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66 mustang

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"Wages of Sin" (2006)

Lame-ass shot on video horror poop about a group of annoying twenty-somethings who go to a secluded country house for a weekend of partying, only to find that the place is haunted by the ghost of a crazed preacher (the house's former occupant) who killed his family there twenty years ago. Part "Amityville," part "Exorcist," part "Frailty," equals all crap.


Gawd, I gotta stop buying movies out of the bargain bin. I've had a real run of bad flicks lately :rofl:


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Welcome To The Jungle


Easy watching action film, The Rock is quite good in it, not bad.

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"Memory" - Billy Zane is a scientist whose accidental exposure to a drug compound suddenly gives him the ability to see other peoples' memories, through their eyes. Unfortunately, the person whose memories he starts seeing happens to be a psycho kidnapper/killer who's been stealing little girls and locking them away in a secret hideaway since the early 70s. The late great Dennis Hopper and Ann-Margret (!) both make appearances in supporting roles. An unexpectedly cool mystery that kept me guessing throughout.




(The trailer looks pretty crappy but it was actually a pretty damn good flick. Haha.)


This was the 4th and last film on the cheap-o "Horror Collector's Set" DVD that I bought late last week, and even though I wouldn't exactly classify it as a "Horror" movie (it's more of a suspense/thriller in the vein of, say, "Kiss the Girls") it turned out to be the best movie on the disc. That figures.

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The Runaways - while i enjyed this movie I'm not sure i'd watch it again. still thinking about if I'd watch it again after finishing it up at like 2am this morning. I just wish Lita was on board with the movie. for me felt like that was missing, then again Lita might not have been a huge force in the band and it was Joan and Cherre that drove the band.

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French film starring the lovely Marion Cotillard, which is why I watched it.

Marion-Cotillard-005_951.jpg (See why I bothered?)


Apart from some very nice shots of Marion in rather tight fitting outfits, possibly the worst film I have ever seen! This film is so arty - if you like that type of thing, with lots of lingering scenery shots, but with absolutely fucking nothing happening, maybe this film is for you. Nearly 2 hours of almost no plot, I am bloody furious that I watched this. :doh: :doh: :doh:

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Gran Torino


[enjoyed it...Eastwood always plays a good cantakerous old bstard]


Great film....






Dull. 3rd-rate action flick. Skip it.

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"Hustling" - a mid-1970s made for TV movie about a New York magazine reporter digging into the prostitution industry in and around Times Square. Before I learned of its made-for-TV origins, I was hoping that this was going to be a sleazy exploitation flick; no such luck. It's a pretty straightforward drama whose message is, more or less, that "Prostitutes are human beings too, dammit." If this movie were made today it would probably air on the Lifetime Channel. :lol:


Worth a look for the cool on-location shots of 1970s NYC though, when New York City was a lot dirtier and scarier than it is nowadays. Decent cast (incl. Jill Clayburgh, Lee Remick, Alex Rocco, and Burt Young) and acting as well, just not the kinda movie I was expecting.


Trivia geek alert: the movie was directed by Joseph Sargent, who did tons of TV Movies and mini-series throughout the '70s and '80s, as well as the occasional theatrical film, including the legendary disaster "Jaws: The Revenge." If nothing else, "Hustling" was far superior to THAT turkey.

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The Manor


Strange film, feels more like a theatre production (maybe it was originally for all I know) i.e. some deliberate overacting, dramatic pauses, etc. Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed it, very funny, great acting, strong characters, etc. Recommended if you fancy something different. And Gabrielle Anwar is really hot in it. :quagmire:


Oh, and a lot f***ing better than bloody 'Innocence'!!! :rant: (I'm still bitter about that one.)

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Deep star six. i love bad movies, but this was TERRIBLE


Ooh yeah, that one's pretty wretched. Around the time that was released, there was a whole mess of underwater sci fi/horror flicks trying to bite off of James Cameron's "The Abyss." There's one called "Lords of the Deep" that's even worse than "Deepstar Six."


If you wanna see a good underwater-creature flick that came out around the same time, look up "Leviathan" with Peter Weller and Richard Crenna. It's basically an "Alien" retread set at the bottom of the ocean, but it's tons o'dumb fun.


Oh, and it came out much later than the others I just mentioned but "Deep Rising" (Treat Williams & Famke Janssen vs. octopus monsters loose aboard a cruise ship!) is a hoot too.

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Deep star six. i love bad movies, but this was TERRIBLE


Pah, I dare you to watch Innocence!

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...fun...a bit gory...bit weird towards the end deffo worth seeing.



That's the Spanish Horror ain't it? - Good movie, enjoyed it.

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...fun...a bit gory...bit weird towards the end deffo worth seeing.



That's the Spanish Horror ain't it? - Good movie, enjoyed it.


Yep that's it...in all honesty I get a bit fed up of films done "through the camera lens" like Blair Witch and Cloverfield, but I enjoyed this.

There's a Rec II but the reports are that it's a bit of a lemon.

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At Close Range


Sean Penn and Christopher Walken are both fantastic in this film based on the true story of Bruce Johnston Snr and Jnr, the former a gang leader in Pennsylvania in the 80s. The gang stole tractors and also carried out the murders of members of the 'kiddy gang', led by Bruce Johnston Jnr. Good film, great acting, but far from a feelgood movie.

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'Buying the cow' ; not too awful, starring Ryan Reynolds. Average, but watchable, I guess.


'Species' ; haven't seen this in years - still a great flick to put on the screen. norks.png


'Species II' ; definitely a step back from the first one, but not a bad sequel.

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The kids and I watched "Curious George 2: Follow that Monkey!" this afternoon. I found myself relating to the poor Man in the Yellow Hat, as I too am helpless against the destructive force of hyperactive small creatures.

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