
  8. Can definitely hear a Disciple vibe, but nowhere near as good as Disciple, in my opinion. And yeah, leaning how to craft cooler choruses would definitely help these guys out. The potential is there, but they ain't quite got it yet...
  9. Never really paid much attention to these guys, as I'm not a big fan of tongue-in-cheek lyrics, but a buddy from work, knowing my hair-metal tastes, sent me a Youtube link to a song called, if I remember correctly, "Death to all but Metal." Don't know if it's a new track or an old one, but it was pretty good. The other stuff of theirs that I've heard...eh, not so much.
  10. I don't think it was that special. I like the more melodic touch of the Cop to Con album. I heard some samples on their MySpace page a couple weeks ago and thought they were great. Lyrically a bit on the simplistic "party-rock" side, but with big choruses and gobs of backing vox. Definitely a must-buy, and miles better than "Cop to Con."
  11. I scored this in a trade a few years back, didn't care for it, and sold it for $35.
  12. YES! I am no longer the sole voice of dissent regarding this disc!!
  13. This does explain a lot. By the way, when you are balls-deep in another Muslim's ass, is it true that you don't say, "Oh God," but rather "Oh Allah"? Somehow it just doesn't have the same ring to it...
  14. I have the same issue with my instrument...
  15. Stryper was, is, and probably always will be a Christian band who boldly & blatantly sing about their beliefs and I see no reason for them to water down their message to suit those who don't share their faith. Some Christian bands choose to use the name of Jesus in their lyrics, others choose a more subtle route; just because you prefer one doesn't make the others "morons." Like anything musically, it pretty much comes down to personal preference. Personally, I enjoy both styles (lyrically-speaking, I mean) of Christian rock/metal and don't claim one is a better artist than the other. Funny, mate, that you should mention how you don't like Christianity (or homosexuality) in-your-face or rammed down your throat, when I have often thought you are more zealous in your anti-Christianity than I am with my Christianity. You frequently make sure everyone knows you dislike religion, Christianity, Biblical lyrics, etc. But do you see the Christians on this board constantly making sure everyone knows about our faith? Bottom line, my friend, it seems to me you ram your anti-religion rhetoric down peoples' throat far more than the religious folks broadcast their beliefs. And I'm sorry, but I can't stop reading your posts. I am addicted to your inane ramblings. I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth. Of course, I think that you are also secretly a homosexual Christian and your online rages are simply a smokescreen to hide the truth. But I'm onto you, boy...time to come out of the closet and declare your love for Christ and cock-chugging.
  16. Big-time backed. My all-time favorite pure melodic rock song. (Hey, Jim, we agree on something! Well, actually, this make two things we agree on, because while we haven't discussed it, I'm pretty sure we both also agree that Geoff is a tool.)
  17. Recent spinners... Crooked X: s/t Messiah Prophet: "Rock the Flock" Age of Daze: "Hollywood Ending" Jones Street: "Dancin' With the Devil" Corpus Christi: "A Darker Shade of White"
  18. As generic and formulaic as they come. Utterly forgettable. Found the CD in a pawn shop in Florida way back when, listened to it once, and immediately got rid of it.
  19. Fry wishes he wasn't quite as large actually... Pete, you need to be careful when Jim wants your large Fry, if you know what I mean. The boy just ain't right.
  20. I never bother with Boneyard. If I'm not listening to Hair Nation, then I'm usually over on Octane checking out the modern hard rock stuff. Once those two channels start to bore me, I switch over to Hard Attack, but I'm pretty fussy about my heavy/thrash metal, so typically it's not too long before some band I can't stand comes on, by which point I'm ready to switch back to Hair Nation and start the cycle all over again.
  21. Geoff, nothing personal, 'cause you know I like ya, mate, but it has always been a pet peeve of mine when folks bash a Christian band for having Christian lyrics. It makes me want to shout, "HEY, FUCKTARD, THEY'RE A CHRISTIAN BAND, FOR GOD'S SAKE!" (pun intended). So why don't you stop listening to this kind of music that clearly pisses you off and puts you in a murderous rage. Or, if you must listen to it, stop bitching about it every time you do. It's like listening to a domestic abuse victim cry about getting smacked around and then watching her go back to her abuser over and over again to soak up some more punishment. Personally, I think Slayer has some great thrashin' metal music, but their sometimes-Satanic/anti-Christian lyrics irritate me, so you know what I do? I don't listen to Slayer! It's called common sense. I suggest you look into it, good buddy. Rant over. Thanks for listening...or not.
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