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Ha lol didn't expect any other comments from a few on here. Great album for me. Most of these songs have great choruses and hook lines, really think you lot must be listening to a different disc lol!! There's been some real disappointing clunkers this year but this isn't one if them. Just gets better with every spin IMO


After 3 or 4 spins now I'd say I'm right in the middle on this. There's barely a weak moment on it and some of the vocals/musicianship are stunning so listening to the whole thing through is quite an experience. But the greater focus on musicianship and the less focused approach means the choruses don't stand-out as much, plus the pace is too leisurely and the verses/pre-choruses too drawn-out on a lot of songs to make them stick IMO. One or two are frankly a struggle to sit through. Overall it's a quality disc but my natural taste for shorter/punchier songs will mean I'll always prefer "Revelation" to this...


Yeah 'She's a Mystery' is unnecessarily long, and 'Human Feel' does drag a bit at the end. Elsewhere I find 'Ritual' a bit muddled, but its refreshing to hear someone at least appreciating the stunning arrangement of this album. I personally think there are some really strong chorus lines here. City Of Hope, Chain Of Love, Anything Is Possible, Resonate, To Whom and Someone all have the strong typical Journey styled choruses to these ears, so not really sure what some are missing here??


Also is it just me or is 'To Whom It May Concern' just a great great ballad. Could end up going down as one of the band's best IMO.


Obviously 100% is way over the top to rate this disc and there will no doubt be a few discs which may surpass this by years end....Im thinking the likes of Toby Hitchcock (which is supposed to be stunning by the way), Work Of Art, HEAT, Strangeways (If you believe Terry Brock's last statement!)......but id still rate it a solid 85-90% at the moment and that's after only about 5-10 spins.



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Still haven't heard this yet - waiting for my copy to drop through the letterbox

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I`m enjoying this at the moment, too early to say how it genuinely compares with their past albums but some really stong tracks.


I try not to over analyse and just try enjoy it.

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Still haven't heard this yet - waiting for my copy to drop through the letterbox


Eager to hear your comments mate...............but my recommendation is give it at least 5 spins before passing judgement cos man do these songs grow. Huge.

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Ha lol didn't expect any other comments from a few on here. Great album for me. Most of these songs have great choruses and hook lines, really think you lot must be listening to a different disc lol!! There's been some real disappointing clunkers this year but this isn't one if them. Just gets better with every spin IMO


After 3 or 4 spins now I'd say I'm right in the middle on this. There's barely a weak moment on it and some of the vocals/musicianship are stunning so listening to the whole thing through is quite an experience. But the greater focus on musicianship and the less focused approach means the choruses don't stand-out as much, plus the pace is too leisurely and the verses/pre-choruses too drawn-out on a lot of songs to make them stick IMO. One or two are frankly a struggle to sit through. Overall it's a quality disc but my natural taste for shorter/punchier songs will mean I'll always prefer "Revelation" to this...


Yeah 'She's a Mystery' is unnecessarily long, and 'Human Feel' does drag a bit at the end. Elsewhere I find 'Ritual' a bit muddled, but its refreshing to hear someone at least appreciating the stunning arrangement of this album. I personally think there are some really strong chorus lines here. City Of Hope, Chain Of Love, Anything Is Possible, Resonate, To Whom and Someone all have the strong typical Journey styled choruses to these ears, so not really sure what some are missing here??


Also is it just me or is 'To Whom It May Concern' just a great great ballad. Could end up going down as one of the band's best IMO.


Obviously 100% is way over the top to rate this disc and there will no doubt be a few discs which may surpass this by years end....Im thinking the likes of Toby Hitchcock (which is supposed to be stunning by the way), Work Of Art, HEAT, Strangeways (If you believe Terry Brock's last statement!)......but id still rate it a solid 85-90% at the moment and that's after only about 5-10 spins.



Yeah, to each their own, but being overly harsh on this or not, the 100% thing and I are on such different pages.


The fact that (in my opinion of course) there's barely any hooks or decent choruses and the songs are long and boring aside, there are a few undisputable plodding fillers in the ballad department which immediately take it out of contention for anything more than around 80%, even for die-hards willing to overlook the bland songs for the quality musicianship and vocals.


The disc reminds of that one with 'If he should break your heart.' What's it called? The last one with Perry. Okay, hold on, Google here I come. 'Trial by fire.' Towards the 3/4 mark of that CD you get bombarded with an abundance of long, slow pointless blatant filler ballads. That's exactly what was coming to mind as I spun this one.


For me it'd struggle to make 50%... but hey, that's just me. :)

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Just listened to this in it's entirity yesterday, & I must say that Andrew was smoking crack when he rated this album. Either that, or he's one of these die hards that thinks anything that Journey releases is phenominal. This is a good AOR album (a heavy AOR album at that), but it's not a good "Journey" album. Other than 1, maybe 2 tracks, there's nothing on this album that sounds like Journey to me. AOR fans will dig it...Journey fans, probably not.

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Except it seems on this board.


Apparently not just here. Quite a few people on Andrew's board calling the rating bollocks as well...


Ha yeah I've already commented on that - there is a reason why I don't post over there anymore , way too much negativity. As for AM's rating, I guess you like what you like eh?? IMO no album is worth 100% not even the classics from the 80s but when I read comments like 'there's no memorable songs' on this album it does leave me scratching my head. As I said before to each their own.



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Heard this yesterday a few times through and I'm underwhelmed also. Nothing really memorable. Schon wails throughout but other than that. Nothing special. The singer really does nothing for me.

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I'm still listening to this and hearing new things, so full marks to them for making an album that grows. I wonder though if even those that love this don't find themselves getting a bit bored during the second-half? Apart from "Someone" those songs have less immediacy and I find myself skipping through stuff like "She's a Mystery" and "Human Feel" after 2-3 mins, even the same with "To Whom..." (although this one gets better after the 2-3 minute mark).

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I'm still listening to this and hearing new things, so full marks to them for making an album that grows. I wonder though if even those that love this don't find themselves getting a bit bored during the second-half? Apart from "Someone" those songs have less immediacy and I find myself skipping through stuff like "She's a Mystery" and "Human Feel" after 2-3 mins, even the same with "To Whom..." (although this one gets better after the 2-3 minute mark).


She's a mystery is the weak link for me.....would have preferred it to stay acoustic cos it a real good vibe....too long.


Human Feel I love, but the radio edit is better....last 2 mins is unnecessary IMO.


LOVE 'To Whom'...........perfect ballad IMO.

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Undecided on this as of yet. A couple of tunes that struck me as a bit average on first listen - unfortunately Glen I thought 'Tantra' was one of them, but this, as I was expecting, is definitely going to be a disc I have to listen to a fair few times before I pass fair judgement on it. There are certainly some bangin' Schon riffs and solo's and Pineda sounds superb and I did pick out 'City Of Hope' and Ritual' as really good tunes initially.

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Interesting comments on here, I've not had the chance to listen to it yet but I'd heard rumours elsewhere that supports Dan's comment saying it's a vehicle for Schons guitar histrionics....which isn't completely bad news for me but sometimes I find when guitarists become the main steering commitee within many bands then all melody, lyrics...everything you associate with a decent song goes out of the window so they can just "wank off" in front of everyone. So I'm wary, hopefully I'll get the chance to play it today! The OTT reviews at Melrock and in the latest AOR dedicated Classic Rock were something I took with a pinch of salt, but at the same time encouraging, I just hope that they weren't so over the top to create a negative reaction due to the album not living up to the expectations created by the hyperbole of the reviews. Looking forward to hearing it ....but not as much as the Farcry I have to admit which hopefully I'll get to listen to today too!


P.S. Pete I don't regard you as one of those egotistical guitarist tyrants hahahaha!

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Interesting comments on here, I've not had the chance to listen to it yet but I'd heard rumours elsewhere that supports Dan's comment saying it's a vehicle for Schons guitar histrionics....which isn't completely bad news for me but sometimes I find when guitarists become the main steering commitee within many bands then all melody, lyrics...everything you associate with a decent song goes out of the window so they can just "wank off" in front of everyone. So I'm wary, hopefully I'll get the chance to play it today! The OTT reviews at Melrock and in the latest AOR dedicated Classic Rock were something I took with a pinch of salt, but at the same time encouraging, I just hope that they weren't so over the top to create a negative reaction due to the album not living up to the expectations created by the hyperbole of the reviews. Looking forward to hearing it ....but not as much as the Farcry I have to admit which hopefully I'll get to listen to today too!


P.S. Pete I don't regard you as one of those egotistical guitarist tyrants hahahaha!


The new songs were excellent live last night at Wembley. They played 'City Of Hope', 'Chain Of Love', 'Resonate' and 'Edge Of The Moment'.


'Edge Of The Moment' was totally awesome....made some of the old hits sound like 'bubble gum pop'.


I think some of these songs need to be heard live, cos they were so atmospheric and Schon's playing was just out of this world.

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Interesting comments on here, I've not had the chance to listen to it yet but I'd heard rumours elsewhere that supports Dan's comment saying it's a vehicle for Schons guitar histrionics....which isn't completely bad news for me but sometimes I find when guitarists become the main steering commitee within many bands then all melody, lyrics...everything you associate with a decent song goes out of the window so they can just "wank off" in front of everyone. So I'm wary, hopefully I'll get the chance to play it today! The OTT reviews at Melrock and in the latest AOR dedicated Classic Rock were something I took with a pinch of salt, but at the same time encouraging, I just hope that they weren't so over the top to create a negative reaction due to the album not living up to the expectations created by the hyperbole of the reviews. Looking forward to hearing it ....but not as much as the Farcry I have to admit which hopefully I'll get to listen to today too!


P.S. Pete I don't regard you as one of those egotistical guitarist tyrants hahahaha!


The new songs were excellent live last night at Wembley. They played 'City Of Hope', 'Chain Of Love', 'Resonate' and 'Edge Of The Moment'.


'Edge Of The Moment' was totally awesome....made some of the old hits sound like 'bubble gum pop'.


I think some of these songs need to be heard live, cos they were so atmospheric and Schon's playing was just out of this world.


I`m off to Birmingham to see them later, probably the four tracks I would want to hear off the album apart from To Whom It May Concern.


Can`t wait to see three of my favourite bands :bowdown:

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Interesting comments on here, I've not had the chance to listen to it yet but I'd heard rumours elsewhere that supports Dan's comment saying it's a vehicle for Schons guitar histrionics....which isn't completely bad news for me but sometimes I find when guitarists become the main steering commitee within many bands then all melody, lyrics...everything you associate with a decent song goes out of the window so they can just "wank off" in front of everyone. So I'm wary, hopefully I'll get the chance to play it today! The OTT reviews at Melrock and in the latest AOR dedicated Classic Rock were something I took with a pinch of salt, but at the same time encouraging, I just hope that they weren't so over the top to create a negative reaction due to the album not living up to the expectations created by the hyperbole of the reviews. Looking forward to hearing it ....but not as much as the Farcry I have to admit which hopefully I'll get to listen to today too!


P.S. Pete I don't regard you as one of those egotistical guitarist tyrants hahahaha!


The new songs were excellent live last night at Wembley. They played 'City Of Hope', 'Chain Of Love', 'Resonate' and 'Edge Of The Moment'.


'Edge Of The Moment' was totally awesome....made some of the old hits sound like 'bubble gum pop'.


I think some of these songs need to be heard live, cos they were so atmospheric and Schon's playing was just out of this world.


I`m off to Birmingham to see them later, probably the four tracks I would want to hear off the album apart from To Whom It May Concern.


Can`t wait to see three of my favourite bands :bowdown:


Just IMO.


Styx - show 4/10 Performance 4/10.......pretty shocking IMO, never really been a fan and this cemented why lol.

Foreigner - show 6/10 performance 7/10......pretty impressive really. Hanson was great, good choice of songs, well performed

Journey - show 9/10 performance 8.5/10......show was amazing. Screens, lasers, pretty epic really. Performance was generally great, esp Arnel who hit every note going. One or two little blips where they tried to change up the songs, but nothing major. Sound was overall very good, but a little too loud and in places the drums were a tad boomy....but this is minor gripes on an otherwise flawless performance. Great choice of song too. I just posted a you tube of Faithfully which will give you an idea.



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Wow. That Styx rating shocks me. They must have really fallen off in recent years. They came through here on the Cyclorama tour back in 2004 (?) and they put on a great show. They sounded great... at least back then.



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Wow. That Styx rating shocks me. They must have really fallen off in recent years. They came through here on the Cyclorama tour back in 2004 (?) and they put on a great show. They sounded great... at least back then.






Quite a few loved it...ive never been a real fan I must admit.

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Liking a few of the tracks I've heard so far, great guitars as stated above, although I thought 'Anything Is Possible' was a bit dull. I prefer Perry, but Pineda is pretty good. Promising, but I haven't heard a killer chorus yet ... any suggestions? ('Ritual' being the closest, probably my favourite track so far.)

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On a related yet entirely separate subject, I picked-up the new 180 gram vinyl reissue of ESCAPE mastered by Kevin Gray for Friday Music and it is ******* AWESOME!


Damn I wish everyone could hear just how much bettr music sounds on vinyl when played through a good system. Blows me away every time.

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Except it seems on this board.


Apparently not just here. Quite a few people on Andrew's board calling the rating bollocks as well...


Ha yeah I've already commented on that - there is a reason why I don't post over there anymore , way too much negativity. As for AM's rating, I guess you like what you like eh?? IMO no album is worth 100% not even the classics from the 80s but when I read comments like 'there's no memorable songs' on this album it does leave me scratching my head. As I said before to each their own.





Yeah, I love it, but completely understand people's own issues with it - very different and polerizing to say the least!


As for my Noticeboard - there is a certain bah-humbug crowd there....unfortunate sometimes, the more balanced views on the Journey album are on my dedicated Journey message board. Some good discussion there - both for and against, with the "for" out in front.

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