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About Tattoos

Jacob M.

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I've been thinking about tattoos for a while. The more I think about it the more I want one. There are so many things you have to think about before you get one. What should I get? Where should I go? How much will it cost? What if I don't like it once it's done? For the longest time my idea was to get a Mello Yello tattoo and a Rozy Coyote tattoo. I still love Mello Yello, but that idea's not sounding so great now. Rozy Coyote still kicks ass, but would anyone get my tattoo? If I got that one I might be the only person out there with a tattoo of their name.


I've also been thinking about Slaughter and Ratt. Would those be cool? Any thoughts on the subject would be much appreciated :).

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I wouldn't get any if I could do it again and this comes from a guy with a sleeve of original stuff concocted with the help of an amazing tattoo artist. Stuff that has tons of meaning to me and stuff I still love today almost 20 years after the first one.


Tattoos are just so prevelent these days that there really isn't a point. Not having one, I think is WAY cooler than having one. and they are pricey for quality stuff. Expect to pay $100.00 an hour, unless you know someone and they are doing a lot of work on you then the deals start coming in. My last tattoo, about 2 hours worth of time and materials was a freebie. But that is after about $1,000 worth of work prior.



I will add that for me the act of getting "tattoo-ed" is very addictive. That feeling/pain associated with getting drilled is euphoric. And speaking of pain, don't believe anyones BS about tattoo's not hurting, THEY DO! But it is a GOOD hurt if you catch my drift.

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I can't agree with Terry :) I love tattoo's and the plan for me is to be sleeved off in the next couple of years. Like Terry said tattoo's aren't the "cool" thing anymore. If you get a tattoo, get it because it's something you want.


And PLEASE, PLEASE think about what you get before you get it. Ask your self how you will feel about it in 20-25 years.


As they say, it's permenant :)

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I'm a wuss who's terrified of needles so no tattoos for me, not now, not ever, no how.

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I'll be honest and say that tattoo's are certainly something that you should get later in life rather than when you are a teen or in your early 20s.

I didnt get my first one til I was 30 years old, but had wanted them since I was 18, so by the time I finally got one I knew I wasnt gonna regret it later in life.

Too many people get tatts when they are younger thinking they make them cool, then realise later that they shouldnt have gotten it done either because they no longer want any tatts or they realise that the design they thought was cool when they were 18 isnt something they think is cool when they are 30 or 40.


I disagree with tattoos not being cool anymore, as I think they are very cool if done for the right reasons.


Only other advice I would give on tatts is to think long and hard not only about what you want but where its gonna go and how it might impact your life.

Most people in life couldnt care less if they get served by someone with tatts or whether the guy filling out their paperwork has tatts, but most companies will have policies on this whether you are a lowly grunt or a high level player. If you get a tatt, avoid things like hands, neck, face etc, as these are tough or impossible to hide.


Over here tattoo artists will often as not refuse to tattoo things like feet, hands and necks on women because they can be sued if the person loses their job over it. Yeah its stupid that the tattooist can be held accountable for someones own decision to get ink, but we live in a blame culture these days.

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I'll be honest and say that tattoo's are certainly something that you should get later in life rather than when you are a teen or in your early 20s.

I didnt get my first one til I was 30 years old, but had wanted them since I was 18, so by the time I finally got one I knew I wasnt gonna regret it later in life.

Too many people get tatts when they are younger thinking they make them cool, then realise later that they shouldnt have gotten it done either because they no longer want any tatts or they realise that the design they thought was cool when they were 18 isnt something they think is cool when they are 30 or 40.


I disagree with tattoos not being cool anymore, as I think they are very cool if done for the right reasons.


Only other advice I would give on tatts is to think long and hard not only about what you want but where its gonna go and how it might impact your life.

Most people in life couldnt care less if they get served by someone with tatts or whether the guy filling out their paperwork has tatts, but most companies will have policies on this whether you are a lowly grunt or a high level player. If you get a tatt, avoid things like hands, neck, face etc, as these are tough or impossible to hide.


Over here tattoo artists will often as not refuse to tattoo things like feet, hands and necks on women because they can be sued if the person loses their job over it. Yeah its stupid that the tattooist can be held accountable for someones own decision to get ink, but we live in a blame culture these days.



No, no you read me wrong. Tattoo's are cool as fuck but not the "trendy" thing anymore. That's what I meant.

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I like tattoo's as well. Have one from way back, the Dangerous Toys jack in the box. Probably would have done it a bit differently in where it is and how big it is but I don't regret it. Gonna a get a few more.


Without reading all the advices above I will say that you really need to look at the tattoo artists previous artwork...I'm talking actual pictures of the work done. Note the detail, the color (is it vivid, dull?)...it has been a long time but to get vivid colors they used to have to set the needle to go deeper which not every artist did.

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I can't agree with Terry :) I love tattoo's and the plan for me is to be sleeved off in the next couple of years. Like Terry said tattoo's aren't the "cool" thing anymore. If you get a tattoo, get it because it's something you want.


And PLEASE, PLEASE think about what you get before you get it. Ask your self how you will feel about it in 20-25 years.


As they say, it's permenant :)



I have never been a trend follower so seeing EVERYONE tattoo-ed kind of makes it feel to me that I am "normal" or part of some click you know. I'm not special... :(


And don't get me wrong, I LOVE my sleeve and if my wife would allow I'd get another and a full back piece (definately the full back peice first), but I am done with the one sleeve and again no regrets, love every dot, I just wish tat's weren't so standard. And to re-emphasize my statement about "wishing I'd never gotten any", just refers tatt's being damn trendy...


And to echo J and CH. Definately OVERTHINK what it is you are getting done, WHERE it will live and WHERE you are getting the work done!!!


I made a HUGE leap when I got tatted below the "t-shirt" line so now the only way to go incognito is with a long sleeve shirt.


Definately go to someone reputable if you go. An easy way to do that is ask some friends or the waiter at the Red Robin who has that killer tattoo who does their work. Clean, clean, clean is the word of the day when it comes to shops and how they practice the art of tattooing.



One thing that I still get a kick out of daily is random folks stopping me to say how cool my sleeve is or "ooohh I just LOVE your tattoo's!"

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Yeah I agree that its cool when someone comments on a tattoo in a complimentary way.

All my tatts are band tatts, but of the 5 I have, only two show most of the time, unless I wear something with no sleeves at all.


The GNR Appetite cross tattoo is the one that most people comment on, which is cool as it appeals to all ages and people that you wouldnt necessarily see as rock fans.


The only other one that seems to draw comments is the Motley Crue one (the cover design from Dr Feelgood), but thats usually only at gigs.


My personal fave one though is the one that rarely sees the light of day, the Brides Of Destruction one across my shoulders.

Its not that I prefer the band to all the others, just that the design is so cool.




Oh, and just to add something else to the whole thing about considerations before tattoos, and thats to not take anyone persons word about whether its painful or not.

Every person is different, and while its true different parts of the body react differently to others, I've known people who found it hurt worse on one part of the body while someone else says it hurts worse elsewhere.

When people say the back is the most painful thats not strictly true. My shoulder tatt goes right across the spine, and I barely even felt it.


The lower spine though has the biggest cluster of nerves in the body, so that is going to be very sensitive. As are elbows and the throat.


Needles used also make a difference. My BOD tatt too three sessions and I had no issues until the third one. I wouldnt say it was overly painful, but it was incredibly aggravating which was probably due to it being the needle used for block colouring rather than the detailed outline work. (I think there was like a year between each session, so it was due to it still being tender)

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I can't agree with Terry :) I love tattoo's and the plan for me is to be sleeved off in the next couple of years. Like Terry said tattoo's aren't the "cool" thing anymore. If you get a tattoo, get it because it's something you want.


And PLEASE, PLEASE think about what you get before you get it. Ask your self how you will feel about it in 20-25 years.


As they say, it's permenant :)



I don't have any as well. I'm not scared of needles (I give blood whenever I can). Once you get a tattoo, it's with you forever and that scares the shit out of me..

I know guys that got girfriends names on them :tsk: I also know a guy that got his wife's portrait on his shoulder (They're now divorced).

Make sure you make up your mind, before you dive into it.

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I know guys that got girfriends names on them :tsk:


When I first started dating my now-wife, her brother had just gotten his girlfriend's name ("Debbie") tattooed on his arm. Of course, they broke up shortly thereafter. I told him to go back to the tattoo guy and have him re-work it so it said "F**k Debbie" :rofl2:


He eventually got it covered up by another tat. Now it's a picture of a lion cub with a big paw print in the background, the paw print is solid black and covers up the letters.

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I've become anti-tattoo over the tears, but don't let that stop you! I do have a customer who has band logo tats all over her body, I have to admit it's very cool, although I think the TUFF one is too big. I would suggest doing a lot of research within your tattoo community, you would want an artist that reproduces well, you don't want them taking "artistic liberties" with the logos, you want them identical to the albums. Don't try to pinch pennies ;)

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I know guys that got girfriends names on them :tsk: I also know a guy that got his wife's portrait on his shoulder (They're now divorced).

Make sure you make up your mind, before you dive into it.


There's not a chance in hell that I would get a girls name tattoed on me. I've heard way too many stories.




A few weeks ago I found a copy of International Tattoo Art sitting on the shelf at work. I was looking for ideas and the girl on the cover looked interesting so I decided to buy it. I left it where I could find it and purchased it as I was leaving work. I looked at it after I got to the car. Gotta say that I was really disappointed. Most of the tattoos in there are pretty demented. I didn't notice until later, but even the girl on the covers tattoo is messed up. I was looking for inspiration and instead discovered how sick some people are.

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  • 9 months later...



I believe I'm at the point of getting a tattoo. I want to get something simple that looks cool and represents me. I believe the Wildside logo may be the one. I plan to get it on my left arm under the sleeve. I really want to do this, but find myself a bit nervous on the idea. Once it's done it's done. Any thoughts on this?

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I believe I'm at the point of getting a tattoo. I want to get something simple that looks cool and represents me. I believe the Wildside logo may be the one. I plan to get it on my left arm under the sleeve. I really want to do this, but find myself a bit nervous on the idea. Once it's done it's done. Any thoughts on this?


If it has meening to you than it will be great! If you love it and think it is the neatest thing since sliced bread than go for it.


That said, I still say, if you don't have any, keep it that way, but hey what do I know.


One thing to consider when getting this lettering done is size and placement. Think about how this logo is going to play into other tat's you may get in the future, you follow? Maybe you have this WILDSIDE done on the upper-most area of your arm/shoulder in a half circle, that way it "caps" whatever you may add later?

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I can't tell you. I don't like them and don't have any. I've never seen a Tattoo on a waman and it made me think "that's cute" because I dislike them so much.


Now that is out of the way if you do make sure it is something you can live with the rest of your life through changes so you don't regret it.

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Love my tats and just getting started. I have them on my upper arms (both) and have three sessions in since December starting to sleeve my right arm down to my wrist.


In a word...addicting.

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Love my tats and just getting started. I have them on my upper arms (both) and have three sessions in since December starting to sleeve my right arm down to my wrist.


In a word...addicting.


Let's see what you got big baller!



In due time my friend :)

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I can't tell you. I don't like them and don't have any. I've never seen a Tattoo on a waman and it made me think "that's cute" because I dislike them so much.




With you on that mate but each to their own

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I have Slayer tattooed on my forearm in "HUGE" letter's!

Its from my wrist to my elbow & i will never regret it.


F**KING SLAYER!!!!!! :party421:

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  • My Little Pony

I've never been able to decide on what I'd want. I always tell myself, it has to mean something important to me, yet I saw a guy with an elephant lumbering through a jungle on his calf, and I wanted the same thing. Because of this indecision, I doubt I'll ever get one. The idea of a tattoo is simply not important enough to me. My brother's got a few, and has admitted he's addicted. However, what he does, and I would recommend, is he hangs up an actual size picture of what he wants on a wall where he'll see it everyday, and leaves it there for a year. If he still likes it, he gets it.

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