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66 mustang

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"Hollywoodland" (2006)



Engrossing based-on-a-true-story mystery set in late '50s Hollywood stars Adrien Brody as a down-on-his-luck private eye who's investigating the death of actor George Reeves, who was best known for playing "Superman" on TV. Reeves' death was officially declared a suicide but as Brody digs deeper into the mystery (and Reeves' career is played out for the audience in an effective series of flashbacks) he learns that there may have been more going on behind the scenes.

Great performances all around, especially Brody, Diane Lane (hot!) as Reeves' cougar-iffic girlfriend, Bob Hoskins as a scuzzy movie-studio head, and by Ben Affleck (yes, really) as the tragic George Reeves.

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"Superman III" (1983)



The third Superman flick is an odd mix of flashy superheroics and misplaced slapstick comedy. A computer genius (played by an utterly miscast Richard Pryor) and a crazed multi-millionaire (Robert Vaughn) team up to build a super computer that can control the weather, take over the world's oil supply, and oh yeah - figure out a way to kill Superman. Their synthetic Kryptonite doesn't quite do the job (but it does bring out Superman's evil side, transforming him into a Super-Dick for a while) and eventually sets up a final show down in the Grand Canyon between Superman and Super-Machine.


Overly busy and stuffed with out-of-place comedic bits, "Superman III" still manages to be entertaining in spite of its flaws, but it obviously pales in comparison to the first two films in this series. However, it's still not the worst Superman flick, because "Superman IV: The Quest For Peace" exists.

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"Enemy Gold" (1993)


This is the second film from my "Girls, Guns & G-Strings: The Andy Sidaris Collection" box set and I wasn't disappointed. Once again we have a paper-thin plot - three federal agents (two dudes and a hot girl) go hunting for some buried treasure from the Civil War and end up battling with a drug lord and his goons. As usual, the lame plot is propped up by some gorgeous gals, plenty of gratuitous hootage, and the occasional running gun battle and/or explosion. Turn your brain off for 90 minutes and enjoy some mindless fun.


Best line:

Male agent (describing a crossbow) "This arrow detonates three seconds after penetration."

Female agent: "Reminds me of an old boyfriend." :rofl2:

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Charlie's Angels : Full Throttle


(friggin awesome, I love this film. Never grow tired of it!)


Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu. What's not to love? (You can keep Cameron Diaz.)



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Charlie's Angels : Full Throttle


(friggin awesome, I love this film. Never grow tired of it!)


Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu. What's not to love? (You can keep Cameron Diaz.)




Id gladly take her off yr hands (as she looked it that film.....not now)

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"The Dallas Connection" (1994)


It's yet another boobs & bullets fiesta from Andy Sidaris!! Agents Cannon and Austin return from "Enemy Gold," but this time they've been targeted by a trio of beautiful female assassins. The lethal ladies are really after some computer chips that will allow their evil boss to control a government weapons satellite, but who really cares about the plot anyway with all the eye candy running around this flick? As usual, a bunch of girls get nekkid and stuff blows up, plus as a bonus we get a couple of poorly staged kung-fu fights too. A total hoot(er)!!!

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The Woman In Black


I was really looking forward to seeing this one, but it was a bit average. Quite creepy, but not as scary as I was expecting. Reasonably cool ending, although I needed to check online for an explanation for a bit of it. Not a bad film, but not great. (Doesn't get close to the eerie atmosphere created in The Changeling (1980) - that was one spooky film!)

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"Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2" (2012)



Yeah, I "took one for the team" and watched this one w/my wife last night...


In the fifth (and thankfully final) installment of the Twilight Saga, Bella finally becomes a vamp and hubby Edward has to raise a vampire/werewolf army to protect their hybrid child from the villainous Volturi. Or something like that. There may be more to it but honestly, I was nodding off by the three quarter mark of this lengthy, talky, boring flick so I may have missed some sh*t.

As usual, my advice when it comes to "Twilight" is this: if you have a penis, there is no reason for you to watch these movies.

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The Rise Of The Guardians

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Children Of Men - about 40 minutes into this and not sure I will finish it.



I did not care for it.
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"Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2" (2012)



Yeah, I "took one for the team" and watched this one w/my wife last night...


In the fifth (and thankfully final) installment of the Twilight Saga, Bella finally becomes a vamp and hubby Edward has to raise a vampire/werewolf army to protect their hybrid child from the villainous Volturi. Or something like that. There may be more to it but honestly, I was nodding off by the three quarter mark of this lengthy, talky, boring flick so I may have missed some sh*t.

As usual, my advice when it comes to "Twilight" is this: if you have a penis, there is no reason for you to watch these movies.



i watched this with my wife and asleep after the first 10 minutes and woke up near the end, I must admit the last 15 minutes is pretty cool colossal fight. Bad acting and movie and they even fuck it up more by turning the battle into a dream lol

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"Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2" (2012)



Yeah, I "took one for the team" and watched this one w/my wife last night...


In the fifth (and thankfully final) installment of the Twilight Saga, Bella finally becomes a vamp and hubby Edward has to raise a vampire/werewolf army to protect their hybrid child from the villainous Volturi. Or something like that. There may be more to it but honestly, I was nodding off by the three quarter mark of this lengthy, talky, boring flick so I may have missed some sh*t.

As usual, my advice when it comes to "Twilight" is this: if you have a penis, there is no reason for you to watch these movies.


Man am I glad My wife HATES Twilight as much as I do!!! :rofl2: I tried.. I mean I TRIED to watch the first Twilight movie?? but I simply could NOT get through it..... You are a braver man than I..... You ARE a good man though, for watching it with your wife on her birthday,. I will say that....

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