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The Avengers - New trailer out today!


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Starting to get a little psyched for this one now...



Marvel Site

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Forgive me for my ignorance but I have never followed the Avengers. Is Captain America immortal because the movie that just came out with him took place in WWII but now he is in present day? :blink:

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Forgive me for my ignorance but I have never followed the Avengers. Is Captain America immortal because the movie that just came out with him took place in WWII but now he is in present day? :blink:


Yeah, Cap looks a little confused too... :P



You can read up on his being frozen and re-awakened here:



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Holy crap-a-moley. Massive geek overload. I'm stoked.

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I've been a MASSIVE The Avengers fan since the early 70's.......and I am soooooo freakin' excited for this!!! I do wish The Vision was part of it...as he is one of my favorite Avengers....but, ya can't have everything!! At least Hawkeye is in it too! I kinda would have liked the Vision, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Wasp, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor version..but I'll take what they're givin'!!! lol

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  • 1 month later...

New character promo pics are out.... I especially like this one:



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Wowee zowee. The first trailer from a few months ago was cool but this one absolutely made me misty-eyed with comic geek nostalgia. I think I need a towel.

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This is BRILLIANT. What if the "Avengers" movie had been made in 1978? It might have looked something like this...




Paul Lynde as Loki! :rofl2:

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...and if it had been made during the silent movie era, it would've looked like this:




"Woman! To the kitchen with you!" :rofl2:

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I like the "we have a Hulk" and "Hulk, smash!" ones! Each new trailer is a bit better, I'm almost getting excited...

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I like the "we have a Hulk" and "Hulk, smash!" ones! Each new trailer is a bit better, I'm almost getting excited...



Yea I LOVED the bit between Loki and Tony Stark.. Loki says.. "I Have an army" Tony responds with "We have a Hulk.."


Can't WAIT to see this!!!!!! :bowdown:

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I like the "we have a Hulk" and "Hulk, smash!" ones! Each new trailer is a bit better, I'm almost getting excited...



Yea I LOVED the bit between Loki and Tony Stark.. Loki says.. "I Have an army" Tony responds with "We have a Hulk.."


Can't WAIT to see this!!!!!! :bowdown:


+1 looks awesome, cant wait.

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