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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Its just that there's not a whole lot of glam out there that is unreleased. I think it's better suited to Eonian and SunCity. Guess I'm kind of wondering what you mean by that. Why would Eonian be more suitable for glam than Retrospect? Steve (Eonian) hasn't released any glam bands yet... Not trying to pick a fight here, just honestly curious as to why you think Eonian's mission statement makes it more "proper" for glam bands.
  2. Not trying to stir up more Retrospect Records controversy here (though I suspect that's a little unavoidable), but as most of you know, I wrote the biography for the Eonian-released Shake City CD, and during the course of my e-conversations with the band members, it was made pretty clear that the EP released by Retrospect was unauthorized. Take that for what it's worth.
  3. The eBay seller is Crycin, correct? We have a Crycin on this forum. One and the same...??
  4. How long did it take you to think of that? I'm hoping all day. 90 seconds. When it comes to anything condom-related, 90 seconds is usually my average. I'm gifted like that. That's what your girlfriend told me, so I can vouch for that. Nice. Please don't tell my wife about my girlfriend.
  5. How long did it take you to think of that? I'm hoping all day. 90 seconds. When it comes to anything condom-related, 90 seconds is usually my average. I'm gifted like that.
  6. Hey, if Bon Jovi want a cover depicting them taking a leisurely stroll inside a giant ribbed condom, that's their right...
  7. Latest acquisitions... Quantum of Solace (really like the new direction of the Bond franchise) Sudden Impact (classic Dirty Harry)
  8. LOFCAUDIO was "hard rock"? Seriously? I wouldn't put it any heavier than the new material, probably a bit lighter actually. It's a Jungle Out There always struck me as the heavier of the two albums, but even that wasn't all that heavy. IMO I think the first two albums classify as hard rock. They're not super-heavy but I still still think it falls into that category much better than this new one. This '3' sounds more like contemporary Christian AOR to me. Jon's voice does sound great but there wasn't one sample that stuck out to me as awesome. But, like you said, to each their own. "It's a Jungle out There" definitely falls into the hard rock category, and "Lofcaudio," while lighter and more polished, still retains its melodic rock edge and totally blows the balls off this new one. I wholeheartedly agree with my brother that this is a big fat disappointment. Jon's voice sounds stellar as ever, but those songs make recent Bon Jovi sound like heavy metal. Mastedon fans waited 18 yrs. for this CD and this is the best the band could do? I expect so much better from John & Dino...
  9. Totally agree on Beau Hill needing to be involved. I completely disagree, and this will never happen anyway. I interviewed Marcie soon after the operation (for Frontiers mag) and all the band hated the way that album sounded. Free particularly said he/she wasn't allowed near the mixing and the result was the vocals were buried in the mix. You have one of the best vocalists in Melodic Rock and you bury the vocals? Even though he often got the best out of bands, Beau Hill's production quality was pretty average IMO. And if they didn't have Beau Hill on production duties for that debut, I doubt it would be the melodic masterpiece that it is. Dunno about anybody else but I could hear Mark's vocals just fine. I agree Mark's vocals sounded great and aren't buried at all. Well the band themselves didn't agree, which is why Beau Hill would never even be an option here (however that's probably as much about personal disagreements than it is about the sound). I thought it sounded awesome, and agree the production played a big part - I'm just disappointed it didn't sound more like the first SIGNAL album with vocals high in the mix... Don't get me wrong I love that Signal disc but IMO the Unruly Child is much better. Signal is good, but comparing it to Unruly Child's debut is like comparing the kinda-cute girl behind the counter at the convenience store to the smokin'-gorgeous hotties that populate our Major Babeage thread or HSF's Motivational Posters thread.
  10. I'm more of a "thank God the 70s ended so they could start making good music" kind of guy.
  11. Sgt. Roxx & Dr. Grind are next up on the agenda, scheduled for release on October 27, a nice li'l treat just before Halloween. As for the others...not sure. I can tell you that I finished writing the bio for Bad Attitude a couple months ago, but I haven't been told when it's slated for release.
  12. MUDVAYNE: "A New Game" Before this album, I would have rather dunked my dick in a vat of boiling oil than listen to Mudvayne, but this time around the band finally delivered the goods, merging their aggressiveness with commercial sensibilities. Some rabid fans are accusing the band of selling out, but I don't know what they're listening to, 'cause this ain't exactly Nickelback; the harsh (but not screaming) vocals are still present, the guitars pummel with their power, and the overall vibe is one of heaviness...just with some radio-ready hooks intact. This isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea on these boards, but for those who appreciate heavier modern rock, this new and improved Mudvayne is well worth a listen.
  13. That's Retroactive Records, not Retrospect. 'Cause I'm nitpicky like that.
  14. Gotta back up what Chris & Geoff are throwing down--this is a top-notch modern (Christian) hard rock CD, totally annihilating their last couple of albums. "Fire it up" and "Smack Down" have been stuck in my head since I got the CD...I've been singing the lyrics to "Fire it up" so much that my 2 year-old has even half-memorized them and sings along with me. For the modern hard rock fans lurking around here, if you haven't picked this up, you're missing out on some really good stuff. Just because this is in the Christian Rock & Metal section doesn't mean that it doesn't kick ass.
  15. If you like "Threads" more than "The Art of Balance" then you might not like "The War Within" as much but to me "The War Within" is awsome and right on par with "The Art of Balance" as their best. Yeah, I've heard "The War Within" is more abrasive/aggressive, which is why I haven't been in a rush to pick it up. I prefer the clean/melodic elements they brought in on "Threads..." As Tim will tell you, I'm a lightweight thrasher.
  16. Haven't picked up "The War Within" yet (shame on me) but I do own "The Art of Balance" & "Threads of Life," with the latter being my fave. Samples for "Retribution" were good enough to immediately place it in a place of high priority on my ever-expanding To Buy List.
  17. Unlike my women, I generally like my music heavier and harder-edged, but when it comes to Jaded Heart, I prefer the melodic rock sound of the Bormann era. I eventually got rid of "Helluva Time," but "Sinister Mind" still resides in my collection; at first listen to the samples, I don't think this newie is going to be as good as "Sinister Mind," but I could be wrong...we'll see. Jaded Heart is one of those bands I always give the benefit of the doubt.
  18. Sounds pretty damn aggressive! Sounds good. Blowing IV away...but I'm struggling a bit with it all still. I like the overall sound, but judging solely from the samples, for every killer song there is a real dud, and a 1 to 1 killer/dud ratio does not make for a great album. Still, it's an improvement on "IV," which was basically a collection of all duds. But a masterful return to the top of their game...uh, not so much. That said, tracks like "Deal With the Devil" & "Stone Cold Killer" prove they've still got some real chops.
  19. I agree that they're very similar in style; anyone who likes "No Respect" should also like "All Those Strangers." Personally, while this band is a long way from being among my favorites, I think "All Those Strangers" is better than "No Respect."
  20. Small shops simply can't compete with the behemoths that are Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc. My local independently-owned music shop had to expand into selling instruments, electronics, stereos, etc. in order to stay afloat. From chatting with the owner, I know when it comes to these major new releases like AC/DC, Guns N' Roses, etc., he just purchases his stock from Wal-Mart, because his cost from his supplier is higher than Wal-Mart's final price. I don't buy as much as I used to, but when I do, it's usually online; that said, I still try to stop in that local shop at least once a month and buy a CD (or DVD) from him, just to show some support. Somehow, for some reason, it just feels like the right thing to do.
  21. Good example. I only kept one track ("Champagne") myself. Interesting. I hated that song but loved the rest! Really good Modern Rock disc IMO. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I thought the rest of the album was perfectly serviceable, nothing really wrong with it, but didn't match the standards set by "Champagne." Plenty of superior modern rock bands out there. Hinder comes to mind...
  22. My one & only experience ordering directly from Chavis was a bad one. I ordered Cry Havoc from them several years ago, after the CD had already been released, and it took almost 3 months for me to receive. I phoned them, nobody would answer...I emailed them, I was ignored. I finally just gave up and suddenly, weeks later, the CD showed up in the mailbox. So, yeah, in a nutshell, Chavis sucks; their customer service is about as good as having a porcupine stuffed up your rectal cavity.
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