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Vega - Grit Your Teeth


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I'm a bit lukewarm about it too. Better than the first song for sure, but doesn't really do too much for me. Okay tune. 

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I'll admit that I've never checked out Vega before.
Maybe I have and I didn't like them (somebody said keyboards are missing from these samples and maybe that's what put me off)
Anyway, I really like these songs and will start my journey with Vega with this release.

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30 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

I'll admit that I've never checked out Vega before.
Maybe I have and I didn't like them (somebody said keyboards are missing from these samples and maybe that's what put me off)
Anyway, I really like these songs and will start my journey with Vega with this release.

If you really like those, you should check out when they were at their best. Procuction sounds really nice on new tunes but they're yet to deliver song-wise. 

And they've never been a fluffy keyboard band. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Easily the best of the new batch so far. Thankfully. They were getting me worried. Love the clip too, lol. 

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1 hour ago, melodicrock said:

That's more representative of the album. You know how Frontiers love to push the generic stuff up front.

Yeah, I was hopeful and trusted the band enough to assume the first couple were just the obligatory fillers they do still record... Was just amazed they were released as first singles. But, with those out the way now I suspect the rest will be killer. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

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