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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Just finished watching "Transformers The Last Knight". Im not big on the transformer movies, but Ive seen them all. This one was pretty good. Always Lots of CGI/Special Effects.

War For The Planets Of The Apes. Really enjoyed this one. I think its my favorite of all the ones Ive seen. And For Anyone that is old enough to have seen/watched the originals or the TV show there were hints/references to those old ones. Or clues to things that went on in them.

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I was debating whether to watch either of those two movies.
Transformers is pretty old hat now - best thing that came from them is the ride at Universal Studios which is pretty wicked.
Would have been nice to wrap them up in to 3 movies and call it a day.

Same with Planet Of The Apes. My favorite is the Mark Wahlberg movie. Also love the original. I've seen the more recent movies and they are a bit yawny. 

I'll probably see these. Hopefully going in with low hopes will hold me pleasantly surprised...

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^^ Cool, man -- glad you enjoyed it. I hadn't heard about it either, till my kids (both avid YouTubers) asked me if I'd seen it. Apparently it's been blowing up big time on the F13 fan circuit. Who knew? (shrugs)

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Back on topic:

Since it's the last weekend before Halloween, we'd usually be OD'ing  on horror movies around my house. 

Unfortunately, we had to have our old dog put to sleep yesterday ... so to make my 10 year old son feel better I watched this with him while we both had a good cry.

"Hotel For Dogs" (2009)

A pair of street-savvy orphans and dog lovers (one of whom is played by a young Emma Roberts) set up shop in an abandoned luxury hotel and turn it into a secret hangout for stray pooches and the kids who love them. Naturally, they can't keep it a secret forever and soon they have to protect their pups from Animal Control and the police. 
Charming, silly kid stuff with lots of cute canine hi-jinks, just what the doctor ordered after a rough day.

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Back in the Halloween groove...

"Trick 'r' Treat" (2009)

Michael "Krampus" Doughterty's way-cool "Creepshow" style anthology of scary tales set in the same small town on Oct. 31st is tons of spooky fun and has become a Halloween perennial for me. 

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1 hour ago, Fat Freddy said:

Back in the Halloween groove...

"Trick 'r' Treat" (2009)

Michael "Krampus" Doughterty's way-cool "Creepshow" style anthology of scary tales set in the same small town on Oct. 31st is tons of spooky fun and has become a Halloween perennial for me. 

This one is quite good indeed.

Watched the latest Transformers and it was fine by me SPOILER certainly an Empire-esque ending.


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  • My Little Pony
2 hours ago, GeorgeRendon said:

I'd say THE WIND RISES by Hayao Miyazaki. It was supposed to be his last and then he'd retire. He came out of retirement again for (I think) the 6th time.


Haha. Yeah, but do you actually want him to remain inactive?

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  • My Little Pony
3 hours ago, GeorgeRendon said:

No! I love his animes. I wish he'll continue on making movies until he's a 100.


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Dawn Of The Dead.

Fun movie. Kids didn't think it was that great.
They didn't like some of the poor decisions that the characters made - especially the chick with the dog.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

I wiped the dust off this classic this afternoon. I remember watching this on TV when i was very young and it captivated me. Very much ahead of its time. Forget the "nature vs nurture" debate. Apparently the Nazi's replicated the nature aspect and were now attempting to replicate the nurture component just for good measure.  If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favour.  


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"Alien: Covenant" (2017)

In Ridley Scott's latest "Alien" flick, a crew of space colonists land on a seemingly-perfect undiscovered planet ... which naturally turns out to be less than perfect. 
The first half of "Covenant" is a bit of a slog, spending way too much time on set up - probably due to its picking up plot threads from Scott's sluggish "Prometheus." When the chest-bursting and xenomorph nastiness finally kicks in during the second half, it's fun to watch but overall I'd rate this installment as a disappointment.

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7 hours ago, metaltrekman said:

Will the movies continue?


The Dark Tower was a massive box office failure so if I had to take a wild guess, I'd say... probably not. 

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  • My Little Pony

A Ghost Story (2017)

Starring Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara, the film follows the ghost of a recently deceased man. It's a really artsy film. I can't honestly say I fully understand what the film was about, but I doubt I'll ever forget it. It was very interesting. I might even watch it again to see if I can pick out the themes mentioned in its respective reviews and write-ups. 

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23 minutes ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

A Ghost Story (2017)

Starring Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara, the film follows the ghost of a recently deceased man. It's a really artsy film. I can't honestly say I fully understand what the film was about, but I doubt I'll ever forget it. It was very interesting. I might even watch it again to see if I can pick out the themes mentioned in its respective reviews and write-ups. 

Followed a few previews for this and it reads confusing to say the least.

Is it worth the time investment?


The Magnificent Seven (reboot). As to be expected. Epic gunfights and such to save the town by gathering well you guessed it, the magnificent seven. The cast was solid and the acting above par.

Haley Bennett is certainly worth a couple "watches"...

Image result for Haley Bennett

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On 11/4/2017 at 1:28 AM, Darkstone said:

I wiped the dust off this classic this afternoon. I remember watching this on TV when i was very young and it captivated me. Very much ahead of its time. Forget the "nature vs nurture" debate. Apparently the Nazi's replicated the nature aspect and were now attempting to replicate the nurture component just for good measure.  If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favour.  

The Boys from Brazil

interesting, i am not sure if I've ever seen this so I will check it out...

not too long ago I watched The Odessa File with Jon Voight, which was also an older movie about  Nazi war criminals

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"Stephen King's 'It'" (1990)

Six friends who defeated a child-eating monster when they were kids return to their hometown as adults when the evil resurfaces 30 years later. 

This two part mini-series adaptation of Stephen King's epic suffers in some areas due to its made-for-TV limitations - boiling an 1100 page book down into three and a half hours of TV will do that --  but it features great performances all around (particularly Tim Curry's bravura turn as the evil clown "Pennywise") and manages to sport some genuinely creepy moments.  Surprisingly enough, this "It" is still holding up pretty well. 

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