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66 mustang

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Despicable Me and The Last Airbender.


Saw The Last Airbender last weekend...not so good. I hope the next one is much better.

It was better than I thought but had some bad parts in addition to some well filmed scenes. Kinda hit and miss.


It wouldn't have been so bad if Suko would have been comic relief like he is in the TV show.

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American Gangster


Quite long (two and a half hours) and slow for the first half an hour, but ultimately a really good film. I've generally got a bit bored of Gangster films, but this is quite different. Strong characters, Denzel is good in the lead (of course) and the ending was quite unexpected.

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I Know What You Did Last Summer


I still remember the first time I saw it. Love at first sight, you know. ;)


Yea I know...



Watched Seventh Moon with Amy Smart (hubba hubba) not bad little "horror" film.

:agree::quagmire: :quagmire: :quagmire:

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Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day


Title sounds like a chick flick and the pink DVD case should have been another clue...


Only really watched the film because Shirley Henderson is in it, but thoroughly enjoyed it (which maybe I should be ashamed of). Frances McDormand and Amy Adams were excellent in the lead roles. I don't think I've seen AA before, but she's quite stunning in this.

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Drag Me To Hell.......dead funny especially the anvil bit, although I guess it's not supposed to be, (the missus was scared by it)!


100 feet - not a bad one, but the leading actress (she played Phoenix in X-Men but I can't remember her name) considering some of the happenings seems overly calm.

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Nice performance from DiCaprio and generally a decent plot, but some parts are a bit annoying and it drags a lot. Good ending though & generally worth seeing.





Interesting Swedish film with tons of twists & turns. Great acting and intriguing stuff, once you've worked through the slow opening sequences...

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Drag Me To Hell.......dead funny especially the anvil bit, although I guess it's not supposed to be, (the missus was scared by it)!



me too. Really good.

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Night At The Museum 2


Hmm - I can think of much better ways to spend 90 minutes :tits: , but it was fairly enjoyable.

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"Suspiria" - Dario Argento's '70s classic about witchcraft and murder at a ritzy ballet academy in Germany. People seem to really love this movie but I thought it was kinda "Ehhhh." Not really deserving of its legendary rep. There's atmosphere to spare, some great gore, lotsa pretty girls, but the story didn't really start to make a lick of sense till the last fifteen minutes or so.. But then that's Argento all over, from what I've seen of his stuff. Haha.

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Hot Tub Time Machine - an enjoyable flick. I liked to just sit back and watch enless nonsense and not thinking too much.


Book Of Eli - it was good. I enjoyed it but probably not a buyer.


Madagascar 2 - is it me or have the other compnaies out there caught up to Pixar in the look of their animation?

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"Suspiria" - Dario Argento's '70s classic about witchcraft and murder at a ritzy ballet academy in Germany. People seem to really love this movie but I thought it was kinda "Ehhhh." Not really deserving of its legendary rep. There's atmosphere to spare, some great gore, lotsa pretty girls, but the story didn't really start to make a lick of sense till the last fifteen minutes or so.. But then that's Argento all over, from what I've seen of his stuff. Haha.


Really enjoy this film, spooky with a great soundtrack :beerbang:

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"Suspiria" - Dario Argento's '70s classic about witchcraft and murder at a ritzy ballet academy in Germany. People seem to really love this movie but I thought it was kinda "Ehhhh." Not really deserving of its legendary rep. There's atmosphere to spare, some great gore, lotsa pretty girls, but the story didn't really start to make a lick of sense till the last fifteen minutes or so.. But then that's Argento all over, from what I've seen of his stuff. Haha.


Really enjoy this film, spooky with a great soundtrack :beerbang:


Yeah, the score (by the Italian band "Goblin") was pretty cool...for a while, anyway. It was more effective at the beginning of the film. At the start it was creepy, but after a while it became intrusive/borderline annoying. :lol:

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"Suspiria" - Dario Argento's '70s classic about witchcraft and murder at a ritzy ballet academy in Germany. People seem to really love this movie but I thought it was kinda "Ehhhh." Not really deserving of its legendary rep. There's atmosphere to spare, some great gore, lotsa pretty girls, but the story didn't really start to make a lick of sense till the last fifteen minutes or so.. But then that's Argento all over, from what I've seen of his stuff. Haha.


Really enjoy this film, spooky with a great soundtrack :beerbang:


Yeah, the score (by the Italian band "Goblin") was pretty cool...for a while, anyway. It was more effective at the beginning of the film. At the start it was creepy, but after a while it became intrusive/borderline annoying. :lol:


It was kinda disappointment to me too. Awesome camera work and scenery but there is no storyline, the slasher scenes are lame and the score is just... yeah, annoying like hell. There are far better giallos than this one.

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"Suspiria" - Dario Argento's '70s classic about witchcraft and murder at a ritzy ballet academy in Germany. People seem to really love this movie but I thought it was kinda "Ehhhh." Not really deserving of its legendary rep. There's atmosphere to spare, some great gore, lotsa pretty girls, but the story didn't really start to make a lick of sense till the last fifteen minutes or so.. But then that's Argento all over, from what I've seen of his stuff. Haha.


Really enjoy this film, spooky with a great soundtrack :beerbang:


Yeah, the score (by the Italian band "Goblin") was pretty cool...for a while, anyway. It was more effective at the beginning of the film. At the start it was creepy, but after a while it became intrusive/borderline annoying. :lol:


It was kinda disappointment to me too. Awesome camera work and scenery but there is no storyline, the slasher scenes are lame and the score is just... yeah, annoying like hell. There are far better giallos than this one.


Interesting opinions on this flick. After watching it last night I skimmed the reviews of it on IMDb (by the way, there are some seriously pretentious motherf**kers writing reviews on IMDb, haha) and some other movie sites and wow, "Suspiria" is definitely a "love it or hate it" kind of movie, there is very little middle ground. As for me, I'd say it was an interesting watch, enjoyed some bits of it but otherwise I don't really "get" what all the whoop-de-doo is about the flick, and I have no interest in watching it a 2nd time.

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The Return (2006)


Although its a slow and obscure film I really liked it because of the low-key, romantic mood, the aggressive and yet smooth images, the beautiful score and (the brunette) Sarah Michelle Gellar. (I really like the transformation she went through over the years) So, its a good thriller but I think its the type of movie that you have to watch again to understand... and to enjoy.

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24 Redemption


The feature length special, quite similar in subject matter to Blood Diamond, but with far less to the story. Quite exciting at times, but with so many loose ends that it doesn't work as a standalone film.

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