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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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The baby was awake this morning at 3:30 AM, so while I sat up with him I watched "Romancing The Stone" on cable. Hadn't seen that one in years. Kathleen Turner was soooooooo FINE back then!!!

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The baby was awake this morning at 3:30 AM, so while I sat up with him I watched "Romancing The Stone" on cable. Hadn't seen that one in years. Kathleen Turner was soooooooo FINE back then!!!

I've just seen that as well...Spooky !!!!!!!!!!!

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The baby was awake this morning at 3:30 AM, so while I sat up with him I watched "Romancing The Stone" on cable. Hadn't seen that one in years. Kathleen Turner was soooooooo FINE back then!!!

I've just seen that as well...Spooky !!!!!!!!!!!


"I tell ya, this is turnin' out to be one HELLUVA morning!" :lol:

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"The Village" (M. Night Shamalama, or whatever his name is)


Not bad, but the ending had been spoiled for me some time ago so I wasn't surprised. My wife was tho.

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You wanna see another bizarre early performance by Liam, check out the late 80s action movie "Next Of Kin" in which he plays Patrick Swayze's hillbilly brother!!!


I love that movie... and Roadhouse too... :anon:


Roadhouse is another of my all time fave films!

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Wild Hogs

Me too:


'Wild Hogs' ; actually a very enjoyable and amusing movie. I thought I'd hate it, but I really enjoyed it and my wife loved it to, so it did well.


'Perfect Stranger' ; Very cool film. Nice twist at the end too, which I have to admit I really did not expect. Plus, Halle (sp?) Berry is awesome to look at.


'Disturbia' ; damn I loved this one. An old idea, but a really cool film. The little girlie was a nice treat on the eyes too. Yeah, definitely a cool one.


3/3 ... best movie venture in a long time.

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I watched "Get Carter" with Stallone. Pretty good. Better than I expected.



I thought the remake was pretty average compared to the Original Michael Caine version, which is still one of the best Gangster flicks to come out of the UK.

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"Resident Evil: Apocalypse"

I had previously skipped both of the "ResEvil" movies cuz I'm not a video game guy, and since I never played the video games I thought I wouldn't understand what was going on.


However, this came on cable last night as I was up late feeding the baby and it turns out that I shouldn't have worried, cuz it seems the basic premise of the "ResEvil" movies is quite simple: Really hot, gun toting babes killing hordes of zombies while lots of stuff blows up. In other words: :tumbsup:


Now I'm gonna have to rent the first "Resident Evil" and get caught up on what I missed.. and it seems a third chapter ("Extinction") is about to be released this weekend, so I guess I picked a good time to get on board. :)

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"Resident Evil: Apocalypse"

I had previously skipped both of the "ResEvil" movies cuz I'm not a video game guy, and since I never played the video games I thought I wouldn't understand what was going on.


However, this came on cable last night as I was up late feeding the baby and it turns out that I shouldn't have worried, cuz it seems the basic premise of the "ResEvil" movies is quite simple: Really hot, gun toting babes killing hordes of zombies while lots of stuff blows up. In other words: :tumbsup:


Now I'm gonna have to rent the first "Resident Evil" and get caught up on what I missed.. and it seems a third chapter ("Extinction") is about to be released this weekend, so I guess I picked a good time to get on board. :)

I thought the same thing until I watched the first one, which was OK. I liked "Apocalypse" much more. Now I'm gonna see the 3rd one when it comes out.

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HALLOWEEN (Rob Zombie remake)


First off, let me say that I'm not a huge fan of the original, which is just too slow-paced and tame for my horror tastes, so I had no issue with Zombie attempting a remake/reimagining. I'm just not sure Rob did a great job. The movie feels split, with the first half delving--quite interestingly, I might add--into Michael Myers' childhood. And then, rather abruptly, we launch into rushed rehashing of the original "Halloween," with absolutely zero character development. Granted, we know who these characters are because we've all seen Carpenter's "Halloween" so many times, but that doesn't let Zombie off the hook. The characters in the second half of the film aren't even cardboard, they're tracing paper. They're there to be brutally slaughtered...


...and that's where this version shines. Zombie likes his horror hardcore & hard-hitting and his bulked-up version of Michael Myers doesn't f*ck around when it comes time to kill.


So it's a movie with a split personality, the first half not really grafting well with the second half, and "split" is also how I would describe my feelings for it. As a remake of "Halloween," it leaves a little something to be desired, but taken on its own terms as a standard-issue slasher film with a high body-count, grungy visuals, and brutal kills, it delivers, even though it still has some problems.

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One of the best thrillers I've ever seen, featuring a cat-and-mouse game between an innocent-looking-yet-not-quite-what-she-seems 14 year-old girl and the pedophile who wants her. Razor-sharp dialogue, some gallows-humor sarcastic one-liners, and a torture sequence that no man can watch without squirming.

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I saw "Resident Evil 3:Extinction" in the theaters then came home to watch "Ghost Rider" with Nicholas Cage. Pretty good. The I watched "White Noise" with Michael Keaton. Not a bad thriller about contacting the dead.

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