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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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"Easy Rider" (1969)

Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper (who also directed) star as two hippie motorcyclists who have numerous strange encounters while on a road trip across America. This counterculture classic obviously packed a bigger wallop in 1969 than it does now, but it's still an entertaining time capsule.

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"Godzilla" (2014)

Mega-budget 21st century re-boot of the Big Green Guy focuses less on monster mashin' chaos and more on the plight of the puny humans caught in the midst of it, but it still manages to be a fun ride... certainly better than the P.O.S. 1998 attempt by the "Independence Day" crew anyway.
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"Zombieland" (2009)

After the zombie apocalypse, a loner, a redneck and two sisters travel across the country to a California amusement park (?), having various goofy adventures along the way. This hilarious zom-com is kinda like America's answer to "Shaun of the Dead." Woody Harrelson absolutely steals the movie as "Tallahasee."

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  • My Little Pony

"Zombieland" (2009)



After the zombie apocalypse, a loner, a redneck and two sisters travel across the country to a California amusement park (?), having various goofy adventures along the way. This hilarious zom-com is kinda like America's answer to "Shaun of the Dead." Woody Harrelson absolutely steals the movie as "Tallahasee."

Yep. This one is already considered a classic, in my books anyway.

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"Zombieland" (2009)



After the zombie apocalypse, a loner, a redneck and two sisters travel across the country to a California amusement park (?), having various goofy adventures along the way. This hilarious zom-com is kinda like America's answer to "Shaun of the Dead." Woody Harrelson absolutely steals the movie as "Tallahasee."

Yep. This one is already considered a classic, in my books anyway.


Oh yeah, this was my 2nd or 3rd time seeing "Zombieland" now, I will never get tired of that flick.

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  • My Little Pony

Nightbreed (1990)


A unique Fantasy Horror film with a cult following. It was OK. I can see a lot of potential, but there was some weird editing, and random cuts that hurt tge pacing. I can see why it's a cult classic, though.

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Nightbreed (1990)


A unique Fantasy Horror film with a cult following. It was OK. I can see a lot of potential, but there was some weird editing, and random cuts that hurt tge pacing. I can see why it's a cult classic, though.


Which version of it did you see?


There's a recent "Director's Cut" version which I haven't had the chance to see yet, but I'm told it's a vast improvement over the muddled theatrical cut..

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  • My Little Pony


Nightbreed (1990)


A unique Fantasy Horror film with a cult following. It was OK. I can see a lot of potential, but there was some weird editing, and random cuts that hurt tge pacing. I can see why it's a cult classic, though.


Which version of it did you see?


There's a recent "Director's Cut" version which I haven't had the chance to see yet, but I'm told it's a vast improvement over the muddled theatrical cut..



The version I watched was the Director's Cut. But there's also a version dubbed the Cabal Cut. It was put together using a VHS tape that contained pretty much every bit of footage Clive Barker shot. I've read that version isn't very good. As most of it was recovered from VHS, there is a great deal of varying quality, and it also lacks proper editing. The Cabal Cut is 159 minutes while this version is only 120 minutes; however, it uses forty minutes of previously unseen footage. I can't tell you how much better it is from the theatrical release, as I've never seen it, but that one must be terrible, because this still has weird cuts and poor pacing. Still an enjoyable watch, though.

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Nightbreed and Zombieland are classics. I've only seen the original Nightbreed cut - took my girlfriend to see it when I was 16 lol.


Zombieland is great. There is talk of a TV series. The director is quite outspoken against piracy and blames no sequel due to illegal downloading.

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I've only ever seen the original/theatrical version of "Night Breed," and that was so long ago that I honestly remember very little about it aside from the cool makeup/creature designs...haha


I have the Directors Cut in my Netflix list right now, I just haven't had time to get to it yet. It's been so long that it'll be like seeing it for the first time! Haha.

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  • My Little Pony

Zombieland is great. There is talk of a TV series. The director is quite outspoken against piracy and blames no sequel due to illegal downloading.


That's a bit dramatic. So, he's just giving up on filmmaking then? That's bullshit, 'cause he made 30 Minutes Or Less and Gangster Squad after.

I just checked, and it appears the TV series wasn't picked up by Amazon, and that the movie sequel is going ahead. Ruben Fleischer is directing, so Zombie bullshit on his previous stance, but Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick are not writing. David Callaham is, and I have very little interest, now.

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  • My Little Pony

I didn't say he was giving up on film making, just the sequel when the timing would have been right, around 2010 or so.

I know you didn't say that, but I meant to imply if he's gonna bitch about piracy, he might as well quit filmmaking.

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"Zombieland" (2009)


After the zombie apocalypse, a loner, a redneck and two sisters travel across the country to a California amusement park (?), having various goofy adventures along the way. This hilarious zom-com is kinda like America's answer to "Shaun of the Dead." Woody Harrelson absolutely steals the movie as "Tallahasee."


I LOVE this film! Bill Murray's scenes are brilliant ... I still chuckle at the thought of a zombie-fied Eddie Van Halen ...

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Nightbreed and Zombieland are classics. I've only seen the original Nightbreed cut - took my girlfriend to see it when I was 16 lol.


Zombieland is great. There is talk of a TV series. The director is quite outspoken against piracy and blames no sequel due to illegal downloading.


Weren't some of the Zombieland scenes originally shot with thoughts of the TV series in mind? Things like the 'kill of the week'?

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Nightbreed (1990)


A unique Fantasy Horror film with a cult following. It was OK. I can see a lot of potential, but there was some weird editing, and random cuts that hurt tge pacing. I can see why it's a cult classic, though.


Clive Barker's book - Cabal - is far superior. I read the book, then saw the original film at the cinema ... very disappointing - and resurrecting Dekker at the end was just ridiculous. Barker himself has expressed his unhappiness with the film:


"According to Barker, the studio did not promote it well with posters that misinterpreted the content. When he saw the way they were selling Nightbreed, he "freaked out and said, 'What you doing? This isn't the movie, and was given all kinds of excuses ... 'Well, there isn't time to change it, we have to release it now'." The head of marketing at Morgan Creek never watched all the way through because it "disgusted and distressed" him, according to Barker. The studio did not understand it, it had no movie stars, it was violent, and it had elements of fantasy and horror which they saw as a weakness while Barker saw it as a strength. They ended up marketing Nightbreed as a slasher film with television teasers that were confusing and did not represent it ..."

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Alien 3 - Special Edition

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Hey Gibbo, agreed cabal is better than the movie, but when is a book not?

Alien 3,bit of a disjointed mess. Did you see Neil Blomkamp's pic ideas for a new Alien film from a few months back? Looks like the studio also like it and announced last week he'll be making a sequel.

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Hey Gibbo, agreed cabal is better than the movie, but when is a book not?

Alien 3,bit of a disjointed mess. Did you see Neil Blomkamp's pic ideas for a new Alien film from a few months back? Looks like the studio also like it and announced last week he'll be making a sequel.


Yeah, I still have a soft spot for the third Alien film, though ... most of the actors are English, and have appeared in various TV programmes here over the years, so we're more used to seeing them in more family-orientated fare ... watching Paul McGann playing an unhinged Welshman makes me chuckle every time.


I'm intrigued by the idea of a new Alien film ... but I still carry the scars from Alien: Resurrection, so I'm not getting too excited ... yet ;)

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  • My Little Pony


Hey Gibbo, agreed cabal is better than the movie, but when is a book not?

Alien 3,bit of a disjointed mess. Did you see Neil Blomkamp's pic ideas for a new Alien film from a few months back? Looks like the studio also like it and announced last week he'll be making a sequel.


Yeah, I still have a soft spot for the third Alien film, though ... most of the actors are English, and have appeared in various TV programmes here over the years, so we're more used to seeing them in more family-orientated fare ... watching Paul McGann playing an unhinged Welshman makes me chuckle every time.


I'm intrigued by the idea of a new Alien film ... but I still carry the scars from Alien: Resurrection, so I'm not getting too excited ... yet ;)



But it's hard not to get excited for anything Neill Blomkamp does. Definitely one of the best creative minds right now.

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