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my life really sucks

66 mustang

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May those who love us, love us. And those who hate us, may God turn their hearts. And if he doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping. -Irish proverb


(I hope your funk clears soon. Hang in there, man.)

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Turn that frown upside down lil camper.


Right now times are tuff for many, but remember that times will always change and even though it is near impossible to put a positive spin on negative times/things it is something that has to be done.


And remember your HH support group is only a mouse click away. :)


Chin up my friend.



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Hope things get better for you Jim. Things are a bit fucked for me in some respects at the moment. I'm trying to focus on the good stuff, as long as there still is some.

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Jim, You hang in there! Surround yourself with people that love and care about you. Always remember God never puts more on our shoulders than we can bare! Yes there are times when we think man he's got 'em about maxed out but that's when we buckle down and get through the tough times. As Terry has said you have friends here and people to talk to. Talking about it has a way of helping and dealing with things that we find difficult in our lives. I am avialable to talk to anytime! May God bless!

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just to let someone know, my life really sucks rignt now and I'm kind of in a really dark funk about life.


thats all for now


You are not alone mate, it is seriously shitting me big time too and even though it does not include serious health issues {touch wood} that Ian has to deal with on a daily basis, every day just seems to be a hassle after hassle and anything that can go wrong, will go wrong weather it be work, finances, cars, household appliances like washing machines, dish washers fucking up and not having the mony to replace them and the list just goes on and fuckin' on and it never seems to end.

Life to me at the moment is as far from enjoyable as you could get and it's only the love and respect I have for my kids, wife, parents and brothers that hold back those thoughts of what you might do if you did not have that love and respect.

I still think of what Ian has to deal with, not just his health but also his home environment with "The Enemy" and that then makes me think that things could be worse than what they are.

So in the words of Tesla, "Hang Tough, When The Going Gets Rough" and I hope things turn around very quickly for you mate :drink:

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Hope things get better for you Jim. Things are a bit fucked for me in some respects at the moment. I'm trying to focus on the good stuff, as long as there still is some.


Ditto here, hang tuff

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

I agree with everyone else here. We are all going through some tough times. My wife has had a lot of medical issues over the past year (that's what has been keeping me away from the forum for a while now).


Hang in there and be strong. It's not always easy (I know), but thinking positive does help. Talking with somebody does to.


I hope everything clears up for you.

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I had no idea that we all have our special little problems. My life has been pretty o.k. for the moment. Me being the idiot that i've been, I haven't even asked about anyone else. Without you all, I would be very unhappy. You all keep me from goin' off all together.

I do hope we all pull through these troubled times. My ears are always open, if anybody wants to talk.

Cheer up and don't be afraid to talk.

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Hope it works out well for you soon, mate, and you can get back to partying!!


As people have noted, life is really pretty f*cked up for almost everyone, but I always try to think about the sad reality that there are people who are far worse off and if they're not complaining surely we can soldier on. All the best anyway, mate, and blow up a balloon, just to get your party of a life back on track. :)

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My best wishes too. You'll get to the other side eventually, even though sometimes you don't think you will. Hang in there, things will get better!! :tumbsup:

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thanks to everyone. you just don't know how much it is appreciated



Any time! That's what friends are for. My sunshine blower is primed and ready for action.


Besides, Pitt's on the way to ring #7 next year! :)


Now I need a pick-me-up. (Damn Dawgs.) :doh:

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  • 2 weeks later...
just took another hit this weekend. I feel like soon I'll be spewing my guts in this thread.


If it helps you out in any way mate, go right ahead.....

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just took another hit this weekend. I feel like soon I'll be spewing my guts in this thread.


Hang in there, buddy. We're all on your side.

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  • 3 months later...

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