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66 mustang

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The Brothers Grimsby
Even funnier the second time.
Don't watch if you're easily offended or grossed out. The elephant scene is legendary.

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14 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

The Brothers Grimsby
Even funnier the second time.
Don't watch if you're easily offended or grossed out. The elephant scene is legendary.

that movie is hilarious! Yes the elephant scene, but also how about Daniel Radcliffe, all is so very ridiculous

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2 hours ago, Invisible_man said:

interesting, now I kind of want to check out some Italian crime movies. I googled that topic and there are as many of those as there are spaghetti westerns and horror :)

Oh yeah, the Italian movie industry was always  quick to jump on whatever the big movie trend was at the time and made plenty of knock-offs. When Westerns were big, they made Westerns. During the James Bond craze in the 60s, they made spy movies. So when cop movies like "Dirty Harry" and "The French Connection" were the hip thing in the early 70s they made a ton of cop flicks. 

If you are an Amazon Prime member there are tons of Eurocrimes on their streaming service. I must have about two dozen lined up in my watch list right now, haha.

Most of them have aged pretty badly (or were never very good in the first place), but they're so ultra-violent and sleazy that I got hooked on them pretty quick, haha.

There's  a way- cool documentary about'em called "Eurocrime: The Italian Cop and Gangster Films That Ruled the 70s" which is a great introduction to these movies and is damn entertaining in its own right:



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"Battle Beyond the Stars" (1980)

When a peaceful planet is threatened by a galactic conqueror, they send a young emissary out into space to recruit mercenaries willing to help them fight the bad guys.
Roger Corman's "Star Wars" knock off is essentially "The Magnificent Seven" set in outer space, with surprisingly lavish (by Corman standards anyway) sets and effects and a cast full of familiar faces like Robert Vaughn, Sybil Danning, John Saxon, George Peppard and Richard "John Boy Walton" Thomas. It doesn't have an original bone in its body, but "Battle Beyond the Stars" is enjoyably cheesy comic-book fun. 
Useless trivia: a young James Cameron, later of "Terminator" and "Titanic" fame, was a special effects technician on this movie.

Corman recycled special effects shots, set pieces and even bits of the musical score from "Battle" in other movies for years afterward, including "Space Raiders," "Forbidden World," and his doomed "Fantastic Four" adaptation.

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6 hours ago, Invisible_man said:

interesting, now I kind of want to check out some Italian crime movies. I googled that topic and there are as many of those as there are spaghetti westerns and horror :)

You should check out some giallo movies too. :)


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"Beast With a Gun" (aka "Mad Dog Killer" and "Ferocious," 1977)
A quartet of prison escapees rape, murder, and rob their way across the Italian countryside until a tough police inspector (Richard Harrison) makes it his personal mission to bring the gang's leader (Helmet Berger) to justice.
Yet another trashy, sleazy slab of Eurocrime, featuring the usual awkward dialog and poor dubbing, comically over-the-top violence, frequent plot holes and a decent amount of female eye candy (courtesy of Austrian beauty Marisa Mell of "Danger! Diabolik" fame). Tons of cheesy, ass kickin' fun.

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16 hours ago, Invisible_man said:

that movie is hilarious! Yes the elephant scene, but also how about Daniel Radcliffe, all is so very ridiculous

YEah, the HArry Potter stuff was hilarious. Same with Donald Trump. Who knew that the US president had AIDS?

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"Stunt Squad" (1977)

A ruthless criminal syndicate holds an Italian city in a grip of terror, till a tough police inspector forms the "Stunt Squad" - an elite unit of motorcycle ridin', straight-shootin' cops who are authorized to use any means necessary to bring law & order to the streets.
So yeah, this is yet another entertainingly schlocky "polizotteschi" flick, full of dudes with rad '70s mustaches, lots of gun battles, frequent vehicle chases/crashes/explosions, and occasional splashes of cheesy gore. These movies are like potato chips, you can't watch just one! :D

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The Domestics.

Kind of a modern day Warriors type movie.
After most of the Earth's population is wiped out, gangs form, the ghosts, gamblers, nailers, ploughers etc
About the journey for a husband and wife who's relationship is in trouble making the treacherous trip across half of the US to reach her parents.

Enjoyable enough, nothing groundbreaking.

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On ‎7‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 8:42 PM, Dead Planet said:

Isle of Dogs (2018) - I should have known what to expect when the critics loved it....

Exactly why I haven't watched it yet...apart from the fact that it looks shit also though ,you have saved me 90 minutes of my life :)

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I couldn't help myself with the World Cup on...

Mike Bassett England Manager :)

Brilliant fun film...firmly tongue in cheek,the scene in the airport with Scots & Republic Of Ireland is brilliant :) 

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Envy with Jack Black & Ben Stiller
Hadn't seen this for years. Still great, except the ending is a bit corny. Wish they had a better new invention to go on with, the one they ended up with was kinda lame.

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11 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Envy with Jack Black & Ben Stiller
Hadn't seen this for years. Still great, except the ending is a bit corny. Wish they had a better new invention to go on with, the one they ended up with was kinda lame.

Love crazy Christopher Walken in this one. Good for you, good FOR you

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Watched a few average flicks lately....watchable but that is the best I can say...

Dark Was the Night (2014) - monster in the woods attacking a small town

Big Legend (2018) - Bigfoot flick

Blood Creek (2009) - horror flick with occult and the nazis

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Oscar (1991) - nice remake of 1967 French comedy with Sylvester Stallone. Been a while since I've seen it, and enjoyed it again. A couple years ago I revisited the original too, with Louis De Funes

My Worst Nightmare (Mon Pire Cauchemar) (2011)  - a light and fun French comedy/drama with Isabelle Huppert, I loved it

Rough Night (2017) - an ok comedy similar to  The Hangover, but with women.

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"Return of the LIving Dead" (1985)

Two dorky warehouse workers accidentally release a toxic chemical that re-animates corpses, leading to an invasion of brain-eating zombies from the local cemetery. Hilarity ensues. 

A tongue-in-cheek parody of the zombie genre with a great cast, cool makeup and gore effects and a punk rockin' soundtrack. This flick is so "80s" it hurts!

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I gave myself a treat yo self tuesday yesterday.

Spend most of the day at the movies and eating out with various people.

Saw 3 movies

Ant-Man & The WASP - good flick. About the same as the first one. Same comedy, same run through of the story Reasonably predictable, but very enjoyable.

Solo A Star Wars Story - everyone raved about this and it was a decent enough movie, but it somehow didn't have the same charm as the other Star Wars flicks for me.

Jurassic World The Fallen Kingdom - nicely done as usual. Leaves the door open for further developments which look to be exciting and a bit different.

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"Batman and Harley Quinn" (2017)
Batman and Nightwing grudgingly enlist Harley Quinn -- who's been trying half-heartedly to go straight -- to help them stop an apocalyptic plot by her former BFF Poison Ivy in this entertaining cartoon flick. This fast, funny team-up is a throwback to the style and feel of the classic early '90s Batman animated series (though this flick's PG-13 rating allows for a few risque gags that the old show wouldn't have gotten away with!), and is (thankfully) less grim than the last few DC Animated Universe installments I've seen. Cool fanboy stuff.

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The Other Guys.

Actually a pretty good movie. Enjoyed it more second time around.

Aslo saw Blades Of Glory the other day. About the same as the first time I saw it. Good movie.

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Lazy Sunday double feature:

"Justice League Dark" (2017)

A series of violent deaths seem to be caused by magic, so Batman enlists some of the DC universe's supernatural anti-heroes like John Constantine, Zatanna, The Demon, Deadman, and Swamp Thing to help solve the mystery. The usual blasting, zapping and ultra-violence ensues. 
Nicely animated as usual, and it's nice to see some different characters getting to play in one of these DC 'toon movies for a change, instead of the usual Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman triad.

"The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension" (1984)

The heroic Buckaroo Banzai - a skilled neurosurgeon, rock n roll star, adventurer and all around awesome dude - has to save Earth from destruction by inter-dimensional aliens in this utterly bizarre cult sci-fi/action comedy. The last time I saw "B.B." was when it hit cable in the late '80s and I remembered next to nothing about it except for a vague feeling that it didn't make a hell of a lot of sense. Re-visiting it all these years later... it still doesn't. "Buckaroo" has a great cast incl. Peter "RoboCop" Weller, John Lithgow, Ellen Barkin, Jeff Goldblum, and more) but it feels like it was made up as they went along. I guess this is one of those movies that you either "get" or you don't, and I don't. (shrugs)

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The Bourne Supremacy...had never seen this all,really enjoyed it...Ultimatum is on this Saturday Night,so that next....apart from taking the Kids to the cinema tomorrow to watch Incredibles 2.

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