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1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

*** waiting for Glen's description of all creation that makes more sense than the big bang ***

Yeah, admitting that one knows bugger all about science, but that the big bang theory is a load of bollocks is as retarded as not knowing anything about any faith system and suggesting they're all the same. 

I too wanna hear his uneducated theory. 


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On 12/6/2019 at 11:42 AM, AlphaMale said:

While we are off-topic promoting G-Off's Productions, as usual, everybody fails to mention my epic studly gay porn debut in the upcoming flick Alpha Males Love Manly Tails. I am sure you will love the scene where I'm trying to remove something from the tub drain naked and my hand gets stuck in the drain. Mr. Fitzwell comes into the room and then comes into me. My most explosive scene yet!!

Coming in an ass near you on 2/22/20!!

G-Off Productions, a Dirty Dick Company

Did anyone see my on-screen debut??

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I like this Q & A. The question was: Why does God get all the credit when something good happens, like finding your lost shoe, but if nothing happens or something bad, than "he works in mysterious ways"?

This is an excellent question. As an athiest I see the person making the effort, or someone else making the effort on behalf of the person leading to the success, or the random happenstance of coming across said shoe.

Truth is, religious people lately blame the good things on their god, and say that “he works in mysterious ways” when he does nothing, or allows negative things to happen.

This sort of “game” is better described as there being no god at all, which accounts for good, bad and indifferent things happening with or in spite of the efforts towards or away from a desired goal.

There is a reason “god helps those who help themselves” because there is no god, but if you help yourself, then you have been helped. If you do nothing, more like than not there is no help, or it comes from an outside source (not god) ie someone else helping you.

Only a non existent god fits all the details of what happens in the world, everything that claims contrary is fantastic story from the imaginations of people near or far in time.

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I stopped thinking about any of this type of thing years ago.
Basically when I got to the point where any type of religion was equated to the Egyptians worhipping the Sun as their god.
Ironic that they chose a science to worship.

Any talk of religion now falls into the 'cult' side of things for me, and their weird religious view are kind of just get lumped into the silly airy fairyland area for me.

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Your all idiots! I think it's bout time all of you quit fucking around and just accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, the big bang did happen, when God decided we needed a good home to live, so he made our entire solar system full of completely dead shit, but made one single planet to put us on, so he could sit and watch us, all the billions of us, he sees each one of us and keeps a Talley on what we do, so u guys stop being blasphemous, your starting to offend me 

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On 2/23/2020 at 5:21 AM, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Yeah, admitting that one knows bugger all about science, but that the big bang theory is a load of bollocks is as retarded as not knowing anything about any faith system and suggesting they're all the same. 

I too wanna hear his uneducated theory. 


so you believe that from a pin prick of nothing there was an almighty explosion which created enough matter to create a universe which is billions of light years across and contains 100 billion galaxies. 

nice. good for you.

How about a massive 'we don't know' rather than this bollocks. 

as for faith....believe what u want. Just don't hold your breath when you pop off.

now getting back to reality I have a life to get on with.


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45 minutes ago, Glen said:

so you believe that from a pin prick of nothing there was an almighty explosion which created enough matter to create a universe which is billions of light years across and contains 100 billion galaxies. 

nice. good for you.

How about a massive 'we don't know' rather than this bollocks. 

as for faith....believe what u want. Just don't hold your breath when you pop off.

now getting back to reality I have a life to get on with.


Weakest resonse I expected as your explanation to how we got here.
Look in to some science.

Start with black holes, of dark matter. Look at an overview of them, and if you read the right stuff you'll get a vague uneducated explanation of them (like I did) they kind of make some sort of sense.
Then if you can be bothered look at the big bang theory and see if it starts to make some sort of sense.
It's not a bunch of blokes around a file coming up with this stuff, and the BBT is widely accepted for some good reasons.

Go back 200 years and tell someone that you know picture will travel from a camera device to a box in your lounge room and they would laugh at you.
Look at how brainwaves work. Surely you agree that there are nerve cells that transport information, but can you explaing it? probably not (I can't) but that doesn't make it any less plausible.

I mean, if you have a reason why the BBT is rubbish, other than your lack of understanding of it, then maybe your opinion would hold some merit.

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3 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Weakest resonse I expected as your explanation to how we got here.
Look in to some science.

Start with black holes, of dark matter. Look at an overview of them, and if you read the right stuff you'll get a vague uneducated explanation of them (like I did) they kind of make some sort of sense.
Then if you can be bothered look at the big bang theory and see if it starts to make some sort of sense.
It's not a bunch of blokes around a file coming up with this stuff, and the BBT is widely accepted for some good reasons.

Go back 200 years and tell someone that you know picture will travel from a camera device to a box in your lounge room and they would laugh at you.
Look at how brainwaves work. Surely you agree that there are nerve cells that transport information, but can you explaing it? probably not (I can't) but that doesn't make it any less plausible.

I mean, if you have a reason why the BBT is rubbish, other than your lack of understanding of it, then maybe your opinion would hold some merit.

why do assume that I'm a lazy prick that doesn't research anything. 

I've literally just finished a 150 page book on the universe - I love the subject. 

Ok, you explain to me where the singularity came from? Nothing? did it just pop into existence? cos that s what the theory suggests - it pretty much dismisses any concept of a multi verse. 

Also how come the universe conveniently expanded at a greater rate than light which the laws of physics says is impossible? as an object approaches the speed of light it's mass becomes infinite and so does the energy required to move it.....so I call bullshit that BBT calls on this to justify it's existence.

The simple fact is people don't know and they should just accept that the beginning of the universe or what came before is an unknown. 

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44 minutes ago, Glen said:

why do assume that I'm a lazy prick that doesn't research anything. 

I've literally just finished a 150 page book on the universe - I love the subject. 

Ok, you explain to me where the singularity came from? Nothing? did it just pop into existence? cos that s what the theory suggests - it pretty much dismisses any concept of a multi verse. 

Also how come the universe conveniently expanded at a greater rate than light which the laws of physics says is impossible? as an object approaches the speed of light it's mass becomes infinite and so does the energy required to move it.....so I call bullshit that BBT calls on this to justify it's existence.

The simple fact is people don't know and they should just accept that the beginning of the universe or what came before is an unknown. 

I think some really smart guy on the previous page said that. 

We can all make all the speculation we want and come up with a billion different theories. But it doesn't matter. There is no possible way - 100% completely no way in our lifetimes - that we will ever be able to say with complete conviction how or why it happened. It is ridiculous and pointless to think that you'll ever discover a 100% foolproof definitive answer. 

Anyway, before that I thought this was a pretty cool post;

9 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

I stopped thinking about any of this type of thing years ago.
Basically when I got to the point where any type of religion was equated to the Egyptians worhipping the Sun as their god.
Ironic that they chose a science to worship.

Any talk of religion now falls into the 'cult' side of things for me, and their weird religious view are kind of just get lumped into the silly airy fairyland area for me.

I also see (any and all) religion as one gigantic, horrific cult. It really is a terrible thing. :(

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4 hours ago, Geoff said:

I also see (any and all) religion as one gigantic, horrific cult. It really is a terrible thing. :(

It really is. People are so brainwashed into believing that crap. Their whole life revolves around walking on eggshells so they don't sin and go to hell.

It's all hogwash and fear tactics.

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I believe all this explanation is blowing hot air, Glen answered correctly, fact is that I don't know and neither do you, and unlike you believer's, I'm perfectly ok with not knowing, nobody knows, and instead of subscribing to a fairy tale, I am honest, and say I don't know, and their is absolutely zero proof for your explanation, how difficult is that? Science believes in big bang, and evolution, which is 100% more logical then anything else I've heard, though I'm sure it's riddled with mistakes, if you really think about it, which I have done, look at our planet, look at the rest, we are a math equation, all the elements needed to substane life added up, and there is as far as I know, just one missing link to our DNA after the bones of Denisovons wete found in 2009 in a cave in Russia, tying in one more link in our ancestorel DNA, either that or some dude in the sky sadistically created us, made a playground where h could just watch all the selfish sick debauchery we humans impose on one another, yep that on makes sense,

This sums it up


Edited by Leykis101
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18 hours ago, Glen said:

why do assume that I'm a lazy prick that doesn't research anything. 

I've literally just finished a 150 page book on the universe - I love the subject. 

Ok, you explain to me where the singularity came from? Nothing? did it just pop into existence? cos that s what the theory suggests - it pretty much dismisses any concept of a multi verse. 

Also how come the universe conveniently expanded at a greater rate than light which the laws of physics says is impossible? as an object approaches the speed of light it's mass becomes infinite and so does the energy required to move it.....so I call bullshit that BBT calls on this to justify it's existence.

The simple fact is people don't know and they should just accept that the beginning of the universe or what came before is an unknown. 

Don't recall calling you a lazy prick....
Putting words in my mouth doesn't really make much sense on a message board where you can scroll up.

You wrote a 150 page book or read a 150 page book?

I'm not going to get into an argument regarding the creation of everything. I happily accept that there is no definitive answer.

I was merely pointing out that you clamied that you had a more viable alternative and then came up with nothing.
Nothing wrong with saying you don't know and be happy with that. Also nothing wrong with agreeing with widely accepted science as the most plausible alternative if you wish.

Carzy that this discussion has come about via a discussion about religion, and one sugbet is open for discussion, education, expanding knowledge and debate. The other subject is redundant as a plausible alternative and only serves as a way to help with emotional shortcomings (IMO)

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49 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Don't recall calling you a lazy prick....
Putting words in my mouth doesn't really make much sense on a message board where you can scroll up.

You wrote a 150 page book or read a 150 page book?

I'm not going to get into an argument regarding the creation of everything. I happily accept that there is no definitive answer.

I was merely pointing out that you clamied that you had a more viable alternative and then came up with nothing.
Nothing wrong with saying you don't know and be happy with that. Also nothing wrong with agreeing with widely accepted science as the most plausible alternative if you wish.

Carzy that this discussion has come about via a discussion about religion, and one sugbet is open for discussion, education, expanding knowledge and debate. The other subject is redundant as a plausible alternative and only serves as a way to help with emotional shortcomings (IMO)

I didn't say you called me one....but assumed that I was one. 

read lol. definitely read. 

my original point was that I could make anything up and it would make as much sense. 

BBT : once upon a time there was nothing. All of a sudden a singularity popped out of nowhere and in one second heated up to billions of degrees centigrade for no reason whatsoever and expanded at a faster rate than the laws of physics 

my theory that I just invented : our observable universe is a mere small nebula in a vast cosmos which is infinite. A gigantic super massive star in that cosmos reached the end of its fusion lifespan and created a supernova which is what we now see spreading outwards 


which is more believable ?


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and the nebula came from?

Infinity isn't an explanation. It is just a diversion from a starting point.
That we can't comprehend how everything in the universe was once compacted to a singularity, is kind of redundant as the real question should be where did that sigularity come from.
So in the context of this discussion (religeon vs Science) neither side wins, nor can win in the forseeable future as neither argument can be proven or disproven.

Peronslly I really don't gibe too much of a shit why and how we got here. Fact is we are here - make the most of it - listen to as much cool music that you can, and don't waste too much time on HEAT when you have Collateral sitting waiting to be played.
I'm very lucky, I have a great life, and am free to enjoy it as much as possible.

If there ever is a difinitive explanation as to how we got here, the likelihood is that it would be so complex that only a few would understand it, the rest of us would have to accept it.

Much like how TV get's from the sports ground to your lounge room tv in an instant through the air.
anyone here researched taht and understand it?
I haven't, nor do I feel overly compelled to...

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12 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

and the nebula came from?

Infinity isn't an explanation. It is just a diversion from a starting point.
That we can't comprehend how everything in the universe was once compacted to a singularity, is kind of redundant as the real question should be where did that sigularity come from.
So in the context of this discussion (religeon vs Science) neither side wins, nor can win in the forseeable future as neither argument can be proven or disproven.

Peronslly I really don't gibe too much of a shit why and how we got here. Fact is we are here - make the most of it - listen to as much cool music that you can, and don't waste too much time on HEAT when you have Collateral sitting waiting to be played.
I'm very lucky, I have a great life, and am free to enjoy it as much as possible.

If there ever is a difinitive explanation as to how we got here, the likelihood is that it would be so complex that only a few would understand it, the rest of us would have to accept it.

Much like how TV get's from the sports ground to your lounge room tv in an instant through the air.
anyone here researched taht and understand it?
I haven't, nor do I feel overly compelled to...

the nebula was created from the supernova.

And in any case I agree who gives a shit.

that was my point about 4 pages ago. Stop thinking about religion and science and just live your life. 

one final interesting point though. Infinity isn't an explanation no, but what is infinity? To me travelling at 300k kilometres a second for 15,000 million years might as well be infinity. 

Now I'm off to listen to the excellent new One Desire single again :)


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Actually I was free thinking the other day, and for a split second a thought popped into my mind, then it became to complex, and my brain like started to scramble, but what if space, the solar system, planets, it's all only there because of our conscience, like if everyone on the planet got wiped off the face of it, would space still exist?? OK I ate some shrooms and thought that, and also, what if space was just a tiny part of some bigger machine? like what if there's something beyond space? obviously something we could never comprehend, but the big bang can and probably did happen, we are human beings, the only thing we know is that shit has a beginning, and then an ending, we are born and then we die, start, stop, but nothing says that's the case in terms of nonliving things, outside the planet, maybe shit doesn't have to have a beginning, or an end, that's almost to hard to comprehend because we are not programed for that to make sense, but its absolutely possible,

Also, I just got Geoff's brand new DVD BTW, both of them, Taking Jose, and Hung Jury! both in HD, it's an excellent double feature, and Geoff is in fine form, you can clearly tell he's been working out, its worth the twenty five bucks, so go to his website and order it now!

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2 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Actually I was free thinking the other day, and for a split second a thought popped into my mind, then it became to complex, and my brain like started to scramble, but what if space, the solar system, planets, it's all only there because of our conscience, like if everyone on the planet got wiped off the face of it, would space still exist?? OK I ate some shrooms and thought that, and also, what if space was just a tiny part of some bigger machine? like what if there's something beyond space? obviously something we could never comprehend, but the big bang can and probably did happen, we are human beings, the only thing we know is that shit has a beginning, and then an ending, we are born and then we die, start, stop, but nothing says that's the case in terms of nonliving things, outside the planet, maybe shit doesn't have to have a beginning, or an end, that's almost to hard to comprehend because we are not programed for that to make sense, but its absolutely possible,

Also, I just got Geoff's brand new DVD BTW, both of them, Taking Jose, and Hung Jury! both in HD, it's an excellent double feature, and Geoff is in fine form, you can clearly tell he's been working out, its worth the twenty five bucks, so go to his website and order it now!

Shit, whatever you do, don't watch the end of Men In Black. Sounds like it will cause you a meltdown...

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5 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Shit, whatever you do, don't watch the end of Men In Black. Sounds like it will cause you a meltdown...

Shit you ain't lying, I had to cover my eyes in all of the MIB movies, way to deep and disturbing, as was Spaceballs! Wow

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  • 2 weeks later...

Feel sorry for those who were in the tornadoes in Tennessee.

But why do people always come on there and say "God answered our prayers". 

How did he do that? He just destroyed everything you own. He uprooted your entire community. Because you didn't die, he answered your prayers??

I totally don't get it. Did the people who died..... did they not pray hard enough?

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way to much thought being put into this, those tornadoes got those people, simply because they obviously didnt pray hard enough,

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9 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

way to much thought being put into this, those tornadoes got those people, simply because they obviously didnt pray hard enough,

Or we will hear the standard "God works in mysterious ways" jargon.

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