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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Just saw this thread...thanks everybody!! And Geoff, it's not sin if the goat consents, right?
  2. Hmmmm, wonder what they've got up their sleeve. Maybe they're gonna try their hand at death-metal. Actually, now that I think about it, I would probably buy such an album...
  3. Yeah but has your hard copy got the three bonus tracks on it?? Including 'Cant Leave You Alone' (which is awesome) Sonuva..I guess I didn't search long enough before ordering my copy. I didn't realize there was one with three bonus tracks on it. I see the "special edition" (w/bonus tracks) available on iTunes, but do physical copies of the "special edition" actually exist? Haven't found anyplace selling it yet. Not that it matters...I'll keep my regular version that I only paid $7 for and just download the 3 bonus tracks.
  4. I got mine on the way from e-bay. But the cheapest place I've seen it so far is at amazon.com. They've got used copies starting at $6.86. Yep, I went the Amazon.com route. Picked up an "opened but never played" copy for $7.97. Shipped yesterday. Can't wait to get my hands--and my ears--on this puppy!
  5. Been awhile since a band made me go, "Holy shit, this is awesome!" but that's what I just said after listening to the songs on MySpace. Perfect blend of oldschool hair-metal (those harmony vocals are killer) and modern hard rock, and yeah, the singer definitely has a Jamie Rowe vibe happening, which is great, since Rowe ranks among my favorite vocalists. Now, who wants to buy this for me? Anyone?? I will make sure you receive sexual favors from Geoff. I'll even throw in a reach-around from Matt. Seriously, this will be a top contender for album of the year in my book.
  6. Are you Mark...or one of Geoff's boyfriends? Who says I can't be both?
  7. Should I be offended that I haven't received any votes...or happy?? Good Lord, this poll is so confusing...
  8. Dan who? Never heard o' the chap. Bet he's a wanker.
  9. You're not thinking of the "Hills Have Eyes" remake are you?
  10. Dude, you are my hero. Even though the missus was pissed at you, you still got her to give you a foot rub and talk sweet to you. You da man!!!
  11. So what you're saying is that you're engaging in "pity posting"? Well, I'm not a proud man, so I can live with that, as long as I'm no longer lonely over there on the main site. Geoff usually cuddles with me, though...will you cuddle with me? It makes Matt jealous, which is an added benefit.
  12. Tried this tactic today, but no luck...the Federal government is smarter than I gave them credit for and have our filters at the prison set to block any "proxy avoidance" sites as well.
  13. According to your wife--and Matt--Christmas isn't the only thing that comes early at your house...
  14. Wonderful. Will you please contact Dan and pay him whatever he needs to make this happen? Thanks, you're the best. Actually, it's weird...for the first 4 yrs. of my career, the message board was blocked. Then the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) pushed out new filters and viola, the message board was available and has been for the last 6 yrs. Now these new filters have just come down the pike and the boards are banned yet again. According to the Computer Services Manager, it's a blanket filter that blocks all forums. Funny thing is, under the last filters, I couldn't access the forums over at Bloody-Disgusting.com, but under these new filters I can. Apparently the BOP feels talking about melodic rock is of greater concern than discussing "favorite kills" or "favorite rape-revenge scenarios." Hey, it's the federal government...it's not supposed to make sense, right?
  15. Apparently all you Heavy Harmonies hooligans are nefarious individuals, because the Federal Bureau of Prisons (a.k.a. my employer) has suddenly deemed the message board (but not the main site) to be evil enough to warrant blocking through their newly-installed filters. Dammit, man, what do they expect me to do at work, actually supervise inmates or something? I'm tellin' ya, I'm gonna have to go put the boots to some baby-raper to vent my anger... On the plus side, since I can now only access the main site, I will most likely be commenting on a lot more CDs. So storm clouds and silver lining and all that shit...but DAMN, I'm still pissed. So I haven't been around much lately to begin with, and now I'll be around even less. Cue bitter tears from some (I'm looking at you, Matt) and diabolical, gleeful laughter from others (I heard that, Geoff).
  16. Actually, yeah, I would tell them to lighten up...if they had followed up their "I'm offended" speech by making comments that could easily offend a different set of people. I sorta-kinda-maybe understand why Bernd takes issue with humorous photos of Hitler, but I have little tolerance for someone who is offended by something but then proceeds to do/say something that could be found offensive by others. You can't have it both ways. Thin skin and a sharp tongue should never be part of the same body. By the way, I wasn't going to respond to your post, but once I prayed about it, God told me to.
  17. I assume by "same," you mean totally awesome? OK, some were awesome (1, 3, & 6) and others were just OK (2, 4, & 5).
  18. Sorry, mate, but WTF are you talking about? Yes, I really don't think this kind of pics are "humorous", and I expressed my opinion that I believe they don't belong on this or any board. Really sorry if you don't like that. In my post in this thread I wasn't in any way trying to mock any Christian's beliefs and practices. You don't know me, so don't give me that bullshit. But I think this sentence how Barren Cross chose their singer is funny. Different humor, hey ? Where's your thick skin? I'm talking about your hypocrisy/double standard when it comes to being (potentially) offensive. You were offended by a humorous (to most folks, anyway) picture of Hitler and requested that it be removed, yet strolled into this thread and dropped a humorous (to some, anyway) but mocking comment about Barren Cross' prayers regarding a new singer, a comment that any Christian could easily construe as mocking their beliefs on praying. So how 'bout this? You don't like a picture, you just bite your lip and move to another thread, not demand the whole board conform to your sense of right & wrong. And when you or Geoff or anyone else slings some anti-Christian comment in the name of humor, I'll just roll my eyes and move along, not insist on a retraction or deletion. Because honest to God (again, pun intended), I couldn't care less if you posted a photo of Satan butt-banging a bent-over Christ...my beliefs are just that--mine--and if you want to poke fun, mock, or satirize them, knock your socks off. But don't bitch about being offended by what somebody else did that rubbed you wrong and then spout off something that might piss off a particular set of people...it's called hypocrisy and it irks the hell out of me. Now that all that's off my chest, allow me to say that I really don't have a problem with you, and I formally invite you to Australia to join me and Geoff at a beach-side pub over pink drinks for a theological debate. When we've completed that, we'll ogle the scantily-clad female flesh strutting by and this particular thread will be a distant forgotten memory.
  19. Wow !! What a story... ! Did they sing that prayer?? How'd I miss that line? That is amazing. HAHA. I love that 'State of Control' CD but man, these guys sound like f*cking loonies! I have to disagree. Waiting for God's will and relying on His timing can help folks avoid problems. It does not mean a person is crazy. I am looking forward to this new music. Attakk and Malice both had some great tunes! Eh, ignore them both. Apparently our good lad Swazi can be terribly offended by humorous pics of Hitler, but has no problem with potentially offending the Christians on the board by mocking their beliefs/practices... Thank God (pun intended) I've got thicker skin and understand the concept of a public message board, which by its very nature means if you're offended by something, you don't have to visit. Anyway, Barren Cross's business with God is their business...all I want to know is whether or not the new singer is any good. Mike Lee could belt out the metal tuneage, so this newbie has some big shoes to fill.
  20. I'm a Whiteheart fan, one of the bands that got me into Christian rock big-time back in the day. If you don't mind the fairly blatant Christian lyrics, they're a pretty good melodic rock band with some really slick harmonies. Their best CD, in my opinion, is "Powerhouse," followed by "Highlands," "Freedom," and "Tales of Wonder." Their early stuff isn't that great, and their last couple of albums have veered into modern-ish territory (though I do like some songs on "Inside"). Not sure how much that helps you, but for what it's worth, I recommend them, at least the first 4 albums I mentioned. Big Whiteheart fan here...havn't heard the first 2 or so...which I believe are really fluffy and had a rotating door of muscians. But everything after that is great stuff. And ignore Mark, the last two albums are also good stuff. The title track on Inside is their most rocking moment! Yep, their early stuff is definitely fluffier than my belly after Thanksgiving dinner. And ignore me? That was just uncalled for, Matty-kins. I said I liked some of "Inside"! For what it's worth, it's still in my collection. The title track does indeed bring the hardest/heaviest sound this band ever unleashed, and it's followed by the best song on the CD ("You Can't Take What you Don't Have"). The next 2 tracks are total fillers, and then the band serves up a triple-threat with "Ritual," "Living Sacrifice," & "Dominate." After that, it fizzles out like Pauly Shore's career. Still, that's a half-and-half album, which is a'right. But no way would I recommend any Whiteheart virgins pop their cherry with this album...start with "Powerhouse" followed by "Highlands" and then you'll know whether this band is for you or not.
  21. This link took me to a Spanish-subtitled Holy Soldier video...
  22. I'm a Whiteheart fan, one of the bands that got me into Christian rock big-time back in the day. If you don't mind the fairly blatant Christian lyrics, they're a pretty good melodic rock band with some really slick harmonies. Their best CD, in my opinion, is "Powerhouse," followed by "Highlands," "Freedom," and "Tales of Wonder." Their early stuff isn't that great, and their last couple of albums have veered into modern-ish territory (though I do like some songs on "Inside"). Not sure how much that helps you, but for what it's worth, I recommend them, at least the first 4 albums I mentioned.
  23. You never were any good at taking orders...except from Geoff...when he orders you to drop your pants and assume the position... More importantly, didja like it? (The CD I mean, not the position.) It's only just been put in...I think some songs I'll love, others I won't. What's only just been put in? Thanks to our very own handsome member Mike, these are now in the collection: Wildstreet - s/t ('For so long' and 'Open up your eyes' are plain and simply two of the best songs of the year) Freakshow - s/t So YOU'RE the one who stole these out from under me. F*cker. My personal team of ninjas will be visiting your residence shortly for assassination/retrieval purposes.
  24. You never were any good at taking orders...except from Geoff...when he orders you to drop your pants and assume the position... More importantly, didja like it? (The CD I mean, not the position.) It's only just been put in...I think some songs I'll love, others I won't. I'll expect a full report.
  25. You never were any good at taking orders...except from Geoff...when he orders you to drop your pants and assume the position... More importantly, didja like it? (The CD I mean, not the position.)
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