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The Bored Hot Cherie Project


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So being Quarantined is starting to get to me, it got fucking cold here last night, so no going outside, so I thought whats something I always want to do but always blow off, Oh yeah! I wanna see just how many people have covered Hot Cherie, then listen to them all, then see what ones are the best, I really don't think Hardlines is the best, and Ive found one I really like, but for me I don't think I'll like one more then Danny Spanos version, I'll post the ones I listened to and see what one you guys prefer, I'll go from best to worst how I prefer them.

Well I'll go from best to worst after I post the original version by Streetheart, I didn't really care for this version all that much, which led me to become extremely curious why this song got covered so much, maybe people saw the potential in it, that Streetheart never produced on, or maybe whoever wrote it sold it off to a shitload of people ? IDK


My Favorite Danny Spanos version.

I found this version and thought it was pretty awesome, you all know who Nasson is im sure, well he covers it to, and doesn't do that bad of a job.

and Bonfires version, which sounds fucking awesome on a good system, just FYI

I don't even need to post this version, but to be complete I will, Hardline,

now the worst versions, Steve Thomsons version fucking blows, sorry if your a fan, Ive never found him listenable, and that goes for this song as well.

And finally this is also Johnny Gioeli singing only with the band Brunette, and it is a demo, but a horrible sounding one, and I just dont care for the version on this, I think Hardlines was better.


So If anyone knows any I missed, please post it, I'd like to hear them all, and which one do you guys like the most, and thinks fucking blows the most, im interested.




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  • 2023 Gold Donors

I enjoyed that. Thanks for the effort mate. I didn’t realize there were so many versions. For the record, the original was rubbish, Danny Spanos was okay, but it's Hardline all the way for me. No contest. BTW, like the thread title. You're a clever man.

Edited by Darkstone
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12 hours ago, Darkstone said:

I enjoyed that. Thanks for the effort mate. I didn’t realize there were so many versions. For the record, the original was rubbish, Danny Spanos was okay, but it's Hardline all the way for me. No contest. BTW, like the thread title. You're a clever man.


Same here.  The Hardline version is far and away the best.


10 hours ago, Mafisen said:

Re: Brunette, it's too bad th wound quality is so bad on their demos because the song quality is awesome. I wish he'd get the group together and re-record it. 

Yes!  That would be awesome.  The demos are really good songs.

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you guys are just Hardline homers! I mean to say it's by far the best???? that Bonfire version destroys all of these as far as sound goes, HIGHLY SUPERIOR from an auditory standpoint, and I thought that version Nasson did hangs in with the best of them, I had to listen to it a few times, then I started noticing how well it's done, OK i give, I sincerely enjoyed the Steve Thomson version, if you wanna get honest, his version destroys them all, not only in pure sound and power, turning that track into a production blasted work of art, but the vocal delivery he gives on it, I think that might be Emmy worthy, and Oscar worthy as well, for his untouchable job at acting as if he has musical talent and can sing! I knew Hardline was gonna get the bulk, I just had to bust some balls.

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yeah sure he does, I guess, If you like that kind of stuff and everything?

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Hardline win hands down.

I quote Streetheart for writing the song, but their version has not the power of the other ones.

Bonfire arrived too late and made a version really similar to hardline.

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On 4/16/2020 at 8:12 AM, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Haha. Danny Spanos had the best version? You got jokes, Cody! You definitely got jokes. 

What fun is it if you lay the cards down out of the gate, fyi, I really like the version by Nasson, i guess im just sick of Hardlines version,

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Whilst I have a preference for schlong, I do like Stefan's version best. Any hole will do, I guess.

Who'd have guessed there were so many. I agree Hardline win easily in terms of the song. Bonfire and Nasson both very good but basically just really close copies of the Hardline version 

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