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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. A few that come to mind... Heartless: s/t (original) in the $1 bin at a used CD shop in Florida. K.K. Wilde: "Rock-n-Roll" for Buy It Now $7.99 on eBay. Taken: "Smell the Groove" for Buy it Now $15 on eBay. Pretty Wicked: s/t for $6 in a used CD shop in Florida. Hurricane: "Take What you Want" for $7 in a used CD shop in Florida.
  2. Only did a few deals with Terje a few years back, but every one of them was smooth as melted butter on the ass of a Brazilian supermodel. As Delbert pointed out, the guy's been in the game forever, a genuine oldtimer.
  3. Matt, you devious, conniving sonuvabitch...I like the way you think.
  4. Haven't heard the finished product yet (my copies should be arriving this week), but based on the samples I was provided in order to write the band's bio, I think Roger is spot-on in his assessment that this is Eonian's best release to date.
  5. Christian modern hard rockers Thousand Foot Krutch have a new CD ("Welcome to the Masquerade") coming out on 9/8/09. Listen to samples of all tracks over at Amazon.com, or check out full-length samples on their official website or MySpace: Official Website MySpace page Sounds like the best thing they've done since "Phenomenon." Consider me stoked!!!
  6. Are you sure? I see a bunch of places on the 'Net selling the physical Deluxe Edition with the bonus tracks. Matter of fact, when I added this to my Want List, I specifically noted to purchase the Deluxe edition just so I could have the bonus tracks. Unless I'm missing something--and God knows it wouldn't be the first time--you can definitely buy an actual CD of this with the bonus tracks included. Nah, youre probably right.......just couldnt see it on Amazon, and they usually have everything. Allow me to help. Skillet: "Awake" (Deluxe Edition) For all my assistance, please purchase 2 copies and send me one. Thanks. You're the best.
  7. Are you sure? I see a bunch of places on the 'Net selling the physical Deluxe Edition with the bonus tracks. Matter of fact, when I added this to my Want List, I specifically noted to purchase the Deluxe edition just so I could have the bonus tracks. Unless I'm missing something--and God knows it wouldn't be the first time--you can definitely buy an actual CD of this with the bonus tracks included.
  8. When is the Sgt. Roxx coming out? SGT. ROXX packaging is finished, just needs to be queued on scheduling and given a release date. More info to come. Sgt. Roxx is scheduled for release in October. I'm at work and don't have all the information in front of me, so I don't recall the exact date.
  9. Don't know if I qualify as a Petra expert, but here goes... "On Fire!" is about on par with "This Means War," meaning if you like one, you should like the other. "Beyond Belief," as you have discovered, is this band's masterpiece. If you're looking for that same sound/style, your next purchase should be "Unseen Power." The songs "Destiny," "I Need to Hear from You," "Dance," and "Sight Unseen" easily could have appeared on "Beyond Belief." "Wake up Call" is where things start to get a little sketchy. There are some really good songs on there ("Midnight Oil"; "Underneath the Blood"; "Sleeping Giant") but there are also some real duds. Honestly, can't see this one being a keeper for you, but you will find a few songs you enjoy. "Jekyll & Hyde" is another must-own, in my opinion, and is probably their hardest-hitting album (though being Petra, we're not exactly talking heavy metal here). Bottom line, if you're looking for the right purchase order, it's as follows: "Unseen Power" "Jekyll & Hyde" "On Fire!" "Wake up Call" You are now armed with great knowledge. Use it wisely.
  10. Probably the rarest one currently in my collection is Taken: "Smell the Groove."
  11. Backed. I was getting nervous there for awhile. Stone Roses were getting more discussion than Shake City and Uzi!!
  12. My wife tells me the exact same thing all the time.
  13. Will someone, anyone, please just release this CD already? This project has been in the can longer than me after a Taco Bell binge.
  14. Latest acquisitions... Mudvayne: "The New Game" Black Label Society: "Blessed Hellride" Cycle of Pain: s/t
  15. Maybe I'm just tired and thin-skinned tonight, and I know you hate Christianity to an outrageous extreme, but is it really necessary to refer to Christians as "Jesus-fucked dickheads" and "fucking idiots"? You must have some kind of radar mate! How'd you pick this one up? Anyway, I'm not referring to all Christians as "Jesus-fucked dickheads" and "fucking idiots"...just the moron on the end of this CD advising us to join him in a prayer apologising for the lives we live. Yes, to me, that is a mindless f*cking idiot. Sorry if it offends but I'd guess I'd have more intelligent conversations with my pug than this guy. I just do a search for "threads where Geoff's being an asshole again." I generally get about 3,214 hits, at which point I begin sifting through them looking for your Christian-bashing. Doesn't take too long to find something. You can say you're only calling the guy on the CD those names, but in the end, most Christians share his beliefs, so it's not hard to surmise that you would readily refer to other Christians the same way. Don't worry, mate, I'm not really offended, but I would be lying if I said I thought the colorful phrases you concocted to describe Christians--or at least, that particular Christian--were necessary. But hey, freedom of speech is a wonderful thing, right? You're free to spew your hatred, I'm free to call you a jackass. It all balances out. Equilibrium is a wonderful thing. If I ever make it to Australia, I still expect you to buy this Jesus-fucked dickhead a beer. Yeah, to be honest you don't need to be a genius to read between the lines and it's not even that I'm calling all Christians complete morons - in my opinion... just the religious part of their brain which seems to take over other parts of it when found. To me it's the biggest contradiction to find an otherwise intelligent person (and I mean this honestly, like yourself. Because if I tell you honestly, every Christian I know personally is a desperate, weak-minded, unintelligent human who just needs something to verify their worth and allow them to think they know a better way than non-believers) but then seeing them have this crazy, wild fantasy-driven religious side too. Just baffles the hell out of me. Anyway, you can bet my religion-hating ass that if you do get over here we'll share that beer, and probably a cuddle to. If that's cool. To me, you can be a good person who'd rather go for a surf on Sunday morning than waste a beautiful day in a church. There's nothing wrong with spending your money on family and friends and established worthwhile charities if you're that way inclined rather than donating to your local church (for what?!). Why not read, watch TV, have sex, spend time with friends and family rather than pray? I just find it funny (and offensive and stupid) that the general Christian (and any other religion) thought process is that the only way to become a good, better person is via Jesus Christ, God, a church, prayer, worship, sobriety, abstaining from sex, prayer groups, religion etc. Just makes me want to burn and break stuff. I personally have no problem with thread derailment, so... Geoff, you must have met some real jackass Christians in your time. Like any class of people, Christians come in all shapes, sizes, and varying theological beliefs, but judging from your comments, you've only bumped into the retards. As you know, there are several Christians on these boards alone, people you like & respect, people I hardly think you would classify as desperate, weak-minded, and unintelligent. Well, except Matt. He's a little desperate for your affection, I'll concede that. You seem to think that you can't be a Christian and still have fun. Newsflash you for you, buddy, I'm a Christian and I rarely go to church, I spend money on charities rather than the church, I read books, watch TV, have sex, drink, and spend time with friends. See, all the things you like to do, I can do to. Being a Christian does not mean you flick off the fun switch. I could probably ramble for hours, but I'll end here. Just to piss you off, I'm going to get a prayer group together and spend the next 6 hrs. praying for your damned soul. After that, I might have a beer and then get laid.
  16. "Holy Water" is the only Bad Company album that lasted more than a couple days in my collection. The rest all went bye-bye faster than Geoff at a prayer meeting.
  17. Blasphemy or not, I much prefer the sound/style of the Howe-led years. (Sorry, Dave.)
  18. Not a big WASP fan, but "Ballcrusher" is a smokin' tune, and easily gets my vote. Truth be told, this album as a whole is a pretty solid slab of 80s metal, but for some reason it just never grabbed me. Then again, the same could be said for all of WASP's discography...
  19. Maybe I'm just tired and thin-skinned tonight, and I know you hate Christianity to an outrageous extreme, but is it really necessary to refer to Christians as "Jesus-fucked dickheads" and "fucking idiots"? You must have some kind of radar mate! How'd you pick this one up? Anyway, I'm not referring to all Christians as "Jesus-fucked dickheads" and "fucking idiots"...just the moron on the end of this CD advising us to join him in a prayer apologising for the lives we live. Yes, to me, that is a mindless f*cking idiot. Sorry if it offends but I'd guess I'd have more intelligent conversations with my pug than this guy. I just do a search for "threads where Geoff's being an asshole again." I generally get about 3,214 hits, at which point I begin sifting through them looking for your Christian-bashing. Doesn't take too long to find something. You can say you're only calling the guy on the CD those names, but in the end, most Christians share his beliefs, so it's not hard to surmise that you would readily refer to other Christians the same way. Don't worry, mate, I'm not really offended, but I would be lying if I said I thought the colorful phrases you concocted to describe Christians--or at least, that particular Christian--were necessary. But hey, freedom of speech is a wonderful thing, right? You're free to spew your hatred, I'm free to call you a jackass. It all balances out. Equilibrium is a wonderful thing. If I ever make it to Australia, I still expect you to buy this Jesus-fucked dickhead a beer.
  20. Maybe I'm just tired and thin-skinned tonight, and I know you hate Christianity to an outrageous extreme, but is it really necessary to refer to Christians as "Jesus-fucked dickheads" and "fucking idiots"?
  21. When you boil it down to brass tacks, all the Idle Cure albums (save the debut, which is definitely more AOR-ish) are very similar in style & hardness. It's difficult to judge if "Eclipse" is heavier than "Inside Out" or whether "2nd Avenue" sports more balls than "Tough Love," because all of them are pretty close. Every CD has its fair share of hard rockin' tracks, so if you like one release by this band, odds are you'll like 'em all, and you can't say that about a lot of groups. The quality between albums doesn't differ much, though obviously each listener will have their personal favorite. Without digging through the lyric sheets, I never noticed one Idle Cure album to be any more preachy than the others; they've always been a blatantly Christian band, never striving for crossover appeal. Of course, given my beliefs, none of that bothers me.
  22. Latest acquisitions... Stryper: "Murder by Pride" Society Red: s/t Daughtry: "Leave This Town" Sworn Enemy: "Total World Domination" Drowning Pool: "Full Circle"
  23. I have picked all the Eonian stuff up...all are kick ass...amazes me no one has replied to Mark's question as I know Eonian has sold alot of copies....their first four releases were down to under 100 copies of each left a couple weeks ago....glad I got mine.... Cool. I was starting to think nobody had purchased the Uzi or Shake City, or if they had, didn't like 'em enough to talk about 'em. I recall when Eonian's first batch (Gynger Lynn, Pistol Dawn, High Noon, & Charlemagne) came out, lots of folks were discussing them, but Uzi & Shake City haven't seemed to garner the same attention. Surprising, because I think both releases are better than anything in the first round of releases.
  24. So did anyone pick these up yet? Haven't seen/heard much talk about them. Then again, I'm not on the boards nearly as much as I used to be, so maybe I just missed the conversation.
  25. When it comes to twat, I definitely don't waffle about...
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