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The F*%K Thread


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Thanx for the fuckin' B-Day wishes DoksDad and Lisa... although the big day is actually not until tomorrow (the 22nd)... Heaven&Hell let the fuckin' cat outta the fucking bag a little early but that's cool, I'll take all the fuckin' love. :)

Fuckin' weekend camping trip went fuckin'great by the way... had a little bit of fuckin' rain before we left on Friday but it quit by the time we left the fuckin' house, then it stayed fuckin' dry all day Saturday and didn't spritz again till we were pulling the fuckin' RV back into our driveway this fuckin' afternoon. Fun was had, stuff was lit on fire, many beers were drank, fuckin' A, now I can't wait till next month's outing...

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Thanx for the fuckin' B-Day wishes DoksDad and Lisa... although the big day is actually not until tomorrow (the 22nd)... Heaven&Hell let the fuckin' cat outta the fucking bag a little early but that's cool, I'll take all the fuckin' love. :)

Fuckin' weekend camping trip went fuckin'great by the way... had a little bit of fuckin' rain before we left on Friday but it quit by the time we left the fuckin' house, then it stayed fuckin' dry all day Saturday and didn't spritz again till we were pulling the fuckin' RV back into our driveway this fuckin' afternoon. Fun was had, stuff was lit on fire, many beers were drank, fuckin' A, now I can't wait till next month's outing...

Fuck FF, sounds like you had a fuckin' blast! :banana: Enjoy your Fuckin' B-Day tomorrow!! Whoop it the Fuck up!!! :bananamac::bananamac:



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Thanx for the fuckin' B-Day wishes DoksDad and Lisa... although the big day is actually not until tomorrow (the 22nd)... Heaven&Hell let the fuckin' cat outta the fucking bag a little early but that's cool, I'll take all the fuckin' love. :)

Fuckin' weekend camping trip went fuckin'great by the way... had a little bit of fuckin' rain before we left on Friday but it quit by the time we left the fuckin' house, then it stayed fuckin' dry all day Saturday and didn't spritz again till we were pulling the fuckin' RV back into our driveway this fuckin' afternoon. Fun was had, stuff was lit on fire, many beers were drank, fuckin' A, now I can't wait till next month's outing...



Good to hear you had a great fucking weekend and that you drank many fucking beers. :drink:

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It's Freddy's fucking brithday here today!!! So happy birthday to Freddy's fuckin' Australian presence!


One thing I was thinking this fucking morning, I'd bet that the most common word used in this thread, aside from 'fuck', is 'Monday'. Fuck and Monday were born to be said together.


Fuck fuckin' Monday, the fucker of a fuckin' day.

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you guys sure do fuckin swear a lot <_<


Glad ya had a fuckin good time Freddy! :D Welcome back and happy fuckin birthday, again!


I'm fuckin with ya on 'fuckin' and 'Monday' being fuckin siblings Geoff! But next fuckin Monday is a fuckin holiday, so I'm not gonna fuckin b*tch too much this time.


I'm sleepy as fuckin heck & have been fighting a fuckin fever all day.... I see a blanky with my fuckin name on it.

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Good fucking Monday morning to you H&H... and happy fuckin' birthday to me... Thirty-Fucking-Six Years Old today and I still refuse to fuckin' grow up!

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Good fucking Monday morning to you H&H... and happy fuckin' birthday to me... Thirty-Fucking-Six Years Old today and I still refuse to fuckin' grow up!



Happy fucking birthday again. Hope your having a wonderful fucking day.

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Fuckin thanks for the fuckin' birthday wishes H&H and Blue Charvel, having a pretty good fuckin' day even though I'm at fuckin' work. One of my fellow desk jockeys just fuckin' hooked me up with a fuckin 6 pack of Newcastle Fuckin' Brown Ale, which is nice and fucking COLD and I wish I could fuckin' crack one open right the fuck NOW!!

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Fuckin' May is the month of madness. I know so many people having their fuckin' birthday in May - imagine how many of them were actually born in May too!!! Fuckin' mind boggling. But I hope you had a fuckin' good one Freddy, guess it's winding down now mate. All the fuckin' best.

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Fuckin thanks for the fuckin' birthday wishes H&H and Blue Charvel, having a pretty good fuckin' day even though I'm at fuckin' work. One of my fellow desk jockeys just fuckin' hooked me up with a fuckin 6 pack of Newcastle Fuckin' Brown Ale, which is nice and fucking COLD and I wish I could fuckin' crack one open right the fuck NOW!!


I'm fucking jealous, I love fucking Newcastle.

I just drank me a fucking pint last fucking night. :drink:

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Good fuckin' morning to all my fuckin' fellow foul mouthed fuckers! It's my fuckin' day off and my kid's still fuckin' sleeping so I have a fuckin' coupla minutes to drop a few fuckin' F-Bombs!


H&H, I had me two of them fuckin' Newcastles last night as well as a couple of fuckin' other beers besides so I had me a good fuckin' night! No fuckin hangover this morning either! Fuckin' SWEET!

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Good fuckin' morning to all my fuckin' fellow foul mouthed fuckers! It's my fuckin' day off and my kid's still fuckin' sleeping so I have a fuckin' coupla minutes to drop a few fuckin' F-Bombs!


H&H, I had me two of them fuckin' Newcastles last night as well as a couple of fuckin' other beers besides so I had me a good fuckin' night! No fuckin hangover this morning either! Fuckin' SWEET!



It fucking sounds like you had a good fucking day.

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Is it fuckin Friday yet?


Nope. :( BUT......I get to fuckin' go play fuckin' golf fuckin' tomorrow!!! :jump: Supposed to be fuckin' 80 fuckin' degrees and sunny!!!!


Fuckin' beeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooootiful!!!!!! :banana:

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Enjoy your fuckin' golf...meantime I'm bustin' my fuckin' hump digging a big fuckin hole in my backyard. We busted up our concrete slab patio last summer cuz it was fuckin' cracked and falling apart, the idea being that we were gonna fuckin' replace it with a nice railroad fuckin' tie wall and a small fuckin' deck. Naturally Winter fucking came before that part of the project could come to fuckin' fruition so this big mess sat out there all winter long. But guess what? The Wife has decreed that now is the fuckin' time, so I'm out there with a fuckin' shovel today cleaning up the fuckin' mess so we can finally get that fuckin' wall and deck started. Fuck me, I've only been at it for a fuckin' hour and my back is fucking KILLING me already. At least I got some fuckin' rockin tunes to listen to as I work, like the sweet fucking vintage Fates Warning stuff I got from Heaven & Hell late last week. Fucking thanks bro!!

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I like whipping the shovel out and giving the yard a good fuckin' going over, especially if there are fuckin' tunes involved. It's some good exercise. Fuckin' golf is a fucker of a game, but nice when the day is beautiful and fuckin' sunny. Freddy, enjoy your fuckin' yard :) and MJ, enjoy your fuckin' golf :D. I'm at fucking work. :(

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Nope. :( BUT......I get to fuckin' go play fuckin' golf fuckin' tomorrow!!! :jump: Supposed to be fuckin' 80 fuckin' degrees and sunny!!!!


Fuckin' beeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooootiful!!!!!! :banana:


MJMJMJMJMJMJ!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I fuckin go with ya tomorrow!??! I don't wanna fuckin play, I just wanna drive the fuckin golf cart! I've always wanted to fuckin drive one of them fuckers!



Looooooong fuckin day today.... 14 fuckin hours <_<

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Drivin' the fuckin' golf carts is half the fuckin' fun!!!!!!!!! I just did that last Thursday when my buddy came in to fuckin' visit!! Took him to a cool fuckin' course and I ended up drivin' the fucker around!!

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