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66 mustang

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In an attempt to put my disappointment into words a piece of crap comes to mind or a steaming pile of... well you get the idea. I was SOOO hoping this was going to live up to the hype and boy what a let down.


That said if you want an after school special or Hallmark Network styled "horror" film have at it, but if you want something innovative and as stated on the box "deeply disturbing" or "you will never see a more terrifying film", then you should look elsewhere...



The Family


Meh. DeNiro and Pfiffer are a mob family being relo'd for the umpteenth time and there comedic, yet violent struggles to stay incognito.

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Resident Evil: Retribution ... Ada Wong can kick my ass ANY time she likes :)

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"Gravestoned" (2009)

Billed as "a horror film for stoners," this is a sh*t house no budget "comedy" about a one armed slasher stalking the cast and crew of a horror movie. Nobody in the movie can act and the "story" goes nowhere. Pointless, plotless, irritatingly unfunny amateur night crap. This looks like it was made by a bunch of kids who suddenly decided "Hey, let's shoot a movie on our iPhones and put it on YouTube!"
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"Aural Amphetamine: Metallica and the Dawn of Thrash" (2011)

A skimpy but still mostly entertaining low-budget documentary that covers the rise of the NWOBHM and its eventual mutation into thrash metal thanks largely to the influence of a certain Mr. Ulrich and his band.

Putting Metallica's name in the title and on the DVD cover is a cheap ploy to snag unsuspecting viewers, because they obviously had nothing to do with the making of this flick - they appear only via vintage concert and interview footage. New interviewees include Brian Tatler (Diamond Head), Lonn Friend (RIP Magazine), Chris Poland (Megadeth), Aaron Jellum (Laaz Rockit), photographer Harold O., and others.

Longtime thrashers will enjoy the trip down memory lane but they certainly won't learn anything new.
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Insidious - not sure if I've seen this before, or if it has the same end as another similar movie. Either way, I know I've seen that whole end sequence somewhere before. I really really hate these haunted house movies so much, but I'll admit it was extremely creepy in places. Probably as creepy as 'The Conjuring' actually. But the whole haunted house genre... man it really shits me.

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"Plastic Galaxy: The Story of Star Wars Toys" (2014)


Charming documentary about the rise and fall of the Kenner toy corporation, which went from a tiny company to an industry powerhouse thanks to the "Star Wars" license that brought forth a seemingly endless series of action figures, vehicles, and other tie-ins. Children of the '70s and '80s will have a blast going down memory lane with this one.

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"The Final Conflict" (aka "Omen III," 1981)

In the third chapter of the "Omen" saga, little Damien is all grown up and is ready to receive his Satanic birthright. Unfortunately a troop of monks on an assassination mission - and a little thing called the Second Coming - stand in his way. "Final Conflict" has its moments and a young Sam Neill (later of "Jurassic Park") does a nice job as the adult Damien but it pales in comparison to the previous two "Omen" flicks.

On the other hand, "Omen III" looks like the Royal Shakespare Company compared to...

"Omen IV: The Awakening" (1991)

This sh*t house made-for-TV sequel (!) picks up the saga with Damien's evil now housed in the body of a little girl who is adopted out to an unsuspecting D.C. political family. If it weren't for the "Omen" tag this would be just another standard killer-kid movie and the TV budget does it no favors. I knew I was in trouble as soon as I saw the director was Dominique Othenin-Girard, who was also behind the abominable "Halloween 5." AVOID.
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Mad Max (2015)

Run All Night

Jurassic World

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Based on true-story of a human-trafficking survivor, Chong Kim, some excellent acting here but I'm quite shocked to read that last year an organization reveals that Chong Kim's story is actually a lie

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Her ; I'd heard a good report about this, but I just didn't really dig it at all. The story follows a guy who is dating his OS. And by that I mean the Operating System on a computer. Yep, that about sums up my thoughts on it too...

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"The Final Conflict" (aka "Omen III," 1981)



In the third chapter of the "Omen" saga, little Damien is all grown up and is ready to receive his Satanic birthright. Unfortunately a troop of monks on an assassination mission - and a little thing called the Second Coming - stand in his way. "Final Conflict" has its moments and a young Sam Neill (later of "Jurassic Park") does a nice job as the adult Damien but it pales in comparison to the previous two "Omen" flicks.


On the other hand, "Omen III" looks like the Royal Shakespare Company compared to...


"Omen IV: The Awakening" (1991)



This sh*t house made-for-TV sequel (!) picks up the saga with Damien's evil now housed in the body of a little girl who is adopted out to an unsuspecting D.C. political family. If it weren't for the "Omen" tag this would be just another standard killer-kid movie and the TV budget does it no favors. I knew I was in trouble as soon as I saw the director was Dominique Othenin-Girard, who was also behind the abominable "Halloween 5." AVOID.

Do yourself a favour and check out Babysitter Wanted (2008). Fun and much better than those serious Omen movies!

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^^ Thanks for the tip, I'll look into it...


"Turtle Power: The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (2014)

This entertaining documentary covers the amazing growth of the Ninja Turtle craze, from its humble beginnings as a self published black & white comic book to a TV, film and merchandising powerhouse that is still going strong decades later. A fun trip down memory lane for aging comic nerds and children of the 80s/90s in general.
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  • My Little Pony

^^ Thanks for the tip, I'll look into it...


"Turtle Power: The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (2014)



This entertaining documentary covers the amazing growth of the Ninja Turtle craze, from its humble beginnings as a self published black & white comic book to a TV, film and merchandising powerhouse that is still going strong decades later. A fun trip down memory lane for aging comic nerds and children of the 80s/90s in general.

I like these kinds of documentaries. I'll have to look into it, and tell my friend. She's a massive Turtles fan.

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"Enter the Ninja" (1981)

Cannon Films honcho Menahem Golan himself directed this chop-socky cheez classic. A Westerner freshly trained in the art of the ninja (Franco Nero) heads to the Philippines, where he helps his friend protect his plantation from some gangsters. After Nero kicks their asses a bunch of times the bad guys hire a ninja of their own which leads to a sweet ninja-on-ninja showdown. Needless to say this is badly dated, campy, silly stuff but the stunt work is still pretty impressive.
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"Enter the Ninja" (1981)



Cannon Films honcho Menahem Golan himself directed this chop-socky cheez classic. A Westerner freshly trained in the art of the ninja (Franco Nero) heads to the Philippines, where he helps his friend protect his plantation from some gangsters. After Nero kicks their asses a bunch of times the bad guys hire a ninja of their own which leads to a sweet ninja-on-ninja showdown. Needless to say this is badly dated, campy, silly stuff but the stunt work is still pretty impressive.


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I enjoyed this one, on par with my expectation, no more no less. The high speed 'fast and furious' chase is pretty cool, shot in Morocco, some narrow streets and mountain passes reminded me of our time there recently. Storyline could have been better but looks like they really focus on the action and stunt part. If you dig the last one, this one's for you.

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"Filthy Gorgeous: The Bob Guccione Story" (2013)

Absorbing documentary about Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione, who led a very interesting life - building a magazine empire during the sexual revolution of the 70s, battling censorship in the '80s, and sadly losing it all thanks to the radical changes in the adult entertainment biz during the 90s.
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"Life Itself" (2014)

A touching documentary about the life and death of famed film critic Roger Ebert, who never allowed his battle with cancer to diminish his love for the movies, for his family, and for sharing them both with the world via the written word. Emotional and inspiring.
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The Escort - kind of a working class man's Pretty Woman, but well made and enjoyable.


Hot Pursuit - Fuck me if my brain cells diminished after watching this. Would have been better to enjoy the experience and kill them off with lots of vodka. Would have felt better in the morning for the experience as well.

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"Roadracers" (1994)

Robert "Machete" Rodriguez directed this better-than-expected made-for-cable ode to '50s drag racing B-movies. David Arquette camps it up big time as a tough guy rebel-without-a-cause type who drives fast, plays loud rock and roll, and rumbles with crooked cops and rival hot rodders while romancing Salma Hayek (lucky bastard). Retro fun!!
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"The Warriors" (1979)

Believe it or not, this was my first time ever seeing Walter Hill's cult classic street-gang flick. After a NYC gang summit goes wrong, a Coney Island crew must make their way back to their home turf from the Bronx, with every other gang in the city gunning for them. Great stuff, shot in a New York that was a hell of a lot scarier and dirtier than it is today.
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"The Warriors" (1979)


Believe it or not, this was my first time ever seeing Walter Hill's cult classic street-gang flick. After a NYC gang summit goes wrong, a Coney Island crew must make their way back to their home turf in Brooklyn from the Bronx, with every other gang in the city gunning for them. Great stuff, shot in a New York that was a hell of a lot scarier and dirtier than it is today.

I love (ed) this movie and color me stunned that Mr. Movie hasn't seen this yet.!?


Epic film indeed and a major influence on a many other films and even music. Remember the opener on Twisted Sister's "Come Out And Play"? "Oh Twisted Sister, come out to plaaayy!"

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