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66 mustang

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Train wreck funny stuff and a grip of cameos.

Need to see this.

Yes it is entertaining.


So you like that (sh) it Follows huh? I guess for me, like The Bobidook. I believed the hype and they both fell far short of what I was believing.!?

Babadook was great! A genuinely disturbing psychological horror film.

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"Breeders' (aka "Deadly Instinct," 1997)

This loose remake of the notorious 1986 no-budgeter about a rapey space alien transports the action from a New York hospital to an all girls' college campus. The result is kinda like a combo of "Alien" and "C.H.U.D." with extra goop and cleavage.
For some reason, even though this was a British production, it takes place in Boston, so there's a few unintentional laughs as the mostly-Brit cast tries to hide their accents and sound American. It's got higher production values and a cooler looking monster than the '86 original but it's still a long way from "good."

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Light, fun, and a good heart-warming movie, I like it, although could use a better ending




Slow paced, a bit boring at times but not bad as a whole, packed with a wonderful acting and a bitter sad ending




Great movie and both actors are just sensational

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"Night of the Demons" (1988)

A group of teens throw a Halloween night party at an abandoned funeral parlor, and accidentally awaken the demonic spirits locked away in its crematorium. Needless to say it turns out spectacularly bad for everyone involved.
This minor cult classic takes a while to get goin' and in spite of some decent makeup/gore and some nice T&A, it's pretty much endless scenes of idiots running and screaming through dark corridors for most of its run time. I've seen worse but I've seen lots better. Skippable.
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"Eraser" (1996)

Arnold Schwarzenegger's a Federal Marshal whose latest assignment - protect a lovely government witness (Vanessa Williams) until she can testify - is complicated by a seemingly endless number of would-be assassins sent by a crooked defense contractor and turncoats within the Agency itself. Pretty typical Ahhh-nold shoot-em-up stuff, mindless fun.
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  • My Little Pony

The Martian. Enjoyed it very much. Kind of like a "Cast Away" in space. ;)

Yeah, I watched that last night, too. Decent.

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Last night with my son:
"Toy Story 3" (2010)

Buzz, Woody and the gang find themselves at a crossroads now that their "kid" Andy is all grown up and heading off to college. Rather than go quietly to the attic, the Toys allow themselves to be donated to a day care center - which looks like fun from the outside, but is run like a toy prison camp after hours by a crazed teddy bear.
Beautifully animated as usual, this is the best of the "Toy Story" series thus far. The ending may even bring a little tear to your eye.

This morning over coffee:
"The Curse of Frankenstein" (1957)

Peter Cushing is the mad Doctor and Christopher Lee is the Creature in the first film of Hammer Studios' long running Frankenstein series. which re-tells the monster's "origin story." Cool, creepy atmosphere and great performances all around. Charming, retro horror fun.
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Get Hard ... I wasn't expecting much, but ended up pleasantly surprised ...

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"Metal Obsession: Collecting Heavy Metal Records" (2016)

A cool indie documentary about heavy metal vinyl and the obsessed fans who still love it. When these metal lifers from all corners of the globe start telling stories about how they discovered metal during its formative years it'll bring back a lot of memories.
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"Vice Academy" (1989)

No budget T&A cop comedy about inept recruits trying to earn a place in the city's Vice squad by busting illegal porno and prostitution operations. The movie is dumb as dirt but it stars a lotta purty gurls, incl. '80s porn queen Ginger Lynn (in one of her periodic attempts at "straight" acting) and B-movie scream queen Linnea Quigley, and they spend much of the film in various states of undress. Therefore I was entertained. This long time late night cable fave was followed by five (!) sequels!
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  • My Little Pony

The Devil's Backbone (2001)


Interesting ghost story set during the Spanish Civil War from Guillermo del Toro.


Crimson Peak (2015)


Another ghost story from Guillermo del Toro. In many ways it seems like an English language version of The Devil's Backbone . It's not as good, though.


Why Don't You Play in Hell? (2013)


Second time watching this, and just as fun as the first. If you need a fun film with good laughs, and crazy gory action, this is your film.

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The Martian


SPOILER ALERT-entertaining but to me the film never created any feeling of dread. As a viewer I never believed that he may in fact die or be in any threat at all.


I felt the same. I prefer my Sci-Fi with more Fiction, and less Science, so some kind of creature would have been nice.

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