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Did everybody stop listening to this music and start listening to hiphop?

Awwww hellz yea dawg! Don't hate tha playa, hate the game, knum sayin'? HOLLA BACK ATCHA BOY MUTHAF*CKAS!!

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Did everybody stop listening to this music and start listening to hiphop?

Awwww hellz yea dawg! Don't hate tha playa, hate the game, knum sayin'? HOLLA BACK ATCHA BOY MUTHAF*CKAS!!



Dat be the shitz yo

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  • My Little Pony

I think the advent of social media really killed off forums in general. Our 'fast food' society doesn't have time for this format of conversation.

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I think the advent of social media really killed off forums in general. Our 'fast food' society doesn't have time for this format of conversation.


... or for conversation in general - I suspect that if you suggested to most people that they go without looking at their phone/i-Pad/whatever for more than ten minutes, you'd have a riot on your hands :(

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  • My Little Pony


I think the advent of social media really killed off forums in general. Our 'fast food' society doesn't have time for this format of conversation.


... or for conversation in general - I suspect that if you suggested to most people that they go without looking at their phone/i-Pad/whatever for more than ten minutes, you'd have a riot on your hands :(



Ha! But I look at my phone every ten minutes to check this site. ;}

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  • 1 month later...

I just have been so busy I really havent had time to actually sit down and read through and respond to things, and I dont want to just read through shit, because then i'll have to respond, and thats gonna take me some time, it's been awhile, Nolan is right, I by habit, have 4 boards I just check automatically, anytime I get on a computer, this is one, thats what my "hovering" is all about, i'll log in, shoot through all my favorite boards on here, just skim through, then jump off, I guess I figure that way im still staying a part of the HH family, I thought I was going to have been caught up seeing it was winter, how was I supposed to know Ogden Utah would have a winter, with litterally a total of 5 ft of snow the entire winter, and it would be in the 70's in late Febuary?? nobody could have forseen that, that is why I never showed up this winter, but I am getting a large tumor taken out of my rib cage next week, so I imagine, if they let me keep my pad with me in the hospital, I'll get plenty caught up, regardless talk to you all soon.

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Hey thanks man, love how they downplay the entire thing, talking about it being routine, and very standard, oh btw, they just have to rebreak my 2 broken ribs, and then break 3 more, so I get done, and wake up with like 5 broken ribs, and a new rubber piece mounted into my top rib, I have just about died of pain from the 2 ribs that have been constantly rebreaking for the last 2 years, what the fucking christ am I going to do to survive 5 broken ribs?? yeah fucking routine my ass, Im going to make sure they do not keep me any longer then they have to, im going to be up their ass until they have to kick me loose, LOL, thanks for the good words, peace.

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Hey thanks man, love how they downplay the entire thing, talking about it being routine, and very standard, oh btw, they just have to rebreak my 2 broken ribs, and then break 3 more, so I get done, and wake up with like 5 broken ribs, and a new rubber piece mounted into my top rib, I have just about died of pain from the 2 ribs that have been constantly rebreaking for the last 2 years, what the fucking christ am I going to do to survive 5 broken ribs?? yeah fucking routine my ass, Im going to make sure they do not keep me any longer then they have to, im going to be up their ass until they have to kick me loose, LOL, thanks for the good words, peace.

Hang in there and hope all goes well mate.

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Thanks guys, I be going in Monday, if everything goes smooth, which even if it doesnt I dont plan on staying hospitalized, they say I should be home by Wendsay, much quicker then I had anticipated, but if they say I can or not, I am going home on Wensday, LOL,

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