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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Sunrise:A Song of Two Humans (1927)


Considered by many to be the greatest silent film every produced. I can see how it would have been impressive at the time, but I realised silent films aren't for me. ;}

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took the kids to see Despicable Me 3


it wasn't too bad but the least entertaining of the 3 for me but the kids loved it which is what mattered.


Next up is Captain Underpants movie(kids have read all the books so we are well familiar with it) followed by Emoji movie & Cars 3 within the next couple of weeks when I get time between work to take em :)

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  • My Little Pony

Next up is Captain Underpants movie(kids have read all the books so we are well familiar with it) :)

Lemme know how that one is. My brother and I used to read those way back in the day, so I'm mildly interested.

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took the kids to see Despicable Me 3


it wasn't too bad but the least entertaining of the 3 for me but the kids loved it which is what mattered.


Next up is Captain Underpants movie(kids have read all the books so we are well familiar with it) followed by Emoji movie & Cars 3 within the next couple of weeks when I get time between work to take em :)

Thought the same about Despicable Me 3, least funny of the 3. I liked the first two cause they had something for kids as well as grown ups, after seeing the third one I was wondering if kids would enjoy that cause I didn't really like it. I guess if your kids liked it it's more targeted at a younger audience this time

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Next up is Captain Underpants movie(kids have read all the books so we are well familiar with it) :)

Lemme know how that one is. My brother and I used to read those way back in the day, so I'm mildly interested.


Goin on Tuesday,we do a thing called crazy Tuesdays at our local cinema and the shows are all £3 to see :) the trailer definitely looks good and fits with the images of the books :) will let you know.

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  • My Little Pony



Next up is Captain Underpants movie(kids have read all the books so we are well familiar with it) :)

Lemme know how that one is. My brother and I used to read those way back in the day, so I'm mildly interested.


Goin on Tuesday,we do a thing called crazy Tuesdays at our local cinema and the shows are all £3 to see :) the trailer definitely looks good and fits with the images of the books :) will let you know.



Yeah, we got cheap Tuesdays here, too. That's when I typically go. ;}

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Last night I revisited "Hellraiser" (1987) for the first time in dog years.

Clive Barker adapts his own short story "The Hellbound Heart" in this cult classic that introduced Doug Bradley's "Pinhead" as the next big horror icon. The acting is mostly terrible and the story/pacing is a bit muddled but the big selling point for this flick was always the gore effects, and they are still impressively gross 30 years on.

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"Hellbound: Hellraiser II" (1989)

The lone survivor of the previous "Hellraiser" finds herself locked up in a psychiatric hospital, run by a twisted doctor who wants to use her as bait to prove the existence of Hell and the Cenobites. Lotsa flaying, bleeding, and screaming ensues.

Much more elaborate than the first film, with some impressive set designs and of course plenty of gross out gore FX and make up.

Strangely, although I've seen the rest of the films in the "Hellraiser" saga over the years (including the godawful parade of direct-to-video poop sandwiches the franchise continues to pump out to this day), I had never seen this one before. Not sure how I missed it back in the day but at least now I can check it off the never-ending list.

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  • My Little Pony

The Wailing (2016)


A South Korean Mystery Horror about a police officer investigating a series of murders. I thought it was a fairly basic plot, until a few twists happened and I realised I actually didn't have the whole thing figured out. Honestly, for much of the film I was thinking, "Apart from the acting, and the cinematography, and the music, I don't see how this story warrants the ratings it's received." But then at the end I'm like, "Woah! That was good!" Ha. I don't think I've ever had the same experience with another film.

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  • My Little Pony

Saw Wild Tales again, recommended! Argentinean black comedy movie consisting of 6 short stories about revenge, good one!



I watched the first two, but then the people I was watching with got bored, so I never finished it. Remind me to do that. ;}

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Get Out

Not bad. went up a few pegs from what I was expecting and the main movie plot was pretty good.

Wouldn't buy it, but I'd recommend it.

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"After Porn Ends 2" (2017)

This follow up to the 2012 documentary interviews another handful of former adult film stars from the '70s, '80s and '90s and finds out how they've adjusted to life outside of the XXX world. Some, like Georgina ("Devil In Miss Jones") Spelvin, are happily retired; others like Ginger Lynn, Lisa Ann, and Tabitha Stevens have moved on to other interests and careers, and a few, like Chasey Lain and Janine Lindemulder, have screwed up their lives so badly that they're still trying to undo the damage. Like the original, this flick is intriguing, occasionally depressing but never dull.

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Kept it light last night and re-watched Hall Pass with the misses and Goosebumps with the kids. Both fun to watch.

I absolutely LOVE Hall Pass!!!! Lots of people don't see it as more than an average buddy comedy flick, but the chemistry between Owen Wilson and Jason S. and the supporting cast like Stephen Merchant, Richard Jenkins, Derek Waters and Rob Moran delivering one memorable quote after the next is what sets this movie apart form others I think, definitely a classic in my book!


Plus Nicky Whelan is a real babe, absolutely stunning!

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Despicable Me 3 ... meh ...

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